𝓒𝓾𝓹𝓲𝓭'𝓼 𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓱𝓸�...

By ILuvStevenWithAV

8K 154 55

𝓦here fake dating takes a turn for the worst and Jean never gets her happily ever after. "Take a look at my... More



479 13 3
By ILuvStevenWithAV

m̸a̸x̸'s̸ m̸i̸n̸i̸o̸n̸s̸ p̸t̸ t̸w̸o̸

I̸t was the very next day that Jean strolled through the front doors of the school. Covered head to toe in black, as usual. She wore a black leather jacket, black denims shorts with fishnets underneath, a black Metallica shirt and her usual dark eyeliner and shadow. And to top it all off, her signature black combat boots.

"Hey you" she greeted her boyfriend. Strutting over and planting a kiss on his cheek. The boy smirked and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"All right, come on guys" Max ushers the nerds out of their hiding place. Each nerd holding a pie with whipped cream in their hands. "Okay, Tim, when Bradford comes around the corner-" but the villain was cut off by Lionel.

"Hold on, you didn't say we were pranking the principal" We muttered worriedly. But Jean insisted. "Hey, the only way to stop being a loser is to take on the top dog" the girl said plainly. Then Max stepped up, using reverse psychology, "Or if you want to quit, that's fine too. Just gotta pay the quitting fee" Lionel grew panicked and voiced his thoughts.

"No, no, I'm not quitting. I can't afford to quit." Max smirked triumphantly and pointed towards the boy in approval. "Now, that's the right attitude"

"Tom, got your pie, let him have it" Max whispered menacingly. Ignoring the little voice in his head that was telling him this was going to bite him in the butt. It actually sounded a lot like Phoebe.

"Let him have it, got it." Tim spoke confidently, but his fidgeting and wavering voice gave him away.

Jean sighed, slightly feeling bad for the nerds. All they wanted was to be like Max. Instead their getting scammed, and mild bankruptcy. She kissed Max on the cheek and told him she was off to class. He blushed and nodded, telling her to text him when she gets home. Pet of him was doing it to make their "relationship" seem real, and the other part of him genuinely cared.

Jean smiled and adjusted her back pack strap while walking down the steps and around the corner. If this plan blows up in his face, she didn't want any part in it.

The next day at school, Jean noticed something....different. Specifically the fact that the "nerds" had completely changed their style and mannerisms. Even their hair. She them and Max on the main staircase and grimaced.

Cautiously, she strutted over to the group.

"Hey....Max?" She said warily, put off by the nerds copying her "boyfriend". Part of her was really confused and concerned to make the "relationship" seem realistic. And the other part wanted to run in the opposite direction as fast as she possibly could.

"Hey babe" they cheered simultaneously, sending goosebumps up her arms. Not from flattery, but disgust.

Max whipped his head towards the nerds so fast, Jean swore he might've caught whiplash.
"What did I say about flirting with my girlfriend?!" He leaned towards the nerdy trio dominantly, striking fear in the copy cats.

"Sorry" the squeaked in unison, sending Jean apologetic and fearful looks as they did so. The girl just nodded awkwardly and hooked her arm with Max's before the boy spoke up.

"Anyway, you can't be fully Max-imized. Lionel's still got something on his shirt" Max spoke with the utmost confidence, certain that these guys couldn't just change overnight. He pointed to an imaginary stain on Lionel's shirt and waited for the boy to look down so he could pull one of his signature pranks. But, to Max and Jean's surprise, the boy just smirked and held eye contact with Max.

"Uh, looks like the training wheels have come off" Max sounded genuinely surprised and impressed. Seeing how much of his advice they took made his ego ten times bigger. As he spoke, Lionel wrapped an arm around Max's shoulder and walked him down the steps, prying Jean's hand off of him in the process.

Jean glared at the back of his head as they walked to a massage chair that was conviently placed in the middle of the main entrance.

"Now, just sit here in the chair of honor and enjoy the new prank we've been working on" Lionel offered slyly.

He even spoke like Max. The blonde thought, growing even more suspicious, uncomfortable, and annoyed.

Max smiled and sauntered over to the chair. Before he could sit, Jean rushed over and took the seat. Playing it off like she was tired and her legs hurt.

"Finders keepers, losers weepers" She smirked tauntingly. She didn't know why she felt so protective of Max all of a sudden. All she knew was that if her gut told her that something wasn't right, then something wasn't right.

The Max wannabe's grew anxious at her actions. Knowing this wasn't part of the plan, they all shared frightened looks. Except for Lionel. He couldn't care less wich one of them sat in the chair. All he knew was, whoever sat there was getting pranked.

"Jean come on, he literally said the chair is for me" Max whined, stomping his foot impatiently. The girl rolled her eyes and bragged triumphantly.

"Whatever, just stand. You have nice legs anyway" She pulled the compliment out of thin air in a panic. Knowing that's the only to keep him distracted for a second.

"Nice chair, just wish the seat had a heater" The boys were confused, she had made a complaint and a compliment in the same sentence. Max chuckled and sat on the left arm rest.

Curiosity taking over, Max addresses the elephant in the room. "So, where's the prank?" He became slightly giddy with anticipation. Waiting to see and innocent bystander get pranked.

"You're girlfriend's sitting in it" Lionel smirked and gave a signal with his hand to the other nerds. They rushed to Max and held him back firmly as Lionel held a controller in his hand. Pressing a button that locked Jean's wrists down.

"Hey! Let her go! Heed Max and command thee!" He shouted defiantly, wriggling in their grasp. His anger was bubbling a lot faster than usual. He didn't know if it was because Jean was in trouble, his minions were ignoring him, or because they held a tight grip on his arms. All he knew was that he was frustrated.

The nerds ignored him and smirked at one another. Lionel began controlling the chair, turning it around driving it into a nearby table. Jean shouted at the nerds. It was almost unintelligible to the nearby classmates.

"Let me go! You Why don't we knock offs!" Her nostrils were flared and her eyes were wide. The chair began moving backwards and into a trash can, the contents spilling on her lap and the floor. She could hear Max shouting behind her and turned to see him handcuffed to the stair railing.

"I swear, when I get out of here, you'll wish you were never born!" She threatened, catching glimpses people laughing and recording. Her next threat was cut off as the chair rammed into the lockers. She groaned as boxes, pencil cases, and other large objects were dropped on top of her.

The trio laughed as Lionel drove the chair back over to its original spot.

"Students of Hiddenville High, say hello to your new prank kings!" Lionel cheered, raising his arms like he was royalty.

Jean scoffed, her hair blowing in the process. "That wasn't a prank! That was assault!" She protested. Her shouts went ignored as everyone cheered for the new "prank kings".

"And say goodbye, to your old ones" Lionel spoke, gesturing towards a fuming and filthy Jean, and a glaring Max.

"Lionel, I know where you live" Jean threatened, her tone dark and serious. She was telling the truth, Lionel gulped but covered it with a scoff, driving the chair down the hall as far away from him as possible. Max shouted that he'd help her and tugged on his restraints.

The whole crowd winced as the blonde crashed into another wall of lockers, slamming into the janitors cart as well. The girl groaned and coughed, the smell of mop water fresh on her clothes.

The trio unlocked Max's cuffs and he wasted no time stomping on Lionel's foot and sprinting to Jean.

He spun the chair around and glanced over her for any injuries. There was a half eaten burrito on her lap, a banana peel on her shoulder, soda all over her legs, and mop water on her upper torso and feet.

"I'm gonna kill them" her eyes were dark. Cold and lifeless, her hands were shaking from pure anger. Her brain immediately began conjuring up different ways to inflict pain and embarrassment upon the Max wannabe's.

She was so caught up in revenge she didn't notice Max rushing out the bathroom with paper towels. He began wiping her off the best he could.

"Are you okay? I know that's a terrible question but, yknow. Common courtesy" He rambled, so focused on cleaning the stains off the girls' clothes that he failed to notice the little smile that took over her previous scowl. She blushed and used her hair to cover her flustered expression.

"I'm fine. Just coming up with new ways to torture those idiots" she spoke jokingly. She said it in a sarcastic tone, but secretly meant it.

That's when she heard it. A laugh. Not just any laugh, Max's laugh. He threw his head back and let all thirty-two of his teeth show.

Jean smiled bigger, her cheeks raised as high as they could go. Her dimples deep and prominent.

"Yeah? We'll you'll be happy to hear that I won't stop you. Maybe even assist you" he smirked devilishly, his own plans forming in his head.

It grew silent between the teens as Max cleaned the girl of the trash. Throwing away the banana peels and burrito wraps.

"Sorry you got dragged into this whole thing. If I would've just sat in this stupid chair then you'd still be okay." The boy said dejectedly

Jean frowned and avoided eye contact, knowing she couldn't just joke her way through this conversation.

"It was my choice to sit in the chair. There's no use in dwelling on what could've been when the damage is already done" she spoke with ease, softening her voice and pushing away the stiffness.

The boy froze for a second before smiling at her attempt to cheer him up.

"We're your legs really tired? I know you said not to dwell but I can't help but wonder" he thought out loud, his brain moving faster than his voice.

The blonde hesitated. The words were right on the tip of her tongue but, something was holding her back. Was it, fear? She didn't know.

"No uh, my legs were fine. I just- there was a voice in the back of my head telling something wasn't right. I thought that...." She froze, keeping her eyes down in fear of seeing a look of rejection on Max's face.

"I thought that if something did happen....I'd rather it happen to me than you" her voice was wavering, her eyes were averted, and her hands were fidgeting. She felt that painful lump in her throat from anxiousness.

Then, she looked up to see Max hold the biggest smile on his face. Her breathing slowed and her nerves loosend.

"Awwwww, Jean, you do care about me!" The teen boy wrapped his arms around her neck and held her tight.

"Shut up. You're lucky my hands are bound or I'd have you pinned on the ground" Although the sentence sounded threatening, she said it in a calm tone. Every part of her body automatically softening at the hug.

Even though she said she'd hurt the boy of her hands were free. She knew in the back of her head, that if her hands were free.

She'd have hugged him back.


Jean sat with a straight face as she watched Colosso try to to do stand up. She cringed at his Easter bunny joke and rolled her eyes.

"Boo! You suck!" She shouted, signaling a thumbs down while booing the rabbit.

At the sound of the bunny greeting Max she turned to see the boy practically stomping down the stairs.

"Hey fake boyfriend" she spoke unenthusiastically.

"Hey fake girlfriend" he spoke in the same tone as her. His smile appearing for a second before dropping it a second later. Her greeting, reminding him of their earlier conversation.

"Hey, why didn't you take the slide?" The bunny questioned.

"Slides are for prank kings! My minions over threw us, Colosso. So if I can't even control three nerds, how am I gonna take over the world?" The boy rambled. Anger, disappointment and frustration in his tone.

"Ah, poor kid. Come here, let me give ya a hug" the bunny assured

Max softened and gave in. "Thanks Colosso, I could really use one"

"Max-" Jean tried to warn him but it was too late. The bunny had already smacked the unsuspecting teen in the face.

"Ow" Max said, astonishment and pain in his voice.

"Get a grip. Villains don't quit, did I quit when your dad turned me into a bunny?" The bunny encouraged

Jean couldn't help but throw in a sarcastic comment, smirking as she did so. "I mean you poop on sawdust and you only eat vegetables. You may not have given up but that is pretty depressing"

Max snorted and high fived the girl. His sad mood completely forgotten.


After Closso's whole, 'villains don't give up' speech, Jean and Max had advised a plan to get back at Tom, Lionel, and Jake.

"Hey guys" Max greeted the trio, leaning against some lockers by the bathroom.

"Hey, has-been"

Max just kept calm and played along
"Yeah, you got me. Hey, congratulations on being the new prank kings"

"Say it, don't spray it, bro" Tom said cockily, secretly scanning the room for the beautiful blonde he was madly in love with.

Lionel turned to his distracted friend. "That doesn't make any sense, Tom"

After he couldn't find the girl, he just sighed and turned to Lionel. "I just always wanted to say that"

"You know, it's too bad me and Jean never got to pull off our most epic prank, I was gonna show this amazing video at Branford's special assembly" The deliquent made sure to put and emphasis on Jean's name so that Tom would pay attention.

Max didn't know why but, that thought of Tom gushing over Jean bothered him a lot more than it should have. Maybe the whole fake dating thing was getting to his head.

"It takes one to know one" Tom tried to play it cool, but he was completely unsuccessful.

"Be cool, idiot" Lionel scolded

"Anyway, I can't wait to see what you guys have planned" Max said while putting the "special video" in his locker and purposefully not closing it all the way.


"All right, All right. Calm down future failures,"Principal Bradford shouted, trying to calm down the rowdy crowd of students.

If you're here it's because you're a problem, a trouble maker, or I don't like your face" a hand slid out from behind the red curtains and high fives the principal. And judging by the looks of the chipped black nail polish, silver bracelets and rings, anyone with common sense could tell it was Jean.

The principal dodged a item that was thrown on the stage and muttered something about keeping it.

Jean couldn't hear exactly what he was saying, as she was in the catwalk above the stage. Even though, she's already set up the pranks Max asked her to, she wanted to add a couple of her own.

Because if those nerds thought for a second that they could just embarrass her and Max and get away with it...

They were dead wrong.

Even though she was adding on to Max's pranks, she was still planning something else for those dorks.

Jean listened in as the video Max made started playing.

After the video ended, Jean got into position and waited for Max to get her the signal.

"Hey, you three, get up and apologize to Principal Bradford. While taking a Carmel and popcorn shower" The students and principal looked confused at his emphasis on the last few words.

At least, everyone but Jean. Her smile grew like the Cheshire Cat at his words. 'That's the signal' she thought.

As the nerds stood, she cut open the bags and let the carmel drain all over them. While making sure to get extra on Lionel.

A maniacal laugh fell from her lips as she then opened the bags of popcorn and dumped them onto the Caramel-soaked teens.

The students and principal laughed. And if they were quiet enough they would've heard Jean cackling from above.

But the reason she was laughing so hard is because it wouldn't stop there. She clomed down from the catwalk and bursted through the curtains. A perminant smirk on her face.

"Did you say clean?" She asked, feigning innocence. She plucked the remote from Max's outstretched hand and press's the comically large red button. The trio all looked up, expecting something else to fall from above but were left confused as they found nothing, until they felt it.

Three janitors had strolled into the room and dumped dirty mop water over the teens' heads. All secretly chuckling as they did so.

The laughter in the room doubled, tripled even. Jean's laugh being the loudest of them all as she noticed other kids taking their phones out and recording.

As the laughter slightly subsided, the janitors all high fives the blonde girl and wheeling their mop buckets away.

"Okay losers, detention now" the principal ordered

At his words the nerds panicked, Lionel specifically.

"Not detention! There's seniors there" he whimpered

Jean snickers while strutting over to the principal and telling him to watch his step. He looked confused before she pointed out the oil on the floor by the doors, he smirked and gave her a quick fist bump before standing to the side and ushering them out.

The teens were so caught up there panic that they weren't paying attention and stepped right into the oil. First Lionel fell. As he was going down, he grabbed on to Jake, who grabbed onto Tom. In the end they ended up a heap of caramel, popcorn, and embarrassment on the floor.

Jean strutted over as the students resumed their laughter.

"Watch your step" she smirked before high-fiving Max and chuckling.

What she failed to notice was his proud smile.




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