The Shepherd Legacy

By Bluefireball123

23.1K 412 54

*Warning* This is a one-shot compilation, which will include nonsexual disciplinary spanking between an older... More

A Lesson in Humility
Bars and Fake IDs
Jackson, out of all people?
Mark and Stitches
Shadows of Yesterday
Failed Dinner
Jealous Brother
Sleep Deprived
A Miracle for Addison
Derek's Struggles
Pregnancy Scare
Smoking Habit
Bad Days
Cramping Hand
I'm Not a Machine.
Locker Rooms and Alex's Antics
Resilience or Cruelty?
Richard's Alcoholism
First Drinks
Missed Assignments
Skipping School
Weed, Seriously?
Game Night
Sibling Shenanigans
Vision Problems
Simple Mistakes
Nip It in the Bud
Smoking Struggles Continue
Post-Appendectomy Drives
Resident Arguments
I Need You to Fill the Void...
Walk on Water
The Talk
Studies Gone Wrong
Author's Note

Party Sneakout

490 9 3
By Bluefireball123

Mary is a high school senior here, not a resident.

The living room was filled with a tense atmosphere as Mary Shepherd, a senior in high school and the younger sister of renowned neurosurgeon Derek Shepherd, hesitantly approached her older brother who was engrossed in a medical journal.

"Derek, can we talk?" she asked nervously, fidgeting with the strap of her backpack.

Derek looked up from his reading, a warm smile on his face. "Of course, Mary. What's on your mind?"

Mary took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. "There's a party tonight, and I was wondering if I could go."

Derek's expression shifted from warmth to concern. Parties were a source of frequent injuries in the ER, and he couldn't help but worry about his little sister. "Okay, um... Mary, you know I'm not a fan of those parties. There's usually a lot of alcohol and drugs involved. It's not a safe environment."

Mary sighed, knowing this wouldn't be an easy conversation. "Derek, I'm eighteen now. I can take care of myself. It's just a party, not a war zone. And I won't be drinking, I promise."

Derek furrowed his brows, the concern deepening. "I don't know, kid, I've seen what can happen at these parties. I can't let you put yourself in that kind of risk. I don't think it's a good idea."

"But, Derek—"

Before Mary could finish her plea, Mark walked into the living room. He raised an eyebrow, sensing the discord.

"What's going on here?" Mark asked, looking between Derek and Mary.

Derek sighed, briefly glancing at Mark before turning his attention back to his sister. "Mary wants to go to a party tonight, and I don't think it's a good idea. There will be alcohol, drugs..."

Mary couldn't contain her frustration. "This is ridiculous! I'm not a child anymore. I can make my own choices! Why can't you trust me?"

Both Derek and Mark looked at each other before Mark chimed in, "It's not that we don't trust you—we don't trust the other kids. Derek's just worried about you, Mary, we both are. These parties can get out of hand."

Mary rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath, "You guys are so uptight. I can handle myself."

"Watch it, Mary," Derek warned, a stern look on his face.

Ignoring Derek's warning, Mary muttered, "You're such an ass," and stormed off, leaving her brothers in the living room.

Derek's frustration flared, and he made a move to follow her, but Mark put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. "Let her cool off, Derek. We'll talk to her later."

Reluctantly, Derek nodded, realizing that pushing Mary further at that moment might not be productive.


Later that evening, Mary seized an opportunity to sneak out to the party, disregarding Derek's strict prohibition. The music was loud, the atmosphere charged, and the allure of freedom was intoxicating. Despite her promise to Derek, Mary could not resist her classmate's offer of a beer. One beer turned into two, which turned into three, and before Mary knew it, she was quite drunk.

Back at the Shepherd household, Derek, still troubled by the earlier confrontation, decided to check on Mary. He expected to find her studying or absorbed in her phone. However, as he entered her room, his eyes widened in disbelief at the sight of an empty room.

Confused and angered, Derek stormed back to the living room, where Mark was reading a magazine. It was around 3 AM when Mary stumbled through the front door, her eyes glazed and movements unsteady. Derek and Mark were sitting in the living room, their expressions a mix of disappointment and concern. On the table between them, a cane rested ominously.

Mary froze in the doorway, her high fading as she registered the stern looks on Derek and Mark's faces. She gulped nervously, realizing she had been caught, her gaze drifting to the cane.

"Where have you been, Mary Amelia Shepherd?" Derek's voice was stern, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I-I went to the party," Mary admitted, avoiding eye contact.

Derek sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "We were worried about you. I told you, you were not allowed to go to the party. And..." His expression turned even more severe as he registered Mary's disheveled appearance, "Is that... Did you drink? So help me God, Mary, if you even touched alcohol-"

Mary mustered the courage to defend herself. "I'm fine, Derek! I had a couple of drinks—it was just a party."

"Just a party? This is not even about the party - this is about the fact that you ignored both mine and Mark's instructions. Not only did you sneak out and lied to use, you also got drunk. You are eighteen - you are not legally allowed to drink. There are consequences for your actions."

Mary's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Exactly, Derek, I'm eighteen! I'm not a child. I can make my own decisions," Mary argued.

Derek's expression hardened. "Mary, I can't let you think that this behavior is acceptable. It's not just about parties; it's about your safety."

Desperation crept into Mary's voice as she pleaded, "Can't you just let it go this once? I promise I won't do it again."

Derek shook his head, the decision final. "No, Mary. You made your bed, now you have to lie in it. You will be getting the cane."

Mary's mind raced, searching for an alternative. "What if... What if I take the belt instead? I'll accept the punishment, but not the cane, please."

The Shepherd siblings had their share of disagreements, and the belt was often the go-to punishment for issues of disrespect. However, the cane was reserved for more severe instances, particularly those related to health and safety.

Derek's resolve held firm. "Absolutely not. This about your safety. The cane is the appropriate consequence for tonight's actions."

Mary's heart sank, realizing she couldn't escape the impending punishment. Derek ordered her to bend over the table, her hands trembling as she complied. The room fell silent, tension thick in the air, as Derek prepared to administer the disciplinary measure that both he and Mark had experienced before – the fiery sting of the cane.

Mary's palms were sweaty, her heart pounding loudly in her chest as she bent over the table. Derek, though stern, hesitated for a brief moment before picking up the cane. He knew the severity of this moment, and he wanted Mary to understand the gravity of her actions.

Derek cleared his throat, his voice low and serious. "Mary, you need to remember that we do this because we care about you. It's not about asserting authority; it's about teaching you responsibility and ensuring your safety."

Mary nodded, her face pressed against the cool surface of the table. Mark stood silently, a conflicted expression on his face.

The first swish of the cane through the air made Mary tense. She bit her lower lip, bracing for the impact. The sharp sting of the cane against her backside elicited a sharp intake of breath, but she managed to suppress any audible response.

Derek continued with a measured pace, each stroke delivered with precision. He kept his emotions in check - he had already calmed down, but he now needed to be firm and deliver the promised punishment.

Mark shifted uncomfortably, his eyes flickering between Derek and Mary. He couldn't help but feel sympathetic toward her, having been on the receiving end of discipline himself. Still, he knew Derek's intentions were rooted in concern for Mary's well-being.

Mary, on the other hand, struggled to remain composed. As the strokes of the cane continued, she couldn't help but let out a small whimper, her eyes stinging with unshed tears. The pain, both physical and emotional, was becoming overwhelming.

"Derek, please," she finally pleaded, her voice shaky. "I get it. I won't do it again. Just stop, please."

Derek paused, the room filled with a heavy silence. He put the cane down and placed a reassuring hand on Mary's back. "Mary, this is not easy for any of us. But you need to understand the consequences of your actions. It's not just about tonight; it's about the choices you make in the future. And trusting us when we make decisions for your sake."

Mary nodded, knowing that this was not a battle she could win. She wiped away a tear, grateful for Derek's pause. The room remained heavy with tension as Derek resumed the discipline. The cane swished through the air, each stroke a painful reminder of the choices Mary had made. She couldn't hold back her cries as Derek pressed on and as the sting built up.

"Derek," Mary begged between sobs, the pain now mingling with desperation in her voice. "I get it! Please..."

Derek's expression remained stern, but his eyes betrayed a mixture of empathy and sadness. Finally, he stopped when Mary's sobs escalated into earnest cries, when she gave up on pleading and just accepted the discipline. He laid the cane aside, giving her a moment to catch her breath.

Mary, now sobbing uncontrollably, clutched onto the table for support. Derek, despite his resolve, couldn't bear to see his sister in such distress.

"Mare," Derek spoke gently, his voice softer than before. "I need you to take a moment, kid, compose yourself. I'll be right here."

He watched as Mary struggled to regain control of her emotions. The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the occasional sniffle. Once she had calmed down slightly, Derek reached out and pulled her into a comforting hug.

"I did this because I care about you," Derek explained, "I know it hurts, but I need you to understand that your safety is my priority. You're my sister, Mary, and I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you."

Mary, still teary-eyed, nodded against his shoulder. Derek sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Hand me your phone," he said, gently pulling away from the hug. "Then, you can go to bed."

Mary, her eyes downcast and still teary, silently handed Derek her phone without argument. He held it in his hand, glad that at least this order was not met with arguments.

"You'll get this back in three days," Derek declared. "You're grounded for a week. No parties, no late nights. You go to school, to practice and then right back home. Clear?"

"Yes, sir," Mary responded, even as her eyes stayed glued to the floor. Derek sighed again, his gaze filled with a mix of exhaustion and concern. "We'll talk more tomorrow, kiddo. Get some rest."

He pulled her into one final hug, a silent reassurance that, despite the discipline, he still loved her. With Mary leaving the living room, Derek sank into a chair, his exhaustion evident. Mark approached, a comforting hand on Derek's shoulder. "You did what needed to be done, Derek. Carolyn would've done the same."

Derek nodded, appreciating the support from his brother. "I now see why she told us it hurt her more than us when she had to discipline us. I just hope Mary understands, man. I don't want her to think I'm being strict for the sake of it."

"She will, Derek. Give her some time," Mark reassured, squeezing Derek's shoulder. "Carolyn raised both of us, and we turned out okay. Mary will too."


The morning after the intense events of the previous night found the Shepherd household in an atmosphere of subdued tension. The scent of breakfast filled the air as Derek, Mark, and Mary gathered around the table. As they finished their breakfast, Derek cleared his throat, breaking the quietness that lingered in the room. "Mare, go upstairs and grab your other phone, then come back down, okay?"

Mary nodded, her eyes downcast, still feeling the soreness from the previous night's discipline. The unease was clear as they moved to the living room and settled on the couch. Mary shifted uncomfortably, wincing slightly as she found a position that offered some relief.

Derek sighed. "Last night wasn't easy for any of us. I want you to understand, Mary, that what we did was because we care about you. It's about keeping you safe."

Mary nodded, her gaze fixed on her hands. "I know, Derek. I messed up, and I'm sorry."

Derek reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder. "We're not trying to control your life, Mary. But there are boundaries, and last night you crossed them. I need you to be responsible."

Mary swallowed hard, "Yes, sir."

Mark, sitting beside Mary, observed the exchange. He sensed the discomfort and decided to lighten the mood, at least a little. With a mischievous grin, he grabbed a nearby pillow and tossed it in Mary's direction.

"Here, use this to sit on. Might make things a bit more comfortable," Mark suggested, a hint of playfulness in his tone.

Mary, surprised by the unexpected gesture, managed a small smile. She caught the pillow and gingerly positioned it beneath her, the relief evident on her face.

"Thanks, Mark," she said, appreciating the small act of kindness.

Derek couldn't help but crack a smile at the exchange. "Alright, enough of the serious talk for now. Mary, you know we love you, right?"

Mary nodded, a grateful expression in her eyes. "Yeah, I know. And I love you guys too. I'll try to be more careful, and listen to what you have to say."

Derek squeezed her shoulder gently. "That's all we ask, Mary. We're here for you, but we also need you to make wise decisions. Now, about your second phone—"

Mary reached into her pocket, retrieving the device, and handed it to Derek without protest

"You'll get it back in three days too," Derek reiterated. "And you're grounded for a week. No exceptions."

Mary nodded, a newfound maturity in her response. "Yes, sir."


Dinner in the Shepherd household that evening unfolded amidst a subdued atmosphere. Lexie and Meredith joined the family around the table. The clinking of cutlery and the soft murmur of conversation filled the air as they enjoyed a meal together.

As the conversation flowed, Mary, still nursing the soreness from the previous night's discipline, kept shifting uncomfortably in her seat. Sensing her discomfort, Mark, without a word, got up from the table and returned moments later with a soft pillow, which he discreetly handed to her. Derek raised an eyebrow, eyeing Mark disapprovingly as he helped Mary ease her pain.

"Dealing with the aftermath is part of the punishment," Derek commented sternly, directing his disapproval at Mark.

Mary flushed in embarrassment, her gaze dropping to her plate. Mark, however, met Derek's gaze and, with a roll of his eyes, decided to lighten the mood. "Well, I figure I'd rather deal with a sore backside than an uncomfortable dinner. Don't want Mary squirming all night."

The comment drew a small chuckle from the table, including Mary, who appreciated the effort to ease her embarrassment.

As dinner concluded, Mary reached for her phone on the kitchen countertop, momentarily forgetting that she was grounded from it for another two days.

"Mary, you know the rules. You'll get your phone back in two days," he said, his tone firm.

"Yes, sir," Mary responded, her use of the term catching the attention of Meredith and Lexie. They exchanged curious glances before Lexie voiced the question on both their minds.

"Why do you call him 'sir'?" Lexie asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

Derek and Mark shared a look before Mark spoke up, "It's... just something started by our mother."

Derek nodded in agreement. "Respect is the foundation of discipline in our family. When in trouble, it's expected to address the other person as sir or ma'am. It helps keep the discipline impersonal and ensures it doesn't affect our actual relationships."

Meredith and Lexie exchanged surprised glances, absorbing the information. Mary, ever nonchalant, shrugged. "It's just the way our family works." She then added with a teasing grin, "And you know, it's how Derek and Mark know if I'm actually contrite. I wouldn't call them sir otherwise."

Derek couldn't help but chuckle at Mary's lighthearted remark. "She's not wrong. The level of respect is an important indicator."

On a more serious note, Mark chimed in, "It's not just for Mary. The same level of respect would apply if Derek were to admonish me, even without the cane." He glanced at Mary, noting her embarrassment. "It's about maintaining a consistent standard."

Lexie and Meredith exchanged surprised glances. "Even with Mark being an adult?" Meredith asked, her curiosity evident.

Derek nodded, "It's about accountability. Discipline isn't about age; it's about responsibility and consequences."

"If only we weren't all stubborn," Mary added, prompting a round of laughter from the table.

As the night progressed, the family found themselves laughing and sharing stories, the echoes of the previous night's discipline slowly fading into the background. 

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