informed consent | short stor...

By alisonfelix

167K 2.9K 4.3K

[MATURE CONTENT / 18+] In which Harry has to follow school-mandated therapy for having intercourse in a publi... More

seven. (*)
missed you
home for christmas - part one
home for christmas - part two
a very special new year's eve
let me hold you
harry's birthday - part one
harry's birthday - part two
one in a million
mia's birthday
summer with you - part one
summer with you - part two
shimmering beautiful
a night apart
one year

all the little things

7.6K 132 206
By alisonfelix

Word count: 17,757


"Good fucking girl." Harry whispered.

He stared at Mia with dazed eyes, who was laying on top of him. Her hair was in a messy braid from the sleep he just pulled her from. Her lips were parted and swollen from kissing, her eyes glazed over with little tears in the corner and her fingers digging into his shoulders.

"H-Harry..." She sobbed, dropping her face into the crook of his neck with a slight whine. Harry's eyes rolled back at the feeling and he shakily exhaled, slowly jerking his hips up, "I know, baby." He cooed. He had his arms wrapped around her naked form, feeling every dip in her spine as she helplessly laid on his chest with her legs split and his cock inside her.

"I know." Harry repeated, "Y'like that, hm? Y'like waking up with me inside of you. So beautiful, Mi... You look so beautiful when you struggle for me."

"Uh-huh." Mia gasped, "So c-close. You're so close."

He lazily kissed her shoulder, "Fuck, lovie... you feel so fucking amazing. Want you forever." He sighed. The hand he had on her ass gave the flesh a sinful knead and he continued fucking up into her in a slow, lazy pace. It was the morning, and Harry once more woke up with a boner after dreaming of Mia all night.

It was mostly the same dream. His entire future wrapped into one person with the brightest smile and the warmest eyes. She was his home, and Harry nestled himself into Mia during the night and fell asleep with her scent in his nose and her fingers in his hair. He dreamed of her in a white dress and then he dreamed of her with a pregnant belly and a ring on her finger. He dreamed of them in their future house, where their toddlers would play in the garden and Mia was making soup in the kitchen as Harry set the table.

And so he woke up, wanting to make her his again. And again, and again, and again.

Mia's breath stuttered against his neck and she sharply arched into him with a whimper into his ear, "Daddy..." She squeaked out. Harry's eyes closed and his lips curled up into a half smirk, realizing she just came. He hummed and stroked his hand over her back, "So good to me, sweet angel. I'm so proud of you. I love you so much."

"M-Me too." Mia gasped, her pussy convulsing in pulses as her brain exploded in butterflies and she didn't know what was up or down or left or right, "So much."

"'M gonna cum inside you." Harry murmured, hugging her close as they passionately had sex, "So deep, hm? Fill you up until you can't take it anymore. God, I wanna fill you up so bad. It's all I can think about, Mi. Only you."

"Only y-you." Mia repeated in a whimper. Harry's eyes closed tightly as he pressed his lips into her shoulder, mewling through his orgasm. His dick twitched, spurts of hot come leaving him to paint her insides. "Fuck." Harry moaned. Mia panted her way through Harry's orgasm, feeling him releasing inside of her. She kissed the side of his neck with a soft hum, "I love you."

"Love you too, angel baby." Harry whispered. Mia slowly lifted her head and Harry shot her a lazy grin, "Morning."

"Good morning, boyfriend." Mia smiled, dipping her head for a kiss. Harry cupped her chin to keep her there, lingering on the touch as he stayed inside her for a little bit. He nuzzled his nose with hers, "Did you sleep well?"

"I did." Mia nodded, "Always with you."

Harry giddily smiled, slowly tracing his fingers up Mia's side, "Can't wait to wake up with you every single morning."

Mia giggled, "We already do that."

"Yeah," He bit his lip, "but it'll be different. It'll be ours."

She nodded, "I know." And then she gave him another delicate kiss. Harry hummed, "Do you need the bathroom? I think there's some tissues here." He glanced to the side, seeing some tissues on the bedside table. He helped Mia roll off of him and then cleaned her up a bit, the spilling of his cum the only downside to having sex without a condom.

Mia had been on her period and it stopped about two days ago, and so they both craved one another incredibly.

Summer was coming to and end and Mia and Harry moved in less than a week. It was so exciting, but it also meant the beginning of a new semester. Anxiety and pressure for the both of them, but especially for Mia. She already felt the small pit in her tummy but ignored it for now. As long as she could, she would.

She did realize that as the weeks went on, the more they had to think about.

There was furniture coming in and they had appointments at the bank to see about their finances and how they could save up as well as possible.

Mia had a job interview in a few days as well. Even if Harry tried to convince her not to, Mia felt like she needed a bit of an extra income. She had actually tried to work at the school library, but they only worked with volunteers and Mia did really need the money.

She searched for a little job which wouldn't require her to speak to too many people and eventually came across a job in a flower shop. She wouldn't be manning the desk or the cash register, but she'd be in the back creating bouquets. A few hours on Saturday morning. Mia would be by herself, surrounded by flowers. And even if the thought of doing a side job gave her plenty anxiety, it also sounded like a calming way to spend her time.

And today, she had therapy with Natalie. It had been a few weeks, with the holiday of Mia and Harry, and then Nat took some time off too.

But she craved a conversation with Natalie today. Mia had spent her summer in a way she never had before. She gave up all control and completely let loose – or at least to her standards. She gave up her agenda and hardly knew what day it was. She had never lived like this, but she liked this version of herself.

She knew though, once school started again and her responsibilities came back, she had to be done hiding. The whole entire thing had two sides. Mia thrived on structure but very quickly overworked herself. That spiked her anxiety and turned her into a mess. Harry was a hundred percent her coping mechanism but Mia would give everything to also feel secure on her own and not always have to rely on him or depend on him too much.

She spoke about it to Hazel, who tried to make it clear that it wasn't the healthiest thing. Mia and Harry adored one another, but Hazel warned her for the risk of near melting into one person. Mia was still Mia, and Harry was still Harry. It meant they had to still do their own thing and have their own time.

And Harry couldn't always help her, because Mia couldn't always open up. She was... complex like that. All throughout their relationship, Harry had to sometimes pry things out of Mia. She didn't often explain things, because plenty of times she couldn't really understand what she was feeling of thinking.

Mia lacked emotional maturity like that, because she was so neglected in her feelings and thoughts all throughout her life. She had lived her life thinking she was born to feel bad about herself all the time. To always be jittery and anxious and quiet. She was trying to find her voice, but it was hard when she didn't know what to say.

And so before Harry and Mia well and truly realized it, the planning had begun. Their shared agenda filled up quickly, with social activities – such as a goodbye party for Harry and one for Mia. They had appointments at furniture stores or decided to go to flea markets on certain days. They had an appointment at a shelter to go look for a cat.

Mia blinked as Harry returned from the bathroom, boxers and shirt on in case he ran into Taylor or Hazel. He had cleaned up a bit and jumped back into bed with Mia. She pouted as she tugged on his shirt meekly and Harry's dimple popped, "Off?" he questioned.

"Mhm." Mia nodded. Harry did as she asked, discarding of his clothes again until they were both fully naked. Mia cuddled into his chest and Harry held her, kissing her forehead, "What time do you have to be at Nat's?"

"In like... two hours."

"Hm." He nodded, "Hey, maybe I could go down to the bakery and get us all breakfast? I could be back before Hazel and Tay wake up."

Mia's lips turned into a smile, "They would love that." Her hand traced over his butterfly tattoo. Harry nodded, "Okay. Wanna come with me?"

"Can we just stay here for a few more minutes?" Mia sleepily asked and Harry smiled, stroking her hair, "Sweetheart, why don't you take another little nap while I go to the bakery?"

Mia wanted to crawl inside him. He was so sweet. Harry would willingly wake up early to go to the bakery and surprise Mia's friend and her girlfriend with breakfast. She didn't know a person this perfect could even exist. She pressed her face into his neck, "I'll come with you." She whispered.

"You're tired." Harry observed and Mia hummed, "Just a little."

Harry nibbled his lip, knowing they got plenty of sleep but Mia had probably been a little restless due to her anxiety. It was all starting again after nearly two months of bliss. He truly hoped Mia wouldn't spiral. He'd happily keep her together and glue up her pieces, but if anything he wanted her to feel stronger about herself.

He loved Mia confident and he'd do anything to keep her in the light and breezy headspace. It almost snuck up on them, the moving and the planning and the responsibilities.

His fingers stroked her head, making her nuzzle further into him with a small, content sigh.

At least there was one thing they didn't have to worry about anymore, and it was Mia being able to pay their rent. The school actually offered to pay for her rent in the form of them paying for a dorm room. She got some sort of funding because of her good grades and her financial status right now. Students who did not get support from their parents, could get help from the school. They'd pay for Mia's half of the rent and Harry's parents would pay his half, just like they paid for his dorm room.

Mia would work at the flower shop to earn some extra so they could pay gas and electricity, and their groceries. Harry's parents hadn't said it out loud – especially not to Mia because she'd refuse – but they were also going to give Harry a bit extra to buy stuff for him and Mia together.

Furthermore, his parents financed a lot of their appliances. They received an old but functional washing machine. His mum paid for an iron and ironing board while his father struck up a deal to get them a television.

Mia's face lit up every time Harry mentioned they could get a little deal somewhere.

School started back up in about four weeks and Harry was more than excited to spend at least a few weeks with Mia at their own place before the madness would begin again.

Mia kissed his chest softly, "What are you most excited for?" She asked quietly, clearly her mind being on the same subject as Harry's was. He smiled and held her tighter, "Coming home to you every evening." He honestly responded.

Mia giggled and kissed his skin again, "Yeah."

"Mhm. You?"

She exhaled shakily, staring intently at the detail of one of the swallow tattoos below his collarbone. She could faintly see that there used to be a different tattoo underneath, which he covered up. Mia pressed her lips together, "Just... stupid stuff. Like – uh... us trying to decide what to have for dinner. Or... when the cat meows in the morning, us bickering about who has to get up to feed it."

Harry smiled widely, "Really?"

"Yeah." Mia admitted, "It's a bit stupid, maybe."

"It's not." Harry kissed her forehead, "It's normalcy. I crave that too. Just... regular life with you."

Mia broke out into a smile, "I can't wait to be normal with you."

Harry chuckled, "Me neither. But we won't argue too much, will we?"

"No. Just... playful arguing."

He hummed with a smile, "Like... arguing with kisses in between? Or arguing while you're sitting on my lap and I've got my fingers under your skirt?"

"Uh-huh." Mia breathed, "Like that."

"You naughty angel." Harry teased in a whisper, "Always wanting me, hm?"

Mia bit her lip, "Always." Her fingers curled into his hair at the base of his neck and they crawled even closer to one another, completely locked together. Mia felt most comfortable being wrapped up in Harry's warm arms, and he felt most comfortable holding her tight and close like this.

They closed their eyes for five more minutes until Harry brushed his lips over her hairline, "I'm going to head to the bakery, sweetheart. You stay here, hm? I'll wake you up when I get back."

Mia groaned softly, "I'll come with you." She tiredly slurred and Harry smiled, "No need."

"I don't like sleeping without you." Mia whined with a pout on her face. Harry's heart slammed in his chest at the sight of her slightly flushed cheeks due to the warmth and her tired eyes. She looked completely adorable and he couldn't help it when he leaned in to press to kisses to her jutted out bottom lip.

Mia stifled a yawn, "The fresh air will do me good." She tried to convince Harry.

With pulling and pouting, Harry and Mia eventually got up form the bed. He wrapped her up in a hoodie of his and they waddled to the bathroom to brush their teeth and get ready for the day. Harry opened up Mia's closet, keeping some of his own clothes here. He pulled out a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt, and Mia chose a loose dress that landed just above her knees.

She tightened her braid and washed her face, tapping her fingers on her cheeks to wake herself up a little bit more. They walked the street hand in hand, on their way to get breakfast.

"So your party is tomorrow?" Mia checked. Harry nodded, "Mhm." He squeezed her hand as they had their fingers laced together, "The guys want to like... go bowling and play arcade games." He chuckled, "It's as if I'm leaving the country."

Mia smiled as they waited in line for the bakery, "It's nice of them though. They'll miss you."

"I'm just across campus." Harry shrugged while he wrapped his arm around Mia's shoulders and they moved up a spot in the line. The weather was warm and soft today, and freckles dotted Mia's nose as her fringe already grew out a bit. She looked so beautiful.

Mia leaned her face in his chest, "Well, Hazel and her friends are coming over to say goodbye to me on Thursday. You're coming too, right?"

"Baby, they're your friends too." Harry picked up on the words she used, "You'll still see them once you move out. You'll still see Hazel all the time, too."

Mia didn't say much and Harry kissed her forehead, "And are you sure you want me there? I mean, it's your party. I don't mind if you just want to hang out with your friends."

"I think I'd feel better if you were there." Mia murmured.

Harry hummed, "How about I come by a bit later? Spend the night? But you guys can hang out on your own a bit at first. I'm sure I'll also be a bit hungover from the day before."

"Oh, you don't have to come if you feel bad." Mia frowned a little and Harry smiled, "I know, lovie. I'll be fine. Maybe I just won't drink too much at your party. You can make me one of your pink mocktails." He had a teasing hint in his tone and Mia gasped in fake shock, "You love my pink mocktails." She defended the non-alcoholic margarita she usually favored on parties.

Mia didn't drink, or at least nothing more than a small glass of wine during dinner or half a glass of champagne on occasions.

"I do." Harry smiled dreamily, "Because I love you."

"I love you too." Mia pushed up her toes to plant a kiss to Harry's jaw.

They placed their order at the bakery and headed back to Mia's apartment afterwards, two bags of food in their hands. They ordered croissants, coffee rolls and puff pastries. There was still orange juice in the apartment and plenty of coffee and eggs.

Mia was pleasantly surprised to find Hazel and Taylor still asleep by the time they came back. Mia stroked her hand up Harry's back, "Can you set the table? I'll do some eggs."

"Okay." He nodded, "Do you know how Hazel likes her eggs?"

Mia chuckled, "Of course. Sunny side up. And Taylor likes them scrambled."

Harry's heart warmed at how much of a sweetheart his love was. It was very her to know how everyone liked their eggs. It was a very Mia-question to ask and he was sure it came up during one of her first conversations with Taylor.

By the time Harry had put down the final plate, Hazel and Taylor emerged from the bedroom. They both had sleepy eyes and Hazel hugged Mia when she realized they had gone out for breakfast. She didn't hug Harry but gave him a playful stomp on his bicep – which he pretended hurt more than it actually did.

The four of them sat around the table and Mia tried not to get emotional. It was a bit stupid. She was only moving two floors up after all. She could even share elevator rides with Hazel or drop by at any given moment – but it was still different.

Mia's heart felt heavy at the thought of slipping away from her best friends. She had never expected to grow so close to Hazel, but she was easily the most important person in her life besides Harry. And with Hazel, came the friends Mia had gotten to know over the past year.

Cassie, Lynn, Renan and now Taylor too. They were a tight knit group who welcomed Mia with open arms. She was eternally grateful for that. Mia would never be a social butterfly but she defrosted around the correct people who were patient and soft to her.

Harry could see her lost in thought most of the day and he hoped Natalie could at least bring Mia a bit of peace. Once more, Mia didn't really tell him how stressed she was about the upcoming days or weeks.

He went to his dorm room as Mia went to therapy, and ended up playing PlayStation with his friends for a bit before his phone rang and he saw Mia's name pop up on the screen. Harry ditched the game he was playing immediately, making Liam cry out because their team was now losing.

Harry didn't care, pressing the phone to his ear as he walked into his bedroom – partly packed up already because he couldn't wait to leave.

"Sweetheart?" He answered the phone.

"Hi, Harry." Mia crooned softly. His lips immediately curled into a smile as he sat on the edge of his bed, "Hey, m'love. Everything okay? How'd it go with Nat?"

Mia exhaled a breath, "Everything is okay. Am I interrupting?" Mia asked and Harry leaned his elbow on his knees, "You're never interrupting."

"Are you sure?" She hesitated and Harry huffed out a breath, "Very sure, baby."

"Okay." He could hear the smile in Mia's tone before she cleared her throat, "I'm actually still at Nat's office. She – uh... she wondered if you'd mind coming over for a bit. Like... talk to her. With me."

Harry's brows etched together in a frown, "Now?"

"Mhm. It's fine if you're doing something else." Mia quickly added but Harry shook his head, "No, I'm on my way." He then let out a breath, "Mia, are you sure you're okay?"

"I promise I'm fine." She murmured, "It's nothing to worry about, really. She'd just like to see us together for a little bit."

Harry swallowed and nodded, "Okay. I'll be there in like ten minutes, leaving now."

"Okay. I love you."

His insides felt warm and he bit his lip while smiling, "Love you too, angel girl. See you in a bit."

They ended the call and Harry slipped on his shoes, muttering a quick goodbye to his friends before he was out the door. His shoes didn't match his clothes at all, but Harry didn't have any other option. He had stuff here and he had stuff at Mia's, and he basically lived between both places. It was annoying to say the least.

He spilled coffee on the shorts he wore today and grabbed another pair from his closet in the dorm room, now wearing just a slightly different outfit. He had hurry in his step while making the walk over to Natalie's office, and somehow he just had a pit of dread in his stomach.

Mia hadn't sounded... off but it still didn't sit completely right with him.

Exactly ten minutes later, he showed up at the building where Natalie had her office, knocking on the door. Harry had never seen Natalie before but recognized her from how Mia described her.

"Hi, Harry, I'm Natalie." She smiled. Harry nodded and shook her head, "Nice to meet you."

"Come in, come in. It's nice and cool in here." She ushered him in. Harry entered the space, seeing Mia sitting on a comfortable couch with a cat on her lap. Natalie took a seat in the opposite chair and Mia smiled at him. Her face looked tired and her eyes were slightly red. Harry knew these sessions with Natalie were always quite heavy on Mia. She was exhausted afterwards and needed a little bit of time to bounce back.

"Hi." Harry smiled, sitting down next to Mia and scooting closer. He wrapped an arm around her and dipped his head to kiss her temple. Mia hummed softly, "Hi. This is Ribbon." She nudged her chin towards the sleeping cat on her lap and Harry chuckled, "He seems to like you."

"He's so sweet." Mia smiled, stroking her finger behind his ear. Natalie hummed, "Ribbon seems to like you a lot. He doesn't do that with all of my clients."

Mia's smile grew at the words. She too changed into a different dress, wearing one that reached down to her ankles with little buttons at the front. It was dark blue and matched her beautifully, a little cuff sleeve around her shoulder. She looked adorable and Harry fought the urge to hold her even tighter.

For a moment he forgot Natalie was even here. It was him, Mia and Ribbon cuddled up on the couch and it was everything he'd ever need.

"Thank you for coming here on such short notice." Natalie broke his train of thoughts and Harry smiled at her, shrugging, "Mia calls and I'm there." He simply explained.

Mia leaned into him a little bit more and Natalie smiled at his words. She swung her leg over the other and leaned back, holding her notes in her lap, "The reason I asked you to come here, is because you're actually a very vital part of the sessions I do with Mia. You come up all the time, and you're the most important person in Mia's life."

Mia glanced at Harry, hoping those words didn't freak him out, but Harry's eyes were soft and he shortly nodded, "She's mine too."

"Right." Natalie nodded, "And... well – since you two are living together I think it was important to... give you some insight into who Mia is."

Harry frowned, "Insight into Mia? I think I know her pretty well."

"No, I know." Natalie shook her head, "And I didn't mean it like that. I just think that you two are going to take an important step in your relationship. A big step. And I think in order for Mia to feel safe in the new living situation, there might be a few things you should keep in mind when living with her." Natalie explained.

Harry still felt slightly uneasy but Mia's fingers on his thigh calmed him down. Natalie's gaze dropped to the touch, and it was easy enough for her to see that Harry and Mia were an affectionate couple. They touched to comfort one another and let the other know they were there.

Natalie pressed her lips together before clearing her throat, "How much do you know of Mia's upbringing?"

Harry's gaze dropped at the question. He knew Nat didn't mean it like that, but it felt only slightly hard for him to hear. The truth was that he knew next to nothing about it because Mia didn't tell him much and he didn't pry.

He swallowed, "Not that much. We don't talk about it too often."

Mia hummed, "That's true. I – uh... I try not to bring it up." She spoke and Natalie nodded. She flicked her eyes to Harry, "Mia has given me permission to share all these things with you." She started off, "And during the sessions we've concluded that Mia suffered from narcissistic parental abuse."

Harry's stomach dropped and he wrapped his arm a little tighter around Mia. Natalie scratched above her brow, "She's hypersensitive and quickly overstimulated from big crowds, or loud noises. And today, we went over the attachment styles."

Harry knew this was going to be hard to hear and he couldn't even imagine how it was for Mia. Natalie glanced at her notes, "There's four attachment styles. And in essence, how a primary caregiver acts towards and meets their child's needs forms the foundations of how the child perceives and acts within close relationships. So a child seeks comfort, soothing and support, which then lead to either a secure or an insecure attachment."

Mia exhaled shakily and Harry slowly nodded, cuddling her close. He saw her hand rhythmically stroking the cat's head. Natalie flicked her eyes to Mia and then back to Harry, "Mia and I spoke about it today, and we've come to the conclusion that she has an anxious attachment style."

His heart cracked at the information and Harry pressed his lips together. It wasn't a complete surprise, if he was honest. Mia had anxious written all over her. She was a lot less jittery and nervous then when they first met, but she was still a huge overthinker with plenty of anxiety about things Harry hardly gave a second thought.

"Mia has a negative self-view, but has a positive view of others. She brings herself down." Natalie nodded at Mia, who kept her eyes on Ribbon on her lap as Nat continued, "She quite literally views you as the better half."

Harry frowned, "She's my better half." He immediately responded and Natalie shot him a soft smile, "That's hard for Mia to understand because she considers herself less worthy of love in comparison to other people. And the thought of being without her partner causes high levels of anxiety. In other words, Mia had a deep fear of abandonment."

"I'd never abandon her." Harry murmured, leaning his cheek on top of Mia's head, "She's never going to be without me."

Natalie slowly nodded, "I guess what we're trying to tell you here, is how much Mia leans on you. And that can be difficult on you too and it might be something you have to guard. Because of this fear of abandonment, Mia strongly desires security within relationships. Attention, care and responsiveness from you tend to be the remedy for their feelings of anxiety. You ease her fears, but that's a big responsibility to have."

Mia sniffled softly and Harry closed his eyes, kissing the top of her head, "I don't mind that responsibility. All I want to do is take care of Mia and make her feel safe. I know she's... sensitive." He chose the word carefully, "And that's not her fault. I can only try to be there for her the best I can and I hope I'm doing a good job so far."

Mia nuzzled into him further and Natalie nodded, "You have. You've done an incredible job so far. Mia speaks very highly of you and has so much love for you. But this attachment style in a relationship can be challenging, especially when you live together. There might be more frustrations, more little arguments or fights... and when Mia is feeling cornered, the stress and anxiety will rise. Higher levels of stress and anxiety may cause her to become almost clingy, hypervigilant and jealous. She's... overwhelmed with fear of being alone."

"Mia will never be alone." Harry frowned, stroking his fingers through her hair now, "I know she always has been, but I never want her to feel like that again. I-I promise that I'm honest when I'm telling you that we're going to be together forever. I never want her to have these insecurities and I don't mind being her main person. She's mine too. I want to be her main person and the one she goes to with literally anything. I want to be her best friend." He tried to make his point come across.

Natalie nodded, "I hear you. And I believe you, trust me. I think the main thing of what we were trying to do today was just let you know how Mia stands in all this. She finds it hard to talk about this stuff so asked me to do it. I know you two basically live together already, but it's still going to be different. And it might help if you understand Mia and where this all comes from."

"And... where does it all come from?" Harry carefully asked. Mia tensed slightly in his arms, and even Ribbon lifted his head at the shake in her leg he laid on. Harry smoothed his hand over her arm and gently kissed her temple, soothing her again. Natalie observed the little action and cleared her throat, "Mia received very... inconsistent responses to her needs as a child. They were supportive and loving on occasions, but they completely disconnected with her on other occasions. To Mia, that was confusing. These mixed signals made it hard for her to make sense of her parents. If you'd ask her today to describe them, she can't. She doesn't... know them well enough. She has plenty of examples of situations where they were lovely to her, but also plenty of examples where they weren't."

Harry listened and Nat continued, glancing at Mia, "It's why she feels like love and affection are... conditional. Not a constant. She never had that. She could never understand why the responses of her parents were this one day and that the other day. It resulted in a lack of trust, whether she wanted that or not. And in result, she's highly emotionally sensitive and in search of proximity."

The words were hard for Harry to hear. He hated how Mia had so much trauma for things she didn't have a say in. And now she paid the price. Natalie shifted in her chair, "In many ways, a relationship is both the poison and the cure for someone like Mia. It depends on who she's in a relationship with. And I think you're an incredible partner to her, Harry."

A small smile formed on his lips, but didn't reach his eyes. Natalie shot him a sympathetic look back, "Mia is working on it, to try and move past these deep-rooted fears and her anxiety. I think it's wonderful how you understand her or at least try to understand her. Mia loves consistency and predictability, and I think as long as you can keep that in mind, you two are doing very good."

Harry exhaled and kissed the top of Mia's head again before Nat's smile dropped a bit, "But Harry, it can be hard on you. It's not always easy, being with someone who has an anxious attachment style. Mia might ask a lot of you. It can be... small things Not coming home on time, not answering a call, cancelling a date..." She listed, and Mia spoke up for the first time, "Harry's really good with that." She piped out.

Harry smiled at her small defense of him and Natalie also chuckled before they fell into a silence.

Natalie and Mia seemed to have eye contact going on and eventually Mia straightened up a bit, turning her head to face Harry. Ribbon stirred on her lap and dug his nails into her thigh a bit to keep her from moving too much, but Mia hardly seemed to feel it.

"I – uh..." Mia stammered, "I wondered if you felt the need to discuss what happened at the charity event. With Natalie, o-or with both of us."

Harry frowned softly while reaching his hand out to tuck a strand of hair behind Mia's ear, "I don't think so." He shrugged a bit, "I think we've talked about it enough. What do you think?"

Mia swallowed, "Yeah, no, me too. I just wanted you to have the opportunity to maybe... discuss it a bit more. If there were still things you wanted to mention or... get out in the open."

"Baby." Harry crooned, completely forgetting that Nat was event here, "Everything's out in the open. I told you how I felt about that night and you did the same. We... we missed each other that night. It just didn't click. And I understand, I was caught up in my emotions. We both were hurting and handled it wrong."

Mia forced a smile and then nodded, "Okay. If you're sure."

"I am. But thank you for bringing me here today and being so open." Harry cupped her cheek and Mia leaned into the touch with a small hum. Natalie observed, seeing the love radiating from the young couple in front of her.

Nat then closed her notebook, "Okay." She breathed, "I think we made good progress today, Mia. Take your time the rest of the day to relax a little bit and arrange your thoughts. I know it's been a lot." She then flicked her eyes to Harry, "And Harry... Thank you for showing up and giving this a chance. If you ever feel the need to talk to me more, you can always contact me. You two are very lucky to have found each other, I've never seen a more perfect match." She smiled.

Mia blushed and Harry had a wide grin on his face. They bid their goodbye's to Natalie and exited the office, back into the humid London air.

Harry had an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side, their strides matching up as Mia took a few deep breaths.

"Are you feeling okay, sweetheart?" Harry worriedly asked. Mia sniffled and nodded, "Yeah," She forced out before her bottom lip dangerously wobbled and Mia came to a stop on the sidewalk. Harry frowned at her sudden halt and turned to find her with tears streaming down her face. Mia trembled as Harry wrapped her up, nudging them to the side a bit so they didn't block the way for every other pedestrian."

"Mia." Harry cooed, "Hey, it's okay. It's okay. 'M right here."

"I'm sorry." She cried, burying her face in his chest. Mia wasn't even sure why she was crying. She felt overwhelmed. Today had been heavy due to the therapy. The topics she spoke about with Nat were meant to heal her, but on the day of the session she always felt like a little shadow of herself. Like talking about it sucked out all her energy. And then there was Harry, who was just so understand and lovely and Mia would never understand how she was ever this lucky to have him in her life. As a friend and as a lover.

Harry stroked her hair, keeping the other arm around her waist as he soothed her, "Don't apologize, Mi. You're okay, I've got you."

Mia sobbed, inhaling Harry's scent as the emotions of talking about her parents were let out. Harry was the best partner she could ever wish for.

"You can let it go," Harry murmured, "I'll always keep you safe, lovie. Always. I'll take care of you."

Mia slumped into him a bit, his words reassuring her. She hated leaning on him this much even if Harry kept insisting he didn't mind. She felt like a burden, but she couldn't carry this weight by herself. And Nat reassured her it was alright to ask for help, especially if it was so willingly offered to her by Harry.

She clung to him as Harry kept whispering loving things in her ear and kept her pulled to his chest. "I-I'm just –" She whimpered out and Harry hummed, "I know, angel, I know. It's all good."

He let Mia have her moment until she seemed to calm down and Harry gently pulled back, cupping her cheeks and using his thumbs to brush away any stray tears. Mia looked tired and sniffled as Harry shot her a small smile, "There you are." He whispered.

Mia let out a shaky breath and managed to shake her head even if he was holding it, "I d-"

"Deserve me." He nodded, finishing the sentence for her even if Mia was about to say the complete opposite. Harry shot her a playful smile, "True. You do deserve me."

Mia mimicked his gentle smile and sniffled again. Harry stared at her dreamily and shook his head in disbelief, "Oh, how I love you." He murmured, leaning in to bump his nose into hers. His body erupted in a wild array of butterflies and Harry could near feel himself trembling in pure delight of being around Mia.

She sighed again and tipped her head, catching him in a kiss. Harry smiled against her lips, feeling how she relaxed and melted into him, arms wrapping around his shoulders. He settled his hands on her waist to pull her in and kissed her softly. "How about we go get some pancakes? Or an iced coffee or something? Or maybe an ice cream." He suggested.

Mia looked at him warily with hesitation in her face but Harry pouted, "Please? I think it'd be good for us to be outside for a bit, walk it off."

"Okay." Mia breathed and Harry smiled, "'S a good girl." He praised, "And afterwards we can go to yours and cuddle and watch a movie."

She perked up at that prospect and her eyes immediately brightened a bit at the idea of cuddling into Harry's side later. They didn't even have to watch a movie. Maybe he could read to her from the book he was going through right now. She loved listening to his voice.

"Okay." She nodded, "But you have to let me pay for the ice cream."

"You can even pick my flavors." Harry chuckled and Mia gasped with a smile, even if her eyes were still wet with tears, "Really?!"

"Yes, you silly." Harry teased, playfully grabbing her ass until Mia squealed and they went on their way.

The rest of the afternoon was spent smiling and leaning into one another. Mia was tired and could hardly keep her eyes open after the heavy session with Natalie. When they arrived back at the apartment a bit later, they found it vacant. Hazel and Taylor were off seeing Taylor's parents. So Mia and Harry settled on the couch, with her on top of him and her face in the crook of his neck. Harry stroked his fingers over her back and kissed her forehead while soft music played and he read her out loud from the book he was reading.

Mia fell asleep in minutes, breathing peacefully into his neck, curled into him.


"How are you feeling today, Hazel?" Mia carefully asked, popping her head into Hazel's bedroom. Hazel was face down on the sheets, grumbling something.

Mia exhaled and pressed her lips together, "Can I come in?"

"Mhm." Hazel murmured.

Mia closed the door behind her, padding through Hazel's room before carefully sitting down on the edge of it. Hazel was still in her pajamas. Her hair was wilder than Mia had ever seen it before and it was proof of how Hazel had felt the past two days.

When she went to Taylor's parents while Mia was at Natalie's office, apparently they had their first fight. Hazel came back home later that night, crying uncontrollably. Harry left them alone and Mia consoled Hazel. Only late at night did Harry slip back into the apartment to sleep in Mia's bed with her.

Taylor's parents weren't as on board with Taylor being gay like Hazel's were. And during that visit, apparently Taylor acted cold and distant and her parents were super judgmental. Honestly, Mia thought Hazel would be more suited to talk to Harry about that subject since he experienced more or less the same thing with her parents.

But Hazel needed a friend, and last night while Harry had his boy's night out, they watched movies and had pizza. Mia and Hazel cuddled and she consoled her best friend, who was contemplating on whether to call Taylor or not.

And tonight was Mia's going away party. She didn't expect too much of it and it was a few hours before everyone was set to arrive. They'd eat sushi and have a few drinks and just chat and sit around. Nothing too special, just how Mia liked it.

"Have you heard from her?" Mia questioned as Hazel laid on her white sheets. She sniffled and nodded, "Mhm. She keeps texting me."

Mia eventually laid down, facing Hazel on the bed, "And you haven't responded?"

"No, not yet." Hazel whispered, "God, can we please go out tonight and get blind drunk?"

Mia's lip twitched in a small smile, "I don't think that's the solution." She murmured. Hazel dropped her eyes, knowing Mia was right. Hazel nibbled her wobbly lip, "I-I just wish... she wasn't ashamed of me."

Mia felt her own heart twisting into a knot and she took a moment to think of something to say to Hazel until she took a breath, "Do you know Harry always tells me he thinks you and Taylor resemble me and him?"

Hazel flicked up her teary eyes, "Yeah?"

"Mhm." Mia nodded, "Taylor is me and you are Harry. And when me and Harry were together for a few months, we had a similar fight. You remember, right?"

"Of course." Hazel sighed, "But that was different."

"Maybe a little," Mia shrugged, "But I think some aspects of it are similar. I think... I think Taylor is a lot like me. Natalie taught me that I hold things in, and I think she does too. She's a little quiet and maybe she's afraid. Afraid of losing her parents but also afraid of losing you."

Hazel's lip wobbled more as tears leaked from her eyes. Mia scooted a little closer, "Hazel..." She cooed, "you helped me so much that day. You called Harry and you told him to come here and see me."

Her friend sniffled and nodded, "Mhm."

"Well, would you like me to do the same thing? I could call Taylor and talk to her. Listen to her. I could explain how you feel. If you want me to." Mia suggested softly. Hazel cried a little more and tucked her head into her duvet before she nodded, "Yes, please."

"Okay." Mia murmured, "Okay. I'll go call her."

"Okay." Hazel squeaked before she sobbed. Mia scooted closer for a minute to hug Hazel, wrapping her up in the bed and running her fingers through her white, unruly curls. After Hazel seemingly calmed down a bit, Mia settled on the couch with a cup of tea and her phone in hand. She hated to say she felt a bit anxious about calling Taylor. Mia had never been the meddler and she wasn't the most social person – to say the least. Her and Taylor got along but also weren't incredibly close. With her lip between her teeth, she dialed Taylor's number, who picked up after the second ring.

"Mia?" She asked softly.

Mia cleared her throat, "Hi, it's me." She stupidly said. Taylor stayed quiet and Mia casted her eyes down, "I'm – uh... I'm calling you b-"

"Did Hazel ask you to call me?"

"No." Mia breathed, "She didn't. It was my idea. She does know I'm calling you right now. I just... I guess I just wanted to hear how you were doing."

Taylor shakily exhaled, "Is she... is she mad at me?" Her voice sounded small.

"She's not mad at you." Mia softly spoke, "I think she's confused. But she misses you."

"S-She hasn't responded to any of my texts."

"I don't think she knows very well what to say." Mia admitted in a sigh, "Do you think you could come over here? Hazel's... crying in her bed."

"Oh my god." Taylor sniffled, "My parents were so awful to her, Mia... They're still coming to terms with the fact that I'm into girls and they still think it's just a phase. It's so infuriating. I-I just wanted to share my girlfriend and introduce her and they made it so difficult."

"I get it." Mia nodded, "Trust me, I really do. It's very hard to feel unsupported by the people who are supposed to mean so much to you. I guess we just always want them to support our happiness and to just wish us the best."

Taylor breathed shakily, "Exactly."

The two were in silence for a bit and Mia nibbled her lip, "You know... my parents disapprove of Harry."

Taylor of course knew this already, and she exhaled, "Yes."

"And... Well – it all exploded one night. They made me feel small and insignificant, and I was ashamed to bring Harry there. I-I knew how they'd be but I somehow hoped they could see the happiness in my face. I hoped they could see how in love we were and how serious we are about one another. I hoped they could see through his... exterior. Even if there's nothing wrong with his exterior. I just hoped they could be happy for me. And they couldn't be." Mia quickly summarized that dreadful night even if she was sure Taylor knew that all from Hazel.

Taylor didn't say anything but just listened and Mia took a breath, "You know who helped me when all that happened?"

Mia listened carefully as Taylor exhaled a sharp breath, "Hazel." She answered her question in a small voice and Mia nodded, "Exactly."

Taylor swallowed thickly, "I-I don't know, Mia."

"I can guarantee you she's... the most understanding person." Mia softly smiled, "I don't think I have to convince you of that." She added in a small chuckle, "But Hazel... she loves you so much. And she misses you like crazy."


"I know she's not responding to you right now, but I think she's just... she really wants to see you. This is something you should talk through face-to-face." Mia tried.

Taylor hesitated for a moment, "Now?"

Mia rolled her lips inside her mouth, "I think that's something for you to decide."

"I'm on my way."

Mia's heart skipped a beat and she smiled widely, "Really? O-Okay, I'll let you up when you get here."

Even if her best friend and her girlfriend were fighting, Mia felt stupidly giddy for making something like this happen. Hazel had supported her so much through Mia's rough patch with Harry. Hazel was everything to her, and her best friend. And Mia would love to just do something back for her.

In the wait for Taylor, Mia tidied up the living room and kitchen a little bit. Hazel had stocked up for tonight's little get together but Mia still wanted everything to be spotless and clean. Besides, she felt anxious about these people showing up for her and it brought too much pressure – so she cleaned to ease her nerves.

Taylor came by about fifteen minutes later, and Mia gave her a small hug before she let her go into Hazel's bedroom. She didn't hear shouting, but she heard murmuring voices as she pressed her ear to the door for a bit and then padded back into the living room to continue cleaning.

She smiled at the text from Harry – who responded after she updated him on the situation.

Message from: H. Love love love <3

So proud of you, lovie, Xx. You did so good. Hazel's lucky to have a friend like you xxx. Are you excited for tonight? <3 miss you and love you baby.

Mia giggled at the message and Harry's excessive use of x's and heart emojis. He even changed his own name in her phone to something sickeningly clingy. Mia loved it though, and she kept it even if it made Hazel gag the first time she saw it.

She typed a message back to Harry.

Message to: H. Love love love <3

Thank you, Harry <3. Love and miss you too. How's the hangover? Do you need something to eat or drink? I could drop by :))). Let me know!! A little nervous about tonight. What should I wear? Xxxx

Mia tucked her phone away again while standing in front of her closet, trying to pick out an outfit. It wasn't one of her forte's, and she actually usually had help from either Hazel or Harry when picking out a fit for a party. It was warm today, and so Mia opted for something of a skirt or a dress. She had a cute jean skirt which was just a tad too short to wear to school – but was perfect for a summery evening with friends.

She shot Harry a picture of it as she wore it in the mirror, and he sent back an array of heart-eyed emojis and pink hearts. Mia blushed and giggled, but locked her phone when she heard Hazel's bedroom door opening.

Mia poked her head out to see Hazel exiting, wiping underneath her eyes but a tired smile on her lips.

"Hazel?" Mia checked.

"Oh – hey." Hazel chuckled, her voice sounding raspy. Her eyes were heavy and she ran a hand through her hair. Mia opened her door a bit wider, "How are you feeling?"

"Good." Hazel sighed, "We – uh... yeah, we made up." She shot Mia a tired smile and then pulled her in for a hug, "Thank you for calling her."

Mia hugged her back, "Oh, that's fine. You'd do the same for me. And you have, before. I'm glad you guys are okay now."

"Mhm." Hazel smiled, "I'm going to freshen up a bit and we're going to take a little nap together. Then I'm going to get ready for the party and Taylor's gonna go home to change into different clothes." She yawned.

Mia slowly nodded, "Okay. Hey, if it's inconvenient and you'd rather do the party another day... that's fine too."

"Are you kidding?" Hazel frowned, "Of course not! This is your last week here and I want to spend it with you." She softly patted Mia's shoulder, "And I know the others do too."

"Yeah?" Mia felt giddy upon hearing that and Hazel nodded while heading towards the bathroom, "Yeah, Lynn's been asking about you." She shrugged.

Mia immediately felt hot. Lynn – who flirted a little with her before Mia and Harry took their trip. Lynn, who was insanely beautiful and made Mia's thighs quiver. Mia knew she'd be here tonight, but it's like she hadn't realized how nervous she felt about that until Hazel just mentioned it.

She hadn't spoken much more to Harry about it. It didn't necessarily make Mia nervous, the fact that she felt attraction to a beautiful girl. And luckily, it also didn't make Harry nervous. They were solid enough and knew they only loved each other. This was a little crush, and Harry didn't condemn Mia for it.

As Mia kept brooding over her outfit – eventually picking out a tight, long sleeved shirt with a rather low cut. It was daring, and she blushed when looking at herself. Exposed legs with a little tan due to her trip with Harry, and then a skintight shirt that showed off her collarbones and a bit of cleavage.

She didn't mind the long sleeves, knowing it was a thin fabric and temperatures dropped in the evening. Furthermore, Mia wouldn't dare also baring her shoulders when she was already in such an outfit. She put on white socks and sneakers before running her fingers through her long, dark brown locks. Her fringe had grown out a bit and she tucked a strand behind her ear only for it to flop right back.

She applied a light layer of make-up and then once Hazel was out of the shower and feeling fresh, they decorated together a little bit. They hung up flags and some balloons and Mia nibbled her lip, "Hazel, isn't this like... I mean – I don't know. It's not my birthday or anything."

"Mia," Hazel smoothed out her dress, "it's a party." She shot her friend a look, "And we should decorate. Even though it's nothing to celebrate, you leaving me." She pouted and Mia chuckled, "Only two floors up, Hazel." She reminded her friend.

Hazel groaned and continued pouting, "I know. But it's going to be different."

Mia already felt the lump in her throat as she sat down on the couch with Hazel. They were having some tea before people started arriving and Mia tucked her leg underneath her other one. Hazel glanced over her outfit, "Did you pick this outfit?" She asked. Mia blushed and nodded and Hazel grinned, "It's very pretty. And very you. Do you feel comfortable?"

"I do." Mia breathed, "It's not too – uh... naked?" She gestured to her chest and Hazel burst out laughing, "Definitely not. Show off your assets." She simply shrugged, "Harry's coming by later, isn't he?"

Mia involuntary smiled and nodded, "Mhm. At like... eleven or something. I don't know. He's a bit hungover."

"I bet his hangover will be gone once he sees you." Hazel teased. Mia blushed and giggled, feeling the tingle in her fingers when thinking of Harry and how she already missed him. "He had his party last night." Mia explained and Hazel hummed, "How'd that go?"

"Good, I think. He texted me a bit throughout it. Said they were bowling and playing arcade games. It was fun." Mia shrugged. Hazel smiled softly and then shook her head in disbelief,0 "I still remember you telling me he was one of your therapy students. I can't believe you two are going to live together."

Mia grinned, "I know."

"You are soooo going to get pregnant." Hazel teased. Mia's eyes widened, "Hazel!" She laughed.

"What!" Hazel laughed along, "It's true! You two screw like bunnies and ever since you ditched the condoms it's like he's ten times louder."

"Oh my god." Mia buried her face in her hands as she deeply blushed and Hazel giggled, "I really thought the insane sex was just a phase but I guess not."

Mia groaned in misery, "Stop."

"Sorry." Hazel chuckled before clearing her throat, "Have you – uh... gone down on him since that one time?"

Mia avoided Hazel's eyes and inspected her nails instead, "Yeah, like... once. I don't know."

She cocked up an eyebrow and Mia nibbled her lip, exhaling, "I just... Ugh."

Hazel snorted, "Mia, tell me."

"I want to like..." Mia threw her head back with a frustrated groan, pressing her lip together, "I want to look at him."

Hazel frowned, "What?"

"Like..." Mia turned redder, "at his... penis." She whispered almost, her voice cracking in sheer embarrassment. Hazel pressed her lips together but burst out into a cackle. Mia closed her eyes as she tried to hide herself and Hazel laughed, shaking in giggles until she shook her head, "I'm sorry."

Mia just hummed and Hazel cleared her throat, "You want to look at his penis?"

"Yeah." Mia breathed, "Like, I want to take my time? And... explore. And just... like imagine if he was asleep or something and I had all the time in the world to just study him."

"Don't do that when he's asleep." Hazel frowned and Mia rolled her eyes, "No, I know, I just mean – like uninterrupted."

Hazel tilted her head to the side, "Why?"

"Because he's pretty." Mia shrugged and Hazel gagged, "Mia – what the fuck."

It was Mia's turn to snort as Hazel shuddered in disgust, "Did you just call Harry's dick pretty?"

"Oh, hush." Mia chuckled. Hazel took a breath, "Well, just ask him? He's been a dream so far in communicating with you about anything sexual. Seriously, you guys are such an example."

Mia softly smiled and leaned her head on the back of the couch, "He's so dreamy, Hazel." Mia sighed and Hazel chuckled, "I can see that when you look at him."

"Hm." Mia smiled, "I just love him so much. I want to like..." She giddily kicked her feet as she couldn't voice how happy she felt with Harry, "And then we went to see Nat this week and he's just so patient and understanding and... like everything I could've ever dreamed of. I didn't think this existed."

"Me neither." Hazel admitted, "Until I saw you two."

Mia's cheeks hurt from smiling until she faced her friend. Hazel smiled too but it faltered a bit. She placed her hand on Mia's wrist, "Promise me we'll still gossip about boys together when you move out." She rushed out.

Mia's smile dropped and she slightly frowned, "Hazel, of course."

"I'm going to miss you so much." Hazel breathed and they fell into another hug. Mia's stomach dropped and she closed her eyes, hugging Hazel tight. Mia sniffled softly as emotions took over, "I wonder what Renan is going to make of my room."

"Oh, it'll be unrecognizable." Hazel chuckled as they broke apart again. She reached for her tea, "The same way his hair colour changes every three months, he's too indecisive to set on a style. So it's a mix of everything and he's got so much clutter. He's really disorganized."

"I could still help clean here." Mia shrugged and Hazel rolled her eyes, "Mia, stop. It's time to put my big girl pants on and clean my own space."

Mia smiled and Hazel pouted again, "Who's going to bring me freshly cut fruit and toast in the mornings? Or flowers on Sunday?"

"Taylor can do that." Mia smiled, "And I'll still bring you fruit and toasts during finals."

"We can still study together, right? I need you as my study buddy. I swear, Renan gets nothing done." Hazel chuckled.

Mia nodded, "Of course. Gladly."

"You, me and Harry are kind of our little study club. Me third wheeling."

"You're never the third wheel." Mia giggled.

A few moments later, people started arriving. Renan brought a bottle of booze, Cassie brought flowers and Lynn brought her presence. Taylor came back too, and the six of them sat around the coffee table with a drink. Mia sat on the carpet, modestly tucking her legs underneath her as she tried not to blush every time Lynn spoke to her.

She struck up a conversation with Cassie, who had yet another very dramatic story to tell about their psychotic roommate who was still staying with them next year.

When Cassie got up to refill her drink, Mia glanced to her side to see Lynn scooting closer to her.

"Hey." Lynn smiled, bumping her shoulder into Mia's. Her heavy perfume entered Mia's nose, and she saw the sharp eyeliner on top of Lynn's eyelid. She flashed her teeth and Mia's eyes widened when she saw the piercing through her frenum – the piece of skin between her top lip and her front teeth.

"Oh my gosh!" Mia gasped with a smile. Lynn threw her jet black hair back with a laugh, showing off pearly white teeth and sparkling light eyes. She bit her lip while smiling, "You like it?"

"I love it." Mia scooted closer, eyes zeroing in on the new piercing, "Did it hurt?"

"It was okay." Lynn shrugged, "Actually, piercings and tattoos in the mouth heal super quick because saliva is disinfecting and healing."

Mia softly nodded at the information, "That's so cool."

"And it's actually a very thin piece of skin." Lynn continued, "So it was fine! Did it on a whim."

Mia twirled a strand of hair around her finger, "That's so cool. I-I could never be that spontaneous."

"Well, didn't you get that one on a whim?" Lynn pointed to Mia's ear, the bumblebee stud shining in the dim light of the standing lamp behind them. Mia blushed and smiled, looking down, "Oh – yeah, but that's just in my ear. Nothing special."

Lynn pouted in disagreement and Mia's heart skipped a beat before she cleared her throat, "So – uh... how's your tattoo healed since last time I saw you?"

"Really well." Lynn showed her arm, "I do need a touch-up, I might go in next week or something. Needs a bit more shading here," She pointed a black manicured nail to a bit of the swirly tattoo on her arm, "or what do you think?"

"Mhm, I think that would look cool." Mia nodded, "I mean – I think you know best." She shrugged, "I don't know much about tattoos."

Lynn smiled, "But you said you liked this one, hm?"

"I do." Mia beamed, gazing at the intricate tattoo on Lynn's arm, "It looks like smoke."

"That was the entire meaning!" Lynn exclaimed excitedly and both burst out into a laugh. Mia held her shudder under control when Lynn placed a hand on her bare thigh before removing it again once their laughter died down, "So are you excited to move?" Lynn asked, taking her drink.

Her glossy lips folded around the straw of her cocktail, and Mia suspected it was the same as she was having, except that it had alcohol in it. Mia leaned back on one arm and brushed her hair back, blushing when she shortly noticed how Lynn glanced at her cleavage, "I am." Mia nodded, "I mean, it's... yeah. I'm going to miss Hazel like crazy, but I'm so excited to live with Harry."

"I can imagine." Lynn smiled, "You guys are so cute together. Everyone wants what you have."

Mia chuckled, "We might be young but... I mean – if things hadn't gone bad with my parents, we probably wouldn't live together yet. But I was of course in a..." Mia bit her lip and avoided Lynn's eyes as she opened up, "a precarious financial situation," she voiced it carefully, "so it just made sense."

Lynn quickly nodded, "Of course. Mia, I promise, plenty of couples move in together for financial reasons. And it doesn't matter that you're young. I suppose it just means more time together with your soulmate, right?"

"That's how Harry says it too." Mia smiled, "Oh – hey, did you know we're going to get a cat?"

"No way!" Lynn's eyes widened, "That's so sweet, oh my god."

Mia giggled, "I know, I can't wait. I love cats."

"Me too, way cuter than dogs." Lynn agreed and Mia took a sip of her drink, "I love dogs too, but cats are nicer when you have an apartment and they're a bit easier to maintain."

"Right." Lynn nodded, "A dog is more like... having a baby, I think. A cat can be left alone for a bit."

"Exactly." Mia nodded, "We're probably going to look for one in a week or two, right before school." Mia explained. They continued chattering, and even when Lynn got up to fetch them fresh drinks, she sat down next to Mia again. All throughout dinner she kept sitting next to her. They were sucked into conversations with other people but always ended up giggling and talking to one another.

Lynn showed Mia how to eat with chopsticks and clapped excitedly when she got it, making Mia blush in pride as she successfully popped a piece of sushi in her mouth.

Mia felt light and warm when Harry arrived. He spotted her when he used his key to walk in, everyone else in the room blurring into blobs but Mia. Her smile was wide and bright, and her eyes twinkled in happiness. Harry couldn't help but mirror her smile.

"Hi, lovie." He crooned, ignoring everyone else when he crouched down where she was sitting to cup her chin and pull her in for a kiss. He then placed his hand on Lynn's shoulder and gave her a smile, "Hey, good to see you again."

"Yeah, you too." Lynn smiled back. Harry went around the room, greeting everyone. People made room for him so he could sit next to Mia, and once he had grabbed himself a beer he went to sit cross-legged on the carpet next to her.

He wrapped an arm around Mia's form, "Are you having fun? Y'look so pretty, my sweetheart." He softly spoke, only for her to hear.

Mia blushed a little and leaned into his side, "Hi, H." She dreamily spoke, nuzzling her nose into his jaw, "It's fun so far, and thank you. You look so handsome too."

Harry's heart fluttered and he squeezed her hip, "Did you have sushi?"

"Mhm. Do you want some? We have some left, I think."

"Maybe later, I'm good now." Harry smiled. He was quickly in conversation with Taylor, who he bonded with easily. Taylor was easy to talk to, and apparently something had happened with her parents and Hazel.

Taylor explained how Mia opened up a bit about the entire subject of her parents and what happened with Harry – and Harry and Taylor shared their experiences. He heard Mia laughing constantly from next to him. Their fingers were toying together as they were both in their own conversation, but Mia was clearly having a great time with Lynn.

Whenever he glanced to the side, he saw Lynn staring at Mia with a soft smile. She played with her straw, or her hair and it was so obvious to Harry that she was flirting.

The hours progressed and Mia leaned into Harry further. His fingers traced her thigh to let her know he was here and he was with her. Mia drank her pink drink as Harry grabbed another beer, and when midnight had passed and plans were made to perhaps go to a bar, Harry and Mia decided to stay home.

"D'you want anything, baby?" Harry checked, pushing himself up his feet to head into the kitchen. Mia glanced at him, "Oh – wait, I'll go with you." She smiled. Harry grabbed her hand and pulled her up, and Mia and him headed into the kitchen to check out the fridge.

"Are you sick of your pink drinks?" He checked, taking another beer for himself.

"Yeah, I'm a bit thirsty. I might just take a soda." She shrugged.

Harry wrapped his arms around Mia now that they were in the kitchen. He kissed the back of her head, "Lovie, I missed you." He whispered.

Mia smiled and turned around, locking her arms around his neck and pushing up her toes. She kissed him with a smile, "I missed you too, H."

"Are you having fun? You look happy." Harry smiled.

Mia exhaled, "I am." She dreamily stared up at him. Harry patted her ass softly, "Lynn's been flirting with you."

She blushed immediately and shook her head, "She hasn't." Mia dismissed quickly. Harry chuckled, "It's okay, sweetheart. I think it's cute. You have a little crush on her and I think it's the other way around too."

Mia opened her mouth but closed it again, looking over her shoulder when the music suddenly got turned up and it was too loud for her and Harry to have a conversation.

Harry chuckled, "Hazel's dancing on the table."

"Oh my god." Mia laughed. Harry squeezed her hand gently, "Talk in your room for a bit? Just a few minutes." He pouted. Mia smiled as he desperately wanted a few minutes with her. She stared into his green eyes and immediately gave in, "Of course."

Harry tugged her hand and pulled her into her bedroom where the noise of the music quickly died down. They heard Hazel and Renan singing along to some old Britney Spears-song and Mia and Harry both sat down on the edge of the bed. He immediately dipped his head to press a kiss to her neck, "Hi." He murmured, voice muffled into her skin. Mia giggled as he slightly tickled her, "Hi, Harry."

"Missed you." He repeated, keeping his arms tightly around her form and near pulling her on his lap. Mia ran her fingers through his hair and gently cupped his jaw, "I missed you too."

"We were talking about Lynn before." Harry smiled and Mia blushed again, "No, it's fine."

"Mia." Harry laughed, "Look, it's okay, y'know? I don't mind. It's actually s-" He got cut off when there was a knock on the door. Both Mia and Harry flicked their eyes to the door as it carefully opened, revealing Lynn who popped her head in.

She shot Harry and Mia a small smile, "Hi. I was wondering where you two went off to, but I'll leave you guys to it."

"Lynn, wait." Harry kept her from closing the door and Lynn raised her brows, "Hm?"

"Come in for a bit." Harry urged her into Mia's bedroom. As Lynn came in, she glanced around the space, "Wow, you packed so much already." Lynn spoke.

She wore a skirt like Mia, but hers was leather and tight whereas Mia's was more innocent and in jeans. Mia held her breath, blinking at Harry, who shot Lynn a warm smile. Him and Lynn shared some sort of look and Harry cleared his throat, "Noticed you've been talking to Mia a lot."

Lynn chuckled as she sat down on Mia's other side on the edge of the bed, "Are you jealous?" She teased and Harry smirked, "Should I be?"

"I don't know," Lynn smirked back before flicking her eyes to Mia, "what do you think, Mia?"

Mia turned pink as she stared at Lynn and then back at Harry, "I-I d- uh... I don't know." She stuttered. Harry smiled and gave her thigh a gentle squeeze. He dipped his head to kiss Mia's shoulder and kept his gaze on Lynn, "Do you think she's pretty?"

"Gorgeous." Lynn smiled. Harry hummed, "And you, baby? What do you think of Lynn?"

Mia turned redder and stared at Harry, "What?" She squeaked.

"What do you think of Lynn?" He repeated. Mia swallowed as it felt like her worst nightmare was coming true. Her heart slammed in her chest as her eyes rounded. Harry gave her an encouraging nod, "Go on."

Mia took a moment before swallowing again, "S-She's pretty." She whispered.

"You think I'm pretty?" Lynn asked from behind her. Mia turned to face Lynn with sploshes of red on her cheeks, shortly nodding, "Uh-huh."

"Mia..." She cooed, lifting her hand to tuck a strand of Mia's hair behind her ear, "You absolute angel."

Mia blushed and bit her lip as she smiled, "Oh. Thank you."

Lynn and Harry shared another look and Lynn licked her lip, scooting a bit closer to Mia until their thighs touched. Mia felt the zap of electricity as Lynn was close to her. Lynn kept playing with the ends of Mia's hair and batted her lashes, "You smell really good, too."

"T-Thank you." Mia whispered. Lynn slowly, slowly leaned in and dipped her head and Mia held her breath. She couldn't even blink when she felt Lynn's lips on her throat. Lynn brushed her lips over Mia's skin and hummed softly, pressing a featherlight kiss to her neck.

Mia exhaled sharply and Harry's hand gently squeezed the inside of her thigh, "Don't mind me." He whispered in her ear. He kissed her shoulder again and Mia swallowed, leaning back into him a little bit. It tilted her head back for Lynn to have more access.

Lynn sponged small kisses up Mia's throat, and Mia hardly knew what was happening. She felt Lynn's hand on her thigh too, and Harry kissed her shoulder repeatedly. It was surreal having both people kissing her neck. Harry's lovely signature aftershave mixed with Lynn's heavy perfume and Mia's eyes fluttered when Lynn softly licked over her pulse point.

The way Mia shakily exhaled was proof for Lynn that it was her soft spot, and she hummed again before applying a bit more pressure.

"You like it?" Harry whispered in Mia's ear, brushing his nose over the shell of her ear. Mia couldn't think straight but managed a nod, "Uh-h-huh." She breathed.

"Good girl." He murmured, brushing his fingers through her hair. Lynn eventually pulled back, a small smile on her lips and Mia blinked a few times, "Y-You have soft lips." She mumbled.

"I do?" Lynn smiled and Mia exhaled, nodding. Harry kissed the back of her neck, "Do you want to give her a little kiss, baby?"

Mia felt like she was dreaming. Lynn shot her a smile and bit her lip, showing off her piercing again and Mia's eyes dropped. She shortly nodded and Lynn giggled, "Yeah?"

"Mhm." Mia blushed. Harry gave her thigh an encouraging squeeze, and he watched as Lynn cupped her chin and leaned in. Mia's eyes fluttered when Lynn's lips landed on hers. Mia tensed in surprise, feeling someone's else's lips for the very first time.

She had only kissed one person and it was Harry, who was curiously looking at his girlfriend kissing another girl. He kissed her neck and Mia's shoulders dropped, and Harry's eyes felt heavy when he saw her lips locked with Lynn's. His pants tightened at the sight, and his fingers crept under the hem of her skirt.

Mia's eyes were limply by her side while Lynn kissed her.

Soft, at first. Tentative. And then Mia felt her tongue. Lynn swiped her tongue over her bottom lip, and Mia opened on instinct. Harry groaned softly, watching as Mia's jaw opened just a smidge and Lynn's tongue slipped into her mouth.

She held Mia in place with the hold on her chin, and they slowly kissed. Mia leaned into Lynn further, melting completely as heat pooled between her thighs. She felt Harry's presence behind her clearly, his hand on her thigh warm and his lips soft on her skin.

Their tongues tangled together, and Lynn tasted sweet like the drink she had all night. Mia kissed her back, her brain spinning and her fingers tightening on the duvet beneath her hands. Lynn licked the roof of her mouth, her tongue skilled and gentle. She kissed differently than Harry. A lot less dominant and a lot softer.

And then Mia pulled back for air. They separated with a little smack and Mia opened her eyes wide. Lynn had a much more relaxed look on her face, and she leaned in again but Mia moved back an inch. Both Lynn and Harry noticed and Lynn licked her lip with a smile, "You're a good kisser." She whispered.

"You too." Mia croaked out, feeling her heart in her throat. Harry smiled from behind her and Lynn glanced at him, "I'm going to head back out there." She placed a delicate hand on her knee, "I'll see you two in a bit."

Mia hardly knew what happened in the past ten minutes until Lynn was out of the room and she felt Harry's hand on her jaw, turning her face back around and crashing his lips on hers. Mia was catapulted back to her life when she kissed Harry.

She soared high when he guided her through the kiss and she couldn't help but smile at the comfort and familiarity. She relaxed and Harry smiled when they separated, "Do you feel okay?"

"I do." Mia nodded, "Thank you."

"I love you, lovie."

She nuzzled her nose with his, "I love you too."

The party only continued for about thirty minutes. Harry kept close to Mia, teasing her with small touches and little kisses as everyone got ready to go to a bar. Only Mia and Harry stayed here, and with the heat between her legs – Mia near wished she could shove Hazel out of the door.

The second the front door closed, Mia even forgot about the dirty glasses and the decorations that were still up. Harry smirked when Mia pulled her back into her bedroom once they were on their own.

"I want you." Mia whispered, gazing up at Harry through her lashes. Harry swallowed when he saw the look in her eyes. His vision dropped lower, seeing the low cut of her top and the beautiful shape of her chest. He immediately felt his muscles tensing at the smallest view of her bare skin. He knew by memory what she looked like, he knew every detail of her. Yet every time he laid eyes on her it was like the first time. His finger traced the neckline, "Yeah?" He rasped, "And how do you want me?" It didn't exactly surprise Harry that Mia felt needy after that kiss with Lynn.

It was always a bit of a risk, handing Mia the reigns like this. Harry was never sure which Mia he'd get and how she'd want it. It was still a little bit of trial and error sometimes. She liked it soft and rough at the same time and they tried to communicate as best as they could.

Mia's cheeks turned pink when she hardly knew what to say and Harry puckered his lips, cupping her jaw gently, "Do you want me to make love to you?" He checked, "or do you want me to fuck you?"

It was making love or fucking.

It was him being called Harry or daddy.

It was him calling her his sweetheart or a little slut.

It was taking her in loving missionary or fucking her from behind until she near passed out.

It was making her lightly whimper or gagging her with a pillow to keep her pleasured screams down.

It was gentle kisses or spitting on her tongue.

It was stroking her hair or pulling it.

Her knee buckled and Harry smirked when he felt it, Mia losing her balance just a little bit. His heartbeat sped up in anticipation. He loved taking the upper hand. He also loved giving Mia the upper hand. Their dynamic was easy and they could both switch like night and day. They kept each other on their toes constantly in bed.

Their lips hovered over one another but Mia couldn't reach him, feeling the saliva pooling on her tongue with how desperate she was feeling. She inhaled him, "I want my daddy." She whispered out, hardly audible. Her cheeks flamed a deep red at her own words, but Mia felt the throb between her thighs and she knew she was so needy she couldn't even feel embarrassed.

"Fuck, baby." Harry lowly groaned, taking a step closer to her until he pinned Mia against the wall. Harry swallowed again, trying to contain himself when she so sinfully begged for him like this. "You do?"

"Uh-huh." Mia panted. Harry hummed, "So you kissed a pretty girl and now you're all wet, is that it?"

She didn't respond and he didn't necessarily expect her to, "You need me rough? Want me to take care of you until you can't think straight and you can't speak?"

"Yes." Mia choked out and Harry smirked, "Angel..." He crooned, "you're so good to me. I'd hate to punish you when you've done nothing wrong."

Mia whimpered with a pout, her fingers desperately clawing at his shirt to pull him closer. She stood up her toes to try and reach his lips, but Harry teased and pulled back. Her eyes were dazed and he cocked up an eyebrow, "You're my girl," he cooed, "it's my job to keep you happy, isn't it?"

Mia pressed her lips together, intently listening to him while her entire body was trembling in anticipation. Harry studied her and tilted his head to the side, "Unless it'd make you happy if I pulled you over my lap and spanked you for kissing someone else." He murmured, seizing Mia's reaction.

She breathed out shakily and swallowed. Harry had spanked her a little during sex before. Just the one slap every once in a while. It usually caught her off guard and she always squeaked from the sting, but Mia couldn't really decide if it hurt or not.

Harry saw the curiosity in her eyes and smirked again. He kept her close, one of his hands cupping her jaw as he nuzzled his nose with hers slowly, "Dirty little angel." He whispered, "Always turn into a minx when I get you in a bedroom."

He pressed his thigh between her legs, keeping Mia still and pushed up just like he wanted her to. His eyes dropped back to her cleavage, seeing her tits pressed together with the way her arms were by her side. He puckered his lips and studied her breasts in the tight top. Mia fought for air, his gaze on her just so heavy.

The hand he had on her jaw slipped down, fingers tracing her collarbone. Goosebumps rose over Mia's skin and Harry hungrily licked his lip, "You're so pretty, sweet Mi. Want to fuckin'..." Harry sighed, shaking his head before he dipped his face and kissed below her ear. His tongue traced her neck, "eat you up." He murmured, "Taste you... all the time. So fucking delicious. Sweet little pussy all wet for me." He cooed.

Mia grew restless, her body shivering as Harry nipped her collarbone and then kissed higher again. He refused to kiss her on the lips, even though Mia felt like she was starving for a kiss. Harry hovered his warm, pink lips over hers, "Do you love me?" He whispered.

Mia nodded before his sentence was even over, "Yes." She rasped, "S-So much."

"Really?" Harry faked his surprise and he brushed his nose over her cheekbone, "What do you love most about me, baby?"

Mia focused on swallowing as she searched for words even if her brain felt mushy, "Everything." She exhaled, "Everything, I love everything about you."

Harry's hands slipped down to her ass, palming her flesh in his large palms. He felt the fabric of her jean skirt, hiking it up slowly, "I know." He murmured, suddenly digging his nails into her ass to make Mia gasp, "But I asked you what you love most." His voice took a stern tone and Mia's eyes rounded, glazing over in lust as she tried to keep her breathing under control.

"Your face." She whispered, "Y-Your eyes." Mia swallowed through her stuttering, "Your nose ring."

Harry smiled softly at her genuine compliments, and his body warmed from the obvious love radiating from her. He hummed, "Sweet angel." He whispered. He kissed the stud in her ear, a memory of the beginning of their relationship. His nose brushed her jaw, and Mia continued after swallowing, "Your tattoos. Y-Your muscles. You arms always keep me warm."

He smiled in delight while kissing her jaw, "Do you like my tongue?"

Mia whimpered and he smirked, pressing his lips to her neck, "Tell me, Mia."

His hands were now underneath her skirt, roaming her hips and feeling how she twitched and shuddered. Harry was hard in his shorts, rubbing up into Mia's thigh for sweet relief.

"Uh-h-huh." Mia forced out.

"In your mouth or in your pussy?" Harry whispered, lips hovering hers again.

Mia near felt tears in her eyes from the tension between them. Her cheeks turned pink from Harry's crude message and she panted out, "Both." She choked out.

Harry watched with amused eyes how she struggled. He had her in the palm of his hand. He hummed, "I know, baby. You like it when we kiss." He brushed his lips over hers and Mia near fainted. His lips were warm and soft and hers tingled in response. Mia was in no fit state to speak so Harry continued, "You like it when I wake you up, kissing your neck and your chest. Makes you shudder." He ran his nose over her temple, "Also makes you wet." He whispered.

Mia could hardly feel her legs as she let Harry consume her. He kissed her forehead gently, "You also love it when I have my tongue between your legs, hm? Good thing that it's my favorite thing to do, too. Getting you off with my mouth." He spoke softly, "Taste so sweet, baby. Could never get enough. So soft and warm."

Harry rutted his hips forward when clear memories entered his brain. He ate Mia out a lot. Like... a lot. He had a brief chat about it with his friends without giving any specifics, but he did learn that most men were not too keen on giving oral pleasure to their partners. Harry was obsessed with it. He wasn't sure why.

Maybe because it was the first thing they did as a couple and he would forever associate it with Mia and the start of their relationship. Or maybe because she tasted so sweet, resembling her soft and gentle personality. Or maybe because it made her gasp and stutter out little cries as she convulsed and clenched around his tongue. She came hardest from his fingers, but she came most intensely from his tongue. She was always out of it afterwards.

Harry exhaled shakily when he felt the heat radiating from her core to his thigh, and he made quick work of pushing his loose shorts down just a bit to free his rock hard cock. Angling his erection down, he quickly pushed it between her legs to grind against her panties.

Mia mewled in sensitivity. Even with the barrier of her underwear, she could feel the wetness and warmth of Harry's cock so easily. He dropped his face into her neck with a groan, gripping her ass cheeks as he grinded between her thighs. "Fuck – Mia." He gasped, his composure faltering a bit as he needed her so bad.

"Can't wait to be inside you." He whispered, pressing wet kisses to her neck, "Make you squirt over my dick when I'm so deep inside you, hm? Fuck you bare until putting a baby in you."

A stray tear leaked from Mia's eye as she squeezed her lids shut and moaned out, her head tipping back. Her arms were immobilized by her side and her hands balled into fists. Harry felt the way her thighs quivered from his words and his eyes fluttered when he kept his orgasm at bay, "You wanna be my little slut so bad." He spurred her on, "A little slut with a pussy full of cum, hm?"

"Harry – " Mia slurred, her knees buckling but he easily held her up. The tip of his cock nudged her opening through her panties and he slid back until pressing his shaft into her covered clit. She was slick and creamy from his words and the neck kisses, and he knew he could slip right inside of her without any physical foreplay if he wanted to.

He kept her pressed up against the wall and kissed her chin, "You're gonna cum like this." He spoke, "You're gonna cum with all your clothes on without me even touching you." He sounded degrading and Mia absolutely loved it. Her cheeks flushed in a mix of embarrassment and complete lust for him and Harry saw her dilated pupils and the sweat pearling at her hairline.

"Such a dirty girl, Mia." He taunted, "A little cumslut for daddy."

Mia gasped sharply when he grinded his hips and she came apart. Her arousal ruined her lace knickers, Harry's dick twitching against her overstimulated nerves as Mia slumped and shuddered. Her lips opened in a gape, and Harry smirked at the way her eyes rolled back and she looked so beautiful and sexy when she finished. All from him.

"Good girl." He whispered, "Oh my god, so sexy, Mi." He kissed her jaw a few times, "So fucking sexy when you cum for daddy."

Mia hardly heard him, her pussy pulsing in powerful waves from an orgasm that only felt half satisfying. Her brain felt thick and her throat felt tight and Mia whimpered out as her nails dug into her own palms and Harry coaxed her through her high.

"Sweet girl," Harry crooned, "doing so good. Y'look so pretty."

"Daddy..." Mia cried out, frustration taking over. The dull throb between her legs was hardly soothed and she uneasily shifted on her legs. Harry smirked, "Hm, baby?"

"I –" Mia panted out and swallowed, licking her lips, "w-want more."

"Yeah? Are you being a greedy little slut today?"

"Kiss me." She whined, "Please."

Harry kneaded her ass, still grinding between her legs, "No begging." He shook his head, "Not yet." He pushed his lips on hers and Mia shakily moaned, finally feeling him kiss her. His tongue slipped between her lips easily, roaming her mouth and flicking against her own. Mia melted, relaxing as she once more tried to wiggle her arms free. Harry didn't budge though, pulling back for air to see Mia's lustful eyes and her spit-slicked lips.

"Want more?" He checked and Mia pouted, nodding, "Yes, daddy."

"What do you want?"

"You." She whispered, "You – please."

"Nu-uh." Harry shook his head and Mia pressed her lips together, feeling reprimanded. She bucked her hips back into him, "I want to please you."

The pressure in the bottom of Harry's spine felt overwhelming, Mia's soft voice giving him such a dirty message. He tried to exhale steadily as he swallowed, "You want to suck me off, baby?"

Mia immediately nodded, "Yes." She slurred, her voice cracking, "Please, I'll be so good."

"I know," Harry crooned, "always so good to me. But I need to teach you a lesson first, hm?"

She tensed a bit and Harry halted his grinding, staying still with his bare cock between her thighs. Their noses were barely an inch apart, "Because you want my cock in your throat now but you wanted something else before, isn't it?"

Mia blushed furiously as she pressed her lips together and shook her head. Harry tilted his head to the side with narrowed eyes, "You're lying to me, Mia." He cooed, "Straight to my face. Don't tell me you didn't think about Lynn earlier."

Mia's heartbeat quickened and she blushed deeper as Harry hummed, "There it is. You did think of her, didn't you? About kissing her. About her skin. About how it'd feel to have her naked in bed with you?"

"N-No." Mia shook her head again, "Just you."

"'S okay, baby. 'M not mad. I know I'm the only one you'll ever love."

Mia quickly nodded in agreement, "Yes. I-I'll always only love you."

"I know." Harry quickly brushed his lips on hers, "I know, angel. 'S okay. I know you only love me, but that doesn't mean you weren't curious about someone else."

The pink tint on Mia's cheeks betrayed her and Harry smirked when her eyes turned to the look of someone who was caught.

"I'm – " Mia stammered a little until she swallowed, "She's pretty." She admitted in a mere whisper.

"Hm." Harry hummed, "What do you think is pretty about her?"

Harry's eyes felt heavy and Mia avoided his gaze at all cost, flicking her eyes around, "Uh – her tattoos." She murmured, "And piercings. A-And she's got a pretty smile."

"Is she a good kisser?" Harry curiously asked.

Mia stared up at him in surprise, but Harry's eyes were soft. He silently urged her to answer his question and Mia timidly nodded, "Yes."

"Good girl." He whispered. Mia exhaled in relief, "Thank you, daddy."

"A good girl who kissed another girl and liked it." He added, "'M gonna spank you, Mi. Make you feel who you're supposed to be with."

"Oh my god." Mia squeaked, her entire body a tight coil of anticipation as she heard Harry's words. He pulled her into him, "Hm?" He checked, "Do you want that?"

"Yes." Mia eagerly nodded, "Please – yes."

"Sweet baby." Harry tutted, "C'mere." He bit his lip while tucking his dick back in his pants, ignoring the discomfort it brought him.

Mia's arms felt sore from being held down so long but she immediately missed the warmth of Harry's body against hers as he took a few steps back to sit on the edge of her bed. Leaning his palms back on her duvet, he spread his knees and nudged his chin to his lap, "Lay down over my lap, Mia."

Mia wasn't sure how to move her legs, and Harry's eyes darkened in a warning when she took too long to wobble over to him. Her knees trembled as she did so, and she brushed her hair over her shoulder as she shakily did as he asked.

The position was compromising, Mia laying down over his thighs with her ass perched up. She stared at the wall, fingers digging into her comforter while she held her breath. Harry bit his lip when staring at the length of her legs. She wore cute white socks with a ruffled border and pink flowers on them and he dragged his gaze up her calves and thighs, seeing a few freckles and birthmarks or old scars on them.

He loved finding these little imperfections on Mia. It showed she wasn't an angel descended from heaven, but a real person. And that he wasn't dreaming. He had been living his dream for almost a year now, and he felt that with Mia, there could be no bad days.

He mindlessly trailed his fingers up the back of her thigh, lost in thought until Mia pitifully whimpered, "Daddy..." She gasped and Harry blinked, not realizing that he was teasing her. He tutted her softly and palmed the back of her thigh, running his hand up higher until he pushed up her skirt.

Her underwear was the same shade of white as her socks, with lace details to it. He could tell she was nervous and excited, her muscles tensed while she waited for him to make a move. Mia couldn't see him, and every touch felt heightened. Every brush of his finger over her skin would make her gasp and every shift of his thighs would make her grab the sheets harder.

"I love your ass." Harry mindlessly spoke, staring at Mia's backside. The lace hugged her tight, her cheeks round and her skin smooth. She had some stretch marks that he traced over, near drooling. He used one hand to knead her ass cheeks and then gave a little tap to the bottom of it, watching as it jiggled.

Mia jumped up with a squeak when he slapped her the first time. Her eyes widened from the sting as she pushed up her elbows in shock, but Harry was quick to use his free hand and push down between her shoulder blades, keeping her perfectly still, "If you move, I'll hit you harder." He warned.

He then flicked his eyes to where he had just slapped her, the skin growing pink quickly from the impact. He smoothed his palm over the area before doing it again, a perfect slap that made Mia jump and shudder. Harry's lip twitched in a smirk when he heard her panting and saw her struggling.

"Are you feeling okay, baby?" He checked, massaging the area with his warm hand. Mia's knuckles were white from grabbing the sheets and she forced a nod, "Y-Yes, daddy."

"You're such a darling." He cooed, and Mia felt a rush of warmth from his praise. Her eyes closed and she bit her lip with a small moan, making Harry smirk wider. He paused the soft kneading of his hand, "Ready for more?"

Mia swallowed and nodded, "Yes."

Harry delivered two slaps to her ass, one on each cheek. Mia whimpered and exhaled a soft moan, dropping her forehead, "More." Her croaky plea was muffled against the duvet, but her eyes rolled back when Harry spanked her more. He hissed under his breath at the sight of her red behind, but Mia shook in delight of his rough hand.

"Fucking slut." Harry bit as he slapped her hard. Mia cried out and whined into the bedding, moaning out as she felt her pussy fluttering around nothing. Apparently, Harry noticed how restless she got too. He couldn't keep his eyes off of the wetness coating her inner thighs. Her previous orgasm mixed with the precum that leaked from his tip when grinding earlier.

She was a mess, but he wanted her messier. Harry tugged at her underwear to get her naked, and Mia struggled to kick off the lace to leave her bare. Harry held his breath as he spread her cheeks, seeing the creamy mess between her thighs. He loved, loved working Mia up to the point she hardly knew what to do with herself.

She squirmed on his lap when Harry continued spanking her, her whimpers turning into moans and squeals as she shuddered and took it all while Harry praised her continuously. Mia arched and bucked and Harry eventually granted her relief, pushing in a finger. She was ridiculously wet and open for him, and so completely ready to take his cock.

He teased her though, rubbing his finger over her g-spot until she gushed around his digit and wetted his thighs. Mia sobbed and mewled, chasing an orgasm which Harry refused to grant her.

"Are you mine?" He panted, knowing full well he was on the verge of an orgasm himself. Mia quickly nodded, "Yes." She moaned, "Y-Yours, daddy. 'M yours."

"Good fucking girl." He continued fingering her, staring at the shine on his digit each time he pulled it out of her weeping cunt. She clenched around him to keep him deep but Harry loved playing with her just a little too much.

Mia felt lightheaded, crying and moaning for Harry to give her more. She felt like she was ready to explode.

"You're so wet." Harry whimpered, "I could slide right in, hm? You'd come after two strokes."

Mia gasped and bucked back into his finger for more but Harry tutted her, pulling his finger out to give another slap and reprimand her. Mia mewled and bit down the sheet, silencing herself. Harry resumed his fingering, sticking to just one finger. He licked his lip, "Or if I held a vibrator to your little clit... god, you'd get me all wet, I just know it."

Mia's eyes rolled back as Harry spoke the filthy words to her in a voice so soft and gentle it made her brain spin. Harry watched as her arousal dripped from her, and he momentarily glanced at her rear entrance. Shiny in arousal, her puckered hole clenched as every muscle in her body was tense and ready for an orgasm. Harry felt the rush of blood to his cock and couldn't take it anymore.

Mia didn't know what was left or right when Harry threw her on the bed. He yanked on her skirt to get it off, leaving her socks and top on as he flipped her on her stomach and pulled up her knees. Mia let him throw her around, feeling a harsh hand between her shoulder blades to push her down as Harry scooted in behind her.

He breathed raggedly and his hand worked his cock, stroking in quick motions as he watched Mia's perched up, reddened ass and her thighs wide for him. "F-Fuck – baby." Harry whimpered when he nudged the tip of his cock inside her. Mia croaked out a whiny moan and Harry took it as his cue to fill her.

"I can't hold it." He warned, ""M gonna fuck you hard."

Mia managed a nod and dug her fingers in the comforter when Harry did as he said. His hips slammed relentlessly, scooting her up on the bed with each hard thrust. He reached deep inside her, curving right up her g-spot and Mia sobbed when she felt herself squirting with each stroke.

Her thighs quivered and as Harry promised, she was orgasming already without realizing it. Harry moaned and whimpered from behind her, holding his hands on both her shoulders to shove her down while fucking her rough.

Mia's vision blurred as tears leaked from her eyes, her orgasm lasting forever as Harry's pulsing hips only elongated it. Her arousal leaked down her thighs, a gush of fluid bursting from her every time his balls slapped against her.

"Daddy –" Mia cried out, convulsing on the bed until she couldn't help but sink down her knees. Harry hunched over her completely, locking his hands around her shoulders as he whined and moaned. Mia could faintly see him over her shoulder, his eyes screwed shut and his mouth open, his hair matting against his forehead. His muscles bulged as he used all his might to fuck into her and Mia clenched around him from the erotic view.

"Mi – 'm gonna fucking cum." Harry grunted, "F-Fill you up – knock you up." He mindlessly spoke, "Fuck, I wanna get you pregnant so bad." He hissed out the last word while scooting her up with a hard thrust and Mia yelped as Harry came. He throatily moaned, tipping his head back. The veins in his neck pulsed blood to his twitching dick, buried deep inside Mia as he released in warm spurts to paint her insides.

Mia's ears rang as Harry collapsed on top of her. Her thighs strained and ached from how tense her muscles had been all night. Harry breathed harshly into the back of her sweaty neck, his body almost crushing her but the weight felt comforting to Mia.

Harry's lips puckered into the back of her shoulder, "Oh my god." He breathed.

Mia slurred something in return and Harry chuckled, "Shit – baby... that was so fucking good. Are you okay?"

"Hmm." Mia hummed. Harry grunted and rolled off of her, slipping out. Mia whined at the feeling and Harry whispered an apology as he fought to keep his eyes open. Mia turned her head, her lids droopy as Harry brushed her hair away, "Hey, sweetheart." He croaked.

"Hi." Mia rasped back, using the last of her power to push up her elbows. She still wore her top and rolled on her back, slipping off the rest of her clothes. Harry also got naked and was half asleep by the time Mia climbed on top of him.

He felt guilty about not providing her with the best aftercare, but Harry was exhausted and could hardly keep his eyes open.

"Hey, baby." He breathed as he forced his lids open, Mia on top of him. She looked just as tired as he did and laid between his spread legs. Harry hummed when she kissed his bare chest, and his fingers stroked through her hair. His brows furrowed a bit when she kissed his hip and then he felt her hands on his thighs.

"Mia..." He whispered. Harry opened his eyes and peaked down, seeing Mia on her tummy between his legs. Her round eyes stared up at him as she had a small flush on her cheeks, "Can I... Can I?" She asked.

Harry hesitated for a moment, "Baby, 'm so sensitive." He exhaled and Mia nodded, "No, I know. I just... I want to take care of you."

"Shit." He breathed, dropping down on his back again and closing his eyes, "Yeah – okay. Mhm." He nodded.

Mia took her time. Just like she said to Hazel earlier, Mia explored. Harry let her, his hands just gently holding her hair back as Mia cleaned him with her tongue. She took his softened cock in her mouth, tasting the mixture of their orgasms on his skin and Harry sighed in comfort as Mia was so gentle with such a sensitive part of him.

She kissed around his crotch, using her tongue as Harry calmed down after such an intense night. He was really almost asleep by the time she kissed up his chest to lean on top of him. He tiredly opened his eyes to be met with the sight of his absolute angel on top of him. He shot Mia a lazy smile, "Thank you, sweetheart."

Mia returned the smile and tucked her face in the crook of his neck. She yawned into his skin, "Are we going to shower?"

Harry pouted, "Mia..." He whined, "I'm so tired."

"Baby, I know." Mia cooed and Harry's insides turned to mush when he heard the nickname coming from her lips. He smiled involuntary and Mia kissed his neck, "We take a small shower," she started, "then I'll change the sheets after cleaning up the kitchen a little bit."

"No, no, I'll change the sheets. And we'll do the kitchen tomorrow."

Mia hummed and smiled, "Harry, I'll never be able to sleep if I don't clean up at least a little bit."

Harry smiled with his eyes closed and hugged her naked body closer, "I can't wait to live with you forever."

Mia giggled and kissed his neck, "Me neither. I can't wait."


this was a whole entire rollercoaster and i did NOT proofread soooooo i hope you enjoyed!!!!!

moving in next <33333333333

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