Chills & Thrills | Brance

By samswattpedia

4.9K 76 147

In which Vance is an out of place person, like usual. He gets held back twice, and when he decides to tell br... More



216 4 5
By samswattpedia

When Bruce opened his front door he was met with the sight of his mom, who had been pacing. She immediately noticed Bruce.

"Bruce, i'm very sorry about what I said, I was being too harsh. I was so worried about you!" She said, walking up to Bruce. "I just want the best for you. And the best is having someone like Stella, because she cared about you."

"Vance does care about me, mom. I already said this before, you don't know him," Bruce said.

His mom stared at him for a moment before saying, "If you say so. But if he hurts you, emotionally or physically, just know that I will comfort you and also say I told you so."

Bruce understood what she saying, he just didn't know what she meant by it. Was she fine with him dating Vance or not?

"Okay.. So, you don't mind if I date him?" Bruce asked, trying to figure it out.

"Nope, I don't care, go right ahead. Also, if I ever catch you sneaking out again you're being grounded," Nina clarified.

"Okay!" Bruce replied with a thumbs up. "Dinners ready in ten minutes," She said before walking into the kitchen.

Bruce was glad his mom didn't care if he dated Vance, but technically they weren't even together. He should probably figure that out with Vance. Bruce made a mental schedule to eat dinner, and then call Vance at around six to talk to him, maybe mention what type of relationship they have.

He made his way towards the kitchen and took a sit at the dinner table, where his father was already seated. Bruce could hear Amy watching the tv in the living room, where she hadn't move from her spot on the couch since arriving home from school.

Nina eventually brought their dinner out and Amy was called to come eat. Upon finishing, Bruce fled upstairs, being followed by Amy.

"Why're you in such a rush to get to your room?" Amy asked, walking closely behind him.

"To get away from you," Bruce said with a sarcastic tone while entering his room "Meh meh meh," Amy responded with a high pitched tone.

"Can I stay?" Amy then politely asked. Bruce glared at her, "No. Actually, ten minutes only," He told her.

"Cool. Why only ten? You got more places to be?" Amy asked, flopping down on Bruce's bed.

"No, i'm calling someone later," Bruce told her. "Ooo! Who is it?" Amy asked, sitting up and now ten times more interested.

"None of your business," Bruce replied. Amy scowled at him. "I miss when you didn't have your own line and I could eavesdrop on your conversation," She said.

"That's part of the reason I did," Bruce said.

"What very ever. I might be going out on a limb here, but, is it Vance you're going to call?" Amy questioned.

"Maybe," Bruce shrugged. Amy let out a gasp before saying, "Wow! You haven't said anything to me about you two since you kissed him first like half a decade ago!"

"Okay?" Bruce responded. He was growing annoyed of Amy, now he just wanted her to leave. "Your ten minutes are up, get out of here."

"How about you get real. It has not been ten minutes," Amy claimed, wanting to stay and hear more about the boys' situation.

"How would you know, you can barely read a clock. Now go away, i'll talk to you Sunday,"

"Sunday's far away! Why not tomorrow?"

"Because I have a game and your existence is stressful enough," Bruce said, "Now go."

"Rude," Amy mumbled as she left Bruce's room.

Bruce looked towards the phone that sat on his desk. Vance never really specified an exact time for Bruce to call. He just said 'tonight', and six was now seeming too early. Seven would work better.

So an hour later, Bruce called.

"Hello?" Asked the person on the other line. It sounded like Griffin.

"Hello! Can I talk to Vance?" Bruce asked. There was a pause before Griffin responded. "Okay."

A longer pause later, Vance was kicking Griffin out of his room and picking up the phone. "Hey," he spoke.

"Hi," Bruce responded.

"So, how'd things go with your mom?" Vance asked. Bruce had almost forgotten about that issue.

He explained to Vance that his mom was fine with it now. He left out the parts where his mom still doubted Vance would care about Bruce.

The two stayed on the phone for two hours before Bruce stopped responding to Vance. He had been tiredly responding for ten minutes now, so it wasn't any surprise to Vance when he assumingely fell asleep.

"Bruce?" Vance spoke. No answer. Vance laughed softly. "Goodnight then," he quietly spoke before hanging up the phone.

Bruce woke up Saturday morning in an odd position. He'd fallen asleep on the phone last night, he didn't even know what time. An hour into the call he moved from his desk to his bed, allowing him to be more conference than he would've been in his chair.

Bruce moved the phone back to desk and checked the time. 8:02. He would've called Vance to apologize for falling asleep, but he was already going to see him today, and he figured Vance might still be asleep.

Vance, however, was not sleeping. He'd been awake for half an hour after he heard Griffin falling off his bed. Griffin somehow didn't wake up from that.

Vance still found it funny how Bruce seemed nervous to ask him if he wanted to go to his baseball game. Vance'd be there even if he hadn't asked.

Vance was laying in his bed, not really wanting to get up. He wouldn't be able to fall asleep anyways, so he stood up, changed, and  made his way downstairs.

"Vance, hello! Are you doing anything today?" His mom asked the second Vance walked past the living room.

"Yeah," He said to his mom while putting on his shoes. "Why?"

"Oh! Griffin has been asking me if I could drive him to the aquarium just out of town. I have some extra money that would've went towards alcohol, and I figured i'd take him today! I can move it to tomorrow if you wanted to come, I haven't told Griffin yet."

"Aquarium? That's gay," Vance stated before opening his front door and walking out.

There was still seven hours until Vance actually had to be at the baseball field, so for now he'd go to the grab n' go and maybe see if Robin was up to anything.

"Vance, hold on!" He heard his mom shouting behind him. Vance paused his walk and turned around. "What?" He spoke.

"Can you just come here a moment?" She said, motioning for him to come back inside. With a sigh, Vance made his way back to the front door, where he stopped.

"I'm going to be taking Griffin, we are leaving at eleven and we won't be back until late. Do you want me to leave you money for dinner?" She said to Vance.

"Okay. You don't got to leave me nothing, i'll figure something out," Vance responded. "Can I go now?"

"Alright. You can go, yes. Bye!" She said with a wave before stepping back inside and closing the door behind her.

Vance continued on to the grab n' go.

did i give vances mom a name?? i have no idea.. i gotta inspect that at some point

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