By kaiwrotethat

405K 25.3K 24.7K

"I know ma. Stop fronting. Tell me you miss me." He kissed her in between his words, in love with the way her... More

00 | The Past
01 | To Cry, or Not To Cry
02 | Bridge Cries
03 | Autumn's Story
04 | A Christmas Miracle
05 | Happy Birthday, August
06 | Sunday Bliss
07 | Wavering Loyalty
08 | I Miss You
09 | I Love You
10 | I Hate You
11 | Trust Who?
12 | Autumn's Story pt. 2
14 | Three's A Crowd
15 | Cake in the Oven
16 | Every Life
17 | Everlasting Smiles
18 | Moving Day
19 | Toni Braxton
20 | One, Two, Three
21 | Justin's Daughter
22 | Epilogue

13 | Happy Valentines Day

19.2K 1.2K 947
By kaiwrotethat

"Damn twin. You burning the bacon." Dayvon quickly took the pan off of the stove, seeing the bacon had shriveled up to less than an inch long and the normally reddish color was now black.

"I no know how to cook!" August threw his hands up in frustration. He didn't know why he'd been put in charge of making the bacon anyway.

"Daddy, the toast!" He then pointed to the toaster that was heavily smoking, causing Dayvon to rush to unplug it as the scent of burnt bread filled the air. It smelled nothing like when Autumn cooked breakfast for them.

Speaking of Autumn, she walked into the kitchen with only an oversized shirt on, with her arms folded across her chest. The kitchen was a mess. There were ingredients everywhere; pancake batter all over the counters, egg shells on the floor, opened jars of grape and strawberry jam near the fridge. Not to mention all of the dishes in the sink.

"What are y'all doing?" She made her presence known, and both of their heads snapped in her direction.

"Darn it." August muttered since the surprise was now ruined, and that made Dayvon laugh. He genuinely seemed upset.

"We was tryna wake you up with breakfast ma. That shit ain't really work out though." He chuckled, scratching the back of his head.

"Uh-huh. How did y'all use so many dishes but nothing's even made?" She questioned curiously, making Dayvon glance at the sink full of dishes.

"You know, that's a good question. I really don't remember how half that shit got in there." His hand lowered to rub his neck, putting a smile on Autumn's face.

"Mm. Well, how about y'all go shower and I'll make breakfast? You know, like I do every morning." She tilted her head to the side, unsure of why they even attempted to do something they clearly weren't capable of.

"Sounds good to me mommy. And, don't forget my French toast with whip cream, ok?" August climbed off of the bar stool that he previously stood on, and Autumn nodded her head with a smile.

"Go run him a bath Von. I got it." She gestured for him to move away from the sink after he turned the tap on. He watched her take over washing the dishes, and she didn't even seem upset.

He knew that if he was woke up out of his sleep from an overwhelming burning smell, then had to wash a sink full of dishes that he didn't mess up and remake breakfast, he would've been pissed.

"Happy Valentine's Day mama." His arms slid around her waist from behind as he leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you. I almost forgot. Is that why y'all were trying to make me breakfast?" She smiled, being reminded of what day it was.

"Yeah. We was tryna do some breakfast in bed type shit. I ain't know it would be that hard or I would've just ordered iHop." He shook his head, and Autumn laughed at how stressed he sounded.

"The effort was there, so, thank you." She chuckled, bending over to open the dishwasher.

"Daddy! Come take me a bath!" August yelled from his bedroom just as Dayvon took a step closer behind Autumn.

"Twin ass a straight cockblocker man." He smacked his lips, making her laugh again.

An hour later, Dayvon was getting August dressed in his outfit for the day. He knew that Valentine's Day was considered a couples holiday, but he'd spent every one with August since he was born. He was grateful that he could spend it with both August and Autumn this year.

August's outfit consisted of gray washed jeans and a white hoodie with matching Jordan 12s. His dreads were also covered with a gray beanie; basically, he was dressed just like his father, as always.

When they made it to the kitchen, the air no longer smelled burnt. It smelled like lavender now, which was a result of the freshly mopped floors. The sink was empty and the countertops were sparkly clean.

Breakfast was plated for them on the table; fluffy French toast, sausage patties, cheesy eggs, breakfast potatoes, bacon, and pancakes. The nicely made plates were accompanied by a cup of orange juice.

"Mommy why you taking my clothes off, girl?" He held his arms in the air, letting Autumn remove his hoodie and his shirt.

"Because you be eating like you ain't got no sense." She told him, folding both items up, then she hung it over the couch.

"It's 'cause your food be good so really it's your fault." He picked up a French toast with his bare hands after drowning it in syrup, literally proving Autumn's point.

"You not eating ma?" Dayvon asked her, watching her sit at the table with no plate in front of her. She held up a can of sliced pineapples, making him roll his eyes. She would fix a whole five star meal for breakfast every day but only ever ate fruit instead of what she cooked.

"Go get dressed so we can leave when we done." He used his fork to pick up some pancakes that were already cut into small pieces for him.

"What should I wear?"

"It don't matter ma. You see what I got on." He gestured to his casual fit; it was damn near identical's to August, except he wore black instead of gray.

Autumn stood up out of her seat after nodding, and as she walked past him, he reached over to grab a handful of her ass after realizing she wasn't wearing any pants.

She only shook her head at him, deciding not to fuss at him since August hadn't seen what he did.

"Ok daddy. I'm all done." August licked all of his fingers about ten minutes later, his plate now wiped.

"Aight, hurry, let's wash yo' hands and set her stuff up before she come out." Dayvon picked him up, both of them clearly eager to set Autumn's gifts up in the living room.

He would've set them up on the bed, but he knew Autumn would get ready in the bathroom after showering because she hated getting dressed in there. So, the surprise would've been ruined. The living room worked better.

Together, August and Dayvon set up all of her gifts on the coffee table and the couch. Dayvon bought her four bouquets of red roses, two coach purses, a Louis Vuitton bag with the matching sandals, a Von Dutch purse to match the set she'd ordered online, Baccarat Rouge perfume and oil roll on, candles, and three matching necklace, earring, and bracelet sets from Pandora.

He also got her two pairs of Tory Burch sandals, Chanel sneakers, a YSL purse and of course he had to throw in two stacks of cash. The fact that she just received an inheritance of damn near a million dollars in cash meant nothing to him, clearly.

In Dayvon's bedroom, Autumn was finally finished getting ready a little less than an hour later.

She was now dressed in a black, long sleeved catsuit from Skims. She wore a puffer jacket over it, and Maison Mihara low top sneakers for shoes. She accessorized her look with two dainty tennis bracelets and a necklace with the letter A on it.

For her hair, Autumn now had a jet black 32 inch wig installed in a middle cart with loose curls. She did a light matte look for makeup, and sprayed herself with Bath & Body Work's bare vanilla body mist to complete her look for the day.

"Mommy, come onnnn!" August called for the fifth time from the front of the house, but she paid him no mind as she threw his AirPods into her purse.

She packed him a small bag with a fresh change of clothes, his iPad, his charger, and then she headed to the kitchen to put some snacks inside.

Dayvon stood there with his arms folded as she walked right past them, unintentionally oblivious, as always. When she was in her own world-which was very often-there was no way to get her attention.

"Mommy," August now stood in front of her, and she lifted her head at his voice in the midst of putting two packages of fruit snacks in his bag.

"Hm?" She hummed, and he pointed towards the living room where his dad still stood.

Autumn's expression immediately dropped down into a pout, making Dayvon and August laugh at how late her reaction was. She couldn't believe she hadn't seen it when she walked in, or heard them when they were setting up.

"You ain't even looked at none of it ma." Dayvon smiled, holding around her waist after she wrapped him up in a hug.

"I know, I just love you. I appreciate you so much, for everything, you know? Like, everything." She tilted her head back as soon as she felt tears brim in her eyes, not wanting her eyeliner to run.

"I love you." He said back, taking the opportunity to gently kiss her lips. She grabbed his face once he sucked her bottom lip, and he pulled away with a smile, knowing she didn't want him to take the kiss too far in front of their son.

"I ain't watching." August covered his eyes to pretend like he didn't see anything, earning a laugh from both of them.

Autumn looked down at Dayvon's hand that rubbed the inner part of her thigh as he drove, tapping his fingers on her skin to the beat of Thinkin 'Bout You by Frank Ocean playing from the radio.

Their activities of the day consisted of a small picnic at the park, a walk down the Chicago River where they took a boat ride and afterwards, August did a lot of drawing with his chalk on the sidewalks.

Lastly, they'd just left the drive in theater where they watched the brand new Spider-Man movie: Across the Spider-Verse in the back of Dayvon's truck. August was full off of candy and popcorn and was now asleep in the backseat.

Autumn was a bit ready for bed too.

"You sleepy mama?" Dayvon looked over at her, catching her just before she dozed off.

"Mhm. Are we going back home now?" She asked. They'd been out all day. She was ready to get in the bed.

"We already here girl." He playfully shook his head at her usual unawareness, and Autumn looked out of the front window to see that they were indeed parked in the driveway.

"I gotta start paying attention." She chuckled, and he did as well, getting out of the truck first so that he could open her door.

"Thank you baby." She took his hand in hers, letting him help her step down from the elevated truck. He got August out next, laying him down on his shoulder in an effort to keep him asleep.

Autumn led the way in the house, and she locked the door after Dayvon walked in. She removed her shoes on her way to the bedroom, taking her jacket off as well. The bed was screaming her name at this point.

She turned the silver knob towards the left to make the hot water pour from the square shaped, flat faced shower head, and got underneath it as soon as she was fully undressed.

It didn't take too long before Dayvon joined her, and she leaned back against his chest as his arms slid around her waist. His head tilted down to kiss her collarbone, and then he kissed her cheek when her eyes fluttered closed.

"Will you be my girlfriend again?" Dayvon asked her after a few minutes of the two of them just holding one another.

"Just like that?" She smiled, opening her eyes again to look at him.

"I mean, I had some shit planned. I got you this locket necklace with a picture of you, Hazel, and y'all daddy in it. I wrote you a letter and everything 'cause I thought I was gon' freeze up when it was time to ask you." He paused, and the mention of the necklace had her ready to cry and she hadn't even seen it yet.

"But when it just be me and you, I be realizing can't no gift or words can explain how I feel about you the right way. I love you more than I love myself. I always tell you that you everything to me, and that shit be the truth ma."

"Yes." She answered. "I'll be your girlfriend again. I love you the most. I'm nothing without you, my baby." She mumbled, wrapping her arms around his torso for a hug.

"You that and more, with or without me. Always. Remember that." He rubbed her face as he stared down at her, and she nodded her head while it remained in his grip.

"You gon' put me to sleep?" She searched his brown eyes, watching the way his pink tongue ran over his plump lips.

"Mhm. Get up here." He held his arms out for her, and she moved hers up around his neck, letting him pick her up. Autumn held the back of his head, waiting for that familiar feeling of him spreading her open.

"Put it in for me mama." He spoke in her ear, and Autumn kissed the side of his face before reaching between them, guiding his erection towards her entrance.

"Don't nut baby, please? Fuck me." She cradled his jaw in her hands once he moaned, and he dropped his head in her neck. He hated nutting quick but he really couldn't help it when it came to her. Only she could have him like that.

He thrusted himself deeper inside of her, causing her mouth to fall open. He held her legs further apart, starting up with his deep strokes. He made sure to send himself as far as he could go with each thrust, listening to her moans begin to fill his ears.

"Talm 'bout don't nut. This pussy mine mama. I can nut just off looking at this shit." He looked down at his dick that came out wetter than it went in with each stroke.

"Fuuuck." She tried not to pull on his dreads, but she had nothing else to hold on to.

"Shit." He grunted once she did, but didn't bother to move her hand. He just laid his face in the crook of her neck again, letting her grab on him wherever she pleased.

"Talk to me. You want me to stay right here Princess?" He spoke so quietly that it was almost a whisper. She heard him perfectly though.

"Yes. Mmm, fuck. Fuck. Dayvon I'm cumming." She held on to him tighter, and he groaned at the feeling of her scratching up his back.

"You 'bouta nut baby? Hm? Where you wanna do it at?" She whimpered in his ear, causing him to let out another groan, louder this time.

"Can I nut in you?" He asked back in a low moan, and she bit her lip as his gaze finally found hers again.

"Yes. Nut in me daddy." She kissed his bottom lip, and seconds later she could feel his nut release inside of her. Her orgasm came next, and he kept her in his arms as her legs shook.

"I want you to have my baby. I want you pregnant so bad ma." He kissed her ear, both of them kissing the other anywhere they could.

"That sounds like a threat." She smiled at him, watching him send a small smirk back.

"I want another baby." He told her again while she continued to rub on his face.

"You have to nut some more then. Carry me to the bed." She put her arms back around her neck, and he wasted no time to do as told.

"What you gon' do then A?" He sat her on the bed, and she stared at him for a few seconds before laying back. She turned around and put a deep arch in her back, stretching her arms out in front of her.

"Damn, Autumn." He grabbed his dick that immediately rose to a full erection, throbbing in place at the sight of her.

"Where you want me ma?" He pressed his thumb in her second entrance, slowly pushing it deeper until it was inside of her.

"C'mon." She mumbled, but soon regretted her words as he did as told, replacing his thumb with his dick quicker than she was prepared for.

"I got you ma. I'ma go slow. I'm sorry." He covered her mouth in time to stop a scream, and she hissed underneath his hand, slowly nodding her head.

This wasn't either of their first time trying anal sex. In fact, they'd done it three times before, back when they were together the first go around. It was just experimental at first, but they couldn't deny the overwhelming orgasms it caused for them both.

It only took a few minutes for him to fit all the way inside of her due to how aroused she was, and when Autumn was ready, Dayvon started back up with the same strokes as before.

"You look so pretty taking dick. I love giving this shit to y-what you running from? Huh?" He grabbed her wrist once her hand reached back to slow him down, and he kept it pinned behind her back.

"I'm cumming. Oh my god." She cried, burying her face into the pillow to quiet herself down. She couldn't help but to scream. He was hitting every spot just right.

"Nah. I said I love giving you this dick ma. Tell me you love taking it, then you can cum." He put both of her arms above her head, holding them in place against the mattress while she miserably failed an attempt to free herself.

"I love taking your dick baby. Mmm, fuck. Cum for me Von, please? Cum in me." She bit her lip, trying to get him to stop as his thumb sped up on her clit.

"Fuckkkk." He quickly pulled out of her, causing her to let out a slow breath of relief. Her mouth then fell open in shock as he pushed back into her warmth just as her walls tightened.

"Autumn I love you. Shit. Shittt." He laid his head down on her shoulder, holding her hands tightly in his as both of their orgasms took place.

"I love you more. Mm, baby it's too much. Take it out." She fell out of her arch at the same time that her legs shook, but Dayvon continued nutting inside of her while her substance squirted out around his dick.

He finally pulled out a couple of minutes later, and they laid there together in silence, trying to catch their breath. They were both worn out and clearly ready to go to bed by the way they were dozing off.

"You gotta go pee mama. I did some cross contamination type shit." He told her ever so seriously, making her let out a hearty laugh.

"Cross contamination, Dayvon? Really?" She wiped the tears that fell from her eyes, looking over at him.

"Aight. Get a UTI if you want to. I'm tryna help yo' ass folks 'nem."

"You get on my nerves."

I know some of y'all think I'm a Wattpad celebrity fr but I don't really feel like one. But every time I drop a book or update, I immediately get 200+ notifications cause y'all be tuned TF innn 🥹🥹🥹 like within 5 minutes every time istg. I'm so grateful for y'all fr no bs I love y'all

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