✓ After raiding the house, he...

By prince05026

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Author: There are a lot of plays Once she traveled through a strange dynasty and became an orphan girl who wa... More



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By prince05026

apter 66 Chapter 66

Text Chapter 66 Chapter 66

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

In the dark night, the warehouse compound located in the tunzi is different from the tightly guarded military tun outside, it is silent here, and in the second half of the night, except for the occasional movement of the vanguard army patrol outside the compound, the courtyard is even quieter.

It was about the end of the ugly hour, when the night was when people were sleeping, and suddenly, in the silent barn compound, there was movement under one of the jars in a row of peaceful jars.

The stone slab on one side of the huge jar was violently pushed away from the inside, and the cheerful gnats that had chirped in the night were immediately startled.

The poor grasshopper, when he turned around, was about to see what had disturbed his territory, when he saw a monster

poking out from the side of the tank.

In order to hide his identity in case he was discovered, Qin Baosheng took out his burlap bag containing soybean grain before acting, took the scissors and made two holes in the pocket, and put one on his head, This time the child suddenly came out of the secret passage, Isn't

it a monster

Qin Baosheng first cautiously looked around with his probe, to make sure that this warehouse compound is safe, He crept out of the secret passage.

From time to time, patrols would pass outside the barn walls, and he stepped up his time to make sure everything went well.

Qin Baosheng is very familiar with his own territory, and it can be said that even if he closes his eyes, he can clearly distinguish everything here.

It was impossible to shut up a barn that already contained several warehouses of grain, and the two unfortunate ones were either locked up in an empty barn, or in a small room next to the barn where they kept their miscellaneous items.

After thinking for a moment, Qin Baosheng did not hesitate, and took the lead in touching the darkness towards the small utility room.

Sure enough, his guess was right, he walked to the door of the utility room, and through the wooden lattice window of the utility room, Qin Baosheng saw at a glance the two hateful guys inside who looked like dead dogs, wearing hoods on their heads, and their hands were tied behind their backs.

At this moment, there is still a lock hanging on the door of the utility room, which seems to be a lock that is easily removed from the warehouse on the side.

In Hetian Juntun, he Qin Baosheng is the heaven here, and he has the keys to all the warehouses, but unfortunately he can't use them at the moment, after all, once the lock is unlocked and released, isn't this evidence of the obvious.

But fortunately, hmph, it's just a lock, and he has a way.

Reaching out and touching the lock that was tight, Qin Baosheng decisively skipped the lock with his big hand and touched the hinge of the padlock.

The corners of his lips under the broken pocket were hooked, Qin Baosheng's hands kept moving, and he didn't know where he was groping, the hinges that were still tightly fitting just now, the end inlaid on the door frame was magically loose, allowing Qin Baosheng to open the door easily.

The slight movement of the door opening shook the two people in the room who were lying in the corner like dead dogs, but they did not move, only pricked up their ears to listen to the movement

It was very dark tonight, and the moon, which had been hanging high in recent days, was also missing tonight.

Qin Baosheng, who opened the door carefully, did not notice the strangeness of the two people in the house, and when the door was completely opened, Qin Baosheng, who instantly retracted into the shadow outside the door and hid, secretly observed for a long time, but did not see any movement of the two people in the door, Qin Baosheng was anxious, and he couldn't help but be irritable.

Damn, let's go, let's go, these two fools can't be stupid

Obviously the door has been opened for them, why don't they know how to run

away After

waiting for a long time, Qin Baosheng couldn't help but think again, could it be that his movement just now was too small, and the dog's sleep inside was dead and he didn't hear it, That's why I

didn't run away Thinking

about it like this, Qin Baosheng secretly scolded bad luck, and finally raised his feet and got out of the corner where he was hiding, stretched out his hand to pull the wooden door, and confirmed that there was no movement outside the warehouse courtyard at this moment, and the patrolling vanguard was not passing by outside at the moment, so he had the courage to pluck the hinge on the door to make a movement.

As a result, the two idiots in it still didn't move.

Qin Bao gritted his teeth with hatred, scolding in his heart, but he also knew that there was no turning back when he opened the bow, so he had no choice but to put down his hand that was playing with the leaves, and instead took the door panel, ruthlessly, both light and heavy, pulled and closed, and then pulled and closed.

In the silent night, the wooden door squeaked slightly, and the sore sound was a little harsh, so that Qin Baosheng didn't dare to come a third time.

Holding the wooden door steady, Qin Baosheng's palms were sweating nervously.

The movement made by himself is so big, the two unlucky people in the house should have heard it, and they will be able to react


As a result


these two things of mine will not be knocked out

by the group of cattle in the vanguard army Qin Baosheng scolded secretly in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case.

The others seemed impatient, pacing back and forth outside the door, but there was still a rooster crowing in the dark night, which instantly recalled Qin Baosheng's sanity.

No, you can't delay it any longer, Qin Baosheng swallowed his saliva, and finally walked into the utility room boldly, stood in front of the two of them, squatted down, tentatively stretched out his hand, slowly, slowly, leaned into the hood of the two, wanting to test if the other party was still breathing.

Just thinking about saying, if these two are really dizzy, or their breathing is weak and they are dying, should they simply change their plans and wake people up

His approaching hand did not touch the hood, and suddenly, his wrist was grabbed violently.

Qin Baosheng was taken aback and hit the ground with his buttocks.

Still clearly seeing that it was one of the two fools, he reached out and grabbed his wrist, Qin Baosheng was angry at first, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn, since you've broken free of the restraints, you said it earlier, and he was startled

But anyway, these two dogs didn't die, fainted, or fell asleep, so I made so much movement just now, why didn't these two dogs move

It's really hateful, paralyzing dogs, Scared him

to death Qin Baosheng, who

had come back to his senses, settled down, and hurriedly broke his arm away from the other party's hand, and then deliberately changed his tone to lower his voice.

"Follow me if you want to live."

In order to play himself more like the rescuer of the dark line, Qin Baosheng turned around and left after dropping this sentence, without paying any attention to the two people behind him, so naturally he didn't see it, and the two behind him looked at each other secretly through the hood.

Qin Baosheng, who had already walked out of the utility room, saw that there was no movement behind him, and the moment he stepped out of the door, the anxious Qin Baosheng couldn't help but urge.

"Let's go, hurry up, my own people, go"

As soon as the three words of their own people came out, the two people in the room changed their attitudes just now, and instantly got up and walked towards the door.

Seeing that the two stood up and followed, Qin Baosheng was satisfied, and the corners of his lips under the hood of the broken sack even hooked up a satisfied smile.

Ignoring the two people behind him, he quickly walked to the edge of the Taiping Jar and pointed to the way he came, that is, one of the many Taiping Jars on the side to urge the two who were close behind him.

"Quick, go out from here, after going out is the mountains and forests, you enter the forest and yearn for the north, and then turn around and go east after ten miles, then you can go back safely, go quickly, take advantage of the slack guard outside, hey, why don't you run for your lives quickly, what are you doing with Lao Tzu"

Qin Baosheng pointed to the escape secret passage and said it vigorously, and what he said was not very detailed, but before he could finish speaking, suddenly, his arms were clamped by the two fools behind him.

Qin Baosheng was shocked, and at the same time surprised, he was busy scolding in a thin voice, at this time, he was so frightened that he couldn't even care about the change in his voice.

"Let go, let go, Lao Tzu is here to help you, you"

Just when Qin Baosheng was frightened and scolded by the outside powerhouse, the torches inside and outside the warehouse compound that was still dark just now lit up, instantly illuminating this square inch of land.

Then, the closed door of the warehouse courtyard was pushed open from the outside, and Qin Baosheng, who was standing in front

of the many soldiers holding his partner, couldn't help but squint his eyes.

This is this


, how could it be that Captain Xiao and that damn little slut

of the Du family

No, it is impossible

I figured out something in

an instant, Qin Baosheng let out an unbelievable scream from his mouth, like a battle of trapped beasts.

"Ah, damn high dog, Lao Tzu wants to avenge those dead robes, hate the damn high dog, if you have the ability, you kill me, my brothers will not let you go"

This means that when you are dying, you don't forget to die and struggle, and you are still acting

with everyone

It's a pity, it depends on whether everyone gives him this opportunity.

The man who restrained Qin Baosheng's two-headed hood made a move.

"Shut up, traitors still have a face to shout."

Every move of this goods just now, the two brothers really saw and listened to it.

Just kidding, if it weren't for this thing saying that he was Gao Gou's own person, and letting Gao Gou go with him if he wanted to live, the two of them who were bent on catching big fish would not be ready to move

The two of them were also very angry at this guy who was still unrepentant when he died, and the

two cooperated with each other, pressing Qin Baosheng with one hand and lifting it with the other hand to take off his hood.

In an instant, Qin Baosheng, who was struggling with great strength, saw two strange faces that surprised him and regretted it again and again.

Qin Baosheng's pupils shrank violently, and he realized something, his eyes were about to split, and his whole person was crazy, where are the emergency excuses

that he suddenly came up with in his heart after seeing Captain Xiao and Yu Hui just now

He couldn't care about anything, but struggled wildly, howling.

"Ah, paralyzed, this is a trap, this is a trap, you lie to Lao Tzu, you guys work together to deceive Lao Tzu, you are shameless, since you have set such a disgusting trap, I will fight with you"

Pity him Qin Baosheng thinks that he is extremely smart, in order to sweep the tail, he took some details into account, But he never thought that all this in front of him was a trap.

"No, I don't believe it, I don't believe it or not"

How could God be so cruel, he didn't ask for much, he didn't do much, he just wanted to live a comfortable life, and he didn't want to be trampled by others to suffer and be poor, he didn't actually do anything, really, he didn't hurt anyone's life, how could God treat himself like this

He didn't believe it, everything in front of him was an illusion, yes, it was all an illusion

Yu Hui, who walked into the warehouse compound side by side

with Captain Xiao, looked at the man with a broken hood, from the madness at the beginning, to the despair in the back, and then to the current self-talk, Yu Hui took a step forward, threw out the creeper, and unceremoniously ripped off the broken pocket on someone's neck, Looking at the familiar faces that appeared under the broken pocket, Yu Hui was surprised but took it for granted.

After all, this Qin Tun Chang has always had a bad impression of him, he can do such a thing, become an enemy spy, and even rescue in the starry night, and if he can't save people, he still tries to act to get by, it is not surprising to him.

"Okay, okay, Qin Baosheng, you traitor to the dog's day, stop yelling, the noisy old man has a headache"

When Yu Hui sighed and sighed, Captain Xiao, who had long been impatient when she heard Qin Baosheng's shouting, scolded loudly.

Qin Baosheng was desperate in his heart, but he still couldn't help the little injustice in his heart, he struggled to stare at Captain Xiao and Yu Hui and asked unwillingly.

"Did you suspect me for a long time, that's why you made such a show tonight, waiting for me" Roaring angrily,

Qin Baosheng's gaze swept viciously towards the two who were still restraining him.

Yu Huixin said that it has come to this point now, and this product is still not dead


enough, he is a pitiful and hateful villain.

Lieutenant Xiao on the side saw Qin Baosheng who was dying and struggling, his eyes were full of disappointment when he looked at Qin Baosheng, "Qin Baosheng", I wanted to say something, but I felt bored when I thought about it, "Forget it, for the sake of you who have also contributed to Dajing, and everyone is also a border army of Dajing, grandpa will let you be a ghost, so as not to come to the Hades Palace, and you don't know anything about your crimes."

Captain Xiao went through the matter one by one, so that Qin Bao's life and death could be clearly understood.

Things back to the river crossing, keep in mind: free fastest update no anti-theft no anti-theft

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