✓ After raiding the house, he...

By prince05026

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Author: There are a lot of plays Once she traveled through a strange dynasty and became an orphan girl who wa... More



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By prince05026

Text Chapter 48 Chapter 48

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Hot recommendation: One Thought Eternal Snow Eagle Lord The Gate of the Xuanjie Immortal Mortal I am really a big star Legend of the Dragon King Doutian Martial God Tang Dynasty Good Landlord Deception Martial Spirit

"Oh, you little girl, do you know what kind of place this is, hurry up and roll down the city wall for Lao Tzu, this place is dangerous, not a place for you to play"

Yu Hui was looking at the fading battle situation outside from the lookout, and was looking at it in a daze, ready to wait for the opportunity to move, and there was a stern reprimand behind him.

Yu Hui secretly screamed badly, swept his eyes at a team of sergeants who hurriedly ran in his direction, Yu Hui didn't say a word, immediately made a decision, and at the same time that a runner ran up to the lookout, the creeper in his hand threw out, and the ability continued to be triggered, a sharp surrounding, The fast-growing creeper surrounded the raised wall bricks of the lookout, Yu Hui jumped up, and jumped down the city wall with the creeper.

Seeing this, the sergeant who came in a hurry turned pale with fright, and the leader subconsciously stretched out his hand and shouted: "Dangerous little girl, come back quickly"

and what answered him was Yu Hui's incomparably dashing jumping over the wall, They could only watch the little girl, grab the green long whip thrown out of her hand with one hand, and jump off the city wall with one body.

The shouts on the city wall were connected in an instant, but Yu Hui, who flew down the city wall, didn't care about these.

Before his feet landed, a few stray arrows flew in front of him, Yu Hui kicked and kicked on the city wall behind him, a few flashes, and resolutely avoided them. At the same time as the feet landed, the arm of the creeper was raised and shaken, and the sergeant who was lying on the lookout on the city tower and shouted anxiously found that the vines fixed in the bulge were quickly retracted between the little girl's shake and flick under the city wall, and the little girl quickly rolled on a donkey and avoided an arrow. The small body was confined to the base of the wall, and there was no danger to his life for the time being.

Seeing this, the nervous people on the city wall breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and the little general who was still running just now hurriedly shouted to a team of archers behind him: "Shoot, cover, cover"

Suddenly, the arrows on the city tower were shot out, and Yu Hui, who was observing below, won the time gate to move.

The young general led by took the opportunity to stretch out half of his body out of the lookout, and while he was annoyed that this little girl who appeared inexplicably came from, he secretly scolded the girl and the baby's family for causing trouble, but he still shouted calmly to the bottom of his face.

"Little girl, you bastard road hurry up for Lao Tzu, just use your whip to throw it up, Lao Tzu pulls you up"

It's not that these sergeants can't bear it, it's just that in their eyes, fighting is a matter for the old man, and the most that the women's family can do is to preside over the logistics work in the rear, why are you coming to the front line of the battlefield, isn't it a mess.

However, Yu Hui, who was bent on coming out to save her life, how could she listen to the words of the group of soldiers above, and hear the shouts on the city tower, she was already cowering behind the corpses, and she raised her head and shook her hand at the soldiers shouting on the city tower.

Seeing that she was intact and in the mood to greet them, the soldiers on the city tower were about to breathe a sigh of relief, but before they could finish this breath, they were stunned to see that the little girl hidden behind the pile of corpses rushed out like a fragmented arrow, rushed, rushed out "I'm, that girl ran out

to pull".

The soldiers who shouted just now on the city tower couldn't help but burst into foul language.

"I don't have many people left, Captain Xiao, and the battlefield is not far away, the little girl is going to die"

"Paralyzed, who will tell Lao Tzu, where did this little girl come from, what are she going to do when she ran out, is she crazy, looking for death?"


Yu Hui crazy Did she go down to find death

No, it was because she wanted to live that she went out

She had already carefully observed and seen it before

she came down, and at this moment, outside the pass of the city tower, the battlefield had been stretched away, except for the stacked corpses, blood all over the ground, and the smoke and ruins of the battlefield that had not had time to subside, there was no fierce slashing, and the place where the fighting spirit was strongIt's at least a kilometer away from here.

Judging from the current situation of Xiao Miaomiao's feedback, the situation of a certain persimmon can't wait for the battle to end completely, and he can't wait until the city gate is wide open and the people in the pass go out to sweep the battlefield before coming out to save people.

For the sake of her own life, saving people is like fighting a fire, so she decided to take an adventure.

Like a nimble groundhog, Yu Hui shuttled and jumped in the pass and the kilometer-long buffer zone of the battlefield where the battle was in full swing.

Closer, closer, closer Finally, Yu Hui stopped in front of a pile of corpses.

Her movements successfully attracted the attention of Du Yuping, who was trembling and hugging his brother under the corpse pile.

The sight was blocked, the smell was polluted, and even the ears were blurred by the concentration and excitement of the door for a long time, and Du Yuping was very scared at this moment.

I am afraid that it is the enemy who will go and return, and I am even more afraid that it is my own people who have run out and died, and it is the enemy who is cleaning up the battlefield

at this moment The sound of the sorrowful rope came from above his head, and it was obvious that he could feel it, it was the sound of someone turning the corpse.

Du Yuping, who was under the pile of corpses, subconsciously hugged his brother who didn't know the life and death of his side tighter, tighter, but his adrenaline was soaring, he tried hard to swallow his saliva, and subconsciously groped around him with one hand, trying his best to find a weapon to defend himself.

Coming, coming, about to see

Just when Du Yuping was accumulating his strength and was about to go out and fight for the last time, what suddenly came into view, in addition to the gray sky, was only the familiar face under the sky that was against the light, "Drag, drag the oil bottle"

She raised her eyebrows and looked at the persimmon in front of her who held the persimmon in one hand and didn't know whether she was alive or dead, and raised a sharp stone in the other hand to sneak attack, dragging an oil bottle or something, cough cough, now is not the time to care about these.

Yu Hui ignored Du Yuping's stunned and surprised, she reached out and broke Du Yuping's hand, who was stupid and had no reaction at all, checked Du Yuchen's situation, confirmed that the product was not dead, and quickly entered some abilities into the other party, treated most of the wounds in his heart, and delivered a breath of life to ensure that after hanging the life of this thing, Yu Hui withdrew his hand.

It can't be completely cured, otherwise, you can't explain it clearly when you look back.

When he withdrew his hand, Yu Hui comforted Du Yuchen's little seedling that had been yellowed and wilted, and secretly said that the little guy had worked hard, Yu Hui quickly urged him to let the seeds grow old, and the seeds of the small seedling were collected and re-entered into the space door, Yu Hui bent down and picked up the persimmon that was still unconscious.

Du Yuping, who looked at this boyfriend, was dumbfounded.

Yu Hui, who was about to leave, saw that Du Yuping was still lying in place stupidly, and looked up at himself motionless, not even blinking his eyes, Yu Hui sighed, raised his foot and kicked the fool on the ground.

"How long are you going to lie here"

The words woke up the dreamer, and Du Yuping, who was lying on the ground, heard Yu Hui's words, so he came back to his senses in a daze, and quickly got up.

Yu Hui: "Alas, forget it, hurry up and keep up, you idiot" "Okay, okay, keep up, keep up, where to go"

Yu Hui didn't want to delay the time door to take care of this idiot, and directly hugged the person and lifted his feet and left, and Du Yuping behind him saw this, so he hurriedly held the stone in his hand, and his feet were weak, Staggering behind Yu Hui, the three of them advanced towards the thistle below the city gate.

And the people on the city tower, looking at this series of changes, the soldiers couldn't help but cheer, especially one of them was a hot-blooded young man who loved to read books and brains.

I saw Yu Huiwan's corpse in the bush, and then pulled out a corpse from the pile of corpses, oh no, it should be a person, and a person walked with a backlight, at that moment, Du Yuping, who was following behind him, was no longer important to that scene, he was watching Yu Hui's every move on the city tower, and he was so nervous and shocked that he forgot to breathe.

Excited to this brain-replenishing young man, he grabbed the older sergeant next to him, and was so excited that he almost wanted to cry and spoke incoherently.

"My heaven, head, look, you see, it turns out that the little girl is not here to find death, she is not here to make trouble, she, she, oh my God, she is here to save people, to save people, to save people

, I guess the person in the little girl's arms must be her beloved fiancé, it must be

When she knew that her fiancé was in danger on the battlefield, she did not hesitate to risk losing her life, risking being hacked by a tall dog, and came all the way to save people. At

this moment, under the hazy sky, in front of the ruins of the war, at the place where the golden iron horse that shook the sky, this little figure holding the beloved man and walking against the light,

It seems to be so unusually tall

However, this is not what Yu Hui shocked them the most, what shocked and conquered the soldiers on the city tower the most Yu Hui carried Du Yuchen to the bottom of the city tower, crossed the defensive iron thistle, put the person in front of the

closed city gate, and settled the unconscious Du Yuchen here, also pointed to Du Yuping, who was embarrassed to follow.

"Du Yuping, it's safe here now, you're guarding your brother here, I'll go out and have a look."

"Look, what to see"

Because of the scene I saw after picking up the pile of corpses just now, except for my uncle and little cousin at most one persimmon, Yu Hui, who had no good impression of the Du family at all, recognized Du Yuping, a timid and not timid guy at this moment.

Du Yuping was still dazed at first, only knowing that he nodded stupidly and subconsciously replied, but he didn't know what he should do at all, but when he saw Yu Hui hearing this, he turned around and was about to go to the battlefield.

"No, drag oil, uh, cough inner cousin, this is the battlefield, it's terrifying, where are you going"

Yu Hui broke free of Du Yuping's hand that reached out and grabbed her arm, she looked at the corpse mountain and sea of blood in front of her, and then looked at the battlefield that was still fighting thousands of kilometers away, her eyes flashed with determination.

"I'm going to save people"

This is the era of cold weapons, even if a person is cut down and stabbed in the heart, as long as there is still a breath, she can save people.

Coming to this battlefield in person, looking at the tired bones and smelling the blood everywhere, Yu Hui felt that she had to do something, she had to do something.

With so many people, it is impossible to die completely, and saving one by herself is earned, so she has to go and see, otherwise, she will be unable to sleep for the rest of her life.

Saving people is like fighting fire, Yu Hui didn't have time to delay, broke free from Du Yuping's pull, and told him to be careful, and the whole person jumped out of the thistle terrestris and rushed towards the sea of corpses on the battlefield in front of him.

The sergeants upstairs who had stopped the riot and worry just now, and then they all saw that the little girl, who was already safe, plunged into the sea of corpses without looking back.

The young man was immediately puzzled, he turned his head and pulled the head next to him and muttered to himself: "Oh no, boss, hasn't the little girl already rescued her beloved, why is she still going to the battlefield, how dangerous it is, is it possible that she has more than one fiancé and beloved, this is still there" " "

It's not just you, a big-headed ghost, you're a big fool, you won't see for yourself, that little girl is saving people, saving our robes"

After the head saw what Yu Hui was doing, he slapped the back of the brain supplement young man's head unceremoniously, and the voice in his mouth even roared.

They watched the little figure, nimbly walking through the sea of corpses, rummaging, rummaging, rummaging, quickly pulling out the corpses in the armor they were familiar with from the corpses, and then inspecting, bandaging, and running back on their backs, and so on, again and again, again

and again They knew that the little girl was saving people. She is risking her life to save people

at the forefront of the battlefield where she will lose her life if she doesn't pay attention At this moment, they were all moved by the little girl's actions, deeply moved, everyone looked at the figure that kept repeating and going back and forth under the city tower, they were dumbfounded, they were excited, they were excited, they cheered They unconsciously joined in

this rescue in the race against life and death.

"Oh, oh it's another one, God, hurry up, little girl, hurry up" "Come on, come on"

When they saw Yu Hui successfully pull out another live mouth, they cheered;

When they saw Yu Hui stumbling on her back tiredly, they couldn't help clenching their fists, holding their breath, and getting up to shout and cheer;

"Little girl be careful"

"Oh my God, pay attention, little girl"

At this moment, Yu Hui is like a light in the dark, obviously doing the tiniest and most normal thing, but in the current situation, But it's so motivating.

Obviously a small figure, obviously alone, but injected infinite motivation and courage into the people on the city wall.

More and more people are paying attention to her, more and more people are cheering for her, more and more people are sweating for her, and more and more soldiers are eager to replace her immediately and join the ranks of saving people.

It's a pity that the military orders are like a mountain, and they can't open the city gate and come out to do it, but they stand with Yu Hui with shouting, recognition, and encouragement.

"Come on, little girl"

"God, it's another one, another living little girl rescued another one, the robes woo woo"

They can't go down, but there are people, there is a person, there is a little girl, did what they wanted to do the most but couldn't


How could they not be excited, not applauded, not excited to clap the case, not excited to hug the robe around and cheer

At this moment, all the people on the city tower, even the soldiers who were still tired just now and shrunk in the corner to rest and wait for the shift change, after hearing the robes standing at the lookout next to them continue to exclaim, they also stood up one after another, and looked at everyone in unison, and then, they saw the exciting moment that Ning himself would never forget, and Ning himself was excited in his heart.

Everyone's hearts instantly swelled with a strange and exciting emotion, and they all joined the ranks of cheers and cheers, cheering towards Yu Hui, who was running between saving people and saving people.

There were bursts of cheers on the city tower, and Yu Hui's throat was smoking downstairs, but she didn't dare to stop at all.

There are more and more injuries in the thistle, more and more, which proves that her guess is right, and because it is right, Yu HuiyueI don't dare to stop.

"Du, Du Yuping, you try your best to bandage these injuries, don't move if the injuries are serious, and you are not allowed to pull out the arrows inserted into the main trunk of your body, you have to turn around and wait for the city gate to open, and send people to the wounded barracks for treatment by military doctors."

Du Yuping naturally knew his catties, in the face of Yu Hui's orders, he kept his hands and feet, hey, and Yu Hui quickly plunged into the front battlefield again after telling Du Yuping, and he didn't pay much attention to how Du Yuping endured fear, how he trembled his hands, obeyed his orders, and cried and shed tears to bandage the wounded.

Yu Hui, who was busy saving people, relied on the seeds that he quietly sowed to urge them, and let them help him find those who were still alive from the sea of corpses and blood.

found a living mouth, and found that it was a person wearing his own armor, so Yu Hui started to enter the ability to hang his life first, and then carry it back to be placed.

If it was a high dog, Yu Hui was ruthless, directly mobilizing the seeds to suck up the other party's vitality, and then using the accumulated vitality to save more of her own people.

At this moment, Yu Hui is like a cold and ruthless machine, harvesting the lives of the enemy and treating her own soldiers, but she does not regret that her hands are stained with blood, because the situation at the scene is so tragic that the reality does not allow her to think too much.

Yu Hui's hands have been stained red with blood, and even her nails have been turned over, but she doesn't care about the pain, and she doesn't care about treating herself first, she keeps following the guidance of the seed, and turns over the corpse mountain in front of her again, and sees the person who emits a faint breath underneath, Yu Hui didn't care at first, and the same input ability rescued, until she pulled the person out of the pile of corpses, and then saw an arm in the person's hand that was still dragging on it. Yu Hui subconsciously pulled out a person from under the pile of corpses next door along the arm that refused to let go.

Due to dragging, the rattan armor hat on this person's head has fallen off, revealing his face behind the protective hat, Yu Hui fixed his eyes, heh, it turned out to be an acquaintance.

Since the person who was caught and held on to it was Wang Qi, the person he had just rescued would not be

Yu Hui turned around, subconsciously took off the rattan armor hat stuck on the other party's head, wiped the blood stains on the other party's face, and looked, hey, that's right, it is Wang


The Wang brothers also went to the battlefield

But also, even the Du brothers are not spared, so it is not surprising that the Wang brothers are here.

Yu Hui didn't delay, she couldn't carry two people at a time, she simply squatted, adjusted her position, stuck one on one arm, and treated the two brothers who were not tall as sacks, and went to the city gate with the card.

The feet were fast, and Yu Hui was still muttering in her heart while giving it away.

Saving people by herself is to save people, but if she meets Du Yaozong and his party for a while, she is afraid that she will not be so kind to help, and it will be her mercy if she does not go up to make up the knife.

At this moment, I don't know that Du Yaozong and the three of them did not follow Xiao Xiaowei out of the pass to fight, and the three spicy chickens who were hiding in the pass as a turtle with a shrunken head at this moment did not fulfill Yu Hui's wishes.

After sending the Wang brothers to Tribulus, Yu Hui turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly, the battlefield in front of him suddenly heard the cheers of the enemy at this time.

Yu Hui frowned and looked at it subconsciously, but due to the obstruction of his line of sight, Yu Hui could not clearly see what was happening on the battlefield thousands of kilometers away.

She didn't see it, but the soldiers on the city tower did.

It turned out that their vanguard army was defeated just now, and even Captain Huwei, who was the last to insist, also fell

under the siege of the enemy just now The

enemy overturned the last enemy army who resisted, and in an instant the door erupted in cheers, but everyone on the city tower was terrified.

Before the enemy could react, the people on the city tower were in a hurry, and some shouted helplessly.

"No, it can't be like this, there are still people at the bottom, and there are still our living robes, hurry up and ask the Lord of Qianhu to open the city gate, open the city gate at the lower pass, there are still so many robes alive outside, we have to bring people in, we have to take people in

before the enemy reacts, and when they haven't killed them." "Yes, Lord Qianhu, Lord Qianhu quickly ordered the city gate to be opened, the brothers outside are still alive, and there are many people alive, all of them are the people rescued by the little girl, they are all their own people, hurry, hurry"

But everyone was disappointed, they didn't wait for Qianhu to give the order, and some of the younger soldiers on the city tower cried on the spot, wiping their tears, and half of their bodies leaned out of the lookout, hard, helpless, and heartbreaking. Wave your hands and shout at the people under the city gates.

"Brother, brother, hide, fast, all who can move, hide, hurry up and hide, woo woo"

For a while, the people on the upper floor of the pass city were crying.

Like the brain-filled young man just now, this time he also bit the corner of his arm, crying uncontrollably.

"Woo woo, obviously still alive, obviously they were all rescued to the city downstairs, they are all alive, Lord Qianhu, the vanguard army is all good, they still have gasping for breath, we can't just watch them just watch, watching them being abused and killed by the high dog, woo woo woo Lord Qianhu, you ordered, everyone want to find a way, woo woo, head, head, you always want to think about it, the people under the head are obviously still alive, alive, The little girl and her beloved are still alive, woo woo woo"

The young man couldn't cry silently, and the middle-aged sergeant who was being pulled and shaken by him on the side couldn't bear to twist his head to the side.

"I, our child, the military order is like a mountain, our order is to defend the pass and not to lose, the city gate cannot be opened, you should understand" "

No, I don't understand, I don't want to understand, woo woo".

Looking at the young subordinates who still have kindness and innocence in their bones, crying like a two-hundred-pound child at the moment, the middle-aged sergeant couldn't hold back the heat in his eyes, couldn't bear to look at his subordinates anymore, and couldn't bear to look at the robes under the city tower, so he only pinned his face to the side, letting the tears blur his vision.

If they hadn't saved people just now, and they hadn't cheered with excitement, they wouldn't have been so uncomfortable at this moment.

This damn tall dog, damn God

Obviously, they all have hope of living, and in the blink of an eye, they will face death head-on, maybe it will be a hundred times more tragic than before, and they can only watch, this is too cruel for them, too cruel for the seriously injured robes underneath, too cruel

The changes in the battlefield ahead, the oppressive atmosphere on the city tower, Yu Hui can't take care of it.

Sensing that something was wrong, Yu Hui quickly defended.

There was no time to turn over the survivors in the sea of corpses, Yu Hui quickly returned to the defense, and ran to the thistle at the gate of the city, while she did not hesitate to sprinkle a lot of seeds, all of which were thorny seeds with strong defense, such as thorn vines, such as moon flowers, and so on.

At this time, Yu Hui was even thinking that even if he tried his best, he would have to kill the enemy without leaving a piece of armor, not because of his own righteousness, but because if the unlucky persimmon behind him hangs, he will not be able to


Since he is dead, then fight

Ran back to the thistle, Yu HuiyiAfter the harrier turned over and leaped to the thistle, she looked at the unconscious wounded people she rescued, and then at Du Yuping, who was still bandaging the wounded, Yu Huihe smiled, raised her head and asked Du Yuping.

"Du Yuping, are you afraid of death"

Du Yuping, who was busy to relieve the fear in his heart, stiffened suddenly, did not speak, let alone answer, but just buried his head again and continued his bandaging work.

Seeing this, Yu Hui smiled again.

Glancing at Du Yuchen, who was still sitting on the city gate and still hanging his head in a coma, Yu Hui secretly pursed his lips.

"You persimmon of a dog's day, you owe me a big hair, you can't finish it in five lifetimes, it's really cheap for you, you have to pull on the back of such an invincible beautiful girl in the universe as you die, and I don't know that you are cultivating the luck of several lifetimes, damn"


I just hope that when I look back, my aunt and little fan dumplings will not be too sad after knowing the bad news that they hung up;

I also hope that my uncle will be stronger from now on, don't be weak, and protect my aunt and Xiao Fan Tuanzi

Yu Hui, who

was on a defensive posture, thought silently in her heart. , please keep in mind: free fastest update no anti-theft no anti-theft

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