She's Special

By SarahGalaxy2

160K 4.8K 1.8K

What if Ciel didn't made a deal with one demon, but instead he made a deal with two demons? Expect this one d... More

Love Interest
His Butler, Able
His Butler, Strongest
His Butler, Omnipotent
His Butler, Capricious
His Butler, Chance Encounter
His Butler, At The Funeral
His Butler, Merrymaking
His Butler, Training
His Butler, Phantom Image
His Butler, On Ice
His Butler, However You Please
His Butler, Forlorn
His Butler, Freeloader
His Butler, Supremely Talented
His Butler, Competing
Black Butler, The Book Of Circus
His Butler, Taking The Stage
His Butler, Employed
His Butler, Colleague
His Butler, Taking Flight
His Butler, Liaison
His Butler, Careful Tending
His Butler, Sneering
His Butler, Serene
Black Butler, The Book Of Murder
A Suspect Murder
Two Murders At One Night
Finding The Earl's Bedroom Key
Examining The Bodies
Catching The Culprit
The Real Truth Of The Murder Case
The End Of The Murder Case
Black Butler, The Book Of The Atlantic
The Aurora Society

His Butler, Fulfilling His Duty

2.5K 87 66
By SarahGalaxy2

"The cause of death for the souls slated for review was burning, but it was a woman that triggered the fire." William said, adjusting his glasses as he and a blonde man with glasses that had green, yellowish eyes is beside him. He was also wearing a suit like William.

"What?! A woman!? For real?!" The reaper named Ronald exclaimed shockingly "Wait do you mean that (h/c) haired woman that Sutcliffe is always talking about?"

The brown haired man nodded. "Yes, she's a demon witch, but she's rather special and rare one because of her history and her abilities." He said as the blonde haired man hummed, looking at William before smirking.

"I see that Sutcliffe isn't the only one that is interested in her." He teased, causing William to glare at him, scoffing."I just find her intriguing, that's all."

"Same thing." Ronald snickered, grinning as William give him a death gaze causing him to put his hands up in a mocking surrender "take it easy, I'm just teasing but you know that I'm curious about her as well cause of you and Sutcliffe being attached to her." He smirked, holding his chin.

"You might want to be careful around that demon and that child, she is around with. They are protective of her and very attached to her but mostly that child, so watch yourself."

"Thanks for the warning, but I know that she must be a beautiful woman." Ronald grinned, very eager to meet this mysterious woman that caught the attention of his comrades.

"But we don't have to worry about her scavenging for the souls since she isn't the type to want souls but that demon that she is around with isn't the type to scavenge for food as well but we mustn't be careless. If he steaks even one soul, we will have to write a report with the details." William said as he then gazed forward.

"Gotcha. I'm all fired up." Ronald started his lawnmower on as he had a smile on his lips "because im against overtime." William looked over at the blonde man, then his reaper scythe.

"Ronald knox, that death scythe..." he trailed off."I got permission. I'm on good terms with a gal in the general affairs department." The blonde man looked to the side as William let out a sigh, then he stretched out his extendable pruner "very well. Let's get them all collected before the shift ends."

"Roger! No souls left behind." The two reapers leaped off the roof with their death scythe's ready to collect the souls.

✻ ═════ •❅• ═════ ✼

Doll had finally arrived at the mansion and saw the fire, she tried to go in but couldn't by the heat of the flaming fire that moved around as she cough from the smoke then she heard footsteps coming from the manor.

She saw y/n walking out of the mansion, carrying ciel in her arms as he had his arms around her neck, holding her close as he laid his head on her shoulder, staying close to her as sebastian is beside y/n, his hand on her back as they walked out of the flames, unharmed with no sign of their clothing or anything on their body injured or burn by the flames.

Ciel slowly turn his head, his face filled with coldness and dull as his contract eye is still showing, glowing in the dark night as the symbol of the contract had gone back to half (f/c) and half purple, he looked at doll who look shocked and confused.

"Black? (C/n)? Smile?" Doll called out with confusion as y/n stopped in front of the brown haired girl, carrying ciel as the (h/c) haired woman looked at Doll with an unreadable look on her face.

"What are you doing here? What happened? Where's Joker?" She asked with panicked as y/n narrows her eyes, then sebastian had a smirk on his lips, staying by y/n's side."I'm afraid he had passed away." He told her.

Doll had a horrified and dreadful expression on her as she ran up to them. "What are you saying, black?" She then placed her hands on y/n's arms and hand, gazing at her (e/c) and red eyes then at ciel.

"Hey, smile, (c/n), talk to me!" She pleaded, but ciel growls lowly and smacks her hands off y/n, causing her to gasp, pulling her hands away with surprise on her features for ciel doing that.

"Don't you dare touch her with your lowly hands!" He shouted angrily, glaring at her harshly making her flinch as she backed away a bit and he clinged into y/n, hugging her close having her frown softly but she stroke his head behind making him hold her closer, burying his face into her shoulder.

"By order of her majesty, we were pursuing a gang of serial child kidnappers." Y/n started to explain, causing Doll to gasped, stepping away with a horrified expression on him."You really were with the yard? You're here to catch us?"

"No, not quite. We were here to eradicate you, in the same of the phantomhive, the queens watchdogs." She smirked wickedly, her both eyes glowing red, her pupils slits as she gazed at Doll with darkness in her eyes that had Doll flinch, feeling dread of seeing this side of y/n.

"The queens watchdogs... the phantomhives... don't tell me..." she said in disbelief."Smile... you're a phantomhive? Then it was a lie? All of it?!" She felt betrayed and heartbroken of realizing that everything was a complete lie of her and ciel's friendship.

"That's right. My name is ciel phantomhive. I have but one duty to eliminate what troubles the queen. That's why I killed them. Kelvin, Joker... I killed them all." He looked at Doll with coldness and emptiness in his eyes as the brown haired girl gasped shakily.

She fallen to her knees and hands, she then let out a loud cry filled with sorrow and pain of finding out that she lost her entire family, tears streaming down her face as she continued to sobbed loudly while y/n, ciel and sebastian gazed at the girl with an blank look on their faces.

Doll clenched her fists, gritting her teeth as she hit against the hard ground. "I won't forgive you... I won't forgive you... I'll never forgive you!" She yelled out with anger on her as she lifted her head up and her expression filled with hatred and sadness.

Ciel just give her a blank look as she stand up, grabbing her dagger as she runs towards them, letting out a heartbroken scream. "Smile!" She ragefully yelled out, her hair moving away, showing the scar on the side of her face on her eye.


The (h/c) haired woman grinned, "Of course master..." her eyes glow darkly in the pitch darkness of the night as she then has a dagger summon in her hand.

'You'll see your family very soon, doll...'

✻ ═════ •❅• ═════ ✼

Undertaker took a bite of a cracker. He had a smirk on his lips. "Everyone has but one soul. I told you to take care of yours. But with great power, you steadily forget the weight of irreversible deeds." The long-haired man is sitting on the carriage in front of the driving seat as he looks at the black smoke in the distance.

"You only realize it after they become unsupportable. How many times have I given this warning now?" The silvered haired man played the locket waist chain, playing one of the lockets that said '13 July, 1866. Cloudia phantomhive.'

"Right, earl phantomhive?" He grinned but he then let go of the locket then he took something out underneath his outfit top, he then hold out a necklace that had (favorite/gem), (f/f) flower.

"But then again, you do have my darling y/n there with you. So, with her by your side, you will become immune to any danger that comes to you because you made a contract with the most dangerous, most precious woman that ever existed." He then smirked more.

"So very curious of why she choose you, the only human in this entire world that she wanted to protect and be by your side, maybe it might be that mysterious deal between you and her or maybe it might be other reason, who knows..."

He could remember perfectly of the first time, he saw her, the time and place that he laid his green yellowish eyes on the beautiful (h/c) haired woman.

Where she stood in a large field as snow was gently falling down, the whole ground covered in white snow as the sky were covered in gray clouds as a beautiful woman that had a long (f/c) v-neck dress with long sleeves and a slit cut on the side of her dress and a keyhole on her upper outfit as she weared high heels with strings wrapped around her ankles, a cloak over her with her hood down.

Her (h/l), (h/c) hair gently flowing through the gentle breeze as she had her both arms lifted up, where a spider that had golden straps around its dark body is crawling on her left arm as a raven crow is on her right arm, the two animals staring at the female demon in front of her.

She then turned her head, showing her (e/c) and red eyes that were dulled and emptiness as she then slowly smirked.

'One day, my dear. I'll make sure to have you as mine before your time is here.'

✻ ═════ •❅• ═════ ✼

Y/n was walking away from the burning manor as she continued carrying ciel in her arms as Doll was nowhere in sight, but she had her bloody dagger disappeared.

She continued walking away with sebastian beside her, their eyes closed as ciel looked over y/n shoulder, his face plain and empty as his emotionless eyes kept staring at the burning manor.

✻ ═════ •❅• ═════ ✼

Y/n, ciel and sebastian were in the carriage, heading to the train station as the door of the carriage is open having sebastian to walked out first then ciel came out as the young earl helped the young maid come out of the carriage having her give her master a smile that he return.

Sebastian closed the carriage door, the trio heading inside as the butler is carrying the earl is suitcase as they walked over to the train that is gonna leave soon.

They went to the entrance of the train but then a young girl came over, holding an orange in her hand "Sir! Madame! How about an orange? The young child asked, looking up at the two demons as ciel looked over at her, having her gasp and turning to ciel.

"Buy one." He told them, entering inside the train."Thank you! May God bless your journey." She handed the orange to y/n who took it and given her the money as she gave the young child a soft smile that she returned with a kind one.

The trio went inside the empty first class cabin. "As it was short notice, there were no third-class tickets available, so I'm also in first class. Apologies." Sebastian said, putting the suitcase on the shelf above.

Y/n took ciels hat that he handed over to her and put it on the shelf as well. "I don't especially care." He sighed, sitting down on the seat as y/n took a seat beside ciel who had her a bit close to his side as Sebastian took the other seat in front of ciel and y/n.

The train is felt moving as it started to head off to the direction they are going to.

Y/n glance at the window as ciel gazed over it, he had his hand above y/n's, holding it as she frown and looked at her master who kept his eyes at the view as he held his maids hand.

Sebastian then took the orange from y/n that she handed it to him. He took out a pocket knife that he had in his coat. "may I ask one question?" The butler asked his master "what is it?"

"Why go to the workhouse where they were raised?" His question have ciel gasped, before frowning, furrowing his eyebrows as he look at his butler who started cutting the orange peel.

"They've lost their patron. You can't run a workhouse without one. We could refer it to those like Earl burton, who don't frown on charities." He explained as sebastian continued peeling off the top of the orange "out of Pity?"

"Loose ends are also a phantomhive's duty. There's no need for civilians to be sacrificed due to the selfish actions of the underground."

Sebastian then cut the oranges apart, and then he put the knife away, leaning the orange to ciel. "Then why did we kill those children?" He asked as y/n huffed lightly, she knew why because the way that they looked, there's no way they will be able to return back to normal no matter how much their parents or other people that will try to do everything in their power to restore them back to normal.

But the sad thing is, it's too late because they have been far too long and she's sure that doctor used something to have them to be so dull and lifeless, she even saw it on the little girl that the doctor had stabbed didn't respond anything to the pain, so that proves that no matter what, they will never come back to their previous self.

Ciel took out his glove, pulling his hand away from y/n's. "I've seen many children like them before. Once they're in that condition, there's no coming back. Therefore..." He took a piece of orange, then he took other, handing it to y/n who thanked him with a soft smile that he returned with a warm one.

She took a bite of the orange as sebastian had a small amusing smirk on his lips. "They are better off dead? How arrogant of you." Ciel grinned."Is there any human who isn't arrogant?" He took a bite as y/n and sebastian let out a small amusing chuckled.

"I have never met one."

"How much strength do you think a weak person, let alone a child, would need to recover from that situation?" He took two pieces of orange, handing one to y/n once again, who took it with a grateful smile as he and y/n took a bite of the slice of oranges.

"That night, I was at the point of being irreparably broken when I was able to summon you and y/n. The only reason I recovered is because I obtained power and that I have her..." he looked over at y/n who gazed into his eyes,"but you two were the only demons there last night. And you both belong to me."

Ciel took y/n hand, looking into her eyes as he then lifted her hand. "You are mine and mine only, no one else." He gave her hand a soft kiss, making her a bit stunned, but she smirked."You're right. I am my master."

Sebastian frown, gazing between them as he felt a pang of bitterness in his chest as he narrows his eyes.

"Indeed, I am arrogant. But not so much that I can irresponsibly boast about saving people."


✻ ═════ •❅• ═════ ✼

Y/n, ciel and sebastian had finally arrived at their destination as they had gotten out of the train to see the station empty with a few houses in the distance and a hay cart being held by a horse as sebastian went over to the driver of the cart.

The maid stayed by her masters side as Sebastian talked to the man, "The renbourn workhouse?" He asked.

"Yes." The butler agreed."Would you be so kind to take us there?" He asked."I don't mind as it's on the way, but what business does a noble have there?" Sebastian grabbed the driver hand, placing some money on his hand.

"Just a few things." He told him with a polite close smile."I can't promise you a comfortable ride." Ciel goes over and sat on the cart as he held y/n's hand and dragged her with him to sit in the cart that started to head down the road with sebastian walking behind as he held the suitcase in his hand.

They heard children singing Tom Tom, the piper's son, as they glanced over to see a little girl and a little boy running down the road, singing with smiles on their lips.

Ciel continues watching them running off as he kept a blank expression on his face as y/n had an unreadable look on her.

"Over the hills and far away..." he started remembering jumpo playing the song with harmonica, then joker smiling face and dagger cheerful face even his moments with him even with doll and joker.

The cart stopped as the driver pointed at the hill. "It should be over that hill." Ciel and y/n got themselves down from the cart, sebastian hand the earl his cane as they started heading up the hill through the path.

They continued heading up as the wind blew through the air as ciel had a bit of hard time to not be pushed back from the wind but y/n stayed by his side, making sure that he doesn't get pushed away as they arrived at the workhouse only for ciel to gasp.

There in front of them was the workhouse only for it to be in ruin as it seemed half of the building is gone as it looked abandoned and destroyed, the trio walked through the manor.

"It appears Baron kelvin was lying." They halted as they stood in front of the large grassy field where a single broken wooden bench is there with a broken wooden fence around the area.

"By the state of these ruins, we'd say the place has been deserted for quite some time." Y/n said as she looked at her master whose eyes were widened, sebastian put the luggage down as he went on his one knee, picking up the old teddy bear on the ground.

"And from the way that doctor spoke, I would venture that the orphans here were..." sebastian trailed off as y/n furrowed her eyebrows as it seemed that the circus tropes didn't know and believed Baron untruth words that the workhouse was still alright and the children were there alive and well but was a huge lie that the circus believed and did these horrible crimes for to save their brothers and sisters in the orphanage only for it to be false.

Ciel dropped his cane as he remembered Joker words to him. "Please! don't kill him! Be as he may, we owe him our lives! We have lots of brothers and sisters back at the workhouse who are still young." He then remembered doll who told him that she would never forgive him and had that look of hatred and sadness on her.

Ciel made a sound that had y/n, and sebastian looked at their lord. "Young master..."

The earl shoulders started to shake lightly as he then let out a loud laugh of empathy and humorous, he had a wide grin on his face as sebastian eyes widened of seeing this but y/n kept a blank look on her face.

He couldn't believed the irony of himself and the circus troupes of them risking their life when their was nothing and were risking of an illusion story, their father told them and he was gonna help the workhouse as well only for to be nothing.

"There was nothing here! What they wanted to protect was long gone! They had no idea! They were so desperate, too... and then they died!" He continued to laugh as y/n stared at her master, she could tell that he did felt guilty and was gonna go to the workhouse to forgive himself of what happen back in manor but instead of crying about it, he just find himself laughing because of the situation that happen but also she knew that he's still suffering from the trauma he experienced back in the manor.

She hated that this case had to bring back the trauma that ciel felt during that time when he locked up in that place but she couldn't help but enjoyed it as well because of her finally able to show a bit more of her true self even maybe seeing the circus people that she couldn't believe would be the same kids from years ago.

"Sneering at their desperate wish and crushing it like a bug! So underhanded! So monstrous! It's more demonic than an actual demon!" He grinned widely, wrapping his arms around him as he loudly chuckled.

"I'm no different." He looked at his trembling hand."I'm full of the same ugliness that they were." He clenched his fist."This is what a human is!" He looked over at y/n and sebastian with despair on his face.

"I'm a human being, sebastian, y/n!"

This has sebastian eyes widened in shock as he then slowly grinned, his eyes closed as y/n looked at ciel and chuckled quietly, smirking "yes. Indeed."

The ribbon on ciel's hat came undone as it started to gently flow through the air, ciel trying to catch it then the ribbon went towards y/n and sebastian where one of them tried to catch it but their hand twitch and didn't grabbed it as it flow more higher to the air.

Where they could see a spirit of Joker in the sky, bowing with a smile then wandy and Peter doing some tricks and jumpo over there where wandy and Peter sat on his shoulders.

Dagger coming and grabbing hold of the ribbon but it had slipped off his hands as beast came over with a smile, holding a whip as Colorful confetti is falling down on the circus members then doll came over before her appearance changed into the appearance of her being a child.

Then there stood the circus family appearance changed into what they used to be back then, smiling as doll came running over to them to their arms.

'Unlike demon's, you possess an ugly, complex malice. You are liars, struggle desperately, and advance at others' expenses.'

Ciel watched as all of the circus members had walked towards the sunset, disappearing as his ribbon flowed through the air, far away.

'You steal and are stole from, making excuses all the while. And yet you aim to get over the hills and far away. That is what makes humans interesting.' Sebastian grinned with interest in his red eyes.

Y/n looked at the sky, she had a soft smile with her (e/c) filled with sadness and gentleness 'at last you all can finally be at peace together and won't ever have to worry about anything as long as you all are together. You all deserve happiness and be free from this cruel world."

'I'm glad that I was able to meet you all one more time...'

She then looked over at the demon butler, she then took sebastian hand who looked over at her and she went over to ciel who kept staring at the sky, she then took his hand in her other one having him to gaze over at the maid.

Y/n gave the butler and the young earl a warm smile, her eyes softened as she then kissed their forehead one by one, having them blush lightly, their eyes widened of her affections.

'I promise you both...' she then stroke their cheeks with each of her hands as she give them a loving smile which had them surprise but they give her a soft expression to her, ciel place his hand on top of hers and sebastian lean against her touch, his red glowing eyes staring into her (e/c) and red eyes.

'I will stay by your sides, be there, and never leave you until the desire i want is complete. You both have become something that I've never known, I will feel towards after so many years, so this time, hopefully, you'll accept the true me one day...'

✻ ═════ •❅• ═════ ✼

~Holiday Special~

Winter had come as the snow was falling down from the sky that's filled with gray clouds, and Christmas was just around the corner as the servants had already decorated the mansion into Christmas styles.

Y/n was in the kitchen, making some cookies for her master snack since he was in his study room, doing his paperwork as she hummed, she heard that their well be a Christmas festival in town.

She knew the servants wanted to go over there to have some fun as she continued to bake the snacks, she then heard footsteps behind her and saw a shadow figure above her then she looked over to see sebastian with a smile on his lips.

"Hello, sebastian, is there something you need?" She asked, turning around as the raven haired man pointed above them, having her to gaze up to see a mistletoe above them.

She smirked. "My my, how did that get there, huh?" She asked teasily, sebastian grinned."Not sure, but you know what happens when we are under the mistletoe, my dear." He chuckled.

Y/n giggle, grinning. "I do." She then placed her hands on his cheeks, and she leaned towards him. He closed his eyes and leaned to her, but he felt a kiss on her cheek, having his eyes open.

She grinned, letting out a chuckle of him frowning, upset that he didn't get a kiss on the lips "aww don't be upset, sebastian."

That's when she then give his lips a soft and warm kiss having his eyes widened a bit before closing his eyes, his hands on her waist sides, he held her close as he kept his lips pressed against her.

The bell of the study room ring having y/n and sebastian pulled away, looking over at the hanging bells as sebastian let out an irritated sigh. "He really knows how to interrupt us, huh?"

The maid giggle "well It seems that the young master wants something to eat, I better get back to baking, so if you could go and make some tea for our master." She said softly, giving a warm smile, having sebastian agreed to do it, giving her a warm look before pulling himself away and going over to make the tea for ciel.

Y/n turned around and began to bake the cookies once again.

✻ ═════ •❅• ═════ ✼

The maid strolled the cart with the tea sets and snacks on it. She went to the study room as she then halted and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Y/n open the door and let herself in as she rolled the cart inside, she looked to see ciel going through some papers with a boredom on his face as she smiled and rolled the cart next to his desk having him to gaze over at the woman.

"I brought some cookies that I hope you enjoy and some earl tea." She pour the tea into the cup, she put the tea kettle down then grabbed the saucer with the tea cup on it and place it on his desk in front of him then place plate of cookies that had shapes of a Christmas tree, a star and a candy cane.

"Thank you, y/n. I appreciate it." He give her a smile that she return as he took a bite of the cookie, smiling the delicious taste then y/n thought if she should ask him but she clear her throat having him to look at her.

"Ciel, I was wondering if we could go to the festival today since im sure the servants will love to enjoy spending time there and have fun. It would be a nice way to spend Christmas." She smiled softly as ciel thought for a moment before letting a sigh

"Alright then." He agreed, causing the maid to smile happily."Thank you, ciel." She give his cheek a kiss making him blush as she walked out of the room and head towards the servants are and told them that they will be heading to Christmas festival which had them be excited and very overjoyed, thanking y/n a lot for convincing the young master to have them head to the festival even they were hugging her as y/n giggle, smiling at the servants.

✻ ═════ •❅• ═════ ✼

Y/n, ciel and sebastian and the others servants finally arrived at the festival where there are many fun booths of games and other things, there was crowds of couples, children, elders even some earls there.

The servants ran off to go play the games as y/n chuckled, smiling as ciel sighed, shaking his head as sebastian frown, scoffing of their childish action as they started to walked through the festival.

Y/n then looked over at the booth that had sweets. She smiled and went over it as ciel and sebastian didn't know that y/n had gone away from their side.

Until ciel looked over at where y/n was supposed to be having him to see her nowhere, making his eyes widened "Where's y/n?" Sebastian, notice y/n gone as well, having them look around for her but when they turn their head.

They felt something sweet pressed against their mouths as y/n snickered, grinning as she held a candy cane to ciel mouth and other in her hand is a cotton candy to sebastian mouth "Were you two looking for me?" She smirked as the two took a bite of the sweet before she pulled the treats out of their mouths.

"Sorry for leaving like that since I was at the booth that sold some adorable Christmas sweet treats." She smiled softly as ciel swallowed the sweet."It's alright, please don't do that again, okay?" He gently asked, and she nodded as sebastian spoke."Yes, don't want to have you wonder off where I'll have to find you." He smirked.

"Oh really? I do like to see you try, though?" She grinned."Heh, I'm sure that I'll be able to catch you, my love." Sebastian had a cocky grin on his face."Ha has if sebastian, I'm sure that you won't even last very long trying to find me or catch up to me."

"Oh, do you me to prove it then? We could-" ciel interrupted his butler."You two will not do that since I do not want to cause a commotion here and have people see you guys being non-human."

"Apologies, young master." Sebastian and y/n apologize as ciel sighed softly."Come on, let's continue walking." His demon's nodded and followed him as he continued walking through the festival.

Y/n then thought of something of getting ciel and sebastian even others something, so she halted causing her master and the butler to looked over at her, stopping as well "master, can I go do some errands, I will return shortly so may I go?" She asked as ciel frown, rising eyebrow."What do you possibly need to do?"

"Can't tell you since I do want to make it as a surprise." She grinned as ciel stared at his maid."Fine." She smiled widely happily."Thank you, my lord!" She then went off, disappearing into the crowd.

✻ ═════ •❅• ═════ ✼

Y/n had gone around the festival and every store she has been to buy ciel and others gifts.

She brought mey-rin a very powerful gun that she knew will help her take down any enemies that comes to the manor even she did brought some books of scary stories cause she knew mey-rin has a soft spot for scary stories.

She brought Bard a very good flamethrower which she knew that she would regret it later when he used it one day, but it was already too late.

She gotten finney a gift of design of (f/f) on his hat and a locket of the picture of all of the phantomhive servants in it and she gotten Tanaka that she knew, he will like and enjoyed.

She brought sebastian a crow enamel pin even with a (f/a) pin along together with the crowd, she even gotten her a master, a (jewelry/choice) for him that had the symbol of his animal spirit.

After she has brought the gifts, she found her master, sebastian, and the servants at the spot where they will be looking at the fireworks.

She waved to catch their attention and they did and they smiled at seeing the beautiful (h/c) haired woman, greeting her kindly as she then gave them their gifts, which had them surprise.

Finney opened his gift, his face filled with happiness and a blush on his face. He hugged y/n, who smiled and rubbed his head as he thanked her.

Bard open his as well, his eyes lit up and was so overjoyed of seeing the gift, he give y/n a big hug, lifting her up and twirling her around having her laugh and smiled as he thanked her many times.

She got put down as mey-rin open hers as well and she smiled happily, gazing at the maid with grateful expression on her face, she blushed and give her a tight hug that she return with a soft smile.

Tanaka opened his as well. He saw the gift was his favorite meal along with a very good watch clock. He thanked the maid politely, giving her a kind smile that she returned.

Sebastian saw his gift having his eyes widen and blushed lightly. He smiled lovingly, and he then gave the maid a kiss on the cheek of a thank you.

Ciel had open his as well having his eyes widened a bit, blushing and he had a warm expression on his face as he took his maid's hand, thanking her kindly as he give her a soft look that she return.

That's when ciel, sebastian and the servants given her gift as well, mey-rin beautiful (f/f) hairpiece and finney gotten her a pretty (favorite/gem) bracelet that had her (f/a) on it even bard given her a very good sharp dagger that had beautiful designs on it and Tanaka gotten her a (f/f), earrings.

Sebastian had given her a bouquet of her all of her (f/f) flowers along with a pretty ring that had a (f/a) design on it and ciel given her a gorgeous necklace with (favorite/gem) gem on it.

The maid thanked them very much for the gifts with a happy smile on her lips, her eyes filled with softness that's when they heard the fireworks shooting in the sky having everyone to look at the sky to look at the fireworks as sebastian and ciel were by the maids side.

Sebastian took her hand, then ciel took her other one, they give the maid a loving smile that she returned with a sweet one.

"Merry Christmas, y/n."

"Merry Christmas, sebastian, ciel."

[Hello everybody, I do hope you enjoyed this chapter, even the Christmas special, we are finally done with book of circus! Yay! Now we can finally go to book of murder, I apologize if this chapter looked rushed since i needed it get it done cause I won't be able to update in two weeks because I will be on vacation with my family in another country where I'm sure, the internet ain't gonna be good so I decided to post a early Christmas special chapter but don't worry, I will update once I come back, I do hope you all have a great Christmas and a good happy new years, have a great day/night!]

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