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Chapter 81 - The Ever Night Province

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist 


Li Ming looked at the scene with confused and shocked eyes. She took in every single detail of the gloomy place that laid in front of her.

They were currently standing on a high cliff from where the entire town that was build in the depth of the valley could be seen.

Ruoshan had brought her to an unknown place which reminded her of those underworld scenes from the modern movies.

The place was too dark for her liking. Everything was black whether it was the broken houses or the tattered clothes of the people who were fixing their homes. Their unkempt clothes and hair only added to the darkness and sorrow of the place.

This unknown place was the complete opposite of what she had seen in the Black market, Capital City, and Dongji village in the past six months.

The sky was covered in dark clouds but there was no indication of rain anytime soon. Only a few trees could be seen around the area, otherwise, the entire place lacked the greenery of nature. But even those few trees appeared to be dark in color and lifeless.

The only good thing was that she couldn't see any volcano erupting red hot lava and confirming her doubts about the place being the Hell.

Little children could be seen running here and there, trying to help their parents in fixing their homes.

Ruoshan pulled her forward and the next second she was walking on the pebbled street of the destructed town.

The people departed from their path to let her and Ruoshan walk through them. Both of them looked completely out of place in their high-quality clothes and jewelry.

Li Ming wasn't sure why Ruoshan had brought her there. But she was too shocked and confused that she just followed him without asking any questions.

The people were staring at them as she and Ruoshan passed by their broken homes.

Just as they were about to turn around a corner, Li Ming noticed a little boy of about 7-8 years old who was nibbling on something. It took her only a few seconds to realize that it was a scrap of iron.

"Hey! Don't eat that. Put it away.....!" Li Ming shouted in alarm and ran towards the boy, but at the last second, Ruoshan stopped her as he dragged her back in his embrace.

"What's wrong with you? Let me go! He's chewing on an iron scrap for goodness sake!" Li Ming shouted irritatingly at Ruoshan as she tried to get out of his tight hold.

Ruoshan didn't lose his hold but with a flick of his sleeve, the iron scrap vanished from the hands of the little boy, who hurriedly ran away and hid behind a woman.

Li Ming somehow succeeded in getting out of his hold. That was a first for her but unfortunately, she had no time to celebrate her little success. Moreover, she had a doubt that it was actually Ruoshan who let her go.

"Don't you want to know what is this place?" Ruoshan asked her before she could even open her mouth.

Li Ming frowned but slowly nodded her head. She noticed that they were actually surrounded by a large crowd. She didn't even notice them when they were coming closer.

But what shocked her the most was when all of them kneeled down and bowed. A very loud "Long Live His Excellency!" boomed through the previously quiet streets.

Li Ming was stupefied. She looked at Ruoshan with raised eyebrows. Her question was clear - 'What the heck is going on here?'

Ruoshan nodded once at the people kneeling around them and then looked at the girl.

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