✓ After raiding the house, he...

By prince05026

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Author: There are a lot of plays Once she traveled through a strange dynasty and became an orphan girl who wa... More



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By prince05026

ter 50 Chapter 50

Text Chapter 50 Chapter 50

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

There is no shortage of food and drink to live, and the salted fish Yu Hui only feels that time passes in the blink of an eye.

The cat has been eating and sleeping for a winter, sleeping and eating, and there is nothing to do, Yu Hui feels that she has gained weight, and finally when the ice and snow begin to melt, her uncle at home will not be able to lie down.

Because their little banner commander Luo Dake said, according to the rules of the Kawada Juntun, the new residents of the tun are not familiar with the land, and the top only gives each person and each household a piece of wasteland.

At the end of autumn, if you want to pay rice grain on time to use it as military grain rent, you have to work hard to open up wasteland, and the more wasteland you open up, the more grain you will grow, and the burden of the task of paying grain will not be too heavy

The three of them lined up the smallest dough, and the husband and wife divided forty acres of wasteland, and the little one also had twenty acres, and they had to pay for a whole hundred acres of grain in the autumn.

No, as soon as the day cleared, Du Yaoze found that it was a good day outside, he didn't even care about breakfast, put on a jacket, put on a felt hat, and was about to go out with his sleeves on.

Yu Hui, who was bringing the food to the house from the middle house stove, saw that he was busy shouting, "Uncle, where are you going for breakfast?"

Du Yaoze, who was in a hurry, didn't stop, "You eat yours, I'll go up to find the little flag chief's house, and he said yesterday, if the weather is good today, he will lead me to Qin Tunchang's side to borrow a cow to make an envoy."

There is a horse and mule

at home, although the temper is bigger, the worse point, but it can be used improvised, if they can borrow another cow, their 100 acres of land can be opened as soon as possible, this is the family's top priority at the moment.

Du Yaoze was very anxious, and when he put down such a sentence, the person ran away.

When he arrived at the front of the Luo family, he followed Luo Da to the Qin Tun chief's house in the center of Tunzi, but the news he got was bad news, this slippery guy, obviously promised to be good before, came to the head, this goods were spread out and directly said that the cattle were not, and they were too late to let other small flags be borrowed.

What's more, when they entered the door, there were still two big cattle

squatting in their livestock shed

Du Yaoze was angry and wanted to argue with him, but he was stopped by Luo Da, who had long thought that he knew about this wilted tun.

"Forget it, Boss Du, it's not worth arguing with him, it's us who will suffer the loss in the future."

Du Yaoze: "But the little flag chief, if you can't borrow the cow, my 100 acres of land" Luo Da thought for a while and comforted: "

It's okay, let's go home first, and I'll talk to the other brothers in the small flag when I go back, it's a big deal for everyone to do it together, isn't it just a hundred acres of wasteland, Lao Tzu still doesn't believe it, we can't do it with more than a dozen big men."

Having said that, Du Yaoze could only smile bitterly and sigh.

The people of their small banner are good, they are also united, and they help each other without worrying, but they don't owe favors or not, just say that they are more than a dozen people, the old and the old, the weak and the weak, the crippled, the small, a hundred acres of wasteland only rely on manpower to do, they have to work until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse, and on weekdays, everyone does not farm the land, do not train, do not go out of the military

work In addition, this is the extreme north, and it will only be half a year when the warm days are full, if the cultivation is not timely, in the autumn, how can he afford to pay the military rations

of the hundred acres of land

Just thinking of this, Du Yaoze was anxious in his heart.

Luo Da has been here for many years, so he naturally knows about these situations, and the reason why he said this is just to comfort Du Yaoze, but there is no way to do it.

"Alas, for the time being, it can only be like this, it's really not possible, I'll think of other ideas" Even if he drains his family and spends money to hire people to open up the wasteland, he must open up the land before spring ploughing, Du Yaoze thought.

The matter of clearing the wasteland immediately became urgent.

When the people in their small banners gathered, braved the freezing cold, and began to bury their heads in the wasteland, other small banners in the military tun were secretly watching the excitement, and it was not a big deal, and there were idle Dan painful guys, and they even gambled behind their backs.

"Hey, brother, you heard that Luo Da didn't have that waste flag, and at the end of last year, there was a newcomer again."

"Really, really, is the newcomer amazing?"

"Cut, what's the matter, I heard that it was a high-ranking official and dignitary who committed a crime in Kyoto City, and a family of three was exiled to our territory, weak and weak, Small, the man in charge is still a weak man with no power to restrain the chicken, such people do you think they are powerful" "Tut" Some people couldn't help but shake their heads and sigh, "

That Luo Da is really pitiful, and he received such a broken thing, and the loss is still our Qintun long-term loss, this retaliation, tsk


." "Who said no, I heard our little flag chief say, the new Du family of three, Qin Tunchang directly divided a hundred acres of wasteland, not a single acre of fertile land, at the end of the year, that family still has to pay a hundred acres of military rations like our normal people, tsk, miserable or they are miserable" "

Oh, don't say it, don't say it, you see, they're here."

"Where are the real people, I'll see, I'll see"

The cat has been in winter, and the idle and panicked tun people gather in the open space at the mouth of the tunzikou one by one, basking in the sun while chatting and farting.

There was a lot of discussion in his mouth, but the object of the discussion was carrying all kinds of things, pulling the only stubborn horse and mule, and went out of the house in a mighty way, and went to the wasteland where the Du family was assigned.

When passing by the open space, the big guy still thought that it was not big enough to see the excitement, and there was one who owed it, so he directly opened his mouth to tease and ridicule.

For example, one of the little flag commanders who didn't deal with Luo Da saw Luo Da carrying a wooden shovel and was happy with this goods, so he opened his mouth and ridiculed, "Hey, Luo Da, it's such a cold day, you don't coax your wife to beat the children at home, what are you doing with a wooden shovel"

Luo Da's expression was dark, and he ignored the other party's jokes, but people refused to let him go.

This man simply jumped up from the crowd, put his hands in his sleeves, swayed over with steps that his six relatives did not recognize, and bumped Luo Da's arm with his arm.

"Hey, Luo Da, brother, I heard that your small flag has been assigned to a newcomer again, you kid can be a small flag, since you can gather the old, weak, sick and disabled, this will be another waste, you kid This is the rhythm of the hair"

Luo Da Xi was used to the cynicism of these colleagues early on, and he still carried his own shovel and regarded the guys around him as nothing.

He is well-cultivated and can endure it, but the other Xiaoqi members walking on the side can't bear it.

The one-armed Xiong Qing retired from the vanguard army, and his temper was the most irritable, and when he heard that he was obviously young in his own small flag, he wanted to rush to the eldest brother, and he wanted to ridicule their little flag leader, and ridicule their entire small flag guy, Xiong Qing immediately couldn't bear it.

stretched out his arm, unceremoniously like twisting a little chick, and threw the little flag up and threw it "Roll on, good dogs don't get in the way"

Huang Xiaoqi, who was thrown away, was angry, and with the help of his own small flag members, he finally stood firm, and as soon as he turned around, he burst and stared at Xiong Qing, and his chest was still snorting.

"You one-armed waste dare to push Lao Tzu Lao Tzu"

Seeing that things were not good, Hao Qianli, who was the most flamboyant in Xiaoqi and claimed to be a thief, hurriedly interrupted and interjected.

"Oops,Who should I be, it turned out to be the famous Huang Xiaoqi, Huang Xiaoqi, don't get in the way, we rough people are used to being vulgar, if we bump into you, it's not good, hurry up, you get out of the way, we are still in a hurry to open up the wasteland, Huang Xiaoqi"

Hao Qianli's mouth seemed to be soft and good-sounding, but what he did was not personnel.

The mouth was yelling, but the others were pulling the wild boy, and the two of them were on a rampage, looking like they accidentally stepped on the ice and couldn't stop the car, waving the thing in their hands to open up the wasteland, and they went straight towards Huang Xiaoqi.

This Huang Xiaoqi relied on his whiskers to get to this day, he didn't have any ability, he was the first person to step on the ground, and his bones were still soft.

Seeing that the most insidious and vicious wild mongrel in Luo Xiaoqi, he actually moved with the three hands of their Xiaoqi, Huang Xiaoqi was actually afraid in his heart, and shouted that Lao Tzu didn't care about you rough people, but people flashed fast, and gave way in an instant, and he just waited for Luo Da and Xiaoqi's people to finish, and he jumped out of the horse and spit in the direction Luo Da and them left.

"I'm a group of old, weak, sick and crippled people who can't get on the stage, they are all wastes, and they are still wasteland, just like you, those who lack arms, those who have few eyes, those who have three hands, and those who have big bellies and big bellies, if you can open up a hundred acres of wasteland, Lao Tzu, I will perform a handstand and eat shit on the spot"

Everyone hehehehe

"Hey, Huang Xiaoqi, you can take it easy, in case you call Luo Da and they open it" Huang Xiaoqi stiffened his neck and swore that "

it is impossible to forgive them to death, it is impossible for them not to say that Lao Tzu will not give them a chance, as long as they have the ability to open up this hundred acres of wasteland in the autumn of this year, Lao Tzu will perform a handstand and eat in front of the whole army

Just kidding, he knows that the wasteland that the Du family has allocated is the most difficult to reclaim in their military camp, otherwise they wouldn't have given them a small flag

Not to mention the intertwined roots of the old trees underground, they are all stones, as far as they are old, weak, sick and crippled, they are afraid that they are dreaming in

the sky

Everyone tacitly laughed and said they wanted to see it one by one.

Naturally, Yu Hui will not be stingy to let them see the results.

Yu Hui saw that her uncle and the people in Xiaoqi went out early and returned late, and they were so busy every day that they couldn't even eat delicious food, and they all lost weight, and Yu Hui's sense of urgency also came up.

She doesn't want to say it clearly, uncle, don't worry about it when you're old, that idea is wasteland, throw the radish out by yourself, and then give up some abilities to feed it, and it will be done in minutes, so it's

not easy to expose Yu Hui, who can't be exposed, can't

come on the surface, but it doesn't matter, she still has a trick.

Since the battle of Chaotian Pass a year ago, her reputation as a little miracle doctor has been completely launched.

In Hetian Juntun, because of the deliberate cover-up and secrecy of the Qin Tun chief with ulterior motives, Yu Hui's reputation is not obvious, and everyone is not interested in the gourd hanging at her door, but there is still a vanguard army at Chaotian Pass, and everyone worships her as a god.

Her heroic deeds and superb medical skills, which were preached by them, passed on one by one, and it didn't take long for even many soldiers and families in Qinghe Fort to know the existence of Yu Hui, a little miracle doctor.

Since then, someone who obviously wants to make a fortune by cooking has chosen to lie flat with a small dough in his arms, but it is inexplicable that the patient who came to her to treat her and save his life opened up another different life path.

Pity her Yu Hui, she is a cook who has been delayed by medical skills.

For a whole cat winter, Yu Hui had an uneasy life.

You must know that patients come to the door with all kinds of trouble to ask for help, and in order to live, patients can do anything.

In order not to disturb the life of her family, Yu Hui specified three principles for her own treatment and life-saving.

That is

, the dead do not heal;

I can't afford to pay her for it;

If you are in a bad mood, you will not be treated;

Since my uncle is working so hard at the moment, and she is not good at doing it openly, then

from this day on, under the gourd hanging at the door of her house, the second principle of three non-medical treatments, Yu Hui secretly added a sentence in her heart that those who do not open up wasteland for my family will not be treated.

Then, the gambling game had been opened secretly, and they were idle in the tunzi one by one, and these idlers who watched the Du family's wasteland found that on the wasteland of the Du family, strangers gradually began to increase

Worried about their own Huang Xiaoqi's doglegs, they secretly always paid attention to the movements of the Du family's wasteland. Seeing that more and more strangers appeared on the wasteland of the Du family, the dog was in a hurry, and hurriedly ran to report to his master.

After making a grand wish, Huang Xiaoqi thought that he had the chance to win, and he personally went to stare at the Du family's wasteland, drinking at home every day.

Hearing that things have changed, he is afraid that he is really going to perform a handstand and eat, and he is still a little uneasy in his heart, hearing the report of the dog legs, Huang Xiaoqi couldn't help it, and with a flick of the wine glass, he greeted the dog legs and came to the Du family at the mouth of Tunzi.

He has to know himself and know the other side, and understand the truth about why the Du family has strangers to help, so that he can win all battles, otherwise, he will really go to a handstand and eat

Well, Huang Xiaoqi shook his head hurriedly, and the pace of leading the dog to the Du family became more and more eager.

It's also a coincidence, Huang Xiaoqi quietly touched the door of Du's house with a dog's legs, and when the distant partition wall snooped, it happened that someone came to seek medical treatment, and it was even more coincidental that it was no one else

who came to seek medical treatment The person who knelt on the ground outside the fence door of the Du family in front of him was actually the gang of idlers who asked Yu Hui for benefits that day, you said that it was a coincidence

"The little god doctor helps, the little god doctor saves lives"

As the saying goes, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be stabbed.

Also, these street slickers are used to bullying and dominating the market, and I am used to being the only one, no, the lawless self-esteem thinks that he is the boss, he is the second, and he is horizontal in Qinghe Fort, plus he has taken refuge in the big tree of filial piety to Liu Wei behind his back, and this one by one is even more amazing.

It's also their turn to be unlucky, after the year, Qinghe Fort was assigned to more than a dozen ruthless people, the other party is a group of evil horses, that is a real horse

with human blood in their hands Street slippers went out on the street as usual, so they didn't die and met this group of ringing horses who went out to do business and were eager to settle down. You also have to collect protection money from other people.

Just kidding, more than a dozen people in the family are penniless, and they don't even have anything to do, is

it easy to sell firewood on the whole

Besides, since there are only people who ring horses and collect other people's protection money, how can they give filial piety Isn't it a joke.

Although they are all reduced to distribution, the ringing horse is the ringing horse, and they will do it if they don't agree with each other.


you think, just this group of useless street slickers, can be the opponent

of other people's horses

One face, without a word, they were beaten by more than a dozen people, and they were either twisted their necks on the spot, or their arms were cut off on the spot, and the worst one, even the little brother was trampled by the other party.

The street slickers panicked, watching the beaters snatch their money and leave, and they could only be like lost dogs, hurriedly carrying their brothers to the only medical hall in Qinghe Fort for medical treatment, but they never expected that the only old doctor himself was a half-ass, and he was not even as good as the military doctor in the army.

When encountering such a serious injury from the street slickers, he can't

cure it Lao Langzhong numb claws, thinking of the last time he got together with his old friends in the barracks, the old friends sighed to himself, and they had a little miracle doctor in the Hetian military tun in Qinghe Fort, so

Lao Lang was busy informing this group of street slickers of the news, and sent this group of people away as if they were sending garbage.

This group of street slickers were injured one by one, and then looked at the seriously injured brothers they were carrying, and they couldn't even hum when they were in pain, and they said that they were the most righteous street slickers, and they couldn't leave their brothers alone, so they hurriedly drove the car, took people, and found Kawada Juntun to find the so-called little miracle doctor to save his life.

When Yu Hui heard the movement and went out, she looked at the familiar face that was kneeling outside the door of her own fence, and she had carved it into her bones, Yu Hui smiled, that rampant.

"Hey, you guys have finally fallen into my hands today, hahaha"

This is not right, this person is a little miracle doctor, how can they look at this person not like a little miracle doctor, but like a little neuropathy

who has a grudge against them The

street slickers looked at each other and couldn't remember it at all, the person in front of him turned out to be a pitiful little one they had oppressed.

Also, Qinghebao said that it was not big, and it was not small to say that it was small, and they squeezed so many people every day, where did they remember the poor people

they exploited

years ago At this time, they are still confused.

"Alas, alas, big brother, help, save me, my second brother hurts, it hurts to save my old, second


Seeing the dead and alive brothers who were in pain on the plow, the boss of the street runner gritted his teeth, rattled, and knelt in front of Yu Hui and kowtowed.

"This girl is a little miracle doctor, you are here to see you to help, in the past, if you offended the little doctor in any way, please ask the little doctor to raise your hand and let you wait, you are grateful."

The head said sonorously and forcefully, from the bottom of his heart, and at the moment there were several heads knocking down.

The street runners who were still intact behind them saw that their bosses were kneeling, and they knelt down one by one, and they also kowtowed.

In fact, the boss is also bitter in his heart, and they all say that the man has gold under his knees, if it is not for his life, if it is not for the fact that they offended the divine doctor without knowing it, you should be willing to do so

Alas, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Yu Hui saw the sincerity of this group of street runners, although it was a little bad, it could be regarded as righteousness, and she did not hesitate to soften her knees to beg for her brother, which made Yu Hui feel a little good.

The leader raised his bruised forehead and looked at Yu Hui hopefully, "Please ask the little god doctor for mercy, as long as the little god doctor is willing to save your life, from now on, only the little god doctor will obey."

"Well, it doesn't have to be."

Why did she gather a group of evil street slickers, or a group of street who destroyed her hope of making a fortune, she didn't want to be contaminated.

Seeing that Yu Hui was unmoved, he almost cried and kowtowed again, but the lively movement here successfully attracted Huang Xiaoqi, who was peeping not far away.

Yu Hui has a wood-based ability, as long as she wants to, as long as the ability can keep up, the plants in the entire world are her eyes and ears, she has long known from the plant obedients, recently, in the Hetian Juntun, a group of spicy chickens led by the spicy chicken not far away have secretly bet on their own jokes.

Yu Hui, who didn't want to help the street slicker, turned his mind and pointed to the request under his gourd after seeing Huang Xiaoqi's dog-legged two people who were probing his brain.

"Na, it's not impossible to let this divine doctor save you, but you should know my rules, I don't treat the dead, I can't afford to pay me, I don't heal, and this divine doctor doesn't heal if he's in a bad mood."

This mean request, dozens of people in the street slicker group who listened to it gasped, but for the sake of their brothers, they didn't dare to leave, and the head banged their heads even more.

"As long as the little divine doctor is willing to take action, you can just say what reward the little divine doctor wants, and the little ones will go up the knife mountain and go down to the sea of fire, and they will also be brought by the little divine doctor."

"Oh, that's not necessary, the request of this divine doctor is very simple, what I want you to pay is that from now on, you will no longer be allowed to oppress innocent civilians, and you will no longer be allowed to charge indiscriminately, you can do this" "Do, do"

They want to say that they can't do it, Once this is done, from now on they will drink the northwest wind

But the wailing of the brothers around them continued, and the brother who was blown up was even almost silent, the boss was ruthless, gritted his teeth, and finally nodded, "Okay, the little divine doctor's request, you will


"Boss", he responded, but the brothers next to him almost cried, this is a matter related to their lives.

The boss scolded those who dissented, "Shut up, right now, is the life of the brothers or the livelihood important"

Street slipper: That is naturally the life of the brothers.

The boss came out to speak, and everyone didn't dare to question it anymore, Yu Hui nodded when he saw this, and continued.

"Very good, that's just one of the conditions, as for how to make this divine doctor feel good, well, that, recently this divine doctor has a hundred acres of wasteland on hand, ready to be opened before spring ploughing, if you can do it" "

The little divine doctor can rest assured that it is a hundred acres of wasteland, that is, thousands of acres and ten thousand acres, as long as the little divine doctor is willing to raise his noble hand to save my brother, Let's open it, let's open it now"

The head slapped his chest with a snapping sound, and he couldn't wait, and he was about to go to open up the wasteland.

Yu Hui was very satisfied with this performance, but Huang Xiaoqi, who was secretly, turned black on the spot.

But fortunately, at the moment, this is only a few dozen, and with the addition of some unfamiliar faces scattered on the wasteland, I am afraid that it will not be possible to open a hundred acres of wasteland before spring ploughing, Huang Xiaoqi comforted himself for the time being.

But what he didn't know was that what happened next made him even more.

Yu Hui is not a fool, she promised to save people and save people, but she is also afraid that this group of guys will backtrack, after all, they are a group of

street slickers, what do you expect them to be trustworthy

So she didn't heal the other party at one time, not to mention, the dozens of people who came, Yu Hui also secretly planted themseeds, but if these spicy chickens do not believe in their words, and from now on they will oppress the poor innocent people, she will let them not waste flowers on their heads, and become the nourishment of plants.

Yu Hui came to the rescue here, and the head over there led the lightly injured brother to bury his head in the wasteland, because the news was not clear, it was spread ten or ten, and when the news reached the vanguard and Chaotian Pass, Yu Hui rescued the street slickers and asked them to open up the wasteland for their own families, and it became a terrifying rumor that they were sitting at home and the street slickers were bullying the door.

After recuperating from his injuries, Du Yuchen, who has been upgraded to a long term, can still sit still

when he hears the news of Yu Hui's accident Immediately reported to General Xiao to ask for leave, General Xiao generously agreed not to say, but he couldn't grind Captain Xiao who got the news, let Du Yuchen and Captain Xiao who also took care of his injuries, the two of them took a group of brothers, one by one on fast horses, and also got the news of Chaotian Pass and a group of sergeants, a group of 200 people, and directly killed Kawada Juntun.

Most of these soldiers were themselves or their relatives, and they were lucky to save their lives after Yu Hui's treatment.

Knowing that the benefactor is in trouble, how can there be a reason

not to be angry and not to come to cheer When the

two hundred bloody and strong people came to Ulala, these are all iron-blooded soldiers who have seen blood on the battlefield, how can they be compared to the street slickers and the like, I am afraid that even the group of ringing horses can not be compared.

After the injury was healed, the dozens of street slickers who buried their heads in the wasteland of the Du family and worked in the wasteland, saw the soldiers rushing to Ulala, they were frightened one by one, trembling, trembling and hugging each other, and the feces and urine almost flew out in fright.

Later, Yu Hui came, and personally explained to Du Yuchen and Captain Huwei, as well as the captain who led the soldiers from Chaotian Pass, and everyone knew the truth of the matter.

And then it's hilarious.

Du Yuchen said in their hearts that they were all here, and they all asked for leave, and they couldn't come in vain, since the benefactor had something, it was their business.

So, isn't it just a hundred acres of wasteland, their two hundred strong and healthy sergeants, each of them also rode a healthy horse, people and horses together, plus dozens of street runners, and some strange faces who had come to seek medical treatment before, there was no need for more than a dozen people in Luo Xiaoqi to do it, it didn't take a few days of hard work, and some people forgave him to death until the autumn could not finish it, and after the opening, he performed a handstand on the spot to eat on the spot One hundred acres of wasteland, It was so easy and simply opened.

As a result, alas, someone who was so scared shrunk his neck and hid, and he didn't dare to show his face at all.

This slap in the face is really fast.,It's as fast as a tornado.,Please remember:,Free fastest update no anti-theft no anti-theft.

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