Her Secret Admirer (William A...

By Nyobear2999

16.5K 314 291

you are a 20-year-old girl, who lives in Orlando. you decided to go back to Hurricane, with your best friend... More



1.9K 31 54
By Nyobear2999


"Oh my goddd! finding a job  here is shit!" I exclaimed, the brunette girl with brown eyes looked at me as I flopped onto the couch. "Girl... SAME!" she said, I sat up. a light bulb lit up above my best friend, Lynette, head. "How about... we go somewhere else to find a job!" she said, "like.. maybe... Hurricane!" she continued. I give her the 'seriously' look, "Lynette, you seriously want to go back to my hometown." I said, she chuckled and then asked.

"Why are you so against it?"

I let out a sigh and then said, "I haven't told you, right?"

"What... What do you mean?" she asks, "well..."

"Remember I told you that there was a reason why I came here?", she nodded. "want to know that reason?" I ask. She nods, eager to know why. I looked at her and began.

"I was 16 at that time, I kept receiving odd letters... not like normal letters... more like love letters. But there was one that was creepy as hell", I got up and went to my closet and dragged out a cardboard box. I then gave her one of the many letters from the box. That letter simply wrote:


I wonder how your blood tastes like, love ~

Lynette stare at the letter and then look at me, shocked and disgusted. "what the fuck!?", I gave her the 'hm mm' look. "That's just one of them, imagine the rest" As I said that her jaw dropped.

"After months of this, I just can't stay there. so... I moved here with my aunt. But... oddly the letters continue to come in..." I said, "the fuck..." she said, stunned.



We got up and went to see who it was. the person on the other side of the door slips some letters through the mail slot. They then shouted, "Mail!". I pick up the letters from the floor and open the door. They were wearing a black hat, sunglasses and a hoodie, so I couldn't see their face. They handed me a small package. I thank them and close the door.

I put the package down on the coffee table and looked through the letters. 'Aunt Stella... Aunt Stella... aunt Stella... no...' I stare at the letter that says 'to my Lovely Y/N' I look at Lynette and she looks back at me. I hesitantly opened the letter, it wrote:

My love,

Hope you're doing well, love. I also hope you like the gift ~

I look at the package that was on the table, it says 'to my Lovely Y/N'. I slowly opened it, I put it out... it was a... necklace? "what... why would he give you a locket necklace?" Lynette asked, I shrugged. "Maybe, I get to see who they are?" I said, almost like a question. I hesitantly open the locket. To my surprise... there was... none 'shit...' I really thought there would be something in it.

(A/N: this is what it looks like)

"Well, at least it wasn't a knife" Lynette chuckled. "Yeah," I said, chuckling with her. "so... still up for going back to your hometown?" she asked. "the fuck?! why do you want to go there so badly" I asked. "I mean... when we the last time you went? plus you keep saying how you missed your godfather," she said, well she is not wrong, I do miss Henry...

I sighed and leaned back on the backing of the couch. "wait, is your godfather's name Henry Emily?" Lynette asks, looking up from her phone. "Yeah... why?" I said, looking at her. "He apparently has opened a diner and it seems that they are hiring, look" she said as she turned her phone so I could see her screen. I nod.

"But, where do we live?"

"I don't know... we can go and find a place and we can... maybe live together?"

I look at her, nodding. "yeah... I guess that could work" I said. "should we look for the place?" Lynette asked.

"Like now?"

"Yeah, why not"

we then start looking for a place.

After at least 2 to 3 hours of searching and trying to see which apartment is cheap and affordable, "ohhhh, look at this one. looks comfy and it seems near the diner" Lynette said, as she turn her phone. "yeahhh, that looks nice, and damn... that seems to be the only place that is near the diner" I said. "what is the price?" I asked, "Like... one thousand to two thousand for like 2 bedrooms and both have their own bathroom. Plus the living room, kitchen and dining look pretty good" she said. "what?! that's amazing! If we can split the rent... We definitely can afford it" I said, excitedly.

We both jumped in excitement, "Why are you two so happy about?". We then looked at my aunt who had just entered the house. "Well... we decided that we want to go to Hurricane, and I think we found a place." Lynette said. "oh, really? I didn't know that Y/N would go back there after you know, what changed your mind hon?" my aunt asked. "I mean... it's been, what, almost 4 years since I have seen the last time I saw Henry... I really miss him you know," I said.

Aunt Stella nods and then says "What are you two planning on doing there, anyways".

"He opened a diner, maybe we can work there."

"wait, he did," she said, we nodded as we showed her the advertisement. She smiles and nods.

We chatted about how and when we will move. We decided that we would go and see the apartment tomorrow night. It was a 5 hour drive there, so, might as well just go tomorrow morning. It would be too late, we go now. Plus we were all tired. We said our goodnights before we went into our rooms.

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