Princess - BTS Brothers FF

By prfan123

2.1M 90.1K 29.6K

"Oppa", she called. "Yes, princess", seven voices replied back. It's a book about pure sibling bond. I don't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94 - part 1
Chapter 94- part 2
Chapter 94 - part 3
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Umm. requests maybe?
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117- Part 1
Chapter 117- Part 2
Chapter 117- Part 3
Chapter 117- Part 4
Chapter 118- Part 1
Chapter 118- Part 2
with brothers
Chapter 118- Part 3
Chapter 118- part 4
Chapter 118- Part 5
Chapter 118- Part 6
Chapter 118 - part 7
Chapter 118 - Part 8
Chapter 118- Part 9
Chapter 118 - Part 10
Chapter 118- Part 11
Chapter 118 - Part 12
Chapter 118- Part 13
Chapter 118-Part 14
Chapter 118- part 15
Chapter 118- Part 16
Chapter 118-Part 17
Chapter 118- Part 18
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
I'm just saying
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
I need help🚨🚨⚠️
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163

Chapter 140

7.6K 332 179
By prfan123

Comment for good skin🤫

"I agree. We should deal with that foreign deal later. We have to deal with this situation now", Jin said tapping his pen on the notepad.

Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon and Tae were seated in Jin's room discussing about business.

"And our stocks in the past week reached the highest", Namjoon said with a proud smile.

"Appa would have loved to see all this", Tae said in a low voice.

"Taehyung-ah", Yoongi mumbled with an affectionately, as he caressed his brother's back.

"It's okay, hyung. I was just carried away. Anyways, our HQ in LA is expanding. We bought the nearby lands already. The construction is about to start tomorrow", Taehyung said as his feel voice resonated through the room.

"Make sure all the construction workers get enough payment, facilities and enough rest", Namjoon said.

"I'll make sure-", Taehyung's words were interrupted by a knock.

They recognised the knock.

They kept their business papers aside as their soft emotions took over them.

"Come in, princess", Jin said.

Aera came in with her laptop, in her hand.

As she saw all four of them, she halted in her steps.

"Are you busy oppa? I will come later", she was about to retreat when Yoongi signalled her to come.

"We are just discussing. Nothing more than that. Now Madame, come here and tell us the reason you decided to grace us with your presence", Taehyung pulled her close to him as she glared at him.

"Oppa, don't call me Madame", she said.

"Okay, Madame", he said making her frown.

"Drop it, Tae", Jin scolded him.

Taehyung chuckled as he pinched her cheeks.

"You are so cute", he said pulling her cheeks.

"No, I'm not", she said for the sake of disagreement.

"Oh yeah?", He challenged her.

"Yes", she said.

"Says the who still wears panda printed underwears", Tae said as her face became red.

"Oppa!", She yelled in embarrassment.

Soon, he recieved a smack from Yoongi.

"Seriously, you need something little one?", Namjoon asked.

"Uh, hmm. I want to buy something", she said as she opened her laptop.

Jin signalled her as she sat on the bed with the laptop infront of her.

They surrounded like kids who were waiting for the mother to open the packet of snacks.

"I want to try the waist chain, oppa. Is it okay?", she showed them the website.

"Of course, why not? If you want it then it's not a problem for us", Jin said as he scrolled through the website.

"You selected any design already?", Yoongi asked.

"I liked a few. Here", she opened whatever designs she liked.

"Everything is so pretty", Taehyung said.

"Do you think it will suit me?", She asked.

"If this doesn't suit you, then it will suit no one", Jin said with confidence.

"Yeah", Namjoon agreed.

She smiled as she pointed at a design that she liked the most.

"Can I get this one?", She asked looking at Jin.

"Of course, princess. Choose any number of chains you want", Jin said ruffling her hair.

"Wait, there are specific sizes", Yoongi said as he scrolled through the details.

"Many designs come with adjustable sizes", Namjoon said.

"You need one layer or many?", Tae asked as he looked at all the designs.

"I want to use it for daily use. I think one layer chain will be perfect for that", Aera said.

"Silver or golden in colour?", Yoongi asked.

"I don't know about that oppa. I don't know which colour would suit me", she said as her fingers aimlessly scrolled through the website.

"Alright. I'll order one in each colour. And a double layered chain. Is that fine, princess?", Jin asked.

"That's too much oppa. I can get only one", She said.

"You told us right? Now shut up. Let's eat something", Taehyung dragged her or of the room as the other three were busy in choosing the designs.

It was the next day.

"Suno oppa, how are you?", Aera's voice beamed through the house.

"Unnie? What is she doing?", She smiled as Jimin shook his head at her enthusiasm.

His hands typed fast on the laptop, as he took occasional sips of his coffee.

Suno would be completely off duty for eight months, as they successfully made him to agree.

He was stubborn at first, but they threatened him that if he didn't agree, he could never meet Aera again.

So he agreed and now spends all his time with his family.

They had to increase the security around her and they never left her alone.

"What is my baby Ryung doing?", She asked.

Yeah, she named the baby boy Ryung- which meant brightness.

"He sounds so cute!!", She jumped on the couch in excitement.

"Alright, Suno oppa. I'll visit you tomorrow. Look after unnie,  Ryung and yourself too", she said as she hung up on the call.

A knock was heard on the door as a guard spoke through the intercom, "sir, a parcel arrived just now"

Hobi came out from the kitchen as he signalled Jimin and Aera that he will take the door.

Few minutes later he came back with a box that was decorated beautifully.

"Angel, I guess it's for you", Hobi said.

She was confused for a moment but her face lit up in excitement.

"Ahh! It arrived already?!!", She jumped through the living room in excitement.

"Yah, slow down, don't hurt yourself", Jin's voice could be heard from the dining room.

Others came out to see the ruckus she's creating.

She was hopping through the living room not leaving a chance to fulfill her bunny allegations.

"What's the matter?", Jungkook rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"She got the waist chains", Jimin shook his head as she finally stood infront of Hobi and got the parcel.

"I'm gonna try this", she sprinted upstairs as others shook their heads.

"Kook, fresh up. Breakfast is ready", Jin said as he placed everything on the table.

"BABE!", Jimin called Aera as everyone sat around the table.

"Don't bother. She will come after trying everything", Taehyung said as he started to eat.

They began eating as she took her time.

She came down running as her anklet sound filled in the air.

"Oppa! Oppa! See here!", She exclaimed as all their attention turned towards her.

She lifted the oversized tshirt that she might have stolen from Namjoon, not that he cared.

"Woah! it suits you perfectly, bunny", Jungkook said nodding his head.

"It's beautiful", Jin said.

"But if you eat, won't it become tight?", Tae asked.

Yoongi slapped his forehead.

"It's not the right question to ask her, you idiot", Namjoon said.

Her face fell, knowing that he's right.

"Hey, come here", Jimin called her near him.

She went near him.

"You should wear this here, not over your stomach", Jimin said as he adjusted the chain to lower it.

"Now, nothing will happen if you eat, drink or anything", He said.

"Ah, thank you oppa", she hugged him.

"Angel, so it's for daily use?", Hobi asked.

"Yes. I liked the others too, but I feel like it's the most comfortable one", she said as she sat between Yoongi and Hobi.

"You are beautiful inside out. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise", Yoongi said as he caressed her knuckles.

"I won't. Jin oppa's training!", She flipped her hair.

"That's my girl!", Jin winked at her.

"So", Jungkook said as everyone looked at him.

He smirked as he said, "the baby of the house still wears hello kitty underwear".



"You brat!"



Jimin and Taehyung started laughing.

"Oppa! They are all making fun of me. Every single time, teasing me about what I do and bringing up those embarrassing moments from the past", she snitched on the Maknae line.

"Like when you wanted balls?", Jimin laughed as the other two laughed harder.

"Stop it, oppa", Aera whined.

"Or when you wanted to get married to Joon hyung?", Tae laughed.

"Oppa, please", Aera requested them.

"Stop it, you three", Jin said with a warning.

"No, no, I got a better one, Or when you got drunk with one sip of wine?", Jungkook laughed as he held his stomach.

"And hey, when you didn't know about what horny meant?", Jimin said as they laughed harder.

"Stop it", Yoongi said.

"Oh yeah, when you started to cry because she thought the anklet was lost, but the whole time it was there stuck on her pants. I mean it's not that-", Tae laughed as he couldn't complete his words.

Aera ran out of the room in embarrassment without even touching her food.

"I said STOP IT!", Jin's voice boomed through the room.

They stopped, that's when they realised what they did.

"What the fuck were you all thinking?!", Joon asked as he was ready to throw hands.

"Congratulations, she will be conscious of her every movement from now on. Good job", Yoongi said as he went out of the room to avoid snapping at them.

"She didn't even have a single bite of her food. She told you to stop right? You idiots ruined everything. Apologize to her. If she becomes conscious around us because of you three, I won't hesitate to kill you then and there", Hobi went out of the room.

"H-hyu-", Jimin started.

"Don't. Save your words. Don't you all know she's sensitive to certain things,  right? Did she ever tease you about the embarrassing things you did in the past? Or should I say every single thing you people did? You were thousand times worse than her. In a way you did hurt her today. Maybe she's okay with you teasing her personally. But no, you did it in front of everyone. Don't show me your face until she forgives you", Jin said dismissing them.

They walked out of the room, with sadness and guilt looming over their faces.

"I'm sorry hyung. I started it", Jungkook said.

"We are all equally responsible", Taehyung said.

"My baby! I don't know what's going on through her head right now", Jimin said as he looked like he could cry anytime.

She was an overthinker who will think about the tiniest bit of details, which is a curse sometimes.

"We were such bastards. We should apologise", Taehyung ran upstairs as others followed him.

"Aera, baby, please open the door", Jimin said as he found her room door locked.

"Go away!", Her cries could be heard.

That's the last thing they needed.

Jimin and Jungkook broke out in tears as Tae ran downstairs to take the master key.

"Please baby, we are really sorry", Jungkook said keeping his head against the door.

Soon Tae ran to them with the keys.

He unlocked the door as they stepped in.

"Baby", Tae mumbled.

Their heart broke seeing her curled up on the bed, under her blanket.

She hiccuped as Jimin closed the door.

"Babygirl, we are really sorry. We mean it", Jungkook said trying to take off her blankets but she clutched them hard.

"H-hyung", Tae mumbled signalling something to Jimin.

Her anklets and waist chain laid on the table.

"What have you done to yourself?", Jimin questioned as he successfully took off the blanket from her.

She was lying there like a turtle, crying her heart out.

Taehyung gulped the lump in his throat as he sat beside her wanting her to be in a sitting position.

If she flinched, that would be the reason for his death.

"Aera", He mumbled holding her shoulders as he pulled her up.

She didn't flinch a bit but instead she turned her head in the other direction not wanting to see them.

Jungkook forcefully hugged her as he sat on the bed with her in his arms.

She remained still in his arms without any movement.

"Aera, baby, look at me", Jimin turned her head to face him as he wiped her tears.

Her face was all red from crying.

"We know we were complete fools to say those words to you, to bring up the things you don't want to talk or think about", Jimin said as he caressed her cheek with his thumb.

His other hand rested on her shoulder, making him frown in an instant.

"What is this?", Jimin asked with slight anger as Jungkook sighed knowingly.

Tae was confused.

"Lift your t-shirt", Jimin said.

Aera shook her head.

"Lift your dam t-shirt, Aera!", Jimin screamed in anger.

"What are you doing?", Tae asked with anger as he didn't understand why his brother's acting this way.

"See here", Jimin lifted her t-shirt to reveal the shorts that she's wearing.

It was not there when she showed them the waist chain.

"And she's wearing a fucking bra now. Did we make her that conscious huh?!!", Jimin screamed in anger.

Angry at himself.

He should have known better.

"We made our own sister, our own baby, uncomfortable around us!", He got up from the bed and punched the nearest walk successfully cracking it and bruising his knuckles.

"Please Aera, don't do this to us", Jungkook cried as his tears soaked her t-shirt from the back.

"Come on, slap me. Hit me!", Jimin said as he took her palms in his hand and slapping himself.

It left a mark on his soft cheeks.

"Op-pa, don't do it", she said as more tears poured out of her eyes.

"You don't do this to us! I know we were fucking wrong! We should have stopped when you told us to stop! We shouldn't have brought all those things up. We are sorry, babygirl, really really sorry", Jimin cried falling at her feet as he clutched her feet in his palms.

"You know what is worse than death for us? To see you not being yourself around us. It will kill us. Please don't over think. We meant everything to be funny, we didn't know it would affect you this deep. Babygirl, kill us. But don't change your habits because of us. We can accept our death but not this", Taehyung said as he placed her palms on his chest to indicate how sincere he was.

"I started everything. I'm the real reason why this happened. I meant it in a funny way. I found it adorable that you are still wearing those types of clothes. As a kid, I liked Ben-10 too much. I used to buy those t-shirts, pants, underwear, blankets and all. As I grew up, i couldn't bring myself to wear those again. I still like it, but I was afraid of being judged", Jungkook paused as he hiccuped.

"Whenever I see you being yourself, wearing the things you like, not caring about the social pressure, i really adore those qualities from you. We adore every single thing from you. Your choice of words, your way of dressing, your unpredictable thoughts. We adore everything . It was meant to be delivered in a funny way. Not to make you feel stupid", Jungkook kisses her cheek roughly as he wiped his tears.

He tightened his hold on her as she calmed down completely.

"I'm sorry oppa. I am overreacting. I... I just couldn't help but overthink. I felt like the dumbest thing alive. I thought I was being stupid and should behave myself. I thought I shouldn't leave a chance for others to tease about me", she said lowering her head.

Another two pairs of arms wrapped around her.

"We were at fault too. We are sorry. We won't act like this in the future. I can't guarantee we will stop teasing you, but we won't tease you about the things you don't want", Taehyung promised her kissing her forehead and cheek.

"Look at me", Jimin held her face in his hands as he made sure that she had eye contact with him.

"Don't think about it. You will be our baby. Our little girl. Our one and only sister. The girl we raised. The girl we grew up with. You will be the same with us, whatever may be the changes in our lives and we will be the same with you. So don't think we will do something that can harm you. We will better kill ourselves than that. You understand, baby?", He asked.

"Yes, oppa", she cried nodding her head.

"Then be yourself around us", Jungkook said as he pushed her a little forward.

She ran into the restroom to remove her bra and shorts.

She came back as Jimin patted the bed.

She sat beside him as he pulled her legs on his lap.

He fastened the anklets around her ankles.

"Raise your t-shirt", Taehyung said as she did.

He tied the chain around her waist and kissed her head.

Jungkook came in with the food trays.

"Oppa", she called them.

"Hmm?", They all looked at her pausing momentarily from arranging the food.

"I love you all. With my whole heart", She smiled shyly.

"Oh, then let me think about it", Jimin caressed her chin thinking deeply.

She slapped his arm.

"I love my baby", Tae said hugging her tight.

"I love my bunny too", Jungkook jumped on top of her, making her fall to bed and let out a groan.

"Yaah! Don't break her bones", Jimin pushed him off her and brought her up to sit.

"I love you too", he pulled her cheeks.

She pecked his lips, as he smiled and kissed her forehead, patting her back.

"Let's eat", Tae said as he started to feed Aera.

As they were eating the door opened as Jin rushed in.

It looked like he was trying hard to control his emotions.

"Hyung, what's wrong?", Jimin asked as he stood up in alert.

"Aunt Maya is finally awake! She made it!", Jin bursted out in tears as he hugged Jimin.

This took them by surprise.

Aera had faint memories of Maya.

When Jin was 19, he received a message that Maya got into a very bad accident.

When the hyung line went to London, she was already in coma.

The doctors said she had a less chance to wake up.

Her family took care of her for a year, but then they abandoned her as they had no hope that she would wake up.

The Kim brothers took her under their care in a hope that one day she will wake up.

They treated her from London, as her daughter requested the Kim brothers to keep her mother somewhere near her.

So they did as per her wish.

Maybe her daughter can pull her out of her coma.

They visited Maya often and would tell her, what's happening with their life.

They told her about Jungkook's excellence, Tae's voice going deeper each passing day, Aera's first periods, Jimin's short height, Jin's white hair, Yoongi's new company, Hobi's first bullet wound, Namjoon's first time cooking, Suno's love life.

Maya's fashion company went into the hands of her husband.

They didn't involve much with Maya's family as they don't even know them.

"We are going to London. Flight is by evening. Pack your things. And Princess, you fine with that?", Jin asked.

"It's fine. I want to meet her", Aera said.

"Let's go!", Jungkook exclaimed in excitement.

Not knowing that this trip will alter their sister's perspective about the life as a whole.

Not knowing about the storm waiting for them , in London.


Get ready for a bumpy ride!

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Hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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