The promise of Trix

By kaitlyn2201

352 25 5

Asher, Phoebe and Reuben three best friends grow up together facing new challenges with new relationships, co... More

Prologue- First meeting
Anacondas and first kisses
No choice
Skanks, bathrooms and bastards
Coffee, hoods and warnings
Night clubs, motoGP and heartbreak
Liar liar
Soldier Phoebe
No more Line
Game on
Pig stumps

Revelations and Knobheads

15 2 0
By kaitlyn2201

Asher age 16

Im pacing in the headmasters lounge pulling my hair at the roots. She's in through his office with her mum and Morgan and her mum. Thank fuck Marcus isn't here he must not know yet otherwise she'd already be grounded for months. Fuck sake Sailor couldn't you have kicked the fucking shit out of Morgan after school, not in the gymnasium full of sixty witnesses. She's for sure going to get done for assault there wasn't any reason for her to just hit her, well I know sailor so I know there was but to everyone else she just looks like she lost the plot. But Jesus fuck did she give it to Morgan, that nose is toast. I'm so proud of her for finally sticking it to that cunt, sure she argues back but she's never let her fury fly like that before. I think she's been in like three fights since we met and that's including Thatcher in primary. That's the first time I noticed her, well I noticed her before of course but that's the first time I felt like I truly seen her. She was a tigress not some meek mouse everyone treated her as, hell no she is a haywire that needs to come with a caution sign. I continue pacing still yanking at my hair, she can't get arrested she's got a good future ahead of her, she's predicted all As and Bs for our exams and she aces PE. No wonder she flattened the bitch she aces whatever she does. I hear that arsehole sniffling behind me. He's sat in one of the receptions plum coloured tub chairs, I don't know why he bothered to stay when we both know she won't speak to him. She'll give him the Casper treatment.

"Do you think she'll hear me out?" He whispers to me. I Stop short and swing my head round to look at him. He's got a black hoody on under his blazer with the hood up his blonde hair poking out the front.

"Mate I don't even know what you did and I don't want to speak to you never mind Sailor." I reply shaking my head at his stupidity, god he's got worse since him and Jack smoke weed every night. Sure I do it occasionally but Rue practically sweats it. He nods solemnly. Then takes a breath.
"I fucked her."
My eyes shoot back to his he really didn't say that, I'm praying he didn't sleep with Sailor. I swallow slowly trying to keep the bile down.
"Who?" I ask uncertainly, sure it can't be Sailor they'd have said something and she hates how he's turned into a man whore he's easily slept with half our year.
"Morgan." I release the breath I was holding then realise what he just said, then choke on said breath.
"Tell me your fucking joking, please tell me you did not sleep with the girl who makes Sailors life a living fucking hell!" By the end I'm shouting but fuck it he's fucking certifiable if he thinks she'll stay friends with him after she finds out there's no way, he'll be lucky she'll speak to him again after he blabbed about her eating disorder, what fucking best friend does that? I haven't even told Cassie or my Mum.
"Stop fucking shouting she might hear you!" He hisses back to me. Looking at the door to our left. We can't hear anything it's soundproof for that reason. I raise an eyebrow waiting for him to continue, because he best not be asking what I think he is. He looks up at me those big ocean eyes locking onto my brown ones pleading me.
I step back from him and his guilty gaze.
"Don't. Don't you dare ask me to keep it from her." I say shaking my head at him. What's happening to you Rue?
He swallows thickly before replying.
"Please. I'm begging you Ash it was a mistake it was last weekend after I got back from that tournament with grandad. I wanted to celebrate I fucking Won. I was the youngest racing and I won. You and Cassie were at hers and Pheebes wouldn't come even if I asked." He pauses and blows a breath out, I hope he realises that he just admitted to not even asking her anymore.
"So I went to Tom's party, his parents were in York or some shit I don't know but it was a free house and we partied hard. I got stoned I drunk way too fucking much  vodka. I don't remember much, just pieces but I somehow managed to sleep with her." My eyes are narrowed and he takes another deep breath before continuing. "The next morning I woke on the sofa she was laid next to me in just her knickers and tshirt but she was on my phone, my texts specifically, between Pheebes' mum Anna and me. I snatched it out of her hand because what the fuck the nosey cow must of used my thumb print whilst I was asleep, but the text thread was there asking me to keep an eye on her at lunch to see if she snuck off to be sick. I grabbed Morgan and started yelling at her that she read nothing, she promised she wouldn't say anything, fuck she said she'd even watch out for Pheebes discreetly." He finishes his little speech thinking I'd sympathise with him fuck no. It was his own fault he should of admitted to both things.
"So why didn't you tell us she knew? To give her a heads up at least or why not tell her you slept with her." I ask him. He looks at me narrowed eyed his nose all scrunched up. The fuck?  I'm not the stupid one here.
"The same reason is the answer to both. I know Pheebes likes me more than a friend. I've known since that kiss. But I'm not ready for that I need to live a little we both do, we need to experience other people it's only just been us three. But I also know that if she knows I've been with Morgan I won't even have her as a friend." I look at him dumbstruck. That stupid motherfucker. He has a diamond he knows has feelings for him, fuck she has for years and he's chasing stones, for 'experience'. I've said it once I'll say it again he's a fucking knobhead.
"So your telling me you don't want her. Yet. But you don't want her to not want you?" I look at him and I don't like what I'm seeing this isn't my best friend this is someone else.
"No!, yes, I don't know! I do love her I do. It's just I'm not ready to be the man she needs yet. I need to grow up first." He nods at himself as if he got that out right well good for him because I still don't fucking understand. I'd do anything to be the one she wants. Yes I love Cassie but I'm not in Love with her. She knows it too, we spoke about it. We're just wasting our time but we'd rather waste it together than be alone.
"She's not going to wait for you forever. Just remember she's watched you kiss, finger, fuck anything that walks for the past year. So when you eventually decide your 'man' enough for her it might be too late."
I won't tell her about Morgan they're my best friends I love them both yea differently but I love them enough to leave it between them. If she asks me outright I won't lie, I'll tell her the truth. I'm trusting Rue to do the right thing because she deserves to know. And the fact he won't tell her shows that he knows she'll walk.

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