Glamorous Journey Of The Fema...

By silentMelody0101

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56 Epilogue


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By silentMelody0101

Chapter 216 - The Trial (Part One)

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

The inside of the Weapon Section of the Forbidden Grounds was ringing with the painful cries coming from the girl who was kneeling in the very middle of the high platform.

Her torn clothes, disheveled and sweaty hair, the cuts all over her bare arms, feet, and hands were covered in blood.

The most shocking scene was the blood that was coming out from the palm of her right hand.

In all the blood that was dripping on the floor from that deep gash of her palm, tiny blue sparkling particles could be seen in that blood.

When she first closed her fingers around that blue sparkling ball of light, she had felt it penetrating her skin as it traveled up her arms and towards her shoulders.

It barely took a few seconds before that energy met with her heart and that was the exact moment when Li Ming let out that terrifying scream as her heart suddenly erupted in pain.

It was the worst kind of pain that she had ever suffered through in both of her lives.

Her already exhausted body was not prepared to deal with such intensity of pain that took over her body, leaving her in a mess.

Li Ming bit her lips as she tried to stop the screams of pain that were ready to slip from her lips.

For a moment she thought that she heard some kind of disturbances at the gate of the Weapon Section but as her ears piqued nothing when she tried to concentrate, she just shook her head and started paying attention to her own situation.

She could not wait for someone to appear there and help her. She knew her body and as far as she could tell, both her body and soul had suffered through so much in the past few hours that they won't be able to stand against the pain that was trying to kill her.

She felt like something was separating every single cell of her heart and then binding it together after adding something new to it and of course, the pain was beyond bearable.

It was like going through surgery without any anesthesia.

Li Ming grasped her chest with her left hand right above her heart as her breathing started getting completely out of her control. It was becoming harder for her to breathe due to the pain that was making her want to get lost in the darkness and never return.

Unknown to her, the Six Immortals and the old man were quick to reach the Forbidden Grounds as soon as they heard her scream and felt the tremor that shook the ground.

It did not take them long to locate the sobbing Snowy who was scratching at the ice walks of the Weapon Section as the little furball tried his best to find a way to get to his Master as soon as possible.

Within a mere second, both of the illusion arrays and the protection barrier at the entrance of the Weapon Section were taken down by the Heaven Emperor.

The Immortals accompanied by a worried Master and a panicked familiar entered the Hall of Spiritual Weapons.

No one was prepared to come across the scene that greeted their eyes inside the Hall of Spiritual Weapons.




The newcomers stood there at the entrance in complete shock as they took in the condition of Li Ming who looked even paler than a vampire even though her body was covered in her blood.

She probably did not hear them because she kept struggling with the pain that was driving her insane.

Wen Guiying and Hei Long were the first ones to come out of their shock as the two immediately started running towards the high platform where their mate was suffering.

However, they never got the chance to even came across anywhere near the staircase that led to the top of the platform.

A huge energy wall appeared in front of them, creating a barrier between them and their mate.

But the thing that left them most surprised was the person that stood in front of that energy wall, stopping the Immortals from getting to their mate.

The person in the dark crimson cloak stood there with a sword in their hands. The message was clear. That person was there to stop the Immortals from helping their young mate.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? What kind of prank is this? Move out of our way." Wen Guiying shouted at that person as he glared at them with deadly eyes.

Unfortunately, the person in the crimson cloak made no move to step aside, and this only ended up infuriating those who were aware of that person's identity.

"What are you doing? Can't you see that Ming needs us? Don't play your dirty tricks right now. Move away!" Snowy shouted at the red cloak person as he also glared at them with his small teary eyes.


There was a warning in the Supreme Immortal's eyes as he glared at the banshee who did not give away her true feelings.

Her face was as emotionless as possible and when she spoke her voice held power, a warning of her own.

"I have warned you before too. There are some circumstances where you can't help her. This is one of those situations where she needs to deal with it on her own. Don't interfere."

It was like she was trying to make them understand something but the Immortals were far too panicked at that moment to pay attention to the meaning behind the words of the banshee.

As the Immortal Deities and Rulers of different provinces, all of them were aware of the word destiny and the rules that surrounded it.

However, at that particular moment, nothing was more important for them except for their young mate who needed their help.

"You too are aware that she is not in a state where she could deal with the power of the Lightning Whip. Not only she will need to tame the extreme power of the Spiritual Weapon but she will also need to absorb the lightning energy that soon will befall her. We can't take any chances seeing that she's too weak at this moment to go through something like that."

Wen Guiying shouted angrily at the banshee as he and the other Immortals started walking towards the staircase.

However, the banshee stroke her sword through the thin air, and it created a huge wall of fire right in front of the Immortals.

"I'm well aware of what is going to happen next. But just like I said, this is one of those situations where you need to trust her. Maybe she is not in a condition where she could pass this trial without any harm but it's too late to change anything. I know exactly what will happen if you all tried to interfere and you all know it too. But remember, I also know what will happen if you don't interfere."

Banshee's words made the Immortals stop in their tracks as they looked at their mate who was shivering due to the cold.

And just like that, from a single glance towards their suffering mate, they decided to interfere even though the consequences of their actions would not be good.

The banshee was quick to see the resolve that took over their eyes and a sigh left her lips.

"You all are not giving me any other option. I'm not asking you to trust me, rather, I'm asking you to trust your mate, to trust the bond that ties you all with her. Yes, she would suffer but we all know that she's powerful enough to pass through this. Maybe her body and mind were not in the state of fighting against what is coming but there's always her soul. If you really want to help her, then you can do that without interfering with this trial."

This time the Immortals actually stopped for real as they looked at each other.

The banshee was strong, powerful enough to give at least one of the Immortals run for their money at a time.

However, she was no match to the group of all the six Immortals together. The six of them formed a group with too much power to even exist.

It won't take them long to swipe the banshee out of their way and reach to their mate.

"I think she's right. Rather than interfering with the plan of destiny and creating even a greater problem, you all should think about helping her in a way that won't backfire." The old man finally broke the silence that had dawned over the huge chamber of the ice cave.

The Immortals quickly settled down in lotus positions forming a circle, more like a magical hologram.

They all turned their eyes towards their mate who was still oblivious to their presence.

Just when a sudden darkness started taking over the ice cave, the six Immortals pushed their purest spiritual qi out as the six different colored energy rays collided with each other and created a symbol.


Chapter 217 - The Trial (Part Two)

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer2

"It's working!"

The replica of their soul mark of the Ivy leaf and its five tendrils was shining brightly in six different colors as the Immortals kept transferring their energy into it.

Everyone watched in amazement as the soul mark on Li Ming's wrist also began shining in those similar six different colors that belonged to her mates.

Zhang Yong - Orange

Ruoshan - Purple

Hei Long - Black

Wen Guiying - Green

Lord Yueliang - Blue

Heaven Emperor - Gold

The Ivy leaf was colorless with the orange light creating its edges while the five tendrils were shining with the colors that be linked to her soul mates.

If Li Ming also put her qi into the replica then rather than six colors there would be seven, the last one would be silver which would fill the colorless Ivy.

As the Immortals worked on transferring energy into their mate through the soul mark, the old man was also doing a brilliant job.

He attached the essence of Li Ming's spiritual energy with the Wards that surrounded the Forbidden Grounds.

This made the wards accept her as one of the residents of the Forbidden Grounds and as a result, the link between Li Ming and her powers was once again opened.

"Master, are you alright?"

Mallow's worried tone that immediately boomed through their shared mind link was the first thing that made Li Ming focus on her surroundings.

Due to the transfer of six powerful spiritual energies into her body, the pain suddenly started retreating and her mind was once again trying to gain focus on her surroundings.

That was when she noticed the group of people that were present in that ice cave along with her.

A faint smile appeared on her lips as she took in worried expressions on all the seven people and the little furball that was present there.

Even though the banshee could appear heartless to most people, Li Ming could clearly see the glimpse of worry in her eyes as she kept looking at her.

Li Ming struggled a little but finally succeeded in adjusting herself in the lotus sitting position.

She closed her eyes and let her consciousness enter her body where she could find the ocean of her spiritual energy.

"I'm alright. No need to worry. Tell the others to not worry too."

Li Ming replied to Mallow through their mind link as she surveyed both of her energy oceans.

The first one was filled with her magical energy while the second one was filled with spiritual qi, only separated by a thin waterfall-like thing which was actually the mixture of spiritual qi and magic.

"Master, what is happening outside? Why are you in such a condition? Is Snowy not raking care of you?" Mallow asked again as she still was worried about her Master.

Even though the wards closed the link between Li Ming and her spiritual beast but that did not mean Mallow did not feel the pain through which Li Ming suffered just a few minutes ago.

Not only Mallow but the pixies were also worried about their young master. They all just wanted to get to their master as soon as possible and get her out of that terrifying pain.

"I told you not to worry. No matter whatever happens next, don't do anything impulsive without my orders. Alright?" Li Ming ordered the little fox.

Even though Mallow was reluctant to agree to such kind of order of she really did not have many choices, therefore, she just gave a half-hearted reply.



Li Ming was very well aware that even though the little fox sounded reluctant and not very happy with her, Li Ming's, decision but she would never go against her order.

Li Ming called on her healing power and immediately felt the warm rush of energy that soared through her body as it searched for all the injuries that she had received.

It barely took two minutes before all her injuries, internal or external, started disappearing into the thin air one after the other.

The cut on her right palm also closed and bright blue colored sparkling spots appeared beneath its skin.

Li Ming did not even realize that the area around her was suddenly changing, that her surroundings were disappearing into a complete into a completely new space.

By the time she realized that something was wrong her consciousness was already stuck in that new but familiar place.

She was still sitting on the high platform but rather than the high ice walls and her mates along with Snowy and the Master of the Deities, everything around her was covered in darkness.

Nothing was visible except the platform where she was sitting in her full glory.

"You are finally here..."

The same velvety voice spoke from somewhere in the darkness, breaking the ire silence that had taken over the place.

"What's going on?" Li Ming asked calmly as she tried to look around herself to find the source of that voice.

Of course, she was well aware that no matter how much she would try, she would never find the source of that voice until that person did not want to reveal themselves.

"Are you not going to ask about my identity this time?"

The voice questioned her in a curious tone which made Li Ming scoff in return as she replied, "What's the point in repeating the same question when there is no hope of receiving an answer? It is just a waste of time and energy."

A chuckle broke out through the silence of the dark place as the voice praised Li Ming.

"I can see why you are the chosen one snd I think you deserve that position. You are powerful but not over powerful. You can turn impossible things into possible but there are still many things that are beyond your control, this makes you human."

"Being too much powerful is not healthy, not for that person and neither for the rest of the world. There should always be space for improvement."

"Other than being powerful, you are also smart but then there are cases where you can act like the stupidest person alive. You know when and where to use your kind heart and when to reply with coldness."

"But the best trait? You are not selfish. You have a heart big enough to spread love and kindness among countless people. You have the perfect trait to become the chosen one."

Li Ming stayed silent for a few minutes as she thought about the praise that she just received from that unknown source.

"You said that I have the perfect trait of becoming the chosen one. What is that?" She found herself asking.

There was silence for the next few minutes which made Li Ming think that she won't be receiving any answer to her question but miraculously the voice replied after a few seconds.

"If the destiny wanted to bound a powerful, kind, and cheerful girl with the Six most powerful Immortals of this world, then there were countless options. However, the Immortals were not the only ones who needed a mate in their lives. There were five provinces taken over by darkness that needed to once again experience the warmth of light."

"Are you trying to say that Zhang was also destined to become my bondmate from the very starting?" Li Ming could not help but ask as she started getting confused.

"There are countless mysteries in this world. Some can be revealed and explained while others can only be left behind the shadows. Not everything is meant to be known. And as for your fate that is tied with the Shadow Lord, I'm sure you will get all your answers when you will finally hear the prophecy with your own ears."

"I can hear the prophecy?" Li Ming asked hurriedly as she tried to calm her excitement.

Who would not want to hear the prophecy that changed their life once and for all?

"Of course, you can. But looking that you have already formed plans for the next few years of your life, it will probably take some time before you can finally hear it."

The velvet voice replied and the answer made Li Ming realized that there were still too many people out there in the Immortal world who had their eyes trained over her.

They already knew about her future plans when even she was not completely sure about what her plans exactly were.

"Why have you brought me here?" She asked the voice as she found that she was almost a hundred percent recharged.

"Are you aware about the identity of that blue glowing light that is currently trying to settle down right beneath the waterfall of magical and spiritual energy that separates the two energy oceans inside you?"

The voice asked in a curious tone and their words made Li Ming went still like a statue.

Why did she not notice?

She could feel the presence of an external energy in the very same position that the velvet voice just described but what surprised Li Ming was the fact that she did not notice any kind of blue light when she surveyed her energy oceans just a few minutes ago.


Chapter 218 - The Legendary Weapon Of The Thunder Lord

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

"This whip belongs to whom?"

Li Ming stared at the darkness that surrounded her with shocked eyes as she hurriedly asked the question.

"It belonged to the Thunder Immortal around twenty thousand years ago. However, a sudden calamity struck, and this world lost its Thunder Immortal. Even though the position was later got occupied by the daughter of the Thunder Lord but she failed in taming the Lightning Whip. As a result, the Legendary Weapon went out of control and it became impossible for any deity to control it. That was the moment when it was decided by the Immortal Deities that the weapon should be sealed."

"From that very day, this weapon has been resting here in the Forbidden Grounds sealed by various spells. But then you appeared and the moment it felt your essence in this realm it wanted to reach you as soon as possible."

The voice stopped for two seconds before continuing, "At first it was easy for the Immortal Master to tame the weapon on his own but when you appeared in the Wang Empire last year, the weapon got another taste of your essence and that was when everything started going out of control."

Li Ming listened silently as she tried to cope with numerous questions that were popping up in her mind one after the other.

"Why it started reacting towards me like that?" She asked while looking at the blue sparkling dots on her right palm.

"Well, there is a very interesting explanation for your question. Wanna see who was the Thunder Immortal?" The voice sounded excited as if they were about to enjoy whatever was going to happen next.

"Who?" Li Ming asked as she felt a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach.

For some unknown reason, she was quite not that excited to see that so-called Thunder Immortal, as if both her mind and soul were already aware of what was coming next.

The voice did not reply verbally, rather a magical screen started forming in front of her.

It barely took five seconds before a photo of an Immortal Deity with long black hair pulled up in a high ponytail and secured by a jade hairpin, clad in dark grey and white clothes appeared in front of her.

Li Ming stared at the photo as her mind went blank instantly. She would never have predicted to come across such a thing.

The silence that took over for the next several minutes was filled with tension and shock.


The word finally slipped out of her mouth as she kept staring at the man in the photo who looked exactly like her father. The only difference was the long hair and ancient clothes instead of his usual official suits.

"According to the Soul data, the Thunder Immortal's soul got reincarnated in a different world where he was born as the successor of a race known as Mages. The data also shows his family chart with a daughter as his only heir."

Li Ming could not believe the words that she was hearing. It was just too much for her to digest.

As the days were passing and she was coming across new revelations, it looked like she had always been bound to the Immortal world for a long long time.

"Are you trying to say that my dad was the Thunder Immortal of this world in his previous life?" Li Ming asked as she kept gazing at the photo of her father.

She still remembered the last time when she met with her dad, right before she left for the hunt of the rogues, and was killed in betrayal.

He had looked at her with eyes filled with love and support. He had always been strict with her from the very day when she started learning magic at the age of five.

He was never lenient with her and she was always punished for slacking or breaking rules.

At that time she thought that his strict rules for her were because she was the only heir of the mage clan and he wanted her to become the strongest to lead their race in the future.

However, no matter how strict he was on her during her training time but she also witnessed his fatherly affection from time to time.

Though these were very rare occasions but she already learned to cherish them from a very early age.

"That's exactly what the Soul Data says and the information inside Soul Data can never be wrong. Moreover, seeing the way the Lightning Whip is reacting towards your power essence I do not think that there is much space left for doubts."

The voice answered her question in a very calm tone. However, on the other hand, Li Ming was struggling to keep calm.

It was like her entire existence was pre-planned and she was just fulfilling the wishes of those who had written her destiny.

"But why is it reacting towards me? Is not there another daughter of the Thunder Immortal who is currently ruling that position? Why this weapon did not choose her?" Li Ming asked with her voice filled with confusion.

"Your question does make sense. However, there's a truth about the current Thunder Immortal of which you are still unaware. Even though the current Thunder Immortal is known as the successor of your father but in reality, she has no blood relation with your father."

A frown appeared on Li Ming's face as she heard the words spoken by the mysterious voice.

She was struggling with many questions but decided to stay silent as the voice continued.

"The previous Thunder Immortal, your father, and his wife were unable to have a child even after thousands of years of their marriage. The maternal Grandmother of the Thunder Immortal was the bondmate of the Heaven Realm's Empress Dowager. After seeing the unhappiness of having no child that was taking over the Thunder Immortal and his wife and also because of her relation with his Grandma, the Empress Dowager gifted them with the Elixir of Eternal Happiness."

Li Ming raised her eyebrows at the fancy name of the elixir. She was still struggling to understand the long relation chart that connected the Thunder Immortal, his maternal grandmother, and the previous Empress Dowager of the Heaven Realm.

As a result, her brain was a mess of hundreds of questions, unsolved mysteries, and puzzles, and most importantly answers and discoveries that made no sense to her.

"The Eternal Happiness Elixir can grant one wish to its consumer and that's how the wife of the Thunder Immortal asked for the happiness of a child. The daughter that was born after nine months was a gift of the Eternal Elixir and not the result of the sexual intercourse."

"Since the present Thunder Immortal has no blood relation with your father and her soul does not share the same essence as your father, the Lightning whip never recognized her as its new master. On the other hand, you are carrying the same energy essence as your father and that alone is enough for the Lightning whip to choose you as its Master."

As the voice stopped explaining, Li Ming finally understood the reason due to which she was feeling the pull towards the Snow Fields.

"What now? It's not over yet, right?" Li Ming asked as she let out a deep sigh.

"Of course not. The Lightning whip was the weapon of the Thunder Immortal, a third rank Immortal Cultivator. Since the Master was so powerful, it's normal that his weapon would also be one of its kind. While on the other hand, you are only a fifth rank Master Cultivator. It won't be easy for you to take the weapon of an Immortal deity. However, it is too late to back down." The voice explained.

"Are you kidding me? How am I supposed to survive this? The energy that barged inside my body can kill me within a few seconds and you are telling me that I'm supposed to control it. Ridiculous!" Li Ming sure was not happy with what she was hearing.

It was like she was trapped inside a puzzle and except for solving it to win her freedom, she had no other choice, not even of backing down.

"It's not like anyone forced you to visit the Snow Fields. It was your own decision to find out the source that was pulling you towards this place."

This time the crisp and cold voice belonged to the banshee who was standing in front of her at some distance.

"You could have told me about the Lightning whip and its story that very day when you told me about the Snow Fields and that I needed to prepare myself before coming here. I would have loved to stay away from this place for the rest of my life." Li Ming scoffed at the banshee while complaining.

"Since you love to forget let me remind you once again, we are not allowed to speak about your future or anything related to it. I can only give you clues, not spoon-feed you. If I have told you to stay away from the Snow Fields without giving a perfect explanation you would never have listened. So, stop complaining."

Kara sure was not in the mood of hearing Li Ming's complaints.

"It's easy for you to just get angry at me. It's not like you are the one facing your death for a second time." Li Ming mumbled as she stared at the photo of her father which started disappearing into thin air.


Chapter 219 - Mother-In-Law

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

"Stop mumbling. It will be more beneficial if you start preparing yourself for this trial." The banshee reprimanded her as she took out a golden color chalk and started drawing a hologram on the floor.

"There is going to be a trial?" Li Ming asked with her face covered in an expression of pure shock and terror.

She had heard very terrifying stories about the cultivators who needed to survive through their trials to reach Immortality.

However, she was nowhere near becoming an Immortal or a deity, then why did she need to pass a trial?

"You are going to become the master of the Lightning Whip. How are you supposed to control a weapon of thunder when you have no control over the thunder itself?"

The banshee asked her in return making Li Ming realize the depth of the situation.

She still had to wrap her mind around the revelation of her father's true identity and that she was lured into the Snow Fields by a weapon that was too eager to take her as its master.

In her training sessions with the Supreme Immortal, she had indeed learned about the part where a person needed to have control over a specific element if they were going to use a weapon that was bound to that exact element.

For example, if a cultivator was using a sword that used the energy of the water to attack then the cultivator needed to learn how to control water in order to control their weapon.

The same goes for fire, wind, land, or any other element.

Since she was about to become the owner of a weapon that used lightning to work, then it was obvious that she would need to have control over thunder to control and use the Lightning whip.

"Normally you would have needed to learn the Thunder Controlling Skills to create a connection between your qi and the essence of thunder. However, since the spirit of the weapon has already entered your body there is no time left for that. The only solution is to take this trial which will gift you with the ability to control thunder." The velvety voice spoke and brought Li Ming's attention out of her misery.

"What is exactly going to happen n this trial?" She asked after a few minutes of silence.

There was no point in regretting her decisions anymore. It would be far much better if she actually prepared herself for the upcoming trial.

"Nothing much. You would sit inside this hologram and there would be lightning bolts striking the circles that are connected with the hologram. All you need to do is to absorb the essence of more than 100,000 lightning bolts. As soon as you will finish absorbing the required number of essences, the trial will be over." The banshee replied with seriousness.

"Even though this looks like an easy task but it is far from that. Absorbing the essence of 100,000 lightning bolts can be completed within a week, especially when the lightning is not striking you directly. However, the moment you will start absorbing the essence of lightning you will need your spiritual qi to balance the essence inside your body. It means the longer you will take to complete the trial the more spiritual qi your body will expel ."

"Meaning there will be a point when your body will be completely out of spiritual qi and you won't be able to control the essence of lightning inside your body. Losing control over such a powerful element residing inside your body won't lead to a happy ending."

Li Ming stared at the banshee as her mind repeated the death sentence that the mysterious voice and the banshee had just announced to her.

"Come on, don't sit there like a vase waiting to be broken. Quickly sit down in the center of the hologram. Don't worry, your mates and the two of us will be here looking over you. There are still many works left for you to complete. N chance of dying so quickly." The banshee said as she pulled Li Ming up on her feet and made her sit inside the hologram.

"Your words are not even a little bit comforting." Li Ming said as she adjusted herself in the lotus sitting position.

"Why do you have the misunderstanding that I was trying to comfort you? I'm trying to comfort myself." The banshee scoffed as she started placing candy sized iron balls in the circles that were surrounding the hologram.


Li Ming watched Kara with utter shock. There was no doubt why she was not that fond of the banshee and her uninvited company.

Kara held the power of frustrating any person to their death and this was probably her greatest ability.

"Close your eyes and follow my words. I'll teach you the way to settle the essence of lightning that you will absorb later." The mysterious voice said.

Li Ming gave the banshee a final look before closing her eyes and letting her mind relax.

As her body and mind relaxed she started feeling the presence of the spirit of the Lightning Whip inside her body as well as the energy collection that belonged to her mates.

Her soul mark was still sparkling in the six different colors which meant that her mates were still connected with her through the replica of their soul mark.

The only other person who owned the soul mark except for Li Ming was the Second Demon Prince while the others still had to receive theirs.

"Each of your mates controls a different element. Bring the energy collection of your mates near the spirit of the Lightning whip and let them stabilize the spirit while covering them with your own spiritual qi."

The voice directed Li Ming who immediately started following the directions that she was receiving.

She kept doing exactly what the mysterious voice continued telling her to do.

It did not take her long to feel the change that started occurring in the spirit of the Lightning whip.

It was becoming more stable with each passing moment and the harsh cold aura around it started disappearing.

It was around half an hour later when she finally opened her eyes at the banshee's call.

"It's time for the trial." The banshee said as she pointed at the iron balls with her eyes.

Li Ming followed her gaze and watched as the little iron balls started producing white sparking.

"Remember to absorb almost all the lightning bolts without missing any of them. If you absorbed all of them then it will barely take two days for you to finish the trial. Since your mates' energy will be used in keeping the spirit of the Lightning whip stable, therefore it won't be possible for them to assist in keeping your energy level maintained. At this rate, it will take seventy-three hours before you will be out of energy."

The banshee gave her a bit of quick last-minute advice followed by a sudden and unexpected peck on her forehead before her silhouette disappeared from there.

Li Ming was too shocked to utter a single sound. Her mouth was hanging open as she rubbed her forehead where she just received the most disgusting kiss ever.


Fine! The banshee probably knew some other tricks too that could help her in killing people.

Kissing someone out of the blue with her bright crimson painted lips could make anyone vomit blood in horror and disgust.

"That was.....sudden! By the way, make sure to follow the procedure of absorbing the lightning essence that I taught you. Pass this trial with dying colors so that I can finally get over with this job." The mysterious voice said and Li Ming was sure that she also heard a soft sigh.

"Job?" She asked as she waited to experience the Live show of real lightning.

"En! The job of handing over the Lightning whip to its rightful owner. You know I'm not that young anymore and doing such energy-consuming jobs are making me feel twice my age. I just want to stay in my manor and play with my grandchildren as soon as possible." The mysterious voice answered.

Li Ming sure was surprised since she was not expecting the mysterious person to be so old.

"Oh. I'm sorry that because of me you have to go through so many troubles. I know that I am not in a position for saying this but still if there was anything that you needed my help in, I will be more than happy to help you." Li Ming said as she both apologized and showed her gratitude for all the help that she received from this mysterious person.

"Actually I'm very happy to be chosen for this job. If not because of this job, I would never have got the chance of learning about you on such a deep level. Now, after finding out about your true personality, I am more than ready for the wedding to take place." The mysterious voice said with a soft chuckle.

"Wedding?" Li Ming asked in confusion.

"Oh right! Let me introduce myself. I'm the current Empress Dowager of the Heaven Realm, the mother of the Heaven Emperor and your soon to be Mother-in-Law."


Chapter 220 - Never Be Able To Have Babies...

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20




Li Ming was not able to get these words out of her mind no matter what.

The mysterious voice.....or, the said Mother-In-Law, disappeared right after dropping the bomb on her.

It was like hours had passed when in reality it had been only two minutes.

Just as she was busy making her mind calm down a little, the first bolt of lightning descended from the sky and landed on the iron ball that was sitting right in front of her.

Li Ming was definitely not prepared but she immediately pulled the essence of the bolt towards her body.

Miraculously it worked, and soon she got busied in absorbing the essence of the lightning bolts.

As time kept passing, everyone was waiting for Li Ming to return to the ice cave.

Right after fifty-nine hours since the trial began, the Immortals suddenly felt a sudden barrier that stopped their powers from transferring into their mate.

"What is going on?" Snowy asked as he looked at the six Immortals with confused eyes.

"Don't worry. The trial has passed. Your master is completely fine. We just have to wait for her to return." Zhang Yong told the little furball.

The days kept passing and just like that, an entire week had passed.

It was the end of the week when an unconscious Li Ming finally returned to the high platform of the Weapon Section in the Ice Cave where all her mates, Snowy, Immortal Master, and Kara were waiting for her.

A Huadian, or a forehead pattern, of bright dark blue color, was visible on her forehead, confirming her status as the bearer of the Thunder power and the Master of the Lightning Whip.


"Congratulations on breaking through the Grand Master Cultivator Rank. You are doing fabulous, dear." The Heaven Immortal said with a sweet smile as he landed a soft kiss on her forehead.

It was the only thing that he was comfortable in doing with her, kissing on her forehead, except for hugging her.

But even that made his ears turn bright pink in embarrassment.

"At this rate, we would never be able to have babies, Your Highness." Li Ming said with a shake of her head as she looked at her shy mate.




Her mates were left completely shocked and baffled by her words.

Ruoshan, Wen Guiying, and Lord Yueliang stared at her with their jaws hanging on the floor.

While the Heaven Emperor looked like he was about to dissolve in dust right that moment due to embarrassment.

"Babies?" Ruoshan asked as he looked at her while waiting for her to say something.

"Of course, babies. Wait, are we not having any?" Li Ming asked with a horrified look on her face.

She was well aware of what she was doing to her mates but their reactions were just too funny to not take advantage of.

Wen Guiying was the first one to recover as he hurriedly pulled her away from the Heaven Emperor as he said, "Don't you all have anything important to do? Just scram all of you from here."

The other Immortals were quick to disappear, they were not ready to deal with their mate and her sudden bombs that she loved to drop on then every now and then.

After the living room of the cabin emptied and she was left alone with the Supreme Immortal she turned to glare at her mate.

"Stop playing with us." Wen Guiying said in a strict tone.

"What do you mean? Did I say something wrong?" Li Ming asked with raised eyebrows.

Wen Guiying wrapped his arm around her waist as he pulled her closer to him, barely any space was left between their body.

"You are very well aware of what I'm talking about. Stop teasing us, Sweet mate. We also have a limit and your teasing is making it even harder for us." Wen Guiying softly whispered in her ear as his warm breath fanned her nape.

The tingles started waking up as they ran freely throughout her body, a normal reaction of her body due to the closeness of her mate.

"Good. Maybe now you all can finally understand at least a little bit about how I have been feeling for such a long time." Li Ming said with a scoff.

Wen Guiying's fingers dug a little harder in her waist, almost making a groan skip her lips.

"Fine! Go on. Tease us as much as you want. But remember, Sweet One, the day our patience snapped you won't be able to run away."

Wen Guiying's eyes held promise in them as he looked at her with an intensity that held the power of devouring her.

"Who said that I want to run?" Li Ming asked with a smile playing on her lips as she mocked the Supreme Immortal.

She was well aware of the dangerous game that she was playing with him but her naughty soul was enjoying the moment too much to care.


Wen Guiying's grip on her waist tightened even more as she watched a fire taking over his beautiful eyes.

She could feel her heartbeat increasing as she waited for her mate to snap, but she was left amazed when just in a blink he returned to his calm self.

He pulled himself away from her as he turned his back towards her to calm down himself.

And this made her soul's anger rise. Somehow, no matter whatever she did, she was never able to break through the control that her mates were carrying within them.

She should be happy that her makes were respecting her decision of waiting for the time being before completing their bonds and she was.

However, her damn soul had its own unique ideas. The thought that her mates were not attracted to her even a single bit because of her child-like body was trying to settle in her mind.

For the first time in both of her lives, Li Ming was feeling like she had two minds. One that was under her control while the second one that belonged to her soul.

Her current appearance was not that bad. She was 5'3" in height with her usual three or sometimes four inches heels.

Her figure was not model-like but it definitely did not look like one that of a child.

Within the next two to three years, her body would be fully matured and would be at its peak.

"You don't have to pretend to be attracted to me when in reality you can't even stand to hold me in your arms." Li Ming found herself saying as she let out her frustrated soul's feelings.

"Wait, what?" Wen Guiying immediately looked at her with confused eyes.

Li Ming rolled her eyes as she started walking towards her room. Of course, the Supreme Immortal was quick to follow her.

She was picking up a book from her bedside desk when a group on her arm made her turned towards her mate who was looking at her with a little bit of anger and frustration in his eyes.

"I'm asking you, Ming'er? Why did you say something like that?" He asked her with seriousness.

Li Ming pulled her hand out of his grip as she replied with a sigh, "Nothing. Just forget it. I was not in my right mind. I'm sorry."

The longer she looked at Wen Guiying's eyes that were penetrating her soul, she started feeling her anger and frustration retreating back in some back corner of her mind.

Wen Guiying stepped closer to her and it took everything in her to not step back.

"I'm asking you something. Don't try to avoid the question, Sweet One. Why did you say that I can't even stand you being close to me?" His eyes bored into her, making her gulp to moisten her suddenly dry throat.

For a moment she thought about avoiding his question again but knowing him she was well aware that he won't let go of this matter without getting answers.

"I'm really sorry about that. It's just what my soul is making me think and I'm getting frustrated because of it. I....I just lost control...and....." She trailed off as she looked at him with sadness and guilt visible in her eyes.

Li Ming did not get the chance to even blink before her lips were covered by the soft warm lips of her mate.

She was expecting the kiss to be fierce because of his anger, however, it was so slow and warm that all her worries immediately melted away.

His hands wrapped around her waist as he pulled her closer to his body, wrapping her in his warmth.

The kiss lasted for a few minutes and when they finally separated, all that she saw in his eyes was love and warmth for her.

"It's okay, Sweet One. It is okay." He said softly while placing a peck on her forehead and at that moment she knew, it was actually okay as long as she had her mates with her.

But what about when they won't be with her?

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