The Inheritance Game

By liamsluvlyturtle

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Liam's the youngest heir to the Payne Family, and the least likely to inherit his ill father's fortune. Unles... More

before we begin


95 10 129
By liamsluvlyturtle


I found myself clutching onto Zayn's jacket as if it were an anchor in a storm. It struck me then, in that moment, that this was exactly what I had been missing – the warmth of Zayn's lips, the comfort of his presence.

I couldn't ignore the pull anymore. Even as my rational mind screamed warnings of impending regret, the temptation pushed me forward, craving the touch of his lips against mine. I knew it was reckless, impulsive, and undoubtedly, I would regret it later. But as Zayn's gaze locked with mine, filled with an intensity that left me breathless, I found myself unable to resist. It was as if he had cast a spell over me, drawing me in with an irresistible force.

I wanted to lose myself in this moment, in him.

His tongue gently teased at the edge of my bottom lip, a soft hum escaping his parted lips. And that was all it took for me to snap out of my daze, my breath hitching in my throat, only to find Zayn still leaning in. He wasn't planning on to stop anytime soon and I knew I should slow things down. So, I had to place my hands firmly on his chest to slow the rush.

"Zayn, wait," I gasped. His hooded eyes, lost in the intensity of the moment, slowly refocused as he loosened his hold, unwrapping his arms from around me.

"Sorry," he murmured, scooting back a bit. "I guess I got a little carried away in the moment."

I glanced at him, his features softened by the dim light, and a sea of emotions played across his face. The way his eyes held a depth of intensity, the slight quiver of his lips betraying his vulnerability...

Each expression reflected the honesty of his feelings. It was clear to me that, for him, this kiss was more than just a spur-of-the-moment act.

Unlike me, who acted solely on impulse...

I feel like a total bitch to be admitting this, but for me, it didn't hold the same weight, or at least that's what I tried to convince myself. Seeing the honesty in his eyes made me feel a twinge of guilt. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had used him in some way. Maybe I hadn't realised how much this meant to him.


Shit, shit, shit!

This was a mistake. 

I wasn't ready for this. I couldn't handle the depth of his feelings.

Our deal was about securing the inheritance, not getting tangled up in emotions and complicating our relationship. I couldn't afford to let personal feelings risk our carefully crafted plan. I couldn't afford to get attached, and I definitely couldn't let him get attached. No, I needed to find a way out of this mess, and fast.

"This... This was a mistake," I sighed, the words escaping my lips in a shaky breath.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What do you mean?"

Guilt crept up on me as I stared down at the wooden floor of the gondola, feeling a flush of embarrassment rise to my cheeks. When would this ride be over? It was already far too awkward for my liking. 

"I mean..." I began, hesitating as I struggled to find the right words. "The plan was to fake a relationship to get into my Dad's will." I glanced up at him. "Not us making out in the heat of the moment."

Zayn's expression shifted, his features clouded with contemplation. And a heavy silence settled between us as I stared at the water, silently praying for the ride to end before he found the right words to break the silence. The clear air suddenly felt suffocating, the tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. Still, I braced myself for his response, unsure of what would come next.

But thankfully, we were nearing the dock. When we approached enough, I seized the opportunity to escape the stifling atmosphere. Without a second thought, I practically leaped out of the gondola and hurried ahead, putting as much distance between us as possible, my heart pounding in my chest.

I could hear Zayn calling after me, but I couldn't bear to face the consequences of our impulsive actions.

"Liam!" he desperately called out for a second time, jogging up to me, and I reluctantly turned back to face him, my heart sinking with a heavy sigh. "Are you afraid things are getting too real between us? Would it be the worst thing ever if we were to date for real?"

I stared at him with a puzzled expression. His gaze searched mine for answers. There was a soft smile playing on his lips, a warmth in his expression that made my insides flutter.

It was a feeling I had never experienced before. I had never felt like this towards anyone, and it scared me to my core. I didn't know what to do; I couldn't pull the strings. I wasn't the one in charge, it was terrifying. 

So I did what I did best – be a coward and take the easy way out. "Yeah, it would..."

His smile dropped instantly, replaced by a look of surprise that quickly morphed into a mixture of disappointment and hurt. 

I felt a pang of guilt as I watched the emotions play across his face, a knot tightening in my stomach. The weight of the situation pressed down on my chest, suffocating me with its intensity. I wanted to kick myself for making him feel this way. He didn't deserve to be treated like this. I wasn't worthy of him.

"I understand," he whispered, his voice barely audible, soft with resignation. "I guess I really am just your ticket to an easy life."

The words pierced through me like a knife, leaving me feeling hollow and empty. It was a stark reminder of the consequences of my actions, of the pain I had caused him.

"That's not it!" I protested, the words tumbling out of my mouth in a rush, desperate to convey the complexity of my emotions. "Can we just talk about this later?"

Zayn shook his head slightly. "You made it clear that this relationship is nothing more to you than a business transaction. Nothing to talk about." 

And just like that, he turned around and walked away, leaving me standing there with a heavy heart, watching his retreating figure disappear into the distance.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

"So basically, I told Zayn that I wanted our relationship to go in a different direction," I sighed, feeling a bit riled up by his actions the previous night. "And then he just left me near the gondola by myself. Like he's seriously making me seem like the bad guy here."

Quinn offered me a reassuring smile. "Seems like you're having your first lover's quarrel. It happens! You and Zayn will kiss and make up eventually."

Oh, please don't mention kissing. Kissing is what started this whole mess in the first place. One minute we're faking a relationship, the next we're swapping saliva like a couple of hormonal teenagers at a prom after-party. 

I mentally facepalmed at the thought. When did I become so reckless?

"I don't know, Quinn. We haven't exchanged a single word all morning. He even crashed on the couch, stubborn bastard."

We were in the hot tub, soaking away the exhaustion of the past two days. You know, typical rich people stuff. Or maybe you wouldn't know. Anyways. 

I needed someone to rely on, so, I told Quinn about last night—not all of it, of course. I conveniently left out the part about our engagement being entirely fake.

"Well, what are the odds I'd run into you, fine people?" A voice echoed in the enclosed area, and I turned to find Byron standing there in his staff uniform, towels in hand.

"Why are you here?"

"Replacing towels." He winked and placed the towels where they belonged. "Didn't expect an angel like yourself to be here, but it's a welcoming surprise."

I clenched my fists under the water, irritated by his inappropriate comments. Who did he think he was? I thought Zayn and I had made it pretty clear on the first day that he should mind his own business.

"He's taken, pal," Quinn spoke up for me as I climbed out of the hot tub, slipping into my bathrobe.

"I'm aware, but what hubby doesn't know won't hurt him," he probed, his eyes scanning me with an unsettling intensity as he leaned in a little too close for comfort. "I see you're not wearing your ring. Is there trouble in paradise?"

"I just didn't want to get it dirty," I said defensively, inching away from him. "Taking my ring off for an hour or two doesn't mean I don't care about my fiancé."

"You sure? Because you two act more like enemies than lovers."

I grounded my jaw in frustration. But then... Did we really act like that?

"I don't know what you're talking about." I waved my hand dismissively. "Well, of course Zayn can be a bit of a buzz kill. He's stubborn, a bit standoffish, annoying, and we bicker a lot."

I rolled my eyes to myself, a fond smile playing on my lips. "But his redeeming qualities outweigh those by a mile. He's a goofball who puts others before himself all the time. He cares about his mum, he can cook, clean. And the way he sleeps is lowkey adorbs. Seriously, he deserves someone a million times better than me..."

I quickly shut my mouth and furrowed my brows when I realised that I was spilling more than intended. When did I get so attached to Zayn? 

Quinn was smirking at me. "Aww-" 

"Not that I love him or anything." I crossed my arms, attempting to salvage what little dignity I had left.

"Aren't you engaged?" she questioned from inside the bath tub.

I blinked, stuttering, "I mean... I love him so very much."

"I'm not buying it." Byron rolled his eyes.

I was growing increasingly annoyed. This guy just couldn't seem to take a hint, and his obsession with my relationship with Zayn was getting under my skin.

With a steadying breath, I straightened up and leveled a pointed stare at Byron. "I don't know what you get off criticising my relationship with Zayn, but that's gonna end now. And how would my Dad feel knowing that someone on his resort was flirting with guests? His engaged son, in fact."

"Come on, it's not that serious? I'm just saying you deserve someone better and worth your time." He winked again, and I was one blink away from knocking that smug look off his face.

"And that's supposed to be you?" I challenged. "Zayn might not be perfect, but at least he doesn't openly flirt with engaged people. And if I were you, I'd quit while I'm ahead. Before you lose your job."

His smirk faltered for a moment, his confidence wavering under my stern gaze. But just as quickly as it faded, it returned with a defiant glint in his eyes. "I'm just offering you an alternative. No need to get all worked up about it."

"Worked up? You haven't seen worked up yet," I retorted. "Consider this your last warning."

With that, I turned on my heel and stomped out of there, leaving Byron to chew on his words. The nerve of some people, honestly.

I walked all the way back to our room, cracking my knuckles. That hot tub had done wonders, I felt relaxed enough. Until that dickhead decided to stick his nose where it didn't belong and ruin the vibe.

I looked around the room, spotting Zayn in the walk-in closet, busy with his suitcase. "Hey Zayn, can we talk?" I asked while approaching nervously. "Are you packing already?"

"Yeah, I think I should head back early."

"Oh? I can come with you. I honestly miss the smell of fresh baked goods and pretending to be a manager." I chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood.

He zipped up his suitcase, and stood up, turning to face me. "Or maybe we should distance ourselves for a bit."

My smile faded. "Oh. You want some time apart? Did I do something wrong? Is this about the kiss?"

"No, you didn't. And it's not about the kiss."

"Then why? We're so close to getting my Dad's fortune."

He ran a hand through his hair as he shut his eyes and took in a deep breath. "That's exactly it, Liam! Even after all we've been through, all you care about is getting your father's money. Seriously, what was the plan here?" With each word, he stepped closer, his movements sharp, accusing, punctuating his frustration. "We fake our vows, stay in a loveless marriage, until your parents pass everything down to you or your siblings-"

"The wedding is three months away. I don't think my Dad will even make it. And if we do end up having a wedding, we could just get a divorce a month or two after." I chewed the inside of my lip. "If that's what you want."

The thing is, strangely enough, I wasn't opposed to the idea of marrying Zayn like I once was. It would give me the opportunity to stay close to him without actually confronting the truth I was so cowardly running away from.

Zayn sighed. "A quick divorce after the wedding? That's your solution?" His voice was heavy with disappointment as he shook his head. His touch was gentle as he reached out, his fingers softly gripping my chin, guiding my gaze to meet his. I felt a jolt of electricity shoot through me at his touch, his eyes reflecting his feelings as they locked onto mine. "Do you hear yourself, Liam? This is why I need some time apart."

I instinctively lifted my hand to his, grasping onto his wrist as if holding onto the last shreds of hope. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes. Was it the fear of losing the inheritance or the fear of losing him that made my heart ache so painfully? I didn't know. I didn't want to know. "Zayn, I can't do this without you."

Something flickered in his eyes and he withdrew his hand, his expression was unreadable. "Why not? You said it yourself. I'm insufferable and annoying, and our entire relationship is just one big mistake." 

When did I say this?

His words felt like a dagger to my heart, his eyes were so dull that I wanted to wrap my arms around him until he cracked and showed the smallest amount of emotion. But before I could gather my thoughts or find the words to respond, he left me alone in the room with his suitcase, the silence echoing the emptiness I felt inside. 

Once again, I was left alone by him to grapple with my own doubts and regrets.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

"And then he just left without so much of a warning." Tears streamed down my face as I buried my face in my hands, feeling utterly lost.

"Perhaps your relationship troubles can be discussed with one of your more younger friends?" Benjamin suggested, adjusting his glasses from the armchair where he was seated.

"But you're the only one who knows about our relationship being fake." I sniffed, wiping the tears on my cheeks with the back of my hand.

Benji let out a small sigh, rose from his seat and walked up to me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Maybe this conflict between you and Zayn is a blessing in disguise. You don't know this Zayn Malik well enough to be in a relationship with him. And I fear that the boy has ill intentions towards you."

I lifted my head up, meeting his gaze through tear-stained eyes. "And what makes you say that?"

"Just a hunch."

Did Benjamin know something about Zayn that I didn't? 

"If Zayn was a bad person, I'm sure my amazing butler would tell me," I said, looking up at him expectantly.

He chuckled and tousled my hair fondly. "All I'm saying is, it's not too late to call things off. Maybe find actual love and not rush as you did with Mr. Malik."

"Or maybe I should just apologise to Zayn." I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache coming on.

"Not happening!" Benjamin exclaimed immediately. "I mean, not with the thunderstorm happening soon."

"Well he won't answer my calls." I huffed, jumping off my bed angrily.  "Relax. He can't be too far."

Feeling a bit overwhelmed, I hastily tugged on my cardigan and stormed out, striding purposefully towards the entrance of the resort. The cold evening air hit my face, adding to the frustration welling up inside me. I was annoyed at myself for being an absolute moron, at Zayn for making me feel like this, at that dickhead (you know who) for obvious reasons, at my Dad for, in a way, being the reason of all this mess, at my siblings, my Mum, Benjamin, and at everyone and everything.

The resort lights stretched shadows across the ground as I stomped away, wondering how everything went wrong in such a short time. I hoped to find Zayn, to sort things out or at least get some answers.

"Liam?!" a high-pitched voice called out, and I looked around to find... Barbra? Standing with Byron? Wearing a staff uniform? What the heck?

"Barbra! What are you doing here?" I approached her, shooting a disdainful look at Byron. "Matching outfits with this loser of all people."

Byron deadpanned in response, while Barbra replied with a friendly smile. "During the summer, I work here part time. But why are you here?"

"My Dad owns the resort." I shrugged. "Glad you're here though. Have you seen Zayn?"

"Yeah, I was surprised to see him too." She nodded. "I think he's-"

"Actually, last time I checked, he was heading down the hiking trail." Byron cut her off. "He looked pretty upset."

A concerned frown etched across my face. Why would Zayn be out there? At this hour. With an impending storm.

Did he even wear warm clothes? What if he catches a cold?

I thanked Barbra with a grateful smile before shooting another pointed look at Byron, and walked at the direction of the hiking trail.

As I trudged along the road covered with pebbles, a jumble of emotions knotted up inside me, creating a tangled mess of feelings. Anger smoldered like embers, frustration bubbled up like a boiling kettle, and sadness lingered like a heavy fog. Each step felt heavier as I replayed everything that went down with Zayn like a broken record. The kiss, our argument, the hurt in his eyes, and the way he walked away without a word.

And then there were these odd coincidences that seemed to be piling up against us like stacked cards in a game of chance. Marco's sudden appearance at the resort, Perrie turning out to be his daughter, and now Barbra working part-time here, and, of course, those mysterious threatening notes – it all felt too much to be mere chance. Was I being set up? Was someone playing games with me?

The rain started to pour, matching the storm within me. Drops splattered on the ground, washing away the traces of my earlier frustration. But my thoughts remained a tangled mess. I couldn't make sense of everything happening around me.

Step by step, I pressed on along the trail, the deluge soaking me to the bone. I wondered if Zayn was grappling with the same thoughts, if his path was also obscured by the relentless rain.

The way ahead blurred with raindrops as I pushed forward, hoping to at least find Zayn.

Looks like the trail ends here. 

I stopped at the edge of a hill, a sense of unease creeping over me as I realised how isolated I was at that moment. The urban area felt miles away, swallowed by the darkness of the night. I jumped as lightning struck a tree nearby, followed by a deafening clap of thunder.

"This is ridiculous." I rolled my eyes. I was getting cold and my clothes were completely drenched. If Zayn was really out here, I would have found him by now. Checking the time on my phone, I realised it was getting late. And the storm showed no signs of abating.

Feeling the chill seeping into my bones, I knew I had to head back to our room before things took a turn for the worse.

I stumbled back through the trail, the rain making it harder to see. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. My heart leaped into my throat, and I quickened my pace, but the footsteps persisted, drawing nearer with each passing moment.

Before I could react or start running, a strong hand clamped down on my shoulder, sending a jolt of fear coursing through me. I yelped out in alarm, my phone slipping from my grasp and clattering to the ground. Panic set in and I shouted for help, but the rain drowned out my voice.

With a forceful shove, the assailant sent me tumbling over the edge of the hill I was walking on moments ago. I hit my head, and everything turned blurry. The world spun around me, darkness closed in as my consciousness slowly slipped away.

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