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96 Finale <> The Flowers Bloom in the Right Month...

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

At the end of the winter of the 51st year of Dajing Changping, the Nine Emperor Prince Xianwang led his troops to occupy Shuntian, set Shuntian as the temporary capital, and the remnants of the first-line army in the north came to vote, followed by more and more people who were lost, they brought their families and mouths, lacked food and clothing, and poured into the capital of Shuntian with fear and numbness.

The cold north wind was whistling, wrapped in snowflakes, and roaring the earth.

Yu Hui wrapped the thick cotton robe on her body, let out two mouthfuls of white air, rubbed her cold and stiff hands, and couldn't help but turn the back basket behind her and speed up her pace.

Since the fall of the Qing River, their family has had a tight life, eating, not eating well, sleeping, sleeping well, day and night frightened and scared, aunt and little cousin and uncle, people are watching day by day thin and weak, and their only tonic is to rely on the little dried dates in their hands.

Let's not talk about eating too much of a thing, but let's just say that the nutrients are not balanced.

Seeing that the New Year is over, although it is a troubled time, but thinking of the bodies of relatives, Yu Hui can't bear it.

As the saying goes, if you have money or not, you have to celebrate the New Year, your uncle is not free to enter the camp, and your aunt and cousin are thin and can't, so you have to go out by yourself.

No, Yu Hui carried her aunt on her back, went out early, went out of the city and went into the mountains on the outskirts of the city for a whole day, relying on the courage of the artist, harvested five rabbits and one elk, seeing that the sky was getting dark, Yu Hui hid the big guy in the space, and hurried home after losing two rabbits in the basket.

All the way down the mountain, the city is in front of you.

As a military dependent, he also has medical skills, and he has his own privileges, and he can enter and exit freely with his token, but the people who have fled here from all over the place are different.

The entire northern land has been looted a long time ago, not to mention the gold and silver, that is, the grain, and most of it was collected by the enemy army as military rations, so to speak, when they captured Suncheon, except for the enemy troops left behind, it was really ten rooms and nine empty


this case, not to mention the relief and acceptance of displaced people, it is military rations, which is also a little powerless.

Under the crisis, Shuntianfu was naturally under martial law, and could not accept all the refugees who came to join the city, but everyone did not have the reason to watch the people die, so the idle king should be proposed by the ministers to set up a big pot of porridge inside and outside the city every day to maintain the vitality of the refugees.

However, there are too many people, and the number of refugees coming from all over the world is increasing day by day.

Yu Hui walked through the dense flow of refugees and entered the city with difficulty, and the situation in the city was not very good, which made her worry.

A few days ago, in order to survive, Lord Cai proposed to follow the example of the enemy army to nourish the war, rest the troops to attack in steps, fall behind the enemy army to kill the enemy, wait for the opportunity to grab resources, rescue the people, and collect more remnants.

✓ After raiding the house, he took the space to exileKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat