The Eminence In Shadow: Midga...

By awen02

2.6K 111 30

The long awaited sequel to to fanfiction: John Smith: Mission Impossible. After the events of the previous n... More

Chapter 1: A Profitable outing.
Chapter 2: How to play the secret agent.
Chapter 4: He who lurks in the shadows
Chapter 5: Just go ask Gamma.
Chapter 6: The Red Stone.

Chapter 3: Epic events call for drastic measures.

348 20 7
By awen02

POV: Cid

Location: Midgar kingdom, Midgar Castle.

"Ok Cid, when we go in have to go leave for a meeting.  I don't want you wandering off or getting into trouble when I am gone, alright?"

"Yes ma'am." Almost certainly not. I mean I did get a free invite to this extravagant event for free so it would be a shame not to make the most of it.

But right now I must remember that I am in background character mode. I have been playing the centre of attention as of late so I will have to make sure to dial it down for this occasion.

"Ok bye Cid."

"Yea sure bye ."

Wow, I'm not even inside and red carpets, golden door handles and important looking individuals walking arm in arm. I already feel like a celebrity. Midgar tax money has been well spent it seems.

I walk towards the front entrance which was a set of grand double doors. 

Let's check this place out shall we?


High ceilings adorned with intricate chandeliers and sweeping floors of polished wood. Luxurious dining areas decorated with blooming flowers and grand statues. Ornate hand crafted chairs lined with red velvet and walls framed with majestic art pieces. Now this is my kind of place. 

And now straight to the main focus of tonight's outing.

This exotic food selection looks delicious!

They do say food tastes better when made from your own money. But I'd like to propose an alternative theory, because enjoying all this expensive food for completely free, tastes divine. Fufufu... I really hit the jackpot with this outing.

All the tasty food I can eat and all the loaded nobles I can loot.

Indeed a suave place like this, will inevitably attract many posh aristocrats who are ripe for the pillaging. Jewels, cash, diamonds... I will be making bank tonight.

This is such an instance where being the background character in the room pays off dramatically. For example,

"Oh sorry just passing."

I walk passed a group of noblemen.

"And thank you for your donations..."

Sorry sis, but I definitely will be getting into some trouble tonight.

I walk over to the centre of the hall where all the posh individuals were crowded around.


That sound.

Claude Debussy's piano piece, 'Clair de Lune' if I am not mistaken. 

I'd say it is one of my favourite compositions from my past life. Clair de Lune, meaning moonlight, really gives of a calming feel of the moon brightly shining on a dark night. 

I should've expected a grand event like this to have a piano performance, apparently as of late it has become increasingly popular with the upper classes. And it seems that whoever is playing it, is quite a skilled pianist.


I rush passed the crowded audience and make my way to the front lines where I can see the performance. A beautiful elf with sky-blue hair sits behind the keys, I really should've known... 

"Oh bravo!"

"What a wonderful new performance from the great Shiron herself!"

"Such a fabulous composition!"

"Indeed, so unique!"

"How is it whatever piece she debuts, it always is a masterpiece!"

Because they are masterpieces.

Although, I do have to say she did play the piece flawlessly and hearing Clair de Lune again for the first time in a while was a really nice experience. So I'll applaud you for this one Epsilon despite the tragic disrespect on my boy Debussy's name.

"Hey Epsilon, funny seeing you here." I waited until the crowds had dispersed before finally calling out to her.

"Oh? M-master Shad-  ahem I mean Master Cid. I am so very grateful that you could watch me play again my lord!"

Did her... slime enhanced breasts... get... bigger?

"Epsilon you should tone it down a bit, we are in public after all." 

"I am deeply sorry my lord. I hope you can forgive my ignorance." I meant- oh never mind.

"That piece right there was Clair De Lune, right?"

"Indeed, it is one of the marvellous pieces that you so generously bestowed upon myself, and I debuted it for the public here today at this very event."

"You should keep playing it, it sounds nice." 

"W-Wha? T-thank you for your praise my lord, humble Epsilon is greatly honoured by your words. I shall strive to continue to-"

Yea that's Epsilon for you, she likes to overly dramatize everything I say to her for some reason. I just mentioned that I liked her playing, and now she starts a whole monologue. Must be her pride.

"Mhm yea, mhm, I understand."

"Master Cid." She lent up to my ear to whisper closely.

"We have received intelligence that this government meeting is merely a set up to trap the high representatives of Midgar."

What? Oh yea, shadow roleplay and all that.


"Is the plan operating smoothly." I change the tone of my voice to sound more authoritative. 

"Under the orders of Lady Alpha, I have successfully infiltrated the castle as the pianist Shiron and am ready to make a move when the time comes."

"Very well then... I want you you to shift to plan B while I personally deal with the matter. Your mission will be to deal with the aftermath, understood?"

"Of course my lord, I hope to fulfil the greatness asked of me."

"Excellent." Excellent roleplaying Epsilon Not many people I know could of pulled off a cohesive conversation like that, this is what I expect from a true member of Shadow garden such as yourself.

"Now go, I shall mingle inconspicuously with the public until the hour arrives."

By that, I mean it is time to head back to the food station.



"Fufufu... fufufu." Rare, expensive seafood and exotic fruits all for completely free.

"Fufufu... what a steal."

"Why are you laughing creepily like that while staring into empty space."

Hmm? I know that voice.

"Oh hey princess."

"Hey Pooch."

"What are you doing here?"

"This is literally my job... And I shouldn't be asking what is a lonely commoner such as yourself doing here on a night like this?"

"Just tagging along with my sis."

She gave a sigh. Before tossing 2 gold coins in my direction.

"Well you see, my sister is really interested to join the knight order after graduation so apparently, your sister Iris reached out to her offering a job at this event. Blah blah blah something that I forgot, and then she gave me a ticket, and now I am here."

"Would you really do anything just for some coins."

"Every little bit helps they say."

"Well it has been a while since we had a good game of fetch, so go bring me that cake over there." 

"🗿Yes, my lady.🗿"

"Good boy Pooch, now here's your reward."

"🗿Much appreciated.🗿"

Sometimes I gotta do what I gotta do.

"You know that devilish face you are making really suits your personality well."

"What did you just say Pooch? You should know that your personality sucks as well."

"That's kinda the point."







"Alright I do have to go now Pooch. The welcoming party for the ruler of the Servian Lands is about to begin soon, and as the princess of this land I have some responsibilities I must attend to"

"Great, you go have fun with that."

"Bye Pooch."



I bet this ruler is loaded.

It seems that tonight's main event is about to begin. All I have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy some sweet, free food as everything unfolds. Ah the life of a mob always has it's benefits here and there. 

"Attention ladies and gentlemen." Oo It looks like it's about to begin.

"Presenting with us tonight, we have Princess Iris and Princess Alexia of the Midgar Kingdom. In a moment we shall greet our guests from the faraway kingdom of the Servian Lands. But first, I would like to thank each of you for coming to this event... and am grateful for the amount of you that are so stupid."


The windows of the hall shattered, sending pandemonium into the crowds. 


The man who had speaking previously before had vanished.

But this is-

Men in hooded cloaks appear and rush to encase the people.

That's not supposed to-

"We are Shadow garden, and we will be taking you all under hostage."

"Y-you are... Shadow Garden!"

"Wait sister please wait!"

Why is all this...

"Somebody help!"

"S-stay away from me!"

"There is no escape."

Could it be this was a setup all along?

Princess Iris drew her sword and lashed out against the attackers. 

"Mhm not bad for the supposed greatest in the Kingdom." The leader of the terrorists who stood in opposition, taunted her with this remark.

"I will defend my people no matter the cost."

"Honestly... such a naïve girl you are...In your blind rage you failed to notice that your little 'elite order' of knights had been wiped out in mere seconds. And now currently all the members of this hall are now under hostage."

"Do you understand how futile you are?"

"N-no. How did this all... ?"

"You have no backup, the lives of innocents hang in the balance and even if you were to resist, you would be so painfully weak against an elite first child like myself."

"There is no hope for you left, but don't worry, we will be sure not to kill you yet. Whether the lives of other however...? Is a matter of how much you are wishing to cooperate. So chose now Princess Iris."

Welp this is bad. I'd say it's pretty much checkmate from here. Now what should I do about it?


Option 1: I could just resign myself to being a proper mob character and just do nothing throughout the experiences... nah that sound pretty tedious if you ask me.

Option 2: I could run away and say it's their problem now... a reasonable solution, however it would be a waste of the situation.

And finally Option 3:

I guess it's time to take some drastic measures.



Ahem this is the author here.

It's finally time for some sick action scenes.

Also you should actually go listen to Clair de Lune it's really good.

It's one of the only pieces I know how to play myself.

Anyway enough flexing.

Are there any Epsilon believers out there?

I'm more personally a Delta fan myself.

But there will probably be a point in the future where I will include more 7 shades

So comment any you want to see.


Update when?

When I want ok.

Ahem cya.

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