π‰π„π€π‹πŽπ”π’π˜, STYLE

By Bacvonbitz

15.9K 456 1.1K

- kyle broflovski and tolkien black has been hanging out more than ever, making tiktoks together, hanging o... More

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632 19 68
By Bacvonbitz


stan's whole body felt jittery but he didn't know why, he blamed it on the slushie he drunk since... y'know, sugar.

and sugar / caffeine can cause your anxiety to activate and make you sorta jittery. so, he thought it was that.

and nothing else,

but he also knew there was another reason.

stan walked beside his bestfriend, having a small smile on his face — it was barley noticeable but it was there.

they were close to kyle's house already, it being in view of his eyes.

stan took one look at kyle.. again. and just kept glancing at his features with joyful eyes.

stan felt his stomach twist, not sure if he was going to puke or if they're just butterflies. and honestly — he hoped it was none of those options.

why would there be butterflies in his stomach by just glancing at kyle? and why would he puke by just glancing at kyle?

those questions will go unanswered for awhile... at least he hoped.

stan was sure kyle could sense that he was staring at him again, so stan decided to look away and fidget with his sleeves.

they continued to walk.


the two made it to kyle's house and stan was welcomed with a familiar scent — kyle's house was usually scented with something that smelt like honey.. or oranges.

and stan wasn't complaining.

but, something stan did notice is that kyle's parents weren't at home.

mrs broflovski wasn't in the kitchen and mr broflovski wasn't in the living room — still reading news papers.

so, stan decided to ask a simple question. "where are your parents?"

the redhead shrugged in response and took off his backpack and placed it on the ground, he grabbed stan's backpack as well and took it off of the ravenettes shoulders.

stan raised his eyebrows and stilled at the small gesture before backing up and giving a quick  ;  "thanks."

stan took off his hoodie and tied it around his waist. taking off his gloves too and placing them on top of his backpack.

he took off his shoes too, placing them neatly on the ground next to kyle's — he wanted to make a good impression, even though usually he'd leave them scattered on the ground..

stan doesn't know why he's acting like this is a new house he's just been invited to. it's kyle's house.

stan guessed it was because he was too excited, he hasn't been here in a few weeks- now a month, but to stan that felt like ages ago.

"I'm not sure about you, but I'm about to take a shower.." kyle says. "being out there made me feel icky."

stan had to register that for a moment before raising his eyebrows in realization. "o-okay." he stuttered out.

kyle started to walk up the stairs. gesturing towards stan so he can follow him and the ravenette did just that.

as they were walking upstairs, kyle called out ; "ike! are you home!?"

no response for a moment till stan heard ike yell back a small. "yeah!"

"where's mom and dad?" kyle called out lowering his voice as he began to reach the top of the staircase.

"I dunno, they went out or something." ike responded.

no matter how many times stan heard, ike's voice will never not be a shock to him.

ike, whos also 9 years old now, has grown up and his voice got a bit deeper, not that deep though. he sounds of his age,

the two boys made it to kyle's room and stan made his way to kyle's bed and sat on it, pulling out his phone and placing it on the dresser.

stan examined kyle's bedroom, and it looked the same as he remembers.

it was neat. the broflovski's always kept everything neat, so it was expected.

stan's eyes trailed back onto kyle who was currently looking through his drawers to find clothes to wear for the both of them.

kyle pulled out two sets of pajamas ; matching ones at that.

blue plaid pj pants and red ones to match and two black shirts.

kyle placed the one stan was supposed to wear on top of the dresser — the one with the blue pants then took the other one and walked to the bathroom, saying he'd 'be right back.'

stan watched as kyle cracked the door to his bedroom and walked down the hall to go to his bathroom.

the ravenette stood up and changed into the pajamas that did actually fit him, surprisingly.

stan folded up his former clothes and placed them on top of the dresser, as well as his hoodie and sat on the bed comfortably.

excitement ran throughout his body, obviously. every moment he's with kyle he always feels ecstatic.

and usually he'd barley be.. all jittery around kyle but, now it feels like he feels like tweek with all the jitteriness he's been having.

stan didn't wanna think about the possibilities, and he only had one thought in mind.

he's been having thoughts about it ever since after the arcade.

and it only worsened when he puked earlier.

stan frowned slightly and uncomfortably at the thought, picking at his small nails while glancing at his hands.



a few rounds had ended, stan was getting a bit tired and he could feel himself starting to sweat.

though, it didn't bother him since he does infact play football. but it didn't stop him from feeling like muck.

stan also took off his hoodie during the second round so he wouldn't get weighed down by it or something..

the noirette was also smiling— grinning even, was he having too much fun? probably.

he heard kyle shuffle and turned to look at him.

"I think I'm done." kyle annouced, looking at stan who nodded in response.

"me too, I'm starting to sweat." stan agreed, taking off his guitar as well and placed it next to the machine.

kyle took his off as well, placing it on the opposite side. he used his sleeve to wipe off his forehead sweat, immediately grimacing because he found it disgusting.

stan smiled at the gesture, remembering that his bestfriend was a slight germophobe.

kyle turned to the other boy  ;  "what now?" he asked stan.

stan shrugged. "I dunno." he answered.

the redhead looked around and got bored of everything he saw.

stan took a quick glance at kyle's lips— no homo— and watched as run his tongue over his braces in a slow matter, clicking his tongue afterwards.

his eyes tracked back to stan's, locking eyes with the boy.

"we should go." he told stan.

stan felt his hopes and dreams crash down— dramatic much? and he felt a frown appear on his face.

he looked like a kicked puppy.

kyle raised an eyebrow in confusion just for a moment before flinching in realization and put his hands up in defense, waving them around. "wait no!"

"I meant like the arcade." he rephrased.

stan immediately changed expressions and just like that, his dramatic act was gone and he smiled.


kyle looked past stan and then looked back at the boy: "go get your hoodie."

stan nodded and went to get his hoodie, he heard as kyle grabbed both of their backpacks and walked to the entrance of the arcade to wait for him.

stan's hoodie laid on one of the counters next to the guitar - hero machine.

he had grabbed it and put it on for comfort since they were about to go in the literal snow.

the ravenette began to go over towards his best friend so they can leave, but, he saw kyle on his phone instead— texting someone.

he knew who it was.

stan began to pick at his gloves, waiting for him to realize he ws standing there.

stan, who was staring at kyle, also saw kyle smile at the screen of his phone. which made stan a bit upset, jealous even,

kyle finally looked up and his eyebrows raised like he was surprised.

he was distracted.

stan suddenly just stared at kyle, his expression blank and he stopped picking at his gloves.

he probably looked creepy.

but, he didn't really notice because he was also too busy looking into kyle's eyes.

stan wasn't aware that he was zoning out as well till kyle called out for him.


"huh?" stan mumbled, eyes looking everywhere.

kyle squinted his eyes, narrowing his vision at him like he could see right through him. "are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

stan nodded. "yeah. I'm fine."

"okay.." kyle trailed off. "I asked; what should we do?" he repeated his

stan was silent for a moment before opening his mouth. "oh!" he finally said.

"I was thinking we could go get slushies." he suggested. "then go to the park." stan added on.

kyle stared at him, dumbfounded.

"get slushies." he paused. "while it's... snowing." kyle said nonchalantly.

stan gave kyle a thumbs up and a smile, proudly.

the red - haired boy pursed his lips before walking out the arcade, stan followed him out.

stan ran next to the boy and stared at him with a worried expression. "we don't have to get slushies if you don't want." stan suggested.

kyle shook his head. "no, I want to get slushies."

stan didn't say a word, he just stared at kyle. watching the boy walk down the sidewalk.

stan was completely amazed, memorized, dazed into kyle's figure.

stan studied each aspect of his face, the freckles — the way he had on his signature 'bitch face'. brows furrowed and his mouth parting open so he can make his mouth feel comfortable from the braces that held an uncomfortable feeling inside.

the green sweater he wore, the dark baggy jeans he had on that covered the tip of his shoes. the black backpack he wore on the brick of his shoulders.

his curly hair, his emerald eyes, everything about kyle, stan automatically locked in and kept safe in his mind.

stan kept staring at the boy — really just staring at kyle's face.

stan's mind was like a rollercoaster.

    ' oh my god- has he always been that pretty?—   he looks porcelain... he looks soft, I want to hold him, hug him.'

'jeez, he looks majestic like he's in a fairytale— is he even real? he looks fucking fantastic.'

stan felt his cheeks start to heat up and his mouth slightly parted, completely in a trance.

   'I love you kyle—'

as if kyle heard that, the redhead turned his head and stared right back at the noirette. making stan immediately stop in shock and turn his head away in embarrassment.

but, embarrassment lead to nervousness and nervousness led to overwhelm-ness and that leads to..

..before stan knew it, as soon as he turned around with many thoughts running through his head, he let out a wretched sound.

puke splattered across the sidewalk, some even going on the snow close by.

stan held onto his stomach, not registering what has happened before he heard kyle run by and ask him if he's okay. he also felt kyle place a hand on his shoulder.

he almost flinched at the contact.

stan squinted his eyes and it was blurred — the small water drops that leaked from him puking had forced its way out.

"yeah, I'm okay." stan nodded.

what is wrong with him?


"I love you kyle?" stan repeated out loud, remembering that thought from a few hours ago.

stan says this is all the time to his best friend- usually when he's drunk, not when he's sober unless he's like.. having a mental breakdown, but it's normal for him to say it but.. when he said it, he was calling kyle beautiful.

saying he wanted to hold him?

"in a friend way. a hundred percent, nothing else." he reassured himself out loud— hoping kyle wouldn't hear him.

stan frowned, thinking about what's been going on. specifically about kenny and cartman's accusations, then the incident at the arcade.

is it a coincidence?


is he going to ignore it?

probably, till he messes up.

hopefully he doesn't.


the time read 8:37.

kyle had gotten out of the shower an hour later, which confused stan on how he could take a shower that long— usually standing would take 20 - 30 minutes,

both of the boys were now playing on kyle's XBOX in the living room, sitting down on the floor and taking turns playing a parkour game called " MIRRORS EDGE. " since it was a solo game.

they both played for awhile, taking breaks now and then.


after a few more moments of playing the game, stan began getting a bit bored of it and losing interest in video games.

the ravenette sighed and handed the controller to kyle who was on his phone, scrolling through tiktok while eating a small bag of cheeto puffs, a water bottle being set next to him as well.

kyle didn't notice the controller at first till he looked up to see how stan was doing at the game. he raised his eyebrow.

"you died?" kyle asked. stan shook his head.

"no, I just got bored and don't wanna play anymore."

"oh" kyle grabbed the controller and clicked off the game, afterwards turning off the controller then placing the controller next to him. he also turned off the console, making the tv pitch black.

stan raised a eyebrow. "you don't wanna play anymore?"

kyle went back to his original spot though shook his head. "you're not playing so I'll probably get bored."

"plus, I was gonna stop playing eventually." he added.

stan hummed in acknowledgment and leaned back against the couch, grabbing his phone from his pocket, ignoring how it was currently on 15%.

as stan turned on his phone he clicked on his notifications, since he had his from on DND. he noticed a few messages from kenny and his mom.

his moms displayed her asking if he was okay. he responded saying ;   ' yea, im staying at kyle's tn. '

and kenny was just spamming him on if they kissed yet and other things the mccormick would ask. which made the noirette a bit frustraded, so he ignored them.

    ( it also made him flustered but he'd never admit that without shame. )

he looked over at kyle who was still on tiktok, laughing at a few videos but also looking at those ' fun fact ' videos.

stan smiled softly and looked back at his screen, going on instagram instead of tiktok. usually finding videos on there funnier.


the time read 9:42.

"we should watch a movie or something," kyle recommends out of boredom.

stan turns off his phone and looks at kyle. "what kind?"


stan nodded and tried to think of a movie they'd both enjoy. he listed off movies he watched in his head, and settled on one.

"jeepers creepers?" he asked.

kyle nodded. "let's watch the second one, I prefer that one. it's my favorite." stan nodded and stood up and stretched.

he let out a small sigh and placed his phone on the table that stood next to the couch. he leaned back and fell onto the couch, repositioning himself to be comfortable. stan watched as kyle grab a roku remote to turn on the tv. he scrolled down till he reached prime and clicked on it.

kyle began to type out jeepers creepers in the search area, clicking the second movie as soon as he saw it.

after the preview, the movie started with it displaying  ;  ' DAY 22 ' on the screen.

"okay, i'll be right back let me get blankets and pillows." kyle said and put the controller on the table the TV stood on.

stan watched kyle go up the steps, probably going to his room since he said blankets a pillows. stan looked away and fixated his eyes on the screen. already knowing what's going to happen, but he focused.

stan watched as the boy in the movie set up scarecrows while getting yelled at by his older brother.


kyle came downstairs a few moments later, and threw a black blanket onto stan and a pillow.

stan pushed the blanket and pillow slightly off to make him off, also grabbing the pillow and placing it near the arm of the couch. though he didn't lay down, he just sat in the criss cross position.

kyle had did the same, also getting under the covers — apparently him and stan were sharing, he sat remotely close to stan which made the black haired boy feel nervous.


he doesn't wanna talk about it.

anyway, they both began to watch the movie in silence. paying attention to every detail, also asking questions of small details as if they haven't seen the film already. kyle didn't speak as much though, just interested in it. this was one of his favorite movies after all. hence why stan recommended it. the movie isn't very popular so stan didn't know many people who watched the movie and favorited it as much as himself and kyle did.

about 40 minutes passed and the movie was obviously still ongoing and neither of them fell asleep or got bored of it. though, stan yawned a few times and felt his eyes water from slight tiredness, which had kyle ask him — "are you tired?" with a sly smirk and stan smiled back.

"no, not really.." stan reassured kyle and layed back comfortably, kyle shifted as well.

"yeah, okay." kyle humorously said, not believing the other boy.

stan suspected the time to be around 10 or 11PM, due to how long the movie is. so he was probably gonna be asleep by 1AM. if he decides to not stay up all night, at least that's what he hoped for. stan yawned again and gave a deep breath, blinked a few times which caused his eyes to get a bit heavier. he rubbed his eyes and tried his best to stay awake though he was forced to close them.


stan woke up around 4AM. the living room being dark, the only thing that gave light was the tv that displayed the cover of the movie the boys were watching.

stan softly groaned, his body lingering with exhaustion.

he could hear the ac run.

"damn," he whispered. shocked by the fact he went to sleep first, but that was probably because he was comfortable.

as he went to sit up he felt a weight on him. and he furrowed his eyebrows. stan was confused till he used his hand to touch whatever was on him. his hand rested on smooth skin and a bit of hair..

"oh!" he called out quietly, the 'thing' on him shifted and let out a breath. stan retracted his hand so fast, embarrassed.

"sorry, sorry, sorry." he quickly whispered subconsciously.

it was kyle, who was currently laying on stan's abdomen. who would've guessed? stan immediately felt his face heat up, both sides of his face probably having a slight shade of red plastered on it. this made his situation worse, which made him cry internally.

it also wasn't uncomfortable, so that's a plus.

stan could feel his heart beating many mph, he wanted to squeal like a little girl.



what the fuck stan.

"cornball." he insulted himself.

stan cringed in embarrassment, he was not about to act like that. he shook his head and looked back down, he could make out the outline— not even the outline, he could literally SEE kyle's head and face.

stan pursed his lips, why did he feel like he was panicking?— mercy on his soul, he felt like he was going through a crisis. ( he was.. )

stan sighed quietly, hoping it'll calm him down.

it didn't.

stan felt like he had a fever, his whole body heating up— silently begging it to be the house heat and not him.

but the house was always warm, and before they went to bed it was cold.

maybe a coincidence?— maybe..

but that probably wasn't possible. stan had blamed everything that's happened to him on coincidences, he didn't know what to do anymore.

having thoughts of him thinking romantically about his best friend, him blushing from every touch and glance his best friend gave him. heart skipping a beat even when kyle isn't even looking at him.

stan was going insane.

"this is bad, this is really bad.." stan whispered.

feelings for his best friend?


stan wants to reject it so bad, wanting to rearrange his entire mind and heart to even forget about the chance of him actually liking kyle.

did kenny and cartman get in his head? could he blame it on them?

"um.." he muttered and used his arm to reach for the phone that currently laying down on a table beside the couch.

which, he was able to get a hold of.

stan clicked on the side of the phone, turning on the device and quickly typing in his password.

this entire situation had him off edge, he didn't nearly act the same way he did for wendy when he first liked her.

yeah he threw up and other stuff but he wasn't thinking about her every moment of his life, which made them break up plenty of times in the future.

stan was gonna puke again.

he quickly went to messages, his last resort and immediately texted kenny mccormick, the one who most likely manifested them getting together.

stan typed out a quick message.

kenny mccdick  ( home wrecker ) 💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️⁉️

ik ur up.
Read 4:08 AM.

kenny mccdick ( home wrecker ) 💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️⁉️
no hello?
no hhi? hows ur mornjng going????
Sent 4:09 AM.

om being so srs.
Read 4:09 AM.

kenny mccdick ( home wrecker ) 💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️⁉️
damn ok 🙁
Sent 4:09 AM.


stan gently moved to get off of the couch, he made sure kyle was at least comfortable before he grabbed his socks that he put on the ground in front of him and made his way to the front door, putting socks and shoes.

stan cringed as the lock made a loud clicking sound when he unlocked it, but was able to quietly exit the house to step onto the porch of the broflovski home. which is where he finally got a call from kenny.

he answered it and placed it to his ear, but regretted it soon afterwards.

"YOOOOOOOO!!" kenny yelled into the phone as loud as possible, full of energy— even at the current time.

stan flinched and sighed harshly. "kenny," his voice hoarse since he woke up a moment ago.

"my bad bro bro. what's goin onn gangy?" kenny apologizes, his words coming off as slurred— but not drunk slurred, high slurred.

no wonder why he was up.

"are you high?" stan questioned, kenny hummed into the speaker of his phone.

"yeah, not too high though, I can comprehend shit you wouldn't be able to understand when you're drunk."

stan pinched his nose and gave a deep breath, the air mimicking it and letting out a visible cloud of breath due to how cold it was.

stan contemplated whether he should back out and say nevermind.

but he wasn't about to act like a pussy and just cry himself back to sleep from embarrassment.

"kenny, I need help."

"with kyle? I know." the blonde immediately said afterwards.

that caught stan off guard. "what- no- yeah— what?!" he stammered.

he heard kenny take a deep breath, maybe hitting the vape he'd carry around. "'how'd I know?' is that what you're thinking?"

"well.. I'm kinda... y'know..." he trailed off.

"a psychic—" he finished.

"kenny, shut the fuck up." stan felt irritated, he ran a hand down his face. the cold making his body feel numb.

kenny giggled. "just joking with you bro, you're acting like a dick."

"obviously, it's no surprise. you are what you eat- I mean suck." kenny said, cackling after he said that.

"nevermind, I'm hanging up."

"WOAH, PAUSE. you don't gotta do that!" kenny yelled before stan could even try to hit the 'end call' button.

"I'll help you. damn." he groaned dramatically.

"thank you," stan says.

kenny could be heard shifting and sighing quietly.

"what do you need help with?" he questioned. "like, I know you need help with kyle but what happened."

stan sniffed. "okay- yeah- uhm.."

"I'm going through a crisis kenny." stan admitted.

kenny hummed for acknowledgment and waited for stan to keep going.

"like.. couple of hours ago— when school ended, me and him ended up hanging out and ever since then I've had like.. certain thoughts and feelings— I threw up- had more thoughts when we got to his house, we played games and watched a horror movie and now I woke up a few minutes ago with him laying up on me and now I'm outside, in the cold and panicking. calling you-"

"did you get a boner?" kenny cut him off.

stan went silent, irritation flooding his mind. he was about to hang up till kenny told him to calm down, like he could sense stan was getting mad.

"anyway, yeah, dunno why you're calling me about this." kenny nonchalantly said. "you obviously like kyle."

"that's why I'm panicking! I don't want to like kyle, he's my best friend!"

"it'll ruin everything, kenny."

stan was shaking like crazy, he didn't know if it was from the cold or him being scared about what would happen. he subconsciously gripped onto his phone.

"look, stan, the only thing I can do is tell you that you love kyle, you want to be with kyle and that you need to stop panicking." kenny says.

kenny sniffed and sighed. "i'm not gonna try and pester you and cause you to lose feelings for kyle, because that's not how I am. I'm not going to help you lose feelings for someone you should be with because you're afraid, that's not how it works stan."

"you need to confront your feelings, accept that you love kyle broflovski. not try and force yourself out of it, that's being a fucking pussy." kenny explained, he took another deep breath, at this point stan knew he was still vaping.

stan stayed quiet, he understood what kenny meant though he didn't like the sound of it.

he's in denial.

"and if it makes you feel better, he probably likes you back but don't wait too long to tell him how you feel stan." kenny said before he let out a loud cough.

the blonde haired boy hit his vape one more time before putting the speaker extremely close to his mouth. "well, GOODNIGHT STANN! talk to you later.. during school or something."

"don't forget it's valentine's day, you've got time!" kenny called out before he hung up the phone.

stan pulled the phone away from his ear and just stared at the screen, it displaying kenny's contact profile,

which had a picture of him smiling at the camera and stan being in the background, sleep on the pavement.

he was drunk.

stan turned off his phone and turned around to head back into the house.

when he walked inside, everything was like how it was. he sighed in relief and locked the door and took off his shoes then walked over to the couch.

stan placed his phone back on the table and sat down on the couch. he rubbed under his eyes out of exhaustion and positioned himself to be more comfortable.

stan stared at kyle who was a couple inches away, laying on his own pillow due to stan moving him.

small part of stan wished kyle was still laying on him but scolded himself for thinking about that.

he sighed softly and frowned.

stan wanted to blow his brains out as if mind ran through many thoughts, mainly about his current 'crush' and it made him get frustrated with himself.

honestly, he would've been better without calling kenny because now he has thought of confessing.

stan groaned and placed his hands over his eyes. dragging them down his face. "I'm gonna kill myself." he whispered.

the noirette wouldn't be able to go to sleep willingly, instead he would have to wait till he accidentally falls asleep. so, he grabbed his phone and just began to watch social media.

a few moments past and stan could feel his eyes becoming heavy. he yawned and turned off his phone. stan stared off into the distance for a moment.

he thought about his life.

stan sighed one more time closed his eyes, before opening them again. he took one last glance at the redhead before permanently closing his eyes for the night and allowed himself to get some rest.



finally did it, 4780 words.

last bit was rushed but here y'all go, taking another month or 2 break maybe.. or if y'all r lucky i'd update next or early february 🙏🏽

thank u guys4 reading this chapter. love u guys :)

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