The Demon King of Time

By Masamune

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"What would you do if you were told if you're going to be a king?" "I would try to avoid it... but in the end... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Christmas special
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Season 1 End)

Chapter 11

1.4K 35 92
By Masamune

"Wait! We can settle this peacefully!"

"My lord! Please calm down!"

"Just think of happy thoughts!"

"Why are you bringing out a gun? My lord put the gun down!"

"Peace was never an option."

An angry Masamune was seen walking out of Hyperion while Woz and Himeko tries to calm him down to no avail while Kuuga and Agito tries to slow him.

"Captain! Just calm down! Theresa and I have a plan!" Himeko yelled trying to convince Masamune but he was having none of it.

"They chose this and they shall pay the consequences." Masamune coldly said as he continued to walk.

"Captain wait!"

Masamune ignores her and continues walking. They kept trying to stop him but it wasn't working until...


Masamune stops in his tracks before looking back and saw Kiana. She was looking at him worryingly. Masamune calms down before looking Kiana in the eyes.


"I heard shouting... and saw you."

Masamune felt guilty seeing Kiana in this way. The girls are his weakness he doesn't show it because he's afraid of losing them. Seeing Kiana like that he finally cracked.

"Leave us..."

Himeko was reluctant before she walks away with the riders. The only person she knows who can stop Masamune currently is Kiana.

"You're angry that Mei-senpai was kidnapped right?"

"I am..."

"Then I'm sorry... sorry I couldn't save her."

Hearing that Masamune bit his lips. Kiana shouldn't be blaming herself. The only person here to blame is himself because he wasn't there with them.

"It's never your fault... it was always mine."

"That's not true. Unlike me you manage to accomplish many things that I haven't reach. You're more powerful and brave than me."

"Kiana... I'm always afraid."


"Every time I transform into Ohma Zi-O... I feel the sudden urge to make everything mine and concur everything... I always tried to control it but every time it grows stronger. I'm afraid if I succumb to my power then I'll slowly lose myself."

"Masamune-senpai... I'm afraid too. Since the day my old man disappeared I'm always trying to search for him... every single day I'm scared that he's already gone before I could find him. I'm afraid of being alone... You and Mei-senpai made me so happy because I'm no longer alone."


"Please... help us save Mei-senpai. Masamune-senpai."

Masamune stared at Kiana before clenching his fist. He couldn't win against her and he would never make her sad. So he nodded causing Kiana to smile.

"I'll help."

"Thank you... Masamune."

Kiana hugged Masamune tightly not wanting to let go of him. He stroked her hair as she continue to embrace him. Both not wanting to let go of each other as they stood there for awhile.


"You kidnapped who?!"

"The third Herrscher."

"Do you realize what you have done!"


"The king is already an individual with powers that already surpass the Herrscher! And you came along and steal one of the most important people to the organization he's in!"

"...I am aware of that."

In the Anti-Entropy base. Tesla was seen yelling at Cocolia while Einstein is staring at the locked up Mei.

"Oi! Mophead! What are we supposed to do when the king come barges in and proceed to destroy everything?!" Tesla yelled At Einstein but the woman was busy staring at Mei.

"It's true that the king will come after us but he won't be hunting us. I suspect the king anger will be directed to the one who kidnaps Raiden Mei." Einstein said before looking at Cocolia.

"In summary he's after Cocolia then?" Tesla asked as Einstein nods.

"From what we've learned from Bronya the king isn't interested with someone who isn't the one who wronged him. It's likely he's only after Cocolia." Einstein theorized as she stared at Cocolia.

"Then I'm going to do this fast." Cocolia left the room with Einstein staring at her before looking back at Tesla.

"We're doomed aren't we?"

"Pretty much."

With Masamune

Masamune stared into the night sky alone while his belt is on his waist. The plan Himeko and Theresa devised was already in motion.

Masamune saw the Anti Entropy building and quickly hid from any mechs. Masamune then decided to transform now rather then later which would cause less noise.



Ohma Zi-O stood in Masamune place the transformation process being skipped and he was already in his armor.

Ohma Zi-O went invisible and floats towards the building like a ghost. Phasing through the wall Ohma Zi-O was now inside. Looking up he floats up and phase through the ceiling. The king then spotted a girl with green tinted hair locked up.

"That's Wendy... I'll help her for Bronya sakes."

Ohma Zi-O floats to Wendy cell and phase through it. Making himself visible the girl was shocked when he suddenly appeared.

"Who are you?!"

"There's no need to fear me. I'll help you get out of this place."



Ohma Zi-O kneels to Wendy legs before putting his hand on them and healing them. Wendy felt her legs moving and was shocked.

"And now for the second part."


"Follow him. He will take you into a safe place and Dark Decade you know what to do?" Ohma Zi-O said before opening the cell door.

"Yes my lord. Miss Wendy please follow me." DD waited for Wendy to follow him but she was still getting used to her leg being back. But eventually she got the hang of it as DD walks out with Wendy.

"Thank you."

Wendy gave Ohma Zi-O one last thank you as she followed DD. Ohma Zi-O smiles softly behind his mask and walks out of the cell.

"Any progress on where Mei is located?"

"Kiana is going to her location captain. Just find her and Mei should be there."

"I see."

"Heads up Bronya is helping us."

"I know..."

Cutting of the telepathic conversation with Himeko he then went into Kiana location hoping he isn't too late.

Suddenly time froze except for Ohma Zi-O and another person in front of him. It was Kairos the last Time Jacker.

"Out of my way Kairos. I don't have time for you."

"We all have the time in the world Demon King."

Kairos and Ohma Zi-O circled each other waiting for one of them to make a move. Finally Kairos spoke.

"I find it interesting that you would regret your past actions. Yet you sacrifice the whole world for your ambitions."

"I admit I was young back then and didn't understand the consequences of my actions. Even though the world is a wasteland surely you can rebuild."

"Rebuild?! Don't fuck with me! You destroyed everything in your path when you became the demon king! The only living crops in the world was in your castle! One which you destroyed! Every single animal and plants are gone because of you!"

"...I am sorry. I know it won't mean much but I apologize. You can't win against me in this time period... go back to the past if you want it to change."

Kairos growls before walking away and disappeared as time began to move. Ohma Zi-O clenched his fist before walking to the other way.

"I still haven't changed... even if he defeats my younger self nothing will change."


Kiana was facing a giant mech while trying to keep hold on Mei. Bronya was unconscious and the others were dealing with the other mechs.

"Give it up Kiana! What can you do now?" Cocolia voiced echoes through the speakers.

"I won't give up! I'll bring back Mei-senpai and Bratnya!" Kiana yelled dodging the mechs fist.

"Foolish girl! You'll suffer the same fate as Wendy!"

Kiana continues to dodge the mechs attack before she trips. Kiana closes her eyes but suddenly the mechs fist stops.

"You're wrong! Wendy is safe."

Kiana opens her eyes and saw Ohma Zi-O stopping the mechs fist with one finger. Ohma Zi-O pushed the fist back before flicking his wrist and pushed the mech back.

"Masamune-senpai!" Kiana cheered happily after seeing Ohma Zi-O.

"Take Mei and Bronya away! I'll deal with the mech." Ohma Zi-O ordered before looking back at the mech.

"No you don't!"

The mech tries to stop Kiana escape but Ohma Zi-O appears in front of it fist and kicks it away with a flaming kick.

Ohma Zi-O landed on the ground before looking at the mech. Ohma Zi-O opens his hand and the Saikyo Girade appears in his hand.

"Every single battle till now I have held back."


"I held back because I didn't want to cause any damage to space and time. But for you..."

"There will be no mercy."


Saikyo Girade was suddenly engulfed in orange energy before Ohma Zi-O pulls the sword back and glared at the mech.


With Kiana

Kiana was seen in the Hyperion standing beside an unconscious Bronya and Mei who were now being treated.

Suddenly she stared at the window admiring the view. But then suddenly...


A huge explosion that penetrated the clouds and even caused a crack in the world. Kiana widened her eyes in shock before staring at the remains of Anti Entropy base that was now a crater along with some collateral damage.

In the center of it all was Ohma Zi-O. The demon king was standing in the middle of the crater with sword. Ohma Zi-O let go of his sword causing it to disappear.

Ohma Zi-O stared at the crack in the sky before waving his hand and causing it to disappear. Ohma Zi-O put his hand down before reverting to Masamune.

Kiana stared at Masamune with a mix of horror and fear. Horrified at the damage he caused and fear for how the world will react to this.

On that day the existence of The Demon King of Time was revealed to the world.

A couple days later

"Breaking news! The crater that appeared a few days ago was the result of The Demon King of Time. Schicksal has revealed the existence of the demon king a few hours ago. According to them the damage that the king caused was to destroy an Anti Entropy base. Is the king really an ally? Or he's something more."

Masamune stared at the tv in silence before walking away. After the attack he caused everyone was fearful of him including his friends. He didn't blame them... after all that was only a quarter of his power. If he used more then time and space would be damaged even more.

"Report..." Masamune said before suddenly Ex-Aid appeared behind him.

"I have already healed Mei... but for Bronya it seems that immortal already healed her."

"Fu Hua... that's enough you may leave."

"Masamune... maybe it's time you reveal your past to them."

"...I can't."

"If you keep hiding then you'll ruin your relationship with them... please don't make the same mistake before when you pushed everyone away..."


"...As you wish."

Ex-Aid disappears and Masamune clenches his fist. He knew Ex-Aid was right but he's afraid that they too will abandon him. Masamune holds up a Ridewatch. This was the very first Ridewatch he obtained... The Zi-O Ridewatch.

"What am I supposed to do... Sougo."


What if Masamune was in Honkai Star Rail

"Where's the Stellaron? Kafka what happened?"

"I don't know Silver Wolf. Was Elio script wrong?"

"Looking for this?"

Kafka and Silver Wolf turn around and saw Masamune leaning on the wall holding the Stellaron.

"Who are you?" Kafka asked warily.

"A passing through Demon King! Remember that!"


"You know fate is a fickle thing."

"How so?"

"People think it can't be changed because it's already determined but the only way to change fate is to accept it... like I did."

"Very interesting Masamune~"

A woman with lavender hair was seen talking to Masamune wearing a suit. The two were sitting on a luxurious restaurant.

"By the way? Why would you want to talk to me in here?"

"To wi- I mean it's a fine place for you and i."

Everyone could see she wanted a date with Masamune but the boy himself could not see it himself.

"Now then the appetizer~"

Masamune suddenly felt a shiver when he saw Black Swan look.


"Nice new power up Stelle!"

"With this we can finally de-"


Ohma Zi-O punched the giant robot causing it to explode to oblivion. Everyone who was unfamiliar with Masamune just stood there in shock.

"Well that was easy."

Bronya fainted.

Seele jaw dropped.

Cocolia gave up.

Stelle pouts because she wanted to test her new lance.

March took a picture.

And Dan Heng sighed.



In a room filled with multiple girls was seen standing around a circle table. The girls consisted of every girl who was after Masamune.

"It's obvious he likes me more." Archeron blankly said.

"You're a fool. He likes me more than you." Seele replied with a huff.

"Amateurs. I have already gone on date with him." Black Swan intervened.

"Ha! I already too his virginity!"

Everyone looks at Stelle in shock before all of them grips their weapon and charges at her. Meanwhile Masamune was enjoying his lunch with Kabuto while Woz shivered.



Back at it with a new chapter after my break! Anyway this was a fun chapter to write due to the Omake.

Also got her...

Anyway peace!

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