My mates are queens!?

By Ares_death

274K 13.4K 2.9K

My name is Alex Cruz, I'm a omega, so I'm just a punching bag to my pack. But Emma, Queen of werewolves Sam... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Author's Note

Chapter 1

10.1K 248 19
By Ares_death

Alex's POV

Staring into the mirror, I studied myself. Looking at my long silver hair, my icy blue eyes, my wolf ears that flickered on top of my head which showed that I was an omega, and the makeup I put on to hid the dark bruises that covered the left side of my face.

Being an omega wasn't fun if you were in the wrong pack. You were either a punching bag or a godsend, there was no in between.

Unluckily for me, I became a punching bag. I had no mother and my step-dad, David only drank the entire day and paid me no attention unless it was to beat me. Because of this, my pack soon too dislike me as well.

There were no reasons for people to hangout with me so the pack members always stayed clear of me unless they needed something, which were even more beating.

Beatings that they could get away with since no one stopped them, not even the alpha. I can feel the bruises from a beating a week ago, the Alpha's son and his friends wanted to practice their punches on me so they dragged me out into the training grounds and did so until their fist hurt. Didn't matter to them that I was begging and pleading for them to stop the entire time.

To them I was nothing-I am nothing. Omegas are useless. They serve no purpose. So imagine my shock when a group of people wanted to be my friends. It was odd but they're odd themselves.

"Omega! Get your ass down here!" Stumbled out of my thoughts, I quickly grabbing the sailer hat mom gave me when I was little and raced out the bathroom door. "I'm coming!"

Running down the hall, I quickly raced into the living room where David was at. He was sitting in his favorite chair, beer in one hand and the tv remote in the other. When I came in, he turned to glare at me.

"Took you long enough." He scowled, throwing the beer bottle at me only to mess and hit the wall beside me. Inches from my head. "Get me another beer."

Without saying a word, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the more or less empty fridge. Going back to David was, I handed him the bottle only to get sucker punch in the guts.

Being much stronger than me and not holding back, I coughed up a small amount of blood. Hunching over, David took that opportunity to grab me by my hair and make me come face to face to him. "If I get another call from the Alpha's son because you're being disrespectful, I'll let them take you to the dungeon. Do you understand?"

Gridding my teeth, I nodded my head, staring daggers at him. Even though David turn a blind eye whenever the Alpha's son and his friends do"did whatever they want to me, he always stepped in when they threaten to take me to the dungeons so I have one think to be grateful of.

Staring at me for a moment, David roughly threw me aside. "Good, now get out! You're ruining the mood." Don't have to tell me twice.

I bolted over to the door and swung it open, I shut it right behind me and started booking it down the street. When I was a few blocks away, I slowed down to a walking pace. By then I was already breathing hard, being an omega sucks.

I was already late for school so it didn't matter if I was even more late. At school, no one cared if I was there or not, I remembered last year where I skipped half the year just to avoid my main tormentors. That just caused the beating to get worst whenever they saw me.

I don't know why I'm still living in this pack. I'm pretty sure I can survive in the human world-wait, wolf ears and tail. Never mind. If I ran away then that means I have to survive in the wilderness and there's no way that's going happened. I'll probably last a week before crawling back home.

Plus it's not all bad, like I said before, I have a few of friends here. Sure nearly all of them ain't part of the pack but they like me. Speaking of them, two of them are standing right in in-front of the school, waiting for me. Seeing me, the two waved. "Al, hurry up, we're late!"

That's Elizabeth, Liz for short, she's the daughter of our Gamma, he's the best warrior we have and he trains our other warriors. She has this cool ability where she can poof out wolf ears and tail whenever she wants even though she's not an omega.

"Can't you guys just skip? I do it all the time." Nini whined, resting her head against Liz's shoulder as she wrapped her arms around her.

I don't know a lot about Nini, just that she's neither werewolf or human and likes to hang out the pack's territory. I recently found out that the Alpha can't really kick her out or chase her away since she's part of a clan that helps protects the non-humans from humans. She's allowed to be anywhere she pleases, only if she doesn't cause trouble. Which she does, a lot.

"You know we can't skip, if we do we're in deep trouble. I'm still surprised you're still alive, don't your parents know you're skipping?" Nini paled, nervously smiling at us as she took a step back, refusing eye contact. They don't know.

"W-Well you see! They're too busy to answer their phones and umm...umm." She was deep in thought, trying to find another excuse but couldn't.

Out of nowhere, her two hellhounds popped up out of some bushes and walked over to us. I have no idea how she's in contact with hellhounds but after a long while, I got used to it. I think she told me they were a gift or something.

Any how, most of the time they're quiet and just keep Nini out of all the trouble she cause and are almost always out of sight when out in public. "Well will you look at that! See you guys later, we're heading to the club house!"

Without saying another word, Nini grabbed her confused hounds hands and quickly booked it. We waved them goodbye and watched them leave.

Liz then turned to me smiling. "Ready?" I sighed, already know what's gonna happen the second I entered the building. "Yeah, let's get this over with."

The second reason I come to school is because of Liz. She always gets anxious when she doesn't know where I'm at so I come here to put her mind to ease. Not like I can use the mind link to get in contact with her. I have a phone but I have a habit of leaving it unchanged so it's always dead.

Being as we're late, we had to sign through the front office. The lady there looked at me with so much disgusted and purposely took a long time to let us in which make us even more late. But the time we were done, the bell for second period rang.

I groaned. Liz looked at me apologetic as we stepped into the halls of hell.

People purposely bumped into me, being rough about it as me and Liz head to class. The two of us have a few classes together, that's the only good thing when coming to this place.

Shockingly, I didn't bump into my main bullies so that's something. They're normally around seeing as they're next in line to take over the pack.

They have to get good grades if they want to be in charge. It's the law. Which is a good thing to force but they're still idiots, teachers are too afraid to fail them and our soon to be Alpha and his friends don't like to do their work, he also uses the alpha voice to get what they want, which isn't allowed. But who's gonna stop them? No one.

This pack is done for.

We just about made it to class until, "Luke!" Someone roughly grabbed me and slammed me into the lockers. My head ached but I looked up and saw the face of Luke Hendrix as he grinned down at me. He's one of our Gemma's sons. Liz's older brother. One of the soon-to-be Alpha's little followers.

If he's here, the others aren't far behind. Groan, I should've skipped today.


Author: So when trying to fix this story, I accidentally deleted a few chapters so I'm re-making this...Again...last time I swear!
The rest of the chapters plus two new ones will come out next Friday. (Same plot just written in a different way) 🙂

Sorry again!

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