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The best part of everyone knowing that they couldn't utter a single word about Vance or anyone he cares about without getting in a fight, was that Vance could live and and do whatever he wanted without a worry of what others think. That came in great handy when he discovered he didn't like girls.

What if they think i'm weird? What if they call me names? What if I become an outcast? Those were thoughts Vance had. Yet, it doesn't worry him. If they think he's not normal or insult him, he'll simply beat them up. And yet, nobody knows. So that's a worry for another day. However, that day happened to be today.

It was Tuesday now and Vance was walking down the halls as usual before he was stopped by a boy he'd never seen before.

"Is it true?" Was all he said. Vance liked the part where he included context on what he was talking about. "Is what true?" Vance asked.

"That you're gay for Bruce?" He said. What the fuck?

"Nope," Vance replied, ready to just walk away before he beat that kid right in the halls.

"Yeah, well, someone saw you two talking and they said you two looked pretty gay." Vance stopped in his tracks and glared at the dude.

"Wouldn't this make you gay then? Since I guess two dudes can't talk anymore," Vance spoke.

"Wha- no! That's gross, I don't look gay," He said defensively, although his haircut said otherwise.

"And what, you think I do?" Vance asked. "I didn't say that-" The boy said.

"It sounded like it. Why don't you mind your own fucking business?" Vance said before punching the boy in his face. He staggered backwards and before he could even regain his balance, he was knocked on the floor.

Vance punched him a few more times and a small crowd formed around them.

"Asshole," Vance muttered before standing up. He pushed a few people out of his way as he walked to the nearest bathroom.

Vance turned on the water and rinsed the blood of his knuckles, trying his best not to look in the mirror. If he hears anyone else putting his name and gay in the same sentence ever again he won't hesitate to beat them up.

He heard the bathroom door open, he didn't care who it was. He looked up anyways, making sure it wasn't someone who looked like they wanted to fight. It was just Bruce. Vance looked back at the sink, assuming Bruce had to go to the bathroom.

"What was that all about?" Bruce asked. Vance looked up to see Bruce standing against the wall to the left of Vance.

"That fight?" Bruce nodded. "Kid was saying shit," Vance mumbled.

"Was it about the gay stuff? Yeah, I heard that one too," Bruce told him. "I'm sorry about that."

"Why?" Vance spoke, not looking up from his hand that he now pulled out from under the water.

"I don't know, for looking gay?" Bruce said with a laugh. "I guess it doesn't help I broke up with Stella yesterday."

"You did?" Vance asked, finally looking to Bruce.

"Yeah. It's whatever though. You know, can always find someone else.." Bruce said with an odd tone.

"Mhm. Got to get to class or whatever, see you," Vance waved and left.

Bruce watched as he left, a little surprised. Not just at Vance hurrying to leave, but how Bruce said what he did. He didn't let it bother him any longer and headed to his class.

Vance didn't make it to his class before he was called into the office. He now sits on the uncomfortable chair across from the vice principal.

"I'm just going to get straight to the point. Did you beat that kid up?" She asked, pointing out his freshly wounded knuckles.

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