All The Little Lights

By katedayn09

8.2K 669 317

"You are kidding me, right?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. "Do I seem like I am kidding?" "No, you don't. But I... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Take a look.!!!
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 74

Chapter 71

50 5 0
By katedayn09


"If it isn't our dear little kitten. How kind of you to bless us with your rare presence. Can't say we missed you much." Kevin sassed earning an eye roll from Helen who finally decided to return home after days spent away with her boyfriend.

"Why so jealous Kevin? Tsk tsk…It doesn't suit you."

"Why would I be jealous? I've got an awesome fiancé who is far better than your gang leader of a boyfriend." He frowned, sticking his tongue out.

"Admit it Kev, you're jealous. You're jealous that my boyfriend gives me more attention than your awesome fiancé is giving you. Who by the way is too busy playing stupid games to even notice your whiny ass."

"Don't pull me into your fights, Helen. Truce! "  Gwen shouted, not bothering to look up from the screen where we were having a heated fight.

"Ha! Take that you loser!" I screamed victoriously when my character knocked him down after rounds of neck to neck competition.

"But..It- it's not possible. You cheated!" He groaned, throwing the controller to the sofa.

"Grow up, you big baby. Accept the fact that I- Alexia Costello- beat you for the third time in a row. Hattrick, boy. Bow down to your Queen." I exclaimed smugly before holding my open palm towards him as he placed a 10 pounds note on it with an ugly frown.

"I can't believe I just earned 30 pounds in just an hour. Man! I'm gonna be a millionaire soon if you're going to continue with this sorry ass of yours."  I grinned, pushing myself from the floor with a satisfied sigh.

"Where is Nordin by the way? I've not seen him for what..ages?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Must be on his way to meet Aarvin. I remember him telling me about meeting up with him after finishing some errands with the gang."

"I've not seen Aarvin since the last time he came to visit you. Man must be working his ass off to make up for the days spent refusing to move from your side. But seriously girl, you need to get him to come out of his office one of these days. He really needs to take a breather once in a while." Gwen stated, joining Kevin on the sofa, throwing a hand around his shoulder.

"Speaking of that, how was your lunch date with him? You didn't say anything about that." Kevin asked with a suggestive wiggle of his brows.

"You went on a date with him?" Gwen frowned, his overprotective- dad tendencies coming out in his features earning an exasperated look from all three of us.

"Kind of. It wasn't a date actually, taking into account the fact that I had to drag him out. He took us to this beautiful restaurant where the food was simply amazing! I tell you the man knows all the best food spots in London."

"And...?" Kevin leaned forward with a mischievous grin on seeing the blush that coated my cheeks on hearing his words.

"I know he is not a man who would end things with just a chocolate tart." He added with a playful smirk.

I deadpanned.

"What we did after that is none of your business, Kev. BUT to quench your curiosity….He definitely didn't end things with a chocolate cake. Actually, you can say it started with some chocolate cake." I winked.

I don't know how I got back here in one piece after leaving his office. All I could see was the raging fire of pure desire for me in his eyes as the feel of his fingers lingered on my skin.

It was nothing like any of the kisses we shared. His lips were not gentle but those kisses were not rough. His touches weren't soft but those strokes were not bruising either.

The eagerness of his lips and the caressing of his hands were not enough for satisfying the fire inside me, in fact it added fuel to the flame.

Every time I think back to that feeling, the shiver that runs down my spine just makes me want to relive it again and again. And again.

"As much as I'd like to know how the rest of the date went, I would have to cut this short for now. I'm starving!" Helen exclaimed, successfully pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Why not? I've had this new recipe in my mind for a week now and I have been waiting to try it out." Gwen said, already on his way to the kitchen only too happy to avoid the details of my not so innocent date.

"And we want to try it too!" We all said in tandem and laughed at each other before rushing after Gwen.


Licking the last speck of chocolate from my fingers, I crumbled the wrapper before throwing it on the coffee table to my side.

With a long sigh, I relaxed back in my chair throwing my legs on the balustrade of the small balcony I've in my room. Other than the occasional chirping of the crickets in the background, everything about the night was so quiet and soothing. Light from the full moon bathed me and my surroundings in a soft glow that made me feel safe for no reason. 

"Having the time of your life?"

Helen's voice echoed in the clear night air as she made herself comfortable on the chair beside me.

"They left?"

She nodded at my question.

I let out a deep sigh before curling more into the chair.

"I'm so happy for them, you know? If it wasn't for you guys, I don't think I would have ever been able to feel free like I do now. With everything that happened in my life, I thought I was nothing but a worthless being only to be used and manipulated by others. All the best moments of my life- including meeting you, Kev, Gwen…everything- started that night. I couldn't be more grateful for the beautiful  journey. And I'm so happy that the boys made it through it with their hands safe in each others'. It's not something everyone is lucky enough to have." I smiled and felt her smiling at my words.

"True. Remember how Gwen was over the moon when Kevin asked him out on a date, after skittering and stammering around each other for so long? We are best friends. Yeah, Right." She chuckled, quoting Kevin's words.

"So much happened in their life and they deserve to be with each other, they deserve to be happy." I muttered, before turning my gaze from the sky to her.

"And I'm so damn indebted to you guys for sticking up with me no matter what. Thank you for being with me." I whispered gulping down the lump formed in my throat. I don't know why I'm saying all this to her now. But everything about this day, night, Aarvin, feel so surreal. As if I can't beleive I'm going to actually live my life without the thoughts of Jake or the fire of vengeances burning in my soul.

It feel so good to be true.

"Lexi...we both know there is nothing to say thank you for. Absolutely nothing. You were there for us through the toughest of our lives. And when I say you were the strength for us to fight back and find the justice and happiness we deserve instead of lying down wallowing in misery, believe me it is on behalf of every single soul who knows you. Especially the three of us. You gave me back my life, you gave me something to hold on. And finally, when I thought there is nothing else in the world you could've done for me, you surprise me by giving me back my childhood, my Noah." She smiled despite the tears that were welling up in her eyes.

"And the boys…you know how much they cherish you. They will die to make you smile. You've been through a lot, so fucking much. I am in awe of you for how stronger you come out of each and every curveball life throws at you. You, of all, deserve to be happy and I am pretty sure I don't have to worry about that because there is someone who would go to the ends of Earth for your happiness."  She smiled, taking my hand in hers and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Someone who doesn't give a fuck about your mistakes or your demons. Someone who worships you just for being you."

The soft smile that took over my face didn't go unnoticed by Helen whose smile widened as she looked at me with happy, peaceful eyes. 

"He loves you a lot, doesn't he?"

"He does." I smiled as my heart swelled with content and happiness knowing how much he adores me.

He doesn't even have to say it, I see the way he looks at me. His eyes as always speak to me more than his words ever could.

I know.

I know the way my breath hitches every damn time he looks at me out of nowhere with those eyes filled with love, and the soft smile that lights up my whole heart like he was just relishing my existence.

"Aww..Stop smiling. you're making me blush." I nudged her with my elbows as she chortled teasing me.

"So, you had a good day with him today?" She asked, wiggling her brows like Kevin. "Should I start ordering cradles for little Aarvins and Alexias?"

"Helen!!" I yelled as my whole face heated at her words making her laugh harder.

"It was not funny!" I glared trying hard not to think of any little creatures with black hair and wide doe-like gray orbs.

"Okay okay…I'll stop. But tell me, how did it go?" She inquired, sobering up.

"It was beautiful, Helen. It was just lunch, really. I don't know how he managed to make even that beautiful. The place, the food, him…. It was perfect. Unfortunately, he needed to get ready for his meeting so we couldn't spend more time together. What about you? How was your stay with Nordin?"

"So awesome! We had so much fun. Night rides, clubs, amusement parks, even the beach! You know what the best part is? Together we succeeded in making an omelette without burning down the entire building. It was so good, a bit salty but that's beside the point. But I'm so glad to know there is someone else who is much worse than me when it comes to cooking." She chuckled, shaking her head fondly at the memory.

"I bet. I don't even want to imagine the state of the kitchen after that omelette was made. When it comes to cooking, I'm blessed with the best. Aarvin really knows how to cook! Don't say that to Gwen though. We don't want to witness another battle of the male ego." I joked remembering how competitive Gwen gets especially when it comes to cooking.

"Speaking of male ego, I better call Noah. I don't think it's best to leave him in Aarvin's company for too long...Er..You see..I kind of mentioned Aarvin's hair while we were talking and how much the sleek darkness and silkiness of it makes me envy him. Let's just say he didn't take it well." She added with a sheepish smile at my shocked expression.

"Are you kidding me? That man is obsessed with you. He can't even bear the thought of you looking at another man and you are saying…You complimented one. To him?!" I'll be surprised if Nordin hasn't already threatened Aarvin's hair by now.

"Then again…how do you know Aarvin's hair is silky?" My eyes narrowed, as I tried to distract myself from the thoughts of his hair and how good it felt in my hands as we kissed.

She rolled her eyes at my remark.

"I forgot I've got an alpha female here." Saying that, she took her phone out and proceed to call Nordin without giving me another peek.

"Baby..! Miss me already?" Nordin's voice blasted as she left the call on speaker.

"You wish. Where are you now? Are you drunk?" She scowled, noticing the slight slurring in his words and the faint noise of music and people in the background.

"I'm not drunk, babe, just tipsy."

"Where are you?"

"Spades. I just wanted to have some whi- Oh, C'mon mate! Loosen up." He shouted to someone and my brows furrowed when I heard an all too familiar grunt.

"Is Aarvin with you?" Helen asked before I could voice out my thoughts.

"Yep. He is with me. Don't worry, I'll take good care of him." He chuckled before yelling for someone to bring another glass of whiskey on the rocks.

"Is he drinking?" I inquired having a small idea of a drunk Aarvin.

Not that I've seen him drunk that much. The only time I saw him wasted was on that day, on his birthday when he was trying to drink himself into oblivion and told me about his tormenting past and burdening feelings. I couldn't be more glad he was not alone and at least I was there with him then, even if my presence was insignificant in the bigger picture of his life all these years.

"Lexiiii! Is that you?" He shouted and before I could give a reply, he was continuing.

"Him? Drinking…? No fucking way! Being the simp he is, he is sitting here in such a bar, sipping on lemonade! Can you believe it? Lemonade!"

Me and Helen both rolled our eyes at his drunken speech.

He is more than just tipsy.

"What is he doing there, Nordin? Doesn't he have to be in his office now?" I asked out of curiosity, glancing at the time and seeing it was just past six now. Nowhere near the time he usually gets off the clock.

"Hey! We men have our own stuff to talk about, okay?? It's not only girls who can get together often and talk about the world and hair and nails and men and dicks. We have our own shit like the world and hair and nails and girls and boobs. My poor boy .... too innocent." He mumbled the last words heavily to himself with added sniffling noises. I glanced questioningly at Helen who pinched her nose in exasperation.

"Don't mind him. He acts like a five year old whiny brat when he is drunk. And no, he is not off his rocker even though it may seem like it."

"...what is he doing now? Well...He is currently glaring daggers at a girl who 'accidentally' tried to sit on his lap. Can't blame her though…beeecause he is hot! BUT! Stop being a rude asshole, man. Can't you see she is crying for her mummy because of you?"

"Don't start, Cadden. You said you wanted to catch up and this was your great spot for hanging out? I am already regretting this. I'm not in a good mood right now. You're just making things worse." I heard Aarvin's voice through the mic and I held back a snicker knowing how frustrated he must have been looking right then.

"You can't blame me! I mean.. You're a VIR-"

"For devil's sake, Cadden! Shut up! Do you need a mic?" Aarvin hissed, his voice betraying how close he was to losing his patience.

I stole a glance at Helen and saw the creases on her forehead deepened as she listened to their conversation. Luckily before she could ponder much about their topic, Nordin's exaggerated sigh that could be heard through the phone captured her attention.

"I'm sorry, mate. I need something heavy and strong to digest this piece of information." He said before calling out for another large peg of redbreast.


"I know! I know how to solve this problem." Nordin mumbled as he gulped down his drink. The sound, too loud to ignore.

"Tell me my man, do you like Game of Thrones?"

"Game of Thrones? Uh..I don't think so. The only game I play nowadays is the 'tile tapping' game and even that only when I'm completely bored or have no work to do. I'm not that much of a gamer." Aarvin said nonchalantly and for a minute, all I could hear was the background noise of the club.

I looked at Helen to see her already looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

I understood the meaning of the raised brow. Is he for real?

"Are you laughing?" Aarvin's voice was heard again and it was then I realized the reason behind Nordin's silence.

"I-I'm s-sorry, mate. But you're…God, you're so f-funny..!" He managed to speak in between his laughter.

"And you're so drunk." Aarvin deadpanned.

"Wait. Wait. Are you serious? You've not even heard of the Game of Thrones?" Nordin asked and the question was followed by prolonged silence.

Knowing Aarvin, I could easily picture the crossed arms and perfectly arched eyebrow staring at Nordin with the stoic stare firmly in its place.

"Okay okay..No need to give me that stare, I understand. But befo-"

"Wait. Who is on your phone?" Aarvin asked abruptly with an edge to his voice.

"What phone? This.? It is- Oh..Ella! You are still there?" Nordin exclaimed with a sheepish chuckle.

"Glad you finally took notice." She replied in a clipped tone.

"What the-? She was on the line all this time??" Aarvin inquired with a subtle note of panic in his words.

"Don't worry mate, your Coffee is also there. We talked! You want to tal-"

"What the heck, Cadden ?!! Are you kidding me?" He snapped, taking us by surprise at his sudden outburst.

"Oops! Don't worry, I don't think she heard any of our secret conversations. And I really don't think she heard us speaking about how-mmppff"

"Oh for bloody devil's sake, shut up!" Aarvin hissed, followed by the sound of some shuffling and protests before the call ended with a beep.

"Okay….. What the hell was that?" Helen asked incredulously looking at me.

"I'd love to know." I shook my head thinking about their antics.





After spending the next few hours in my room playing and bickering about anything and everything, me and Helen finally decided to call it a day. After she retired to her room, bidding me a satisfied good night, I climbed into my bed with a heavy sigh before taking my phone out to check for any messages from him. Luckily there was none.

With a yawn, I got ready to welcome the lovely heaven called sleep, but before my eyes could even close completely, the ringing of my phone made them snap open.

I groaned.

"Whoever the fuck you are, fucking go to bed and let me sleep!" I barked, ready to throw the phone on the wall.

"But I can't sleep." An hesitant voice mumbled which had a ridiculously instant effect by removing all thoughts of sleep from my mind and leaving me wide awake.

"Aarvin? Oh gosh, I'm sorry. Didn't check the caller. What happened? Are you okay?" I asked as concern took over my mind seeing him call at such an hour in the night.

Did something happen? Is it about Ron?

My heart hammered at the thought and I forced myself not to think the worst.

"Everything is okay, Coffee… Stop worrying about me. I.. I just wanted to say sorry."

"For what?"

"For.. For being me."


"Hear me out, baby." He interrupted making the groan die halfway in my throat.

He continued.

"I know you enjoyed our time together today. But I'm sorry I had to cut it short. It's just.. My work and responsibilities always keep coming between us and I know, you're putting up with so much, always accommodating me and my baggage. And I am not even spending my time with you when that is all I want. It's the start and I am already messing up. I am sorry I couldn't go for happy adventures with you, couldn't take you to starry picnics or romantic night outs. I haven't walked the streets holding your hand or even spent a minute cuddling with you like…Cadden and the others. I'm sorry we are like… This."

I frowned.

"What happened, Aarvin? Why are you talking like this…Did I do something?"

"No. No. It's just.... I was at the bar with Cadden and he was telling me about how happy he was spending his time with Miss. Humbert the last days. Listening to their story… I feel like I'm really not good enough for you..." He mumbled quietly and I smiled while my heart ached hearing the pain in his voice.

"Aarvin… Listen to me. Hear me clearly, okay? I don't want us to be like others. Sure they spent some days together and loved it. So what? I am loving each moment with you too. Even if you are not always near me, I know you are a phone call away. That you are in my life. Near or far. I don't want what they have. I want us to be just us. I just need you and you alone. So don't even think about stupid things like you are not good enough or some shit like that. Believe me when I say you are the best, and I am not saying that again just for boosting your ego. Mind you, arrogant man." His voice cracked, as he chuckled on the other side. "But, if you really are in need of something to fret over and to keep your mind busy, just think about me then. I don't mind." I joked which earned another laugh from him. Heaven.

"You're weird."

"You love it." I said sheepishly.

"You have no idea." He sighed.

I don't know why the hell my heart missed a beat at that and the damn zoo inside my stomach.

"Why are you still awake dude? It's way past your bedtime." I asked, pulling the duvet upto my chin as I nestled comfortably on the bed.

His chuckle was accompanied by some shuffling as if he was adjusting himself under the blankets too.

"Will I see you tomorrow?"

"Do you want to? I mean don't you have that important meeting in two days? I don't want to bother you more than I should. I know the past weeks have been quite hard for you."

"Don't bother about that, baby. Leave it to me. Then also, don't you think it's high time that I learn to balance my work life and love life together like the great human I am?"

"Idiot." I chuckled.

"Yes, your idiot."

"Good night."

"I love you." He said before hanging up and there was a huge grin on my lips throughout the night as I slept peacefully hugging my pillow.

How I wish I could hear it everyday I go to sleep…


"Hello buddies! How was your night?" I grinned happily seeing Kevin sitting at the kitchen counter with his legs crossed and Gwen standing before the stove making breakfast.

"Amazing! We had sooo much fun." He grinned cheekily, touching the engagement ring on his finger.

"Bye the way, I want you guys to know that we have started looking for a wedding date." Gwen stated once he noticed Helen too had joined us at the counter after getting ready for the day.

"That's great!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down with Helen who shrieked merrily at the declaration.

"So when are we starting the preparation? Wait, did you already decide the day?" She asked, trying to reign in her excitement that was making her bounce on her feet.

"No. We are yet to fix a date." Gwen said, moving the last of the fried eggs to the plate before carrying it to the table.

Munching on my tasty sandwiches, I swallowed before opening my mouth to speak.

"What are you thinking? Fall? Spring?"

"You see…We are planning to choose the soonest possible date for the wedding. I don't want it to be a second later than necessary. I can't wait for months let alone another whole year to be his. Legally, that is." Kevin said, lacing his fingers with Gwen flashing a small tender smile, which brightened his whole features.

I smiled.

Once they get married, things are going to change whether we like it or not. They are starting a new page of their life, a new world just for them…a space for them and theirs. And...we have to keep our distance to allow them to raise the walls to build a home.

And I'm going to miss them so terribly.

"I love you both so much." I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around both of them in a tight hug.

I'll miss having them around always…

"Gosh! I'm tearing up." I waved my hand in front of my eyes to dry the forming wetness.

"Why do I feel like everything is coming to a close soon? I mean...I remember meeting you guys at your door like it was just yesterday, being kind enough to lend two broken strangers a roof to stay the night." Helen blinked her eyes trying to stop the tears. It was clear from the tears that our train of thoughts were following the same trail, where reality comes knocking down the dreamy expectations.

Every book that starts has to end one day and people often forget that it is just the book that is ending. The story continues, but no one bothers.

"Come here." Gwen's smile was tinged with tears as he opened his arms wide enough to bring all of us together in that forever protective, comforting warmth.

"It will always be us, guys. We are a family, no matter what. We getting married won't make a difference. Home would be incomplete without the whole family. You both are always going to be a part of it." He whispered, tightening his hold and securing all of us in that safe haven.

I smiled.

That's right, there will be us; always…

Not just till the end, but even after it.


"Morning." I greeted the receptionist Atlanta, who waved back brightly and went to one of the lifts.

Humming a happy tune, I stepped out onto the top floor and walked towards Aarvin's office with a wide grin.

Just as I was pushing open the door to his office, my phone rang in my hand and I glanced down to see Aarvin's name.

"Can't wait fo-" My words died down in my throat as I raised my head to look at Aarvin, only for my gaze to collide with another five pairs of eyes that turned towards me at my unexpected entry. 



Oh man.! This chap was not the very best..

Go on. There is another one. Keep scrolling.😁

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