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ะ’ั–ะด YourOneTrue_Love

10K 288 6

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371 8 2
ะ’ั–ะด YourOneTrue_Love

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

The weeks that followed at the Williams headquarters were a relentless storm of challenges and triumphs. As she stepped into the Williams headquarters each morning, she was greeted by the buzzing energy of the team preparing for another day of testing and training. Each person she met was welcoming and made her feel right at home with them.

Claire had been very welcoming, showing her around the buildings, making sure to introduce her to each department, and explaining their roles within the organization. She took the time to answer any questions and offered for Amalia to seek her out whenever she had a problem or just needed advice.

Her new training schedule was to prepare her for the intense demands of the Formula 1 car, she would be driving soon. Amalia found herself working out three times a day, each session carefully planned, targeting different aspects of her physical fitness and mental abilities. Alongside her workouts, she adhered to planned meals, meticulously crafted, and adhered to strict scheduled sleep to ensure adequate rest and recovery.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

The crisp early morning English air filled Amalia's lungs as she walked to the training building. Determination etched on her face, she was ready for the rigorous regimen ahead.

The morning training session with Chase, her personal trainer, was focused on cardio. "Morning," Chase said brightly to Amalia as she entered the training area.

"Ugh, why are you so cheery in the morning?" Amalia replied grumpily, still tired from the early hour. The sun was just beginning to rise at 4 am, casting a soft glow over the surroundings.

"Well, you better wake up; you have a full schedule today," Chase said, reminding her of the tasks ahead.

"Yes, I know, I know. Mallory sent it to me five times and told me ten more times," Amalia replied, starting to stretch her muscles in preparation for the workout.

"Finish up your warm-ups. We're starting with running! It's such a nice day; I think we should do it outside," Chase suggested, his enthusiasm unwavering despite Amalia's morning grumpiness.

As Amalia completed her warm-up stretches, despite her initial resistance to the early morning start, she knew that it was essential to push herself through the training sessions.

Amalia followed Chase outside to begin their running session around the Williams Headquarters. The cool breeze brushed against her skin, awakening her body and mind as they set off along the designated route. The rhythmic pounding of her feet against the pavement echoed in sync with her heartbeat, gradually erasing the fog of sleepiness that had clouded her mind earlier.

As they ran, Chase offered words of encouragement and guidance, pushing Amalia to push herself further with each stride.

As the sun continued to rise, painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange and pink, Amalia felt content in that moment. Rounding the end of their run, Amalia was heaving, her breath coming in ragged gasps. They had covered more distance than ever before, pushing themselves to the limit and achieving an impressive 20 miles in just two and a half hours.

As she and Chase made their way back to the training facility, they slowed down their pace and began to stretch out their tired muscles. "Good job today, Amalia. I'm proud of you," Chase said, his voice filled with admiration.

"Thanks, Chase, I appreciate it. But god, why did you make me run so much? I feel like I'm going to die." Amalia exclaimed, collapsing onto the ground and lying flat on her back, breathing in and out deeply.

"Because you needed a push. Look at what we accomplished—20 miles, and you can still do more. Come on, get up, no relaxing yet," Chase replied, extending his hand to help her up from the ground.

With a weary smile, Amalia accepted Chase's offer of assistance and pulled herself up to her feet. Despite her exhaustion, Amalia did feel proud of herself for what they had just run.

"Okay, I'm done with you for this morning, I'll be seeing you later. Go eat and make sure to drink electrolytes. Don't need you cramping up and getting hurt," Chase instructed.

"Thanks, Chase, see you later!" Amalia said, starting to walk away.

"3:00, don't be late!" Chase called after her.

Amalia kept walking but gave him a thumbs up so he knew she heard him.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

malfunction24 posted

♡ Liked by lamb.bert, lordperceval, and 15 others

malfunction24: Chase tried to kill me, then laughed at me

lamb.bert: you probably deserved it
@chasethetrainer: she did deserve it
lordverceval: welcome to my life
chasethetrainer: you did good
kittykat: how is it she still looks good dying though?

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Walking back to the main building of the Williams Headquarters, Amalia couldn't help but notice how empty it was at this early hour. Making a quick detour to her room to freshen up and change into more casual clothes, before everyone else gets up and the facility becomes more busy.

Entering the cafeteria Amalia with a warm smile greeted the two cafeteria ladies "Morning, Beth. Morning, Jane,"

They knew exactly what to get her and what she needed as soon as she walked in, a show of their familiarity with her routine or her repetitive routine.

It was strange, Amalia thought, feeling like a celebrity with people attending to her every need. She attempted to grab her food herself, but Beth and Jane insisted otherwise.

"Guys, what have I told you? I can do it myself," Amalia protested.

"Nonsense," Beth replied with a smile, placing the tray of food in front of her.

"Why are you up so early?" Jane questioned, as she handed Amalia a bottle of gatorade.

Amalia chuckled softly, taking a sip of the drink before replying, "Early bird catches the worm, right? Just kidding I would still be sleeping right now if it wasn't for Chase. He had me running this morning. Plus, I've got a packed schedule today, so I figured I'd get a head start."

Beth nodded in understanding, adding, "Well, don't work too hard, dear. Make sure to take some time for yourself too."

Amalia smiled gratefully at their concern, feeling touched by their genuine care. "I will, thank you," she assured them before taking her tray and finding a seat in the empty cafeteria.

As she began to eat her breakfast, more people began to enter the cafeteria. Focused on her breakfast she didn't see or hear someone walk up to the table.

As she began to eat her breakfast, more people began to enter the cafeteria. Focused on her meal, Amalia didn't see or hear someone approach her table.

"Is this seat taken?" a soft feminine voice asked.

Looking up, Amalia was shocked to see Claire Williams standing there.

"No, of course, have a seat," Amalia rushed out, quickly attempting to make herself look more presentable by taming her flyaways and smoothing her wrinkled shirt.

"Surprised to see you here this early," Claire joked, taking a seat opposite Amalia.

"Yeah, early morning training isn't my first choice. Not that I don't like it! It's just really early! And I like to sleep in. omg I can't stop talking. I really appreciate the chance you've taken on me, and I'm working really hard to show it! I'm being so disrespectful I'm so sorry-" Amalia rushed out, hoping to convey her gratitude and dedication.

"It's fine, Amalia, don't even worry about it. I wouldn't want to be awake right now either, but duty calls," Claire reassured her with a smile.

"Haha, yeah," Amalia laughed, feeling a sense of relief that she didn't embarrass herself in front of her boss.

"I haven't seen you in a while, Amalia. Is everything okay? You can come to me whenever you want," Claire spoke with genuine concern.

"Oh yeah, I've just been really busy, and I didn't want to bother you," Amalia replied, feeling touched by Claire's offer.

"You wouldn't be a bother. Plus, I could use some female conversation. I'm surrounded by so much testosterone all the time. So you would be putting me out of my misery, so come to me no matter what," Claire reassured her.

"Thank you, Claire. I appreciate it. I better get going; lots of stuff to do today," Amalia said, feeling awkward by the conversation. She wasn't used to people wanting to talk to her for no reason, they always wanted something. Her mother had told her 'Amalia nobody cares what you say, you're just a pretty face that's not even that pretty.'

Although it might have sounded harsh, her mother's words had taught her a lesson. Growing up, Amalia had learned to keep her guard up, be wary of others' intentions, and always focus on her goals. But now, Claire's genuine concern and offer of support stirred something within her—a flicker of warmth that she hadn't felt in a long time.

As she made her way out of the cafeteria, Amalia waved goodbye to Beth and Jane, feeling a sense of gratitude for their kindness.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

The rest of the day was a whirlwind of activity for Amalia. She spent time doing SIM racing, completed another rigorous workout session with Chase, working with the analysis team and finally, the thing that made today so special, her first press conference as a confirmed Formula 1 driver.

Heading back to her apartment, Amalia found the makeup and hair teams waiting for her. She quickly showered, not wanting to keep them waiting, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness about the upcoming press conference.

Sitting down on the makeup and hair chair, the team got started, skillfully preparing Amalia for the press conference. As they worked, meticulously ensuring every detail was perfect, Amalia took the opportunity to scroll through her DMs and messages.

Ignoring the thousands of notifications from her mother, Amalia opened up her direct messages on Instagram. Among the sea of messages, one caught her eye: "Mark.alder has requested to send you a message."

Curious, Amalia's heart skipped a beat as she clicked on the message request, wondering what Mark Alder, wanted to say.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

instagram messages
Hey Amalia don't know if you remember me but
I remember you. I had lots of fun the other night
at the club and would love to do it again.

Amalia Schröder
Hey Mark! Don't worry I wouldn't forget someone like you ;).
Sorry I've been very busy but would love to see you again

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

As Amalia read Mark Adler's message, memories of that night flooded back. Mark was someone she had met at the bar many nights ago, a few years older whose charm had drawn her in as they danced together. Amalia decided to stalk his instagram finding lots of shitless photos of him at frat parties and playing soccer. Amalia noticed that he was verified meaning he had lots of followers, making her wonder why.

Taking a moment to compose herself, Amalia carefully crafted her response, unsure of how to proceed. Amalia sent a quick reply back before she closed her phone.

The team had just finished her hair and makeup, and as Amalia stepped out of the chair, they helped her put on her outfit that Mallory had left hanging on the bathroom door. It was a stunning short navy blue dress with pockets on her hips, paired with a matching cropped navy blue blazer.

Slipping on her white stiletto heels adorned with cute bows on the tops, Amalia felt a sense of confidence wash over her. She looked in the mirror, appreciating the team's work. They had applied simple makeup that highlighted her features, and her hair was styled into a chic half-up, half-down look with a delicate bow.

With a final glance in the mirror, Amalia felt ready to face the press conference.

Amalia's Outfit

Leaving her apartment, Amalia headed towards the car waiting for her to drive her to the press conference. Mallory sat in the back seat, greeting Amalia as she entered the car.

"Hi, darling. Look at you. You look so beautiful," Mallory exclaimed with a warm smile.

"Thanks, Mallory. It was all the team; they did a really good job," Amalia replied, trying to give the credit to her makeup and hair team.

"Nonsense. You could go out with no makeup and a trash bag and still look beautiful," Mallory insisted with a chuckle.

Amalia didn't know what to say to that, so she simply thanked Mallory quietly before pulling out her phone to post on her Instagram, feeling a mix of emotions as she prepared herself mentally for the press conference ahead.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

amaliaschröder posted

♡ Liked by maxverstappen, pheobelambert, and 3.6 million others

amaliaschröder: today 🏃‍♀️🌸. Get ready for first F1 press conference latter!
katiemoore: she's an athlete
   ↳amaliaschröder: not by choice that's for sure
phoebelambert: look at you being healthy
user99: she's so self absorbed
   ↳user45: I know its so embarrassing
charlesleclerc: It is reality!
user73: your so pretty!
user22: seriously is nobody seeing max liked this
mark.adler: 🤤
user54: so excited for the press conference
   ↳user11: me to!
   ↳user24: me as well!

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

amaliaschröder posted a story

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

The car ride wasn't long, but by the time they arrived, Amalia had read through the comments on her post. A lot of them were nice, though, of course, there would always be haters. She chose to ignore them, not wanting to give them any more fuel.

As the car rolled to a stop, the cacophony of paparazzi and fans screaming filled the air. "Here we go. Remember to smile, no resting bitch face, and no low blows, even if the reporters ask you rude questions," Mallory reminded her.

"I know, I know, Mallory. Let's get this over with," Amalia replied with a determined nod.

Stepping out of the car flashes blinded Amalia's eyes, but she held her head high.

Walking up the steps and into the building, Amalia felt the weight of anticipation settle over her. Mallory led her to the reporter room, guiding her through the bustling corridors with a steady hand.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Amalia entered the room with a sense of determination, carrying herself with confidence as if she owned the space. The room quieted down as she took her seat at the head of the room, positioned at a table on a stage.

In front of her, her name card, a microphone, and a bottle of water were neatly arranged, awaiting her presence. Amalia took a moment to get comfortable, adjusting her seat and placing her hands on the table in front of her.

As she glanced around the room, Mallory leaned in and whispered, "Good luck," before taking her position at the side of the stage, ready to intervene at any moment should the need arise. The reporters started yelling out questions before Mallory started picking them.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

"What inspired you to pursue a career in Formula 1 racing?" Reporter 1
"I have always been surrounded by racing. From a young age, I remember watching Axel's races in wonder and amazement. I knew from then racing was what I wanted to do. So I would say Axle is my inspiration for racing"
"Thank you" Reporter 1

"How does it feel to be the first female Formula 1 driver?" Reporter 2
"I feel really happy and appreciate the chance Williams Martin Racing and Claire Williams have taken on me and hopefully I won't be the last."

"Do you think being a woman in Formula 1 will be a distraction for the male racers?" Reporter 3
"Um, I don't think so. I mean they all work around women all the time one being a driver hopefully won't change anything."

"What strengths do you believe you bring to the racing track?" Reporter 4
" I believe that I bring a combination of determination, resilience, and adaptability to the racing track. Throughout my career, I've faced various challenges and obstacles, especially being a woman in this sport. I'm not afraid to push myself to the limit and to continuously strive for improvement. Additionally, my ability to remain calm under pressure and to make split-second decisions in high-stakes situations is a valuable asset on the track. Overall, I believe that my passion for racing, coupled with my dedication to constant growth and development, sets me apart as a competitive and capable driver."

"What is your training regimen and fitness routine?" Reporter 5
"My training regimen and fitness routine are integral parts of my preparation for each race. I follow a rigorous schedule that includes a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility work. I work closely with my personal trainer Chase to tailor workouts specifically to the demands of Formula 1 racing, focusing on areas such as endurance, core strength, and reaction time. Additionally, I prioritize nutrition and hydration to ensure that my body is properly fuelled and ready to perform at its best on race day. "

"What type of undergarments do you wear under your racing suit and fireproofs?" Reporter 6
"You're like the fifth person that's asked me that. What is going on? Since when did people start asking each other about in interviews about their underwear?"

"Can you tell us about your journey to becoming a Formula 1 driver?" Report 7
"Absolutely. My journey to becoming a Formula 1 driver has been a long and challenging one, but also incredibly rewarding. It all began with a passion for racing that was ignited at a young age. I started karting competitively and quickly discovered my talent and love for the sport. From there, I progressed through various racing categories, facing both triumphs and setbacks along the way. I dedicated myself to constantly improving my skills and proving myself on the track, often having to navigate through the obstacles and doubts that come with pursuing a career in such a competitive field."

"What are your goals and aspirations for your career in Formula 1?" Reporter 8
"I mean probably what every driver wants to be world champion"

"Can you describe a particularly memorable moment or race in your career so far?" Reporter 9
"A particularly memorable moment/race in my career so far would be my last race in Formula 3 in Hockenheimring. Competing against Charles for the Rookie Cup and for third place was definitely a highlight of my career so far. He is such a talented racer and know I will be seeing him in Formula 1 soon."

"if you had to choose one thing between your makeup and racing what would you choose?" Reporter 10
"Is this what you think female racers have trouble chasing between? Is this men assuming that that's what girls would have to choose between? Sure but you asked I would choose racing."
"Are you sure? You look like you couldn't live without makeup, look at how much you're wearing right now." Report 10
"Yes, I could live without makeup. It was a choice to put in on but I don't need it. Thank you, next question."

"What improvements would you like to see in the Formula 1 industry regarding gender equality? and What advice would you give to young girls who aspire to follow in your footsteps? Report 11
"Regarding gender equality in the Formula 1 industry, there's certainly room for improvement. While strides have been made in recent years, there's still work to be done to ensure equal opportunities and representation for women in all aspects of the sport. As for advice to young girls who aspire to follow in my footsteps, I would say: Believe in yourself and never give up on your dreams. Pursuing a career in motorsport, particularly in a male-dominated field like Formula 1, can be challenging, but don't let that discourage you. Stay focused on your goals, be resilient in the face of setbacks, and always remember that your gender should never limit what you can achieve. With dedication, determination, and passion, anything is possible."


K Writes;
Hello my lovely readers thank you for reading. sorry for not updating in a while, I have been busy with lots of school work. to make for it I give you this long chapter. Did you catch some references? As always don't forget to like and comment.
Thank you ♡

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