The Path to Hell or Salvation...

By FCL-M-Trio

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You trapped yourself in a seal with Ryomen Sukuna. The seal is known to show the victims their fears, regrets... More

Prologue: Sealed
Chapter One: Astray
Chapter Two: Uncharted Land
Chapter Three: Arachnophobia
Chapter Four: Cabin
Chapter Five: The City
Chapter Six: Unwanted Resemblance
Chapter Seven: Inferno
Chapter Eight: An Old Face
Chapter Nine: Abomination
Chapter Ten: Hot Spring
Chapter Eleven: Hot Magma
Chapter Eleven Part II: Visitor
Chapter Twelve: Prison
Chapter Thirteen: Possessive
Chapter Fourteen: Conflicted
Chapter Fourteen Pt II:
Chapter Fifteen: Only One
Chapter Sixteen: Promise
Chapter Seventeen: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter Eighteen: Horde
Chapter Twenty: Consume Pt. II
Chapter Twenty-One: Consume Pt. III
Chapter Twenty-Two: Sad but True
Chapter Twenty-Three: Home
Chapter Twenty Three Pt. II:
Chapter Twenty-Four: Daylight
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Last Embrace
Chapter Twenty-Six: Yet to Come
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Hint of Nostalgia
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Taken
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Double Trouble
Chapter Thirty: Blood Red Sky
Chapter Thirty-One: Be Safe For A Moment
Chapter Thirty-Two: Serenity
Chapter Thirty-Three: Bliss
Chapter Thirty-Four: A New Threat, A New Hope
Chapter Thirty-Five: Insanity
Chapter Thirty-Six: Broken
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Tension and Conflict
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Seesaw
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Whatever You Desire
Chapter Forty: Snowfall
Chapter Forty-One: Need 2
Chapter Forty-Two: Who Is She?
Chapter Forty-Three: Spirit Search
Chapter Forty-Four: It's A Start
Chapter Forty-Five: Tragedy
Chapter Forty-Six: Melancholy
Chapter Forty-Seven: Just One More Day
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Cost of Freedom
Meet The Monsters!
Chapter Forty-Nine: Carnage
Chapter Fifty: Destruction Among Us
Chapter Fifty-One: Gone
Chapter Fifty-Two: I Was Only Temporary
The Music for This Story / Author's Note
Chapter Fifty-Three: Kaleidoscope
Chapter Fifty-Four: Skipping Stones
Chapter Fifty-Five: UhGood
Chapter Fifty-Six: Down By The River
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Illness
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Unexpected Arrival

Chapter Nineteen: Consume

1.1K 65 46
By FCL-M-Trio

15 minutes ago...

Yuji was getting restless.

Everywhere he and these two went, they were getting attacked. He's been inside this seal for one hour and it's already going downhill. Yuji's fist slams into what looks like a large, humanoid lizard. It was something that scared him as a kid, this thing would eat human flesh by taking humans into the sewers and devouring them.

What's worse is that he doesn't have his cursed energy, he can't do quite as much damage but his own strength should help him stay alive.

Luis is on the ground, holding his side where a large chunk of flesh is missing. A huge bite was taken out of him. Shiro is beside him, trying to stop the bleeding.

With another punch to the lizard's chest, Yuji killed the lizard humanoid as blood sprayed from its back. With the threat now gone, Yuji helps pick Luis up with ease. His golden brown eyes look around for any kind of shelter or any sign for you.

"This place mimics everything we're afraid of?" Yuji asked in disbelief. He knows he was told it before, but something he was scared of as a kid?! He expected the orb to play on current fears.

"Whatever you feared, even if it's for a small amount of time, is replicated in this seal," Luis explains, grunting in pain. "Our ancestors were bitter old folks when creating these. It was mostly used to seal powerful sorcerers away." Yuji looks surprised by Luis's words. He thought these orbs were created to seal away special-grade curses.

"Why?" Yuji asked as he wrapped Luis's arm around his shoulder. The wound was bleeding profusely and it was making Yuji worried. "What's the deal between you all and the jujutsu tech?"

Shiro sighs as he takes off his glasses to wipe the fog away. "Thousand years ago, the sorcerers made us work under them as our clan can see the future. Or for a better word, slavery. We weren't this powerful yet so it was easy to contain us." Shiro looks around to see if there are signs for you as well. They mustn't waste any time. "So when our ancestors envisioned a huge threat was coming for the sorcerer society, they started planning."

"Wait," Yuji quiets Shiro as he hears something. Yuji halts in his steps when he hears snarls and growls from a distance. All three men turn to see people walking in the trees, heading right toward them. People? Yuji thought you and Sukuna were the only ones here. "Hey, we need help!" Yuji yells, trying to flag the people down.

"Wait!" Shiro quickly silenced Yuji by standing in front of him. Before Yuji could carry Luis to the people, he stopped in place when he noticed the people were staggering in their steps and the snarling was coming from them. Yuji takes a step back as he clutches Luis tighter. Suddenly one of them sprints away from the group and straight towards Yuji. Now having a clear view of what these people are, Yuji can smell rotting flesh from them. It was hard to ignore and the person who was sprinting towards them stopped five feet in front of them.

This person, this zombie, lets out a ferocious growl. "Oh crap," Yuji said, eyes widening. It charged to Yuji and with his free hand, Yuji punched it away. The sprinter slams into a tree and the zombies are going wild as Luis bleeds heavily. "We need to get out of here!" Shiro exclaimed.

"Quick, get on my back!" Yuji yells to Shiro. Without hesitation, Shiro does so and Yuji sprints away from the horde. Yuji runs fast as he carries the two men, glancing behind him to see the running zombies are still after them. What the hell are they, World War Z zombies?! Yuji notices Luis is quiet and Yuji's side is completely drenched in blood. "Look there!" Shiro yells as he sees a police station. Yuji rushes in the direction and Luis's body grows heavier and suddenly he slips out of Yuji's hold. "Luis!" Yuji yelled as he went back to grab him. Luis was lying on the ground, barely moving as the horde was getting closer to them. Shiro hops off of Yuji's back and grabs his shoulder. "Leave him!" Shiro yelled, trying to pull Yuji away from Luis's body.

Yuji did not listen to Shiro, going back to Luis's body and picking him up. Yuji hoists the curse user over his shoulder and looks to find Shiro, who is already at the police station. Luis groans in pain as Yuji runs before a Sprinter can leap onto them. When Yuji caught up to Shiro, he grabbed his arm and before the two curse users knew it, Yuji leaped into the air. When he makes it to the third floor, he kicks a window in and lands in a dark hallway. Luis grunts out in pain loudly as he holds his side. "You were going to leave him!" Yuji snapped at Shiro, pinning the man against the wall by his shirt.

"Our goal is to get to Y/N, we know what we signed up for," Shiro argues.

"He's right Yuji," Luis groans. "Our main concern is to get to Y/N and put the tracker on her or else this would be for nothing." Shiro kneels and places pressure on Luis's injury. "He's going to bleed out if we don't find something," Shiro grumbles as blood keeps pouring from the wound.

Yuji looks around the dark hall they find themselves in. It looked oddly familiar but he didn't quite know why. "It's a police station right?" Yuji said as he eyed the dark hallway. It was ominous and just looking down it was giving him bad vibes.

"There should be some kind of medical supplies or weapons around here," Yuji comments as he continues to stare down that dark hallway. He glances back briefly when he hears Luis wince in pain as he is gripping his side and pressing his back against the wall.

He brushes his red hair back, wiping the sheen of sweat from his head. "Whatever you plan to do Yuji, be careful," Luis warns. "This place is bringing all of our fears to life, mine, Shiro's, yours, Y/N's, and Sukuna's."

Yuji nods as he slowly descends into the darkness. The hair on the back of his neck stands up and he feels a sudden chill down his spine. The sound of rain hits the windows, where did the rain come from?

Suddenly he walks into a wall and he backs up, gripping his nose. "Ow shit," he hissed in pain. He then pressed his hand against the wall and started feeling it. His fingers touch what feels like a doorknob. Without hesitation, he opens the door and when he does a vile smell invades his nose. He covers his mouth to stop himself from barfing at the stench. It smelled like rotting flesh, it smelled like corpses as if death was the only thing in this room.

His brown eyes did see a flashlight on the ground and he grabbed it with one hand, his other hand covering his nose to block out the putrid smell.

As he shines a light in the room, his eyes widen when he sees limbs, guts, blood, and everything strewn about in the room. Blood splattering on the walls and what should be inside of people is everywhere. Like something or someone ripped these bodies open and....oh god is that the claw marks in the walls?!

"What the hell? What happened here?" Yuji was petrified, horrified at the sight he was witnessing. He continues to shine the light in the room, looking for a medical kit. He needed to get it together because Luis did not have enough time.

Yuji steps forward and squeezes his eyes shut when he hears a 'squelch!' underneath his foot. God, he doesn't want to know what he stepped in. Pushing forward, his shoes are starting to get soggy and wet as well as almost slipping since the floor is covered in....guts. He found the medical kit and raced back to find where he left Luis and Shiro. When he came back to find them, Luis's head was slouched forward, unmoving. Shiro gripped his face as he looked angry and disappointed. Luis is dead?

"Is he...?" Yuji slowly asked, taking steps to them. Shiro nods and he slowly stands, muttering a send-off in a different language for Luis. "No I-I was just around the corner, I was-" Yuji stutters in disbelief.

"He lost too much blood, Yuji, it's not your fault," Shiro reassures Yuji. "He knew there was a chance he wasn't going to come out of this alive." Yuji glanced at the kit in his hands, scowling. "Come on, we can't let his death be in vain," Shiro said, walking into the dark. Yuji grinds his teeth together and follows Shiro with the flashlight. Both of them froze when they heard loud bangs that echoed from the first floor and outside as well. Yuji rushes to a window and he sees the horde breaking down the heavy gated fence. It's tipping over and Yuji cursed under his breath. They're coming in soon, but what was that sound on the first floor?


"Move this here!"

Sukuna orders you as you help him shove a heavy crate in front of the front door. Time felt like it was running out as you and Sukuna worked to block the entrance. Desks, bookcases, and anything heavy to block the entrance door. When you two finish blocking the entrance, you pant heavily trying to catch your breath.

You tried taking deep breaths, but for some reason, you can't calm down. It's because you're hyperventilating, fearful for your and Sukuna's life. A death you never wanted to face, to have your flesh, bones, and organs ripped out of you by hands and teeth. It won't be a quick death, it will be slow and painful. Even if there are a hundred zombies on top of you, death will not come quickly. "T-There were a lot of them," you spoke through quickened breaths. "They're going to get in, they're going to rip us apart. Sukuna, I'm going to die a slow, horrible death. I-I can't breathe, I can't breathe-!"

"Stop it!" Sukuna hissed as he grabbed the back of your head and pressed his forehead against yours. His red eyes stare into yours, their gentle glow captivating you, which helps take your mind off of your impending doom for a moment. "You're not dying today, especially not this way I won't allow it. I promise you, they won't lay a finger on you."

A shaky, fearful sigh escapes your lips but you nod. Sukuna can tell that zombies are one of the things you're afraid of the most. The core of this fear is the way zombies kill, they eat and eat, never getting full as they tear a human apart. Maybe that's why it seems like they've been given drugs to be 10x more threatening. Sukuna needs to keep you grounded for as long as he can.

Your eyes trail to the entrance door when you hear loud metal creaking outside. It lets out a long wail and then suddenly a loud crash as it storms heavily. The moment the crash sound echoed outside, you grabbed Sukuna's wrist, gripping it tightly afraid as the two of you knew what that sound was.

The gate fell.

Both of you take slow steps back, Sukuna immediately pulling you behind him as the zombie growls and snarls get closer to the front entrance. Your eyes look everywhere for an escape. As your eyes scan the area, the police station starts looking more and more familiar. In your panic state of mind, you didn't realize what this place is. It's dangerous as well as safe in only a few selected areas. It looked like the police station from a zombie horror video game you and Yuji played a lot. The only problem is, that the orb jacked up the structure and you can tell the rooms are switched around.

So that means the safe room could be anywhere or not here at all.

The loud banging on the front door brings you back and Sukuna drags you out of the room to find you a hiding spot. He can take out the zombies while you're hiding, this is a great place to do it. Sukuna can find a room with only one entrance and block the door so they can't go after you. As Sukuna busts a door open there is a long dark hallway, windows are smashed open and the rain pours in. Both of you run down the hall and Sukuna opens a weird-looking door that has a green clover on it. The door was unlocked and Sukuna practically shoved you in before the horde came crashing through the open windows. The room you're in looks like a small filing room and Sukuna moves you into a corner. "Stay here," he orders, frowning.

"You're not staying with me?" You asked, shocked. Is he seriously going to face a horde that large and dangerous? "You're not going to go fight them, are you? There's too many!"

"I can and I will," Sukuna said, his voice hardening. "I can deal with them a lot better knowing you're safe and out of harm's way. Now, do not leave until I come back, even if you hear terrible sounds, so do not leave. If you do, I'm going to punish you brat."

"Oooh kinky, what is the punishment, are you going to spank me?" You asked, chuckling weakly as you're still scared. Your comfort humor failed to comfort you this time.

"You leave this room I will bite you," Sukuna threatens, flicking your forehead.

As he leaves and closes the door behind him, leaving you alone in this decent-sized room. You listen as you hear him block the door with heavy items. Slowly, you sit down and hug your knees. The last time you've done something like this was when you were a child, scared and feeling helpless. You vowed to never feel that way again, to feel completely helpless but It's happening right now. It always reminded you how alone you are,'re not alone anymore.

Okay, you're alone now, but figuratively you're not. Sukuna is here with you and you never thought it was possible to have this weird bond with him. You're not complaining though, it feels....good actually. To have a friend again. You couldn't help but laugh at yourself at the thought.

Being friends with the King of Curses, who would've thought that was going to happen?

Even if he was going to kill you, if he is planning to kill you, you can honestly say it wouldn't be too bad. These past few days, minus trying to kill each other, you genuinely felt happy. As happy as you could be in this shithole.

You flinch when you hear things banging and what sounds like items throwing. Just don't leave the room, don't leave the room no matter how terrible it sounds outside. Sukuna is the King of Curses, he has this in the bag.

You rest your head against your knees, trying to block out the world.


You jump, startled by the voice. "Yuji?" You muttered, confused as you slowly stood. Great, now the orb was going to throw a fake Yuji at you as well? But why did he scream the name Shiro? Shiro was the name of one of your teachers growing up. He tutored you and guided you when your cursed technique came in, you haven't seen him in years.

Your gut instinct was telling you something is very wrong.

Quickly standing to your feet a door suddenly forms in the wall in front of you with a pink heart. The door that appeared out of nowhere was suddenly banged on rapidly. It was starting to split open from the force it was receiving. "Hang on Shiro I almost got the door open!" Yuji yells. What the hell is going on?! Is a Fake Yuji trying to get in while playing some charade?! That thought left your mind when you heard zombies on the other side of the heart door.

"Shit, shit, shit!" You cursed, now believing Fake Yuji was trying to break the door down to let the zombies in. "Open the door!" The familiar voice of Shiro yells. You make your way to the door with the green clover and try to leave. However, when you try to push the door open, it is heavily blocked from Sukuna's actions to keep you safe. You throw yourself into the door to try to get it to open just as the door with the heart on it is close to breaking down!

The green clover door barely budged as the heaty door broke down completely. Everything went still, time slowed down as Yuji entered the file room. His eyes land on you and your eyes meet his. In that short connection, many memories run through Yuji's mind.

The happy ones, the sad ones, and the utter betrayal you gave him. And yet, that betrayal feels small, so tiny as he sees you're alive. Everything else seemed to melt away for Yuji as he felt a smile involuntarily form on his face. But your gaze is not a joyous one.

Your eyes are full of fear, distrust, and panic as you try exiting through another door. Everything comes crashing down as Yuji is brought back to reality when Shiro slams the door with the pink heart behind him. However, because Yuji broke it, it is barely standing.

"Get that door open!" Shiro orders as he presses his body against the pink door. "Shiro?!" You asked, shocked by his manifestation. "On it!" Yuji yelled back as he ran to the door beside you, body slamming into it. The door starts budging as Yuji moves the heavy objects on the other side of the door. Okay, so this Fake Yuji is helping you, for now at least. Shiro lets out a pained yell, making you and Yuji snap your heads in his direction. Two zombies bust through the door and start eating at his neck and shoulder.

"Shiro!" Yuji yelled with a look of horror. Yuji charged forward, ready to help, but Shiro yelled, "Don't!" You tremble in your spot, watching the zombies tear into him. "Get her out of here Yuji!" Shiro yelled as a huge chunk of flesh was ripped out of his neck. Shiro tried fighting them off, but three more zombies grabbed him and fell on top of him. The undead tears into his back, ripping him open and eating his flesh. You hyperventilate as you back away, this doesn't feel like a fake Shiro.

"Y/N!" Shiro yells, bringing you back momentarily. Shiro's eyes are full of regret, and despair, and yet full of hope. "Live for yourself!"

Suddenly Yuji grabbed your arm and with one last body slam to the door. He managed to bust down the door and shoved you through. "Wait Shiro!" you yell as Yuji forces you out of the room. The last thing you see of your old teacher is a zombie biting into his skull and ripping flesh out with its teeth. You tumble over the objects Sukuna used to block the clover door and land on the ground harshly. 'It's not real, Shiro isn't really here,' you thought, trying to get that disturbing image out of your mind. Shiro is not here, he's off in a different part of the world, safe and sound. You quickly back away from Yuji, still unsure if this manifestation will try to kill you or not.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa please don't kill me!" You yelled, backing away from Yuji. "What? I'm not going to kill you! We don't have time for this, we need to go, now" Yuji said as he quickly searched around for an exit.

"Okay, okay wait uh," you said, trying to calm your mind. Yuji didn't wait though, he grabbed you and swung you over his shoulder making you panic even more. So far everyone in this place that was manifested has tried to kill you, minus Tenshi. So you're not trusting this Yuji for a second.

"No stop, put me down!" You yelled as Yuji carried you down the hall, running. On cue, the door Yuji had busted down had zombies flooded after you. "Shit! They found us!" Yuji cursed as he picked up his pace. Sprinters were running down the hall after you two, catching up to you two. Your eyes widen when you see large shadows appear behind the Sprinters with glowing red eyes. The shadow immediately decapitated their heads and charged towards Yuji. Sukuna moved fast like a demon. "Holy shit!" You yelled, amazed.

Sukuna was right behind Yuji, covered in blood but his eyes shined bright red in anger. This brat is trying to take you away from him! He has made it clear before that you belong to Sukuna and nothing, nothing is going to take you away.

Not even your ex-friends.

Sukuna can see that this is the real Yuji, seeing Yuji's soul as clear as day. But he can always play it off that he thought it was a fake, this is just to take out a thorn in Sukuna's side.

Yuji felt Sukuna's presence behind him and glanced behind him to see Sukuna's claws aimed towards Yuji's face. Yuji's eyes widen and braces himself to get stabbed or maimed by Sukuna's attack. Only for a Sprinter to jump through the window and slam Sukuna into the wall. The impact made Sukuna and the zombie smash into the wall and into another room.

Yuji quickly got back up and continued running, glancing behind him a few times to make sure Sukuna wasn't following. His grip on you tightened as he turned the corner, hoping to gain some distance. "Let me go!" You said squirming in his hold and struggling to get free. When Yuji entered a room, he slammed the door shut, blocked it, and then put you down. You quickly backed away from him, like a rabbit being cornered by a wolf. "Fuck okay, if you're going to kill me make it quick," you pleaded, backing yourself into a corner. "Don't throw me into a horde."

"What? Why would I kill you? I just saved you from the horde," Yuji pointed out, looking confused. There was an intense silence between you two. Yuji never thought that one day you would look at him with such fear in your eyes. What happened to you while you were trapped for three months?

Yuji approaches you slowly, hands in the air to show he meant no harm. Despite that, you pressed yourself further into the corner, hoping to become one with the wall. The next moment surprises you as Yuji slowly brings you into a tight embrace. You're confused by the hug and slowly hug him as well. "Heh, I missed this," you mumbled, feeling nostalgic. "If only you were ready here Yuji." Yuji hugs you tighter and you don't mind, hugging him tighter as well. Yuji doesn't reply, it's clear you don't think he is the real deal. He has many questions, and emotions to unleash for what you put him through and what you went through alone.

Yet he has to hold it all in, he's only here for a limited amount of time and needs to put this soul tracker on you. Or else Shiro and Luis died for nothing.

Suddenly you feel his hand pressed against your back and the sound of paper.

Immediately you shove him back, reaching behind you to grab this paper. "What did you put on me!?" You asked, demanding to know. Before you know it a burning pain erupts in your body, making you fall to your knees. It feels like something is burning into your soul! As if someone is taking a branding iron and piercing it in your core. "Get it off, get it-!" You screamed, trying to rip the paper off of you. What the hell was that?!

Yuji's eyes widen when he sees you writhe in pain and immediately tries to get the paper off of you. "Shit, Yuri didn't tell me it would hurt!" Yuji exclaimed, shocked. "I am so sorry!" Even as your inside is burning, you give Yuji a panicked, worried, and angry gaze. Yuri? "Yuji, who is Yuri?" You asked, hoping it was a different woman named Yuri and not the Yuri that's your father's right-hand man.

"Yuri, the girl who works with your dad," Yuji said, becoming more specific.

Your mind immediately puts some pieces together. If Yuji knows who Yuri is, that means this is the real Yuji. You never had your friends meet your clan for many reasons, a manifestation of Yuji wouldn't have known her name. Nor would he place a strange paper on your back, or even travel with Shiro.

What is going on?

"You're...real?" you asked slowly, reaching out to touch his face. Yuji instead grabs your hand and pulls it away from his face. "Y/N I'm not sure how much time I have here," Yuji starts as he grabs your shoulder. "Maybe I can get you out!" Get you out?

"What are you-?"

Yuji reaches into his hood to pull out the necklace he's been wearing. The one that is supposed to pull him out of the orb. "I can take you with me," Yuji said eagerly as he held his free hand out to you. Your eyes widen when you see that necklace and you immediately grab it, to examine it. Your clan's symbol is engraved into the crystal and Yuji continues to speak. "I think I may have seven hours left before this crystal pulls me out of here," Yuji continues. "I'm taking you with me."

"I'm not leaving," you said, dropping the necklace and stepping back from Yuji. Your old friend looks bewildered by your words. From what he's seen so far, anyone would be glad to have a chance to escape this hellhole. Instead, you look scared and anxious. It's probably because you're afraid of facing everyone, or possible imprisonment for life or even execution.

But no, Yuji thought wrong, you're not leaving Sukuna behind. Even if you wanted to leave and can, you're not leaving Sukuna here. You two promised each other, that you would figure this out together. And as far as you know, Sukuna is your only ally right now. Would you rather face people who want to put your head on a stick or stick beside someone who cares about you?

You already abandoned people to pursue other's happiness, for once you're going to be selfish and stay beside Sukuna. Even if it means staying in hell forever with him.

"Y/N don't be stupid and come with me!" Yuji argues as he grabs your arm.

"I'm not leaving him-!"

Yuji lets out a painful scream and falls to his knees. Your eyes widen as you see Sukuna standing behind him, his claws coated in Yuji's blood. "I believe she told you to let her go, brat," Sukuna said, his eyes narrowed as he looked down at Yuji. Yuji has four claw marks on his back, bleeding profusely.

"No, wait, wait!" you exclaimed, standing in front of Yuji. "Sukuna he's-!"

Before you can finish telling him that Yuji is real, Sukuna grabs your arm and pushes you aside. The force made you stumble back and fall onto the ground with a hard thud. "I didn't miss you asshole," Yuji growled as he stared at Sukuna.

Sukuna smirked and Yuji let out an angry yell, charging at Sukuna. The curse used his forearms to block Yuji's punches with ease, smirking the whole time. "Stop this, this is not the time!" you yelled, standing as you held your arm. You landed on it wrong when Sukuna shoved you to the ground.

"Like hell it is! Now step away from Y/N you bastard!" Yuji growled as he glared at the curse. Sukuna doesn't move as he stands in front of you, smirking smugly at Yuji. "Make me, brat," Sukuna challenged Yuji. "I can see you're still the pathetic boy you've always been."

"And I can tell you're a heartless monster like always," Yuji quipped back. Quickly, you grab Sukuna's wrist and tug his arm. "Sukuna, stop, the zombies might be getting closer, did you even kill all of them?!" You asked, trying to remind these two dumbasses of the dangerous situation you are in. Sukuna scowls because he did not kill all of the zombies, it was endless undead creatures pouring in. Yuji on the other hand, his eyes widen in anger as he sees you holding Sukuna's wrist and tugging it.

What the hell are you doing?

Yuji's eyes shrink as he glares at your interaction with each other. "I didn't have time to, you were being stolen from me," Sukuna said with a frown. The moment he saw Yuji running away with you, Sukuna's mind went blank and all he saw was red. His body was on autopilot, his body, soul, and mind came together and made it their sole mission to get you back.

When he heard you scream in the room he left you in, it felt like his world completely stopped. He was seeing black spots, the zombies didn't matter, getting to you as fast as possible mattered. He ripped through the zombies in the halls and lobby as if his life depended on it.

"That's sweet and all, but we need to go, now like now," you said, urgently as you pulled Sukuna's hand. On cue, the door to the room you were all in is starting to be broken into. Sukuna picks you up and he knows he needs to make his own exit. "Hold on tight okay," Sukuna tells you. Yuji felt like he was watching some sick twisted alternate universe he ended up in. Sukuna is carrying you? And you're willingly letting him do this?

'He must've brainwashed her,' Yuji concludes as he watches Sukuna press a hand against the wall. There's no way Sukuna hasn't done anything, the curse must've manipulated you somehow. You were trapped with him for three months, he could've tortured you and made you some loyal pet.

Without warning, Sukuna slams his side into the wall. With his strength and power, it easily broke apart, creating dust and broken debris. Your arms wrap around Sukuna's neck, feeling like your heart is going to burst from this stressful situation.

Things just went from bad to worse to 'we are so fucked' in an hour.


A/N: Ya know, I should really slow down. Story will be over before we all know it XD. I wonder if someone picked up on where this particular area came from.

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