A family thing

By kingofwang

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Yoichi Kageyama is the younger brother of the famous volleyball player Tobio Kageyama. Living in the shadow o... More

Chapter 1 Oppertunity
Chapter 2 New coach, new start
Chapter 3 Brazil
Chapter 4 Blue Lock
Chapter 5 Voices
Chapter 6 Tag
Chapter 7 A wonderful team with disgusting teammates
Chapter 8 A new friend
Chapter 9 Welcome Chaos
Chapter 10 A hungry beast calls for more meat
Chapter 11 The reign of the dictator
Chapter 12 Job's not done, let's get it started
Chapter 13 Total defense
Chapter 14 Total offense
Chapter 15 You don't need a reason
Chapter 16 Gear up
Chapter 17 There is one imposter among us
Chapter 18 Fuck the speed limit
Chapter 19 Effort
Chapter 20 Sports are fun
Chapter 21 The last game
Chapter 22 Feel my ego
Chapter 23 Lose yourself
Chapter 24 Next level
Chapter 25 New stage, new teams
Chapter 26 Number one
Chapter 27 Once the pawn reaches the baseline
Chapter 28 A boring time
Chapter 29 Stuck in the waiting area
Chapter 30 The definition of talent
Chapter 31 Love
Chapter 32 Evolution
Chapter 33 The winner takes it all
Chapter 35 Hello challenger
Chapter 36 The loser has to fall
Chapter 37 It's time
Chapter 38 Revolution
Chapter 39 The choice
Chapter 40 Hidden blades
Chapter 41 The answer
Chapter 42 Crops
Chapter 43 Flow
Chapter 44 The calm before the storm
Chapter 45 The starting line up
Chapter 46 Rest
Chapter 47 Team briefing
Chapter 48 Pregame
Chapter 49 Kickoff
Chapter 50 Cunning little basterds
Chapter 51 Number 11

Chapter 34 The World Five

136 9 0
By kingofwang

"Did you know that beforehand, Kageyama?", Rin asked. 
"Not really...", Yoichi answered and walked through the door that has opened. A hexagonial room was waiting for them. Four stools were placed in, again, a hexagonian structure. The raven haired crashed onto one of them the second he entered the room. 
"... but what I do know is, to always grab every chance to win.", Yoichi continued. "At least that's what my grandfather used to tell me when I was still going to the volleyball practises he used to host when I was a kid." 
"You used to play volleyball?", Rin gave him an unconvinced look as he had to look down to stare him in the eyes. 
"Yes. I used to. Got a problem with that?", Yoichi replied. "To explain the example Ego has given to you, in volleyball, you go after every ball. You don't fucking question anything. There are only four things. Block, Receive, Set and Attack. If either one of those things don't work, you're fucked. That's the reason you have to always play in a dynamic system in order to always prevent the ball from falling into your side of the court. That's the fucking reason everyone runs into the direction of the player getting the set. That's why everyone's jumping up for those blocks. That's why everyone has fixed positions when they want to receive. You do everything to defend and attack. You do everything to connect these two fucking things. That's why I ran there, to get the fucking ball. It's in my blood. I won't hesitate for even one milisecond to run for the ball. That's our difference. I don't challenge my luck. I fight it. It's not a challenge. It's a fucking war. I'm at a fucking war with my luck. You just challenge it. I fight it with all my heart cause I can not allow anything or anyone else to defy my future but myself."
"Now then. No need to get furious or angry.", Ego interrupted and prevented the vulcan from exploding. "Cause with that, your second selection is over. Exploit and be exploited. Use and be used. You should now understand the principles behind sparking a chemical reaction." 
The four eyes on the monitor took his glasses off to polish it for some seconds before continueing with his speech, "Next is the third selection. As I've told you before, you'll enter a training camp with several world-class players. So first off, in 24 hours, you'll play a 5v5 match against these world selected players." 
A picture of five males posing like superheroes appeared on the screen with one specific player in the middle. Julian Loki. The prodigiy from France. 
"You frogs in a well.", Ego added. "It's time you learned of the world."

"Leonardo Luna, the scion of Real Madrid, Adam Blake, the goal junkie, Pablo Cavazos, the freckled baby and Dada Silva, the heavy tank...", Yoichi noted when he was stretching. "How much did that four eyes pay just to get them down here to play us..." 
"What a drag...", was the only comment Nagi left, before heading to the bedroom. 
"It's both exciting and scary in equal proportions, huh?", Bachira sing songed in an excited matter. 
"No it's thrilling.", Yoichi denied the assumption of his teammate and started to stretch his left leg. "It's more than exciting." 
"What is it with you, Kageyama?", Niko asked. "Aren't you nervous? They are all superstars." 
"I don't give a fuck about their status in the world.", Yoichi answered and switched into a pose to stretch his upper leg. "To answer your question, I'm not nervous. Rather excited and hyped because I get to play them." 
"What the hell is wrong with you?", Niko said. 
"A lot. My family is Kageyama. That should speak for it, I think.", he replied. 
"Just don't space out in the crucial moments and don't drag me down. That's my only requirement.", Rin said from the other side of the physical room. 
"Shut up. Itoshi!" 

The next day, Yoichi kneed down inside the tunnel that led to the pitch. He bound the shoe laces of his shoes ten minutes before the match was about to start. His pulse was surprisingly normal. As if it was a normal day for school. His heart didn't pump faster just because he was about to go up against the world. His breath were at a normal frequency too. One long breath. He hit himself onto his proud chest once more and then got up. 
"Wait, Kageyama, don't tell me you're scared.", Bachira said. "It's good to be honest, you know."
Yoichi looked behind him and saw the boy he baptised crazy bangs at the first selection. 
"I'm not scared.", Yoichi spoke. "I think... I would describe it as... surprised. Surprised that I'm so calm about this match." 
"Well I'm not.", Bachira replied. "I'm hyped. So hyped that I could dribble past Real Madrid's defense." 
"Guys... I'm just a bit unsure about something.", Niko entered the conversation. 
"What is it?", Yoichi asked. 
"What's gonna happen to us, if we lose? Are we gonna drop out?", he asked. 
"What a drag...", Nagi just said. 
'Was that his all time favourite line?', Yoichi questioned himself and walked up to the door next to Rin. "I don't give a shit about Ego's plans for us. I just want to have fun and fun always comes with a challenge." 
"Just don't drag me down, weaklings.", Rin said to the three players behind them. 
"Says you, Rin.", Bachira muttered. In that moment, the door started to open. Light shone through the gap that became bigger and bigger. Until it revealed five people standing on the other side of the pitch. There they were. Five of the current best players in the world. Five players who are dominating the championsleague with their respected teams. 
"Pffffffft.", Dada suddenly scoffed. "Damn they're scrawnier than I thought!" 
"See, told ya, the Japanese aren't known to be muscular at all.", Adam spoke in a very think British accent. "Now pay up the 10 grand you owe me. You lost the bet." 
"And there I thought, pros should be inspirational.", Yoichi muttered in Japanese. He understood the mocks of the stars in front of him. 
"Are they speaking English? I've no clue...", Bachira whispered to Yoichi. 
"I wonder what they're talking about? You're probably gonna use it to play around with women right?", Dada seemed to caught on the little conversation Yoichi has had with his teammates. 
"Huh?", Adam acted offended. "Shut up, you came all the way to Japan to work part-time." 
Rin was about to walk up to them to pick a fight, but Yoichi held his shoulder. 
"Let me do the trash talk part.", he quickly said in Japanese before walking up to the pros. "So, what do we got here, hm? A Brazilian who has muscles to cover the fact that he's a no brainer and a womanizer. Aren't you Brits all about gentlemen behaviours?" 
"And aren't you Japanese all about respectful behaviours? Or did ya mum forget to teach you manners?", Adam countered. 
"Well, unlike you, I can change my bad habits, cause I'm still 17, whilst you, old geezers, two what is it?", Yoichi pretended to take a closer look at the faces of the two players in front of him. "Two fucking thirty years old are likely unable to correct the ones of yours, don't you think?" 
Adam twitched at that comment, "I'm 26." 
"Have you ever rounded it up?", the raven haired asked. His question was, however, answered with silence. 
"Yeah, that's what I thought. Looks like the 30-year-old-pedo did pay attention in Maths back in the years when he was still school, which must have been a long time.", Yoichi remarked. A stare down followed between the three athletes. 
"Now listen up, you fucking Bastards.", Yoichi then continued and walked up to the two players like an asshole. "Why don't you come down from your high horse and look me in the eyes? Or are you guys too scared to be beaten up by a teenager?" 
"Well aren't you a bold one... little brat.", Dada crunched his teeth. Yoichi didn't even shiver from the killer look of the Brazilian. A fight would have broken out if it weren't for someone. 
"Alright, that's enough.", Luna spoke and shoved both parties back a bit to create some space. "The two of you should act like adults." 
"Yeah, listen to your daddy, Silva.", Yoichi wasn't finished. Not after he has been disrespected. Picking fights was one of his specialities after all. With that asshole of a brother he had, it was kinda inevitable for him to turn out like that. Luna just took a closer look at him. 
"You're Kageyama Yoichi, right?", he asked. 
"And? What is it, mister I'm so fucking perfect?", the raven haired started to stare down Luna. "Got a problem with that, little Wanker? Fuck off with that fake expression of yours. You're definitely the nice guy. If you were going to ask me, you'd be the greatest asshole out of all of them." 
"Oh my. Your language doesn't suit your innocent face.", Luna replied. "I'm quite interested in what you can do on the football pitch other than trash talk, since you come from a volleyball family from what I've heard, but anyway, I've got more important things to do."
His attention was then caught by Rin, "So you're Sae Itoshi's little brother, right? Your brother is pretty well known inside the organisation. If you're really his younger brother, you also probably have amazing talent. I was eagerly anticipating playing against you. Anyways, this is a pretty interesting idea. To develop such a project to make Japan best in football. Although Spaniards becoming the next sumo grand champion sounds more plausible. To waste this much wealth on such a fruitless expedition... Japan must really be a thriving country." 
"You trying to be funny, bastard?", Rin said. 
"Hm?", Luna replied confused. "Ah sorry, I was complementing, you know? To gamble your life on something that might not even come true... you guys must be the world's biggest masochists." 
Yoichi just looked at the blonde with his angry face on. 
"Hey that's enough, Luna. You're going too far.", Loki said. 
"What, why?", Luna retorted. "Did I say something weird?"
"I apologize everyone, this guy has a nasty personality.", Loki said and formerly greeted Yoichi. "Putting those selfish grown-ups aside, it's nice meeting you."
"Uh, it's nice to meet you too.", Yoichi greeted back without turning away from Luna. 
"Let's have a good match.", the French man said never the less. Last settlements were then made. The speakers played the intro of the game and with an electronical whistle, the game was now officially started. 

Yoichi passed it to Bachira right after the whistle was blown. 
"Let's go, just you and me freckles.", Bachira said and trapped the ball. 
"Oh, it started.", Pablo murmered as Bachira dribbled towards him. 
"Ladies and gentlemen. The new Meguru Bachira.", he announced and quickly span around the Argentinian player. "Debuts today."
"Oh wowo, that was a good spin...", Pablo complimented heartless. Just then Bachira stopped one last time before nutmegging the world class player and span around again to get the ball. Meanwhile, Yoichi was running through the center. 
"Give it.", he commanded. 
"Nope, not now.", Bachira declined and moved further on his own. Cavasoz however, caught up to him. Yoichi dashed through the middle out of Bachira's range. Loki was right behind him though and arrived just in time to get him.
'Wow... so fast...', Yoichi admired. He didn't stop though. It was quite the opposite. He accelerated even more. Right in that moment, Bachira crossed it. But it was not meant for him. The ball made a curve around the two of them and flew to one player, that has made its way to the left side. 
'Did he seriously use me as a bait?', Yoichi had inside his mind as he watched Rin shooting an easy volley. A wide open shot. An easy goal just like the way it turned out. 1-0 for the Blue Lock team. 
"Damn... that's fucking sick...", Yoichi cursed under his breath. "But also big brain. Looks like someone has decided to change." 
"That's good, you two.", Rin said while walking back to their half for restart. "Just keep acting as the bait for me." 
'Fuck off. The next goal will be scored by me.'

"That was quite a start, ain't it?", Luna spoke and picked the ball up. 
"Ho-hum.", Adam stated.  "With an opponent that's a developing country when it comes to football, I thought it'd be like taking candy from a baby. But it looks like we're gonna have to actually try a little."
"Gahahahaha.", Dada laughed. "It's all good as long as we don't lose, right?"
"Yep.", Pablo replied. "Our contract says, we get nothing if we lose." 
"Also, let's not forget we get ten grand per goal as a bonus.", Luna reminded his team. "Let's get this started." 
"Yessir.", was the only thing Loki said as he cracked his neck. "Let's get these guys a reality check." 

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