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Chapter 171 - Alone Time With Demon Prince

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

"This is ridiculous!"

Li Ming heard Hei Long cursing under his breath as he stood up from his seat and moved towards the door.

In a few seconds, he was out of her Moon manor.

"Try to ignore him. Just focus on your journey, Little One. Also, make sure to read those scrolls to have a better understanding of the Snow Fields." Lord Yueliang said as he softly patted her head.

Li Ming softly nodded her head. She gave him a quick but tight hug and received a soft kiss on her forehead.

The pure happiness that was visible on her face was too much for the fragile hearts of her mates.

"If I knew that with only a kiss we can make you smile like this, I would have been showering you in it," Ruoshan said as he planted a bunch of feathery kisses on her forehead and cheeks, making Li Ming giggle cutely.

"You guys are behaving like you won't see me for months. Stop being so dramatic." Li Ming said with a smile.

"She's right. Stop overreacting. Now, go before that devil leaves you behind." Wen Guiying said to her.

His behavior towards her was almost neutral. He was strict during the training sessions, but out of the training ground, he always acted indifferently.

He was neither cold towards her but he also didn't show any warmth.

When Li Ming first asked him the reason behind his behavior, his reply shocked her.

According to him if he started behaving like her other mates and started showing softness to her, she would start taking him lightly.

Though to be honest, he was not wrong. If he indeed acted soft towards her there were ninety percent chances that Li Ming would have never accepted him as her coach.

She knew that he cared about her as deeply as the others, but she never tried to cross the line that he had set.

Therefore, she gave Roushan, Zhang Yong, and the Moon Immortal, a tight goodbye hug and left the manor with just a soft nod of her head towards the Supreme Immortal.

The night sky which was filled with millions of stars looked so ethereal that it could trap anyone in its charismatic beauty.

And under that shining blanket stood an even more ethereal figure who was definitely not happy about the fact that he had been stuck with the task of taking her to the Snow Fields.

Li Ming almost felt bad for him. But again, she decided to take him with her and there was a reason, a very important reason.

As she walked closer to the Second Demon Prince who was standing at the edge of the cliff that looked down at the valley, she noticed that he was deep in thoughts.

Since his back was mostly towards her, she couldn't see his face clearly, just a slight glimpse of his side profile.

Her eyes landed on his shoulders and a sharp pain erupted in her heart. Since the day eight months ago, when the banshee left her with a range of pictures of Hei Long's soul mark in the phone, Li Ming had always found her dreams full of that angry red burning soul mark.

Because of the weird dreams of the Black mist and Hei Long's soul mark, she had almost stopped sleeping.

She was getting tired of the first one while scared of the second. She hated that the mark which represented their bond was giving him so much pain.

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