The Secret Plotter

By ZatroXis

104 0 0

๐‘ซ๐’–๐’๐’„๐’† ๐’ƒ๐’†๐’๐’๐’–๐’Ž ๐’Š๐’๐’†๐’™๐’‘๐’†๐’“๐’•๐’Š๐’” -_-_-_-_- "๐“˜๐“ฝ'๐“ผ ๐“ธ๐“ด๐“ช๐”‚, ๐“ฒ๐“ฝ'๐“ผ ๐“ธ... More

0| Mama, just Killed a Man.
0.05| Can't Wait to Tell This Story To my Grandchildren
1| Where the Wind Blows
3| Raise your Words
4| *L'appel du vide*
5| *C'est la [fuckin'] vie*
6| The Taste of Power
7| Much Ado About Nothing
7.5| Child of War
8| And Then There Were None
9| The Three Musketeers
10| The Divine Comedy
11| Nessun Dorma
12| Va, pensiero

2| Broken Crayons Still Colour

10 0 0
By ZatroXis

Michael Fassbender as Jørgen Hansen

Dominic Monaghan as Hans Berg


"Don't even try to relax, we have a mission." What a lovely welcome. Bucky rolled his eyes at Sam's commanding tone, but did it nevertheless.

Yeah, he got into his role fast.

A faint smile could be seen on his face, as he followed the new Captain America. "Where are we off to?"

"Someone decided to kidnap the Prince of Norway. They are demanding both of us, I don't know the reason why..."

"So...long flight?" he released a quick sigh, when he saw Sam nod. "I'll pack my things."

He speed down the hallway to his locker in their quarters. Nostalgic feeling overtook him, while he walked. Bucky was once again back in 40's following Steve's lead. Still, from the unpleasant experience with John, he knew that no white man wih blond hair and blue eyes could ever replace Steve. Just cheap copies.

He took his things and went to the exit, where Sam was waiting, then they took of. The flight usually takes 8 hours, so maybe he could sleep a bit or at least rest his eyes without being interrupted.

Sam had the same idea when boarding the plane. They slept for 6 hours and the other two they kept most time in silence, from time to time they fell onto a playful banter, but it was never too serious.

By the time they arrived at the airport, the royal butler was awaiting them. "We are very glad, you could make it rather quickly. The weather seems to be at our side" he spoke slightly in dialect, but very fluently in a foreign language to him.

"Please follow me gentlemen, we need to hurry" the unnamed butler announced.

Bucky gave Sam 'Really this?' look and Captain just rolled his eyes.

The bultler opened the door for them and give them more instruction, "young Prince was kidnapped around 6 am, there was a voice message left. They used the voice changer, so the database couldn't identify the owner of this voice."

"Where there any witnesses? There is always an option he left to hide from his responsibilities" Bucky voiced, because this whole kidnapping thing didn't make any sense. The kid would scream, so it had to be someone he trusted.

All of this is planned somehow.

Norway wasn't one of the most powerful nations, it held an unreplacable influence in NATO and EU, but sadly everything it's replaceable, like most things in this cruel modern worlds.

"As far as I am concerned, no, there were any, but there were instructions directed towards the royal family..." he hesitated, but continued "...from my boss. I would like to personally apologise for what's going to happen to you."

•thump ... thud•

Bucky's body was too slow to follow when it happened, but his mind expected it.

A trap...shit.

Both bodies 'dropped' unconscious with darts in their necks. The said darts were filled with soporific medication. Not too strong to kill them, but not weak either.

This butler was a right hand of famous mafia boss. The Boss. Jørgen Hansen. The most powerful man in Norway, even more powerful than the king. And this man was very well aware of the bounty, that was placed on both of their heads. He would do anything to accomplish his goal, even if it's to endanger a young innocent boy.

On the other side of the ring was the butler, Hans Berg. To say he was loyal was an understatement, but at the moment he was on a crossroad. To be loyal to the family that generously gave him job or to be loyal to a man that is misusing his power to have more power.

If he would be the one to make a first move either way, his death or a agonising punishment would be unavoidable. He choose the safest option. Ask for help.

Maybe I could ask her to do the first step and these two will finish it.

He took his phone out and called the mysterious person he had a chance to meet through Hansen. That time it was just getting information from other mafia boss and damn she was successful. They were able to take him down the following day.

"Please help me save Norway from Hansen"

"There will be a royal ball. Get me there as a guest."

"That would be too shady, the guests are all familiar with the royal family. If I can have a say in this, photographer would be way more subtle."

"You are pushing your luck. sigh• Fine let's have it your way."

"I am aware...Miss, I would like to ask for another favour."

"•sigh• Go on."

"Mr. Barnes and mr. Wilson are here and he wants to collect their bount-"

"I'll take care of it. Just get me to that ball."


What a woman. Just one encounter with her was enough for him to be head over heals. Formal, yet witty. Kind, but would kill you with flick of her wrist. He had never made a move on her, he was too much of a coward. However he knew this woman was way out of his league, unfortunately.

Hans shook his head. I have a job to do. And he started driving to the secret residence of the royal family.


The ride took about two and half hour. Fortunately the soporific medication was very precisely dosed. He was right in front of the house, when the two started stirring and trashing, which only meant they are about to woke up. Just in time.

"Once again I am sorry for this occurrence. I was tasked to take you the secret residence to meet the king, so it was better if you wouldn't know where it is situated... We're here."

"Well... this is not a good first impression" said Bucky with a hoarse voice, he turned his head and saw Sam still passed out.

Bucky nudged him, until he started responding. "Yeah, yeah... •sigh• ...I'm up" he opened his eyes and looked at the butler, giving him an intimidating glare.

At the entrance of the house the King with his prime minister were waiting. They seemed on edge, King had a messy appearance, his hair wasn't styled, the tie was loosed and he's face lacked of motivation, just plain emptiness. As if someone took his world away from him. Bucky couldn't judge him, he can't imagine through how much stress and worry the King had came.

"Gentlemen I am glad you could make it. There is live stream of our prince airing only to us, thankfully we were able to hide it from media. Please save him" and the prime minister gave Sam a tablet. King's face contoured even more.

Bucky leaned closer, so he could see too. The Prince didn't looked hurt, he was just sitting on a chair with his ankles and hands bonded.

"Do you know where is this place?"

"Our team thinks it's at Trosterud, Tvetenveien. A few minutes from here." Announced the prime minister.

"Is there any reason why are you not contacting the special forces of Norway or your royal guard?"

"You can handle the situation better, please save our prince," pleaded the prime minister, while the King was silent. Sam elbowed Bucky to shut him up, when the King and his minister weren't looking.

"We will get your son" assured Sam as he searched for location through Redwing. Both of men followed the dron. Sam flying and Bucky with a car, of course. He couldn't afford to run there, there was a human life on a line, in addition he hated when Sam had to take him there. Can you even imagine, Captain America holding Winter Slodier, while flying above our heads. [What a sight :P]

They ended up near the abandoned building. According to the Redwing, there was only one person in there. Which only meant they left the prince unguarded or it's a trap.


It was too easy. They flew 8 hours here, just to find out that anyone could save or possibly kill the prince. It seemed that someone wanted to see how we work.

"I'm going in" said Bucky and walked straight through the opening in the wall. "Go get 'em White Wolf!" Sam 'encouraged' from a distance. Bucky once again rolled his eyes.

Redwing found out there was a proper entrance to the building, so Sam was gonna get inside from there. Before he took off, he scanned the surrounding area one last time. Man, this feels off. He thought and headed to the backside of the building.

Meanwhile, Bucky was going from room to room, searching for evidence. This building was giving him creeps. The graffiti on the walls and fallen debris from above, reminded him of his past. He wanted to get this done. And. Fast.


The last door were slightly ajar, a weak sound of classical music could be heard. Along with sobbing.

He took his gun out an slowly peaked through the door. The child was silently crying. Giving one look throughout the room, empty. He made his decision to put his gun down.

"Hey kid" he said as he walked slowly closer, still carefully studying his surroundings.

The kid looked at him and started crying and trashing even more. "We came to save you" he tried to reassure him. The child didn't reacted and continued panicking.

He took his knife out and steped behind the prince. The child's eyes widened and everything went silent. The ropes that were holding child's ankles were cut along with the handcuffs that were crushed. The prince immediately turned around and took a few unsure steps to get closer to Bucky. Bucky, having a soft spot, opened his arms and prince run into the safety, the safety of Bucky's arms.

"I see the prince took quite a liking of you" Sam's voice was heard through intercom, loud enough to piss of Bucky.

As a mature and independent adult, Bucky ignored him. "Let's get you out of here" as he took the child closer and tried his best to comfort him.

Aftet he met Sam outside, he asked, "did you find anything?"

"Cameras." Was all Sam replied.


"Only?" Sam just nodded looking at the prince. The said child fell asleep in Bucky's arms. So it was now easier to manipulate with his body. He put him in the car and they drove to the location they came from.

The royal family was delighted to see the prince. They thanked the heros and invited them to stay for the ball, so they can manage the security for the sake of young prince. The King had a broad smile after seeing that his son was once again safe.


Once again I would like to remind you that this is just a fanfiction.

Fun facts:

No| r |way| arc

Autor-san loves Norway, it's her favourite country, but it wasn't safe from warth of her's inspiration...
(goblin laughing his ass off: "hehe")

Michelle has a trust issues thanks to Jørgen. He employed her for the first job out of the control of H.Y.D.R.A. He left her die of blood loss, but thanks to my boy Rafael she was saved.
(REVENGE!!! meheheh)


P.S. I'm terribly sorry for all mistakes, English is not my first language, but I'm trying my best.
If you see any mistakes please let me know, I will correct them.

With love Autor-san.

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