The Last Follower

By AriaGuardian

2.1K 148 88

Finding a blank book wasn't in his plans, neither was discovering that the book would suddenly summon an all... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

528 33 29
By AriaGuardian

Xisuma hums as he looks through the older sections of the library, it wasn't often that he would end up returning to the Voidwalker kingdom, but it was just one of those rare occasions that he would between seasons. He never really did like going back to the Voidwalker kingdom though, as much as it was his home, it just didn't really feel right honestly.

It was almost as if there was something missing, but he just never understood what it could be, so he left it be for the time being. So he continues to browse through the older sections of the library, it was the only section of the library he had never been able to look through the last time he was here, likely since at the time he was pretty young. Eventually, after a while, he picked up a fair amount of books he found of interest to read, preparing to head over to the librarian– he stopped.

Feeling as though he was being watched– just for a moment. Confused, he turned around, finding that there was nothing that could have indicated that someone was watching him. In fact, this section of the library was small enough that it made it hard for anyone to even hide really, it would have been far too obvious. He was just about to leave when something sparkly had caught his attention, ever the curious one, he went to check it out.

Finding it was just a strange book, there were no words on the cover or anything, maybe someone had left it here by accident? The book did seem certainly new, for some reason, so maybe it really was. He might as well take the book with him, so that's what he did. Adding it to the stack of books, he might as well go and check them all out now. With that in mind, he heads over to the librarian to get the books checked out.

Although the librarian gave him an odd look when she picked up the last book, the strange one he had founded. "Are you sure you want this book?" They questioned, holding up the strange book that Xisuma had found odd earlier, which he also found even stranger by the question. "Of course? Is something wrong with the book?" He questioned, seemingly confused by the question alone.

"Well, you see, this book is just...blank. But I suppose you can keep this book, no need to return it." The librarian answered as they handed the books back to him. "Just make sure you return the other books." Xisuma nervously chuckles at the vague threat, he won't be making the same mistakes again any time soon. Ever, if he could at least. He still has the mental scars from the librarian scolding.

Seemingly satisfied, the Librarian let him leave unharmed, much to Xisuma relief, he quickly leaves the Library, not wanting to be trapped with the potential risk of getting themselves hurt. No one really likes the Librarian, purely because they're terrifying despite how nice they seem. It is merely just a lie, so it's best to never get on their bad side or risk their ire.

No one wants to risk it ever, not after the first time anyways.

Holding onto the bag that held the books, he smiled and quickly left the library. He's sure that the others are probably missing his presence as the local 'parent' of the server...or to clean up whatever messed up his hermits happens to make. It comes as no surprise to him that they would cause a lot of mess with just a single contraption or two. Maybe an accident here and there, but still. He would never trade the life of joy and freedom with his Server for anything else.

Even if he has several questions as to why a few eldritch, a fallen divine knight, a few gods, a vex and a few fae had just so happened to pick his server as home.

Actually, maybe he should be a bit concerned, but he doesn't have any reasons to actually ask any questions about their choice to live on the server with him. He just accepted them to do whatever they want within reason of course. After all, he too carries secrets much like everyone else. Smiling ever so gently, he continues his trip to the Gateway, the one and only entrance to and out of the Voidwalker side of the End. Every time he sees it, it always astonishes him, as far as history and anyone could ever remember.

The gateway was created by an ancient individual that had brought the Voidwalkers sanctuary, only to vanish sometime afterwards. No one recalls who it is nor why they had helped in the first place, but he always wondered who it could have been. After all, he has a feeling that the mysterious individual is someone that represents the freedom to do whatever, but leaves mischief and chaos behind.

Nonetheless, he continues his trip, taking an occasional detour to visit a shop or two, until at last, he arrives at the Gateway. It was still astonishing to look at the ancient architecture of the portal and the delicately carved engravings on it, but right now, he has plans to just return to his server and make sure that there wasn't any more damage or chaos than usual. With a hum, he went ahead and passed through the Gateway, unaware that a particular symbol had glowed for a moment.


They Watched him, for a moment, they were happy they had found him at long last. For a moment, just in the library, they had hopes, hopes that they are truly the one and they were correct to assume as such. They weren't sure how he had survived or ever realized that something was off, but they were glad nonetheless.

The Last Follower Has Been Founded.

Stay Safe, little Voidling.

Don't Trust The Admins.

With just a flicker of their weakening magic, they ensured that they found the book. With that, they smiled for the first time in a very long time, and they had fulfilled their final orders. Now, all they can do is pass on the remains of their powers to them, to keep them safe.

They just wished they could have said goodbye to the Voidling one last time, face to face, instead of this spectral plane of existence.


"XISUMA! OH THANK HEROBRINE YOU CAME BACK!" Jevin pleaded with hope as he immediately runned up to him with Wels following after him, very much relieved to see their admin. Said Admin is just confused, confused by the sight in front of them. "Should I even ask what had happened here? I haven't even finalized the seasonal move up and there's already chaos!" Xisuma questioned incredulously, staring at the mess that is the center of the server.

He really shouldn't be surprised, but really, he only left for at least an hour. How did everything go from silent to chaos in that amount of time? He wasn't sure if he should be impressed or disappointed, he'll just settle with being concerned is all. With a sigh, he facepalm. "How about you all stop your fighting and clean up the mess alright? We can't leave this place in a disarray anyways." Somewhere in the background, he's sure he heard someone whistle ever so innocently and another nervously chuckling.

He'll have a word with the Vexes later.

"Anything else we should know or do?" Wels asked, looking at him with a hint of concern, not that Xisuma would know why he was being given such a look in the first place. "Well, besides that, just make sure you all are ready for the move up to season six, then we can plan more from there." Xisuma answers with a gentle smile, earning a nod of understanding from Wels. "Alright then X, well I should be off now, gotta make sure our local Vexes don't pull any more tricks again." Wels commented with a huff as he waved goodbye and went straight to chasing after the local Vexes who immediately ran at the first sight of him.

Xisuma can never get used to the fact that they are somehow afraid of a simple human. Not that they can blame them, sometimes he's afraid of Wels as well, not that he can admit it, but still. It was a little entertaining to say the least. Knowing that he could at least trust the Hermits enough to be on their own to do their own thing and clean up their mess, Xisuma hums as he heads on back to his base. Preparing himself to spend the quieter and calmer time reading the books he had gotten until the codes were finalized and stable for him to check out their new world for the next season.

Actually, he wonders if EX is fine with storytelling again.


"EX, what happened here?" Xisuma questioned as he stared at the mess that is the kitchen, EX just nervously chuckled. "Well, I was stress baking after having to deal with all the coding issues, but then something exploded– I think someone had replaced one of the ingredients with gunpowder." He admitted, ever so nervously, Xisuma just sighs in response, he wasn't sure if he should be disappointed or not, but you know what, he isn't surprised anymore.

Having lived with this for some time, he supposed he shouldn't be all that surprised anymore anyways.

"Just, clean up alright? If anyone needs me, just let me know, I'll be spending the rest of the season checking up on the codes for the new season and the updates for it and reading some books." He answered as he walked back to his room, acknowledging the confirmation from EX.

Sometimes, he wonders how he had lived with this all his life, but he supposed, he will never take it for granted. He loves his family so dearly after all. Now off to his room he goes, maybe instead of reading the other books, he would give the strange, blank book a look first. It is, after all, quite an odd thing to find in the first place.

Upon reaching his room, he set his bag on the desk and took out the strange, yet curious book he had found at the library. Frowning when he saw that the book had changed suddenly since the last he had seen it. Gone was the strange blankness, the white cover had turned into a gentle, yet royal shade of purple, embroidered with gold at the borders. In the center, made up of obsidian was a broken portal frame with only the top left and bottom right corner broken off.

He feels like he had seen this before, he could not remember where he had seen this symbol before. Strange, he wonders, how do I not remember such a simple, yet easily recognizable symbol as this?

With a gentle sigh of confusion, he opens the book, thinking it would still be blank. Imagine his surprise when he saw that no, it was not blank. The book was never blank to begin with. The text, from what he can guess, was written in pure galactic, it was a good thing he knows how to read galactic. Yet, before he could even get the chance to read any further, the book immediately flew out of his hands, floating in the center of the room now, glowing an eerily yet sparkly purple aura.

Taking several steps back– not knowing just what to do in a situation like this, he quickly covered his eyes as the room was hit by a flash of light. Once he was sure that the light had faded away, he uncovered his eyes– only to yelp and fall back when he saw something or someone standing in front of him. Purple wings, dressed in a robe with various shades of purple with a hint of white, a dark non-translucent veil decorated with Poppies. There was even a luminescent white crown with the same yet strange symbol that was on the book.

He was still very much unnerved that whatever this being was, it was staring deep into his soul. It's even more unnerving on how he can't even see a face at all.

Moments passes by, the two sat in silence, Xisuma was afraid of what would happened if he would to say something and break the silence and end up getting struck by a god like creature– at least, he assumes that is, what this creature is–

Xisuma blinked, seemingly confused, did...did they just speak in pure galactic? Why were they even asking for a name? He just hopes that his galactic wasn't too has been sometime since he had spoken the language. "I'm Xisumavoid." Xisuma answered hesitantly, who wouldn't in a situation like this?

Yet the strange being seems to smile– how can he tell he was smiling in the first place? As they floated back a moment– he didn't even realize they were floating the whole time instead of standing. "Ex-eye-suma void?" Xisuma stared up at the creature utterly baffled, why did they pronounce his name like that?

"No, Xisumavoid."

"Zoomie boi?"


Xisuma just sighs as he stands up and surprisingly enough, looks down at the pouting creature that has chosen to sit down instead of continuing to float. He should actually get their name instead of referring to them as a nameless creature. "What's your name?" He asked, only getting confused in response. "I...Don't remember?" Xisuma frowns, he doesn't like the possibility of the god like creature in front of him being amnesiac, it seems cruel, but also quite odd. What could cause a god to become amnesiac? He wasn't sure, at all.

He checks the book, but there was no name, leaving him empty handed. He guess, he could give this strange god a name. He only knows this is a god because of the general vibes they give off, all powerful and divine, but ever so gentle and kind.

"Xelqua. Is that okay for me to call you as such?" Xisuma hesitantly asked, the god stared at him, it still unnerves him how he can't see a face, but can still feel the prickling presence of being watched. "Xelqua...I like it. Thank you."

Xisuma sighs in relief, he's glad that the god, Xelqua, likes the name they had given them– he wasn't sure why, but the name seemed right. Even if, somehow, it sounds a tad bit similar to his own name, he didn't mind it all that much. He was named similarly after an ancient god anyways, according to EX at least...speaking of his brother, he should probably go tell him that they have a god living with them now. "Stay here, okay Xelqua? I'm going to go talk to my twin brother about you...if that's okay?" He explained, still hesitant, thankfully for him, Xelqua seemed fine with it, opting to find interest in the books he had left on the table, it was a bit adorable to see actually. The sight alone reminds Xisuma of a child finding something brand new and being oh so very curious. With that, he left the amnesiac god alone and left his room–

Only to almost run into the person he was about to search for.

"Oh hey Exavian, needed something?"

"Xisuma, what do you have there?" EX or Exavian as he is actually known, questioned as he pointed at Xelqua that's now playing with some blocks he had founded, building a miniature house out of it. Xisuma just blinked as he stared back at the god, then at his brother. "Nothing, but I do have this cool book I found at the library." He answered as he showed him the book, earning a groan of exasperation from Exavian.

Leaving Xisuma just as baffled as the god that was in his room.

Exavian wonders how he could put up with his brother being oblivious to the craziest of things sometimes. 


For those that know about my mini series known as "Summoning Lord Xelqua" over on my second channel, hi hello, welcome to the properly written story with the same concept, but different and more improved with ideas I wanted to try out! This is a story that will centered around Xisuma and Grian/Xelqua :)

With a couple of hermits as well, but we'll get to that soon.

Nonetheless, this story will be written slowly so I can planned things our properly and what not, besides that feel free to comment you thoughts about this story! I like hearing what you readers think of the stories concepts I tend to write, from what I was once told, they're concepts not many thought about, regardless, I hope you readers have a wonderful day/night! :D


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