so desperately obvious - Jake...

By ThruTheAshes

30.5K 683 367

Follow Jake and Johnnie on their journey towards realizing that what they feel for eachother might be more th... More

what if we get eaten by coyotes?
i'm not cuddling you, man
you really think you're sexy enough to get kidnapped?
you were totally about to piss your pants!
i said thanks, you ass
oh my god, shut up you silly goose.
i'm your little bitch though
you two are a couple, yeah?
who's his emergency contact?
jesus man, you're so sappy
playing hard to get, huh?
my stalkers would have a feild day
fuck me yourself, you coward
the window fucking exploded
you can't die on me man, I couldn't take it.
did you try to punch a ghost?
you can make it up to me later..
we should make out.

i thought cuddling was too gay for you?

1.8K 33 17
By ThruTheAshes

Jake wakes up to a solid weight on his chest and he blinks his eyes open at the feeling of dark hair tickling his neck. There's a feint orange glow shining through the tent and he's just so tired that he nuzzles his face closer into the soft black hair.

The person on top of him grumbles at the movement and he brings his arms around their waist, securing his weighted blanket then falls back asleep.


Johnnie's eyes shoot open at the feeling of his pillow moving and he looks down at the red shirt that the person he's laying on is wearing. Fuck. He grumbles in discontent before he can stop himself and Jake mutters something incoherent and hugs him tighter in response.

Johnnie curls up closer into the warmth of the taller man's chest - he tells himself that it's because he doesn't want Jake to wake up and realize they're cuddling - he can feel the other's heartbeat and it's almost making him drift back alseep. It's been a long while since he's actually slept through a whole night.

Johnnie looks over to see that embarrassingly - he's the one who moved positions in his sleep and sighs in resignation. He's gotta escape before the other wakes up and teases him for initiating cuddles. Though Jake is the one essentially trapping him with his arms secured around his waist - which is very gay by the way.

So with Johnnie having established that it's both of their faults, he goes to pull away which finally wakes the other man,

"mmm five more minutes" The taller man groans and pulls Johnnie almost all the way on top of him.

"Let me go you fucker!" The blue eyed man huffs in mock aggression.

The brunette squints his eyes open and Johnnie finally jumps away (ignoring how he immediately misses the warmth).

"Ughh what time is it"

"Dude - I don't fuckin' know" They're both in a semi-hunched sitting position, and their previous predicament is made very obvious because Johnnie quite literally has all of the blankets.

Jake rolls his eyes and looks at all the blankets covering the other's small frame and quirks an eyebrow with a shit eating grin.

"I thought cuddling was too gay for you?" He actually giggles at his own sort of pun and Johnnie chucks a blanket at him.

"You know damn well-"

haha another short chapter suckers jkjk

also leave votes if you like these chapters, i need motivation

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