Calamity of Date a Live

By Custos_Portae

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Meet our boi, Kuro Itsuka. 17 years old and adopted by the Itsuka's with his (not-so) twin brother Shido. He... More

Kuro Itsuka (Bio, pre - Kurumi)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt.1)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt.2)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt. 3)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt. 4) (Edited.)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Finale pt. 1)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Finale pt.2)
Celine, Until our next Communion
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 1
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 2
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 3
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 4
Your a Monster

Not the Worst nor Misunderstood, Rather-

928 25 40
By Custos_Portae

Kuro: "Remind me why I'm here again?"

Here being the Fraxinus command room. Reine and several other people I didn't know were poking and prodding at the Moon Ring still attached to my arm, while my head was on Reine's lap. A place I'd normally feel bothered about, or excited I guess if it weren't for that night before. Thanks to that, this feels like something a Mother would do.


Reine: "Maintenance. This device is still an unknown despite who it came from."

Well that's a reasonable answer I must admit, however that's not the issue.

Kuro: "Fair enough. But why am I also being shown the work of Shido the rizzler?"

Yep. You heard me right. Long story short, while I was on my leave of absence, Shido had somehow managed to snag himself not one, not two, but three dates with Origami, Tohka, and to my surprise Kurumi. Well I guess Origami is the more surprising one, but I digress.

Color me impressed, the introvert is getting out.

In response to my question it wasn't Reine but Kotori who answered.

Kotori: "Well seeing as how your currently being held up for maintenance, we thought it best for you to keep an eye on Shido's progress so you can take notes in the future."

Is that so? How kind of you. Except me and you both don't believe that. In fact, as I looked around the room, no one met my eyes. Besides, I don't have a sealing ability on top of that, so this is redundant. Not to mention, I would wing it without an intercom regardless.

Guys I appreciate the concern for my mental state, but geez. Be a little less obvious about it...

Maintenance? Please. This has been done wirelessly before.

Whatever, it's rather sweet regardless. Plus this position isn't all bad.

Kuro: "..."

Hmm. Maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt....


Back with Shido he had just made an excuse to part ways from Tohka and make his way to Kurumi.

Shido: "Well.... You really were waiting."

When Shido arrived in front of the ticketing booth while still panting heavily, Kurumi was already there.

She was wearing a frock and a long skirt that seems to be of extremely high quality, however because they were all pitch black, it looked as though she was wearing funeral clothing.

Kurumi: "No. I just arrived here myself."

After saying that Kurumi lightly smiled. Shido readjusted his breathing, facing Kurumi once more.

Shido: "Sorry.... I was slightly late."

Kurumi: "Ufufu, you don't have to really rush you know."

Shido: "N-no, Well.......... haha."

Shido smiled as he vaguely answered without really explaining.

Although he could move around at fast speeds due to Fraxinus, but in order to transfer, they had to move to a secluded area without any obstacles. In order to move from the aquarium that was high in human traffic to the entrance of the station, he had to run quite a long distance first.

Kotori: "Now then, today's main event is starting. Do a good job."

Kotori said. Shido tapped his earphone to indicate his acknowledgement.

Today's biggest mission, was to kiss with Kurumi and seal off her Spirit power.

At the same time that he reaffirmed his conviction, Kurumi's lips entered his line of sight, Shido couldn't help but scratch his cheek.

At that moment, Kurumi gave a deep bow.

Kurumi: "I'm extremely grateful that you invited me today. I'm very happy. --Then, where shall we go first?"

Shido: "Nn... right."

At the same time Shido spoke, his right ear could hear Kotori's voice saying "Wait a moment".

On <Fraxinus>'s main monitor, multiple choices were displayed.

① Have a love love shopping date inside the large shopping mall.

② Watch a sweet romance movie together.

③ Inside the lingerie store, observe her as she tries them out.

Kotori: "Everyone, choose!"

Saying that, the mini display on Kotori's palm immediately displayed the results.

"Umu........ " came the chorus from the Nero- Er Fraxinus Members.

Crew 1: "We must choose ② here! Inside a dark room, unintentionally overlapping hands! There's no other choice other than this!"

Crew 2: "No no, of course we must choose ①! Girls love shopping the most!"

Indeed, it looked as though both choices are feasible. However Kotori scratched her cheek. The largest shopping mall and cinema closest to here............. is at Tengu Gojuusou right were Tohka is. Although it didn't feel as though they would bump into each other, but there's no need to increase uncertain factors.

Then with that, the only option left is...

Kotori: "If it's ③, it would obviously cause one to feel grossed out right.... ?"

Kotori ended off with a troubled tone, while Reine's voice sounded out from below.

Reine: " No, from the numbers as well as yesterday's reaction, we cannot totally say for certain that she would reject the idea."

Kotori: "True... "

Kotori frowned and nodded. Although the risk was high, but if it works, then it would prove to a large extent that Kurumi likes Shido to a certain degree. Or that she enjoyed messing with him. Either way works.

Kotori: "Shido, it's ③. Please bring her to the lingerie store inside the station's building."

Shido: "Ooh, understood... Wait! That's not right, haa......... !? For fucks sake..."

From the loudspeaker, Shido's stupefied voice resounded.

Shido: "Say uh...Kurumi. Do you have anything you'd like to buy... or, see? Fo, for example something to wear..... and the like?"

Kurumi: "Do you mean western clothing? Aaah, I do wish to take a look at those."

Shido: "We, western clothing you say...How about the ones that you wear inside................. "

Kurumi: "Inside.... ?"

At this point she probably caught on to what he had meant, as Kurumi's cheeks slightly reddened.

Shido: "N-no, it's indeed strange right! Alright, then let's choose a different--"

Shido's forehead perspired as he readied himself to leave, only to pause as the hem of his clothes was suddenly forcefully held.

Shido: "Eh... ?"

Turning to look, Kurumi's eyes were gazing upwards at Shidou.

Kurumi: "Will Shido....... choose?"

Shido: "Eh!? Aa.....aa, aaah..... "

Shidou nodded while feeling troubled at the vulnerable display, Kurumi showed a shy smile.

Kurumi: "Fufu, well then--please, choose a cute one okay?"

Shido: "Eh, ehhhh... Alright."

It was he who first invited her, furthermore she didn't seem to dislike it. Shido started moving forwards with stiff movements akin to a robot.

Kotori: "That was surprising. She actually agreed."

Shido: "..... Hey."

It was your instruction in the first place! Shido thought while lightly jabbing the earphone in an exasperated manner.

Just at this moment, the plaza opposite the station entered his sights. In front of the fountain, he could see the figure of Origami whose posture was unchanged since 30 minutes ago.

However one cannot totally say that there was no change at all. It's probably due to the large volume of people, a male trio was talking to Origami in an attempt to pick her up.

But Origami did not move an inch. It was as though she didn't even perceive their existence at all.

At this point, one of the trio, possibly feeling frustrated at being ignored, grabbed Origami's shoulder.

Origami then used graceful movements to twist the man's arm, bringing him to the ground.

It probably hurt a lot, the man groaned with tears in his eyes. However, the man's companions were frozen in fear. Afterwards the surrounding people who heard the commotion started to gather around, in the end even the police arrived, taking the men with them.

Origami then returned to her original position, as though nothing happened at all.

Shido: " "

Several thoughts, head half full.

Kurumi: "Shido, what's the matter?"

Kurumi asked, probably thinking that Shido who stopped walking with his face dripping with sweat was acting suspicious.

Shido: "No.... It, it's nothing."

Shido acted like he didn't see Origami, entering the building near the train station.

After which they arrived at the lingerie store on the third floor by taking the elevator. Although Shido had came to this building many times, but it was the first time that he entered such a space.

Since the entrance had large amounts of sexy female lingerie lined up. Of course, whether it was the store attendants or the customers, everyone here was female.

When Shido entered the store, curious glances were shot at him from the surrounding people in an instant. Although he felt better by having Kurumi by his side, but this was not a place that makes him happy.

Kurumi: "Well, how cute! Which one does Shidou thinks is good?"

Kurumi immediately found her targets, displaying two sets of underwear. Both sets were adorned with cute designs of exquisite lace, Shidou involuntarily blushed.

Shido: "Ye...Well. Then..... "

Kotori: "Shidou, hold on for a moment."

On the monitor of the bridge, another multiple choice window was displayed.

①The right one. The flirtatious design with black lace as a foundation.

②The left one. A refreshing, pale blue design.

③"I prefer the one that reveals some more..." Pointing to the lingerie displayed at the back.

Kotori: "Everybody, choose!"

Following Kotori's shout, the tabulated results were shown soon after. Although there was a difference of millimeters, but ③ unexpectedly had the most votes.

If Kuro was awake right now, he would be cackling his ass off right at this moment.

Degenerates in the Crew: "Since we're already here we must of course take the offensive! Numbing the target's senses at the start, then when its time to kiss resistance encountered would be a lot less!"

Voices of the crew echoed.

Kotori groaned as she supported her chin with her hand.

Kotori: "Well, since the AI already gave us a third option, then we should try it out to see its value. --Shidou, its ③. Choose the lingerie behind Kurumi."

Kotori finished, the Shidou in the image pointed behind Kurumi.

Shido: "Is, well. ...Although both of them aren't that bad, but I prefer the one over there..... "

Following instructions he pointed behind Kurumi. At this point--Shido's face suddenly twitched a few times.

Hanging over there was, made of material that was almost transparent, an extremely dangerous item.

Kurumi: "Does Shido like this kind.... ?"

Shido: "N, no, how do you put it.... "

Just as Shidou was in a confused mess, Kurumi placed the lingerie in her hands back to their original positions, taking up the sexy lingerie Shido pointed at after hesitating for a while.

Shido was understandably against the idea.

Shido: "No, Kurumi, you don't have to force yourself--"

Kurumi: "No, it is because Shidou specially chose this--Of course I must try it on. Please see if it fits okay............. ?"

Shido: "Eh, that is...oh, yeah... "

Shido nodded his head, Kurumi entered the fitting room in front of his eyes, drawing up the curtains.

Naturally, it became a situation where Shido was left by himself inside the store.

...It feels as though the reality of his surroundings have become more intense. " "

It feels as though an uncomfortable atmosphere had wrapped itself around his body. At this moment, Shidou's shoulder was prodded by someone.

Shido: "Nn... ?"

Turning behind with surprise, standing right there were a trio of girls. Although he was stunned for a moment, but he immediately remembered. They were indeed Shidou's classmates, the trio Ai•Mai•Mii. Amalee? Hmm...

"Ya-Ya-Itsuka-kun. Why are you at this kind of place? Crossdressing fetish?"

"Speaking of which, weren't you supposed to go to the aquarium with Tohka-chan on a date today?"

"Eh? Don't tell me you went back on your words? You want to die?" Ai, Mai, Mii spoke up one after another.

Shido: "Eh? Ah, no... "

Shido involuntarily became confused. Although he was curious as to why the female trio knows about the promise between him and Tohka.............. But that isn't the point right now. If they find out about him being with Kurumi right now, there could be a very dangerous situation in the future.

Probably noticing that Shido was acting abnormally, the three of them angrily stared at Shido.

"Eh? Wait, really? I can't believe it. Did you actually reject Tohka's invitation?!"

Shido: "N, no, it's not like that! I was just about to go there now!"

As Shido shook his head in a panic, the trio responded with suspicious glances.

"Is that true? If you are lying I won't forgive you. My father is a cadre of a black magic cult. It's possible to cast a curse such as 'Contact with a girl will shorten your lifespan by a year' you know?"

"That's right. Letting Tohka cry is not something that can be easily resolved you know? My mother is an SM Joou-sama, she can instruct you till you can say your thanks in tears you know?"

"If that is true then I'll make you disappear. My uncle has an occupation overseas as a killer. I'll use the 'Kill one for another coupon' I had on my birthday you know?"



Shido: "Who would think of using a voucher to kill someone! Besides who else are you trying to have killed!?"

Unable to stop himself from shouting, Shido sighed in disbelief at the extremes these girls were going to.

"A, at the very least, as long as you didn't break your promise with Tohka, we would be very relieved--"

At this moment, the fitting room curtains opened.

Kurumi: "How is it........... ?"

Kurumi rubbed her knees together seemingly embarrassed, wearing lingerie that had a surface area that was seriously lacking for a high school student, even though it was barely able to provide cover, her pearl-white skin was exposed.



".... Hold it, Itsuka-kun? What's going on?"

In an instant, it felt as though the surrounding temperature plummeted.

Shido: "Th, that is, this is.......... "

At this moment, --just as Shido was about to give an excuse, his right ear heard a shrill alarm.

Following that, Kotori's voice could be heard.

Kotori: "Shido, it's time. Although I wanted to focus on Kurumi, but if we're late and she comes to find us it'll be troublesome. Go to Tobiichi."

Shido: "E, even if you put it that way.... "

Kotori: "Alright already, hurry up and go. --Ah, don't forget to say 'You're cute' to Kurumi okay?"

Shido: ".... Un, understood."

Shido with his mind made up, said "it hurrrrrts..." holding his stomach.

Shido: "I'm sorry Kurumi! My stomach isn't feeling very well! I'm going to the toilet so please wait a while! Also that underwear suits you a lot! You look very cute!"

Shido left after throwing such a line down, behind, Kurumi's face turned red.

However the three people at his surroundings, gave out terrifying growls targeting Shidou's back.

"Hold it right theeeerrrreeeee! Why is Tokisaki here!?"

"And your relationship with her is close enough to pick such a lewd underwear for her? Are you just playing around with Tohka-chan!?"

"I'm really deliberating as to whether to stab you or shoot you to death!"

Shidou escaped while feeling like he was about to cry at the threats to his life.

Shido: "So, sorry, Origami...I'm slightly, late..... !"

Shidou said while heavily panting. Origami expressionlessly stared at Shidou's eyes and replied.

"There's no problem. I just arrived here as well."

X to Doubt.

...After using a huge amount of effort to suppress the urge to say that. Origami had been here for an hour at least, but it would be suspicious for Shido to know about that.

Shido: "Eh, ehhhh...Where are we going today?"

Origami: "Movie."

Shido's face twitched. If we are talking about the closest cinema here--

Shido: "He, hey Origami, where is the cinema........... "

Origami: "Tenguu Gojuusou."

Shido: "...So it really is there!"

Shido showed an awkward smile, lightly tapping the earpiece.

Kotori: "Nnn...Yeah. Because there's a possibility of making contact with Tohka, it's not very desirable. Ask for another location and see."

Shido: "Ah, about that Origami, if it's okay with you can we change to another location."

As Shido was about to continue, Origami handed a ticket to him.

Origami: "I'll give this to you first. Don't lose it."

Shido: ".... Yes."

The initiative was totally taken away from him, and the ticket was already prepared, if he were to reject it again it would seem unnatural.

Kotori: "Well, there's no other way then. Since the area is large, it should be okay as the facilities that they're going to are different."

Shido: "Th, that's true."

Shido softly said, looking towards Origami.

Shido: "Well then, let's go."

Origami nodded. The two of them started to walk.

However Origami suddenly hugged Shido's elbow, forcefully pressing her body onto his, and as a result Shido couldn't help but freeze up.

Shido: "Th, that is...Origami...? What are you doing.... ?"

Origami: "Just linking arms."

A quick and simple reply. Realizing that saying nothing would work, he started to walk again with his heart beating wildly.

His arm at times would transfer the feeling of something soft at times, and Shido's eyes started to swim wildly.

Miraculously feeling that time was passing by extremely slowly. Walking along the road that he and Tohka walked on earlier, he relaxed as soon as he reached Tenguu Gojuusou, it felt as though he suddenly aged a year.

Entering their destination, for some reason Origami started to walk towards the aquarium.

Shido: "...! Hey, Origami..... ! Wh, whwhwhwhwhwhere are you going, isn't the cinema supposed to be over here.... !?"

Hastily grabbing Origami's elbow, but Origami extended her finger, silently pointing towards the front.

Origami: "It's not screening time yet. Let's go and eat lunch first."

Shido: "Eh?"

Looking in the direction that Origami pointed to. Beside the aquarium, a restaurant could be spotted.

Shido: "Ah, aaah.... I see, is that so?"

Shido gulped in relief.

However, the aquarium where Tohka was at was right under his nose, if it's like that it could be bad for his mental health.

There should be other places where they can eat. Just as Shido was about to suggest a change of location--he was half forcefully dragged off.

"A, aare.... ?"

At the same time Shidou was at a loss at what to do, he had already entered the restaurant.

It seems that a table was booked in advance. Origami gave her name, bringing him to the window seat.

It seems that even the food had been ordered beforehand, the waiter left after affirming their order for beverages.



After which for a period of time, the two of them sat facing each other, maintaining silence.

Kotori: "...Say something for goodness sake, Shidou."

Shido: "Aa...aaah.. "

Shido scratched his cheek and opened his mouth.

Shido: "Hey Origami, why did you want to have a date with me today..... ?"

As Shidou finished, Origami stared into Shidou's eyes.

Origami: " I'm not going to let you be by yourself for today."

Shido: "Eh. ?"

Shidou's eyebrows knitted together. But Origami continued speaking, not minding that.

Origami: "After the date, come to my house."

Shido: "...!? Wh, why....... ?"

Origami: "Afterwards, I want you to stay for a period of time."

Shido: "Eh--eeeehhh!?"

Shido couldn't help but yell. The surrounding customers seemed to be shocked as well, their eyes turning towards them.

But, Shido did not have any spare thoughts to pay attention to them.

Shido: "Ho, hohohohohohow can this be, that kind of....... "

Origami: "I'm serious."

Shido: "Eh, eeeeeeeeeeeh..... ?"

Shido's eyes swam about, speechless. In truth, Origami's eyes were as serious as her words. Meaning to say, what she said earlier was definitely not a joke.

At this moment, the heavens really lent him a helping hand. The waiter brought the food over. Using experienced hands to place the dishes onto the table, he explained the dishes in a short and simple way, leaving after placing the bill onto the table.

Shido: "Why don't we eat first, the food will get cold! Okay!?"

When Shidou finished speaking, Origami nodded her head with a look of understanding.

Placing food in his mouth while in confusion. To tell the truth, he could hardly taste anything.

As he was about to finish eating, an alarm sounded in his right ear.

"Shido, Tohka is feeling very uneasy right now. Come back for now. It's alright since you're troubled right now correct?"

Shido tapped his earphone to indicate his acknowledgement, after which he stood up.

Shido: "Nn, Origami! Sorry, I have to use the washroom for a while!"

Shidou said that, passing by the toilet and walking outside of the restaurant.

Shidou showed his ticket stub, once again entering the aquarium, and subsequently spotted Tohka's figure at a location near the entrance.

Her brows formed an '八' with unease, looking around as though she was trying to find someone.

As to who that someone was, there was no need to think about it. It couldn't be anyone else but Shido.

Shido: "Tohka!"

Shidou walked closer, calling out to her, Tohka's gloomy expression immediately brightened up.

Tohka: "Shido! Ar, are you alright..... ?"

Shido: "Oh.....oo, how do I put it."

Saying that, Shido patted his stomach with a "Pa!", Tohka let out a deep sigh as though she was relieved. ...Not knowing why, he felt that his conscience was being overwhelmed by guilt.

At that moment, Tohka's stomach suddenly gave "Guruguruguru".... a cute sound.

Tohka: "Nu... nuuu."

Tohka embarrassedly lowered her head. Shido gave a bitter smile. She's probably hungry.

Although that was understandable. After all it was already lunch time.

Shido: "Tohka, it seems that you can use the ticket stub to enter the aquarium again, do you want to eat something first?"

Tohka: "Mu... Umu! That's great!"

As Shido ended his sentence, Tohka vigorously nodded her head.

Shido: "Well then what shall we do. Tohka, do you have something that you'd like to eat?"

Tohka: "Nn, does Shido have anything you'd like to eat?"

Shido: "Eh? Me? If you ask me.... "

Shido rubbed his stomach. Because he just ate, his stomach didn't feel hungry at all. However as Shido said that, Tohka revealed an uneasy expression once more.

Tohka: ", does your stomach still hurt...? It seems like we have to tell Kotori about this.......... "

Shido: "Uu... "

Although he didn't know why, but he felt that he had to go for another round of lunch again.


Shido: "So, sorry, I've kept you waiting..... !"

After eating with Tohka, Shido returned to the building where Kurumi was at, rubbing his full stomach as he spoke.

Kurumi: "No. Aside from that, are you alright?"

Kurumi asked seemingly concerned.

On a side note, in her hand was a bag from the lingerie store.

Shido: "Aaah...How do I put it... Wait. Don't tell me, you bought that underwear.... ?"

Kurumi: "That's because Shido said that it suited me."

Shido felt embarrassed, scratching his cheek.

As though trying to change the subject, he looked at his surroundings...... Well, although it was weird for Shido to be looking around inside a lingerie store for females.

Shido: "...N, now that you've mentioned it, where did the three girls go... ?"

Kurumi: "After Shido went to the washroom, they left."

Shido: "Is, is that so........ "

Shido sighed. At least his life seems to have been spared.

Kurumi: "Ah, they left a message for you. That is--'Itsuka-kun, tomorrow, prepare to cry.'"

He's taking back his words. Tomorrow, he's a goner.

At this moment, Kurumi spoke while observing Shido's expression.

Kurumi: "I say, Shidou-san."

Shido: "Nn... ? What is it?"

Shido tilted his head. Kurumi showed an innocent smile, saying a sentence that brought him to despair.

Kurumi: "It's almost time for lunch now isn't it?"

Kurumi: "Fu...that Shido. It was supposed to be an important date, but he seems awfully busy today."

Sitting on the long bench at the park, Kurumi lightly sighed.

The current time was 3:30pm. The total number of times Shido ran off to the toilet was thirty.

It had been five hours since the date started, but the time that they spent together was only about a third of that.

Kurumi: "--Well, it's fine, I guess."

Kurumi used her palm to support her chin, laughing lightly with a "Fufu.".

That's right. That was only a small issue. Everything was just a process, not a stretch of time.

Kurumi: "After all in the end--He'll still become mine."

Using her index finger to lightly tap her cheek, she hummed a song on a whim. Closing her eyes, the face of Shido naturally surfaced in her mind.

It was possible, that this feeling was what humans call love.

From the moment she found out about Shido, regardless of whether she was sleeping or awake, issues regarding him kept appearing in her mind.

I want to know more about him. His interests.

His thoughts. His--flavour.

Kurumi: "--Hehe."

Kurumi's smile deepened as she stood up, and, lightly stretched.

Although it shortly disappeared afterward, as another person popped into her head.

Kurumi: "I doubt he'll be happy though..."

Delusions kept popping up in her head, her body started to feel hot for some reason. As though, she wanted to drink something cold.

Just as well, there was a vending machine nearby. Since Shido won't be back for some time, it should be fine to leave just for a moment. Kurumi walked through the park with light footsteps.

--At that moment.

" ?"

Kurumi went through the park reaching a quiet alleyway, reaching the vending machine, only to pause as suddenly her eyebrows twitched.

She was in a good mood, but her ears heard an unpleasant sound.

Kurumi wordlessly started walking, stopping at a dead end even further inside the alley.

Kurumi: "...Ara ara. What are you all doing here?"

And, spoke while silently half-opening her eyes.

Youths: "..... Hyi?"

The youths seemed to be frightened by Kurumi's voice, turning around.

Over there were, four people. All of them were carrying guns--But this was Japan. Most likely they're model guns--, facing the depths of the alleyway.

And in the deepest part of that dead end, she saw a shadow slightly quivering. It was a cat. A kitten that was born not long ago, dragging its feet while crying out

Kitten: "Mii- Mii-"

At this point, Kurumi understood. They were probably test-firing their model guns, it was an easy way to relieve stress--Well, it was as she saw it. Kurumi narrowed her eyes.

"...What's the matter. Are you going to threaten us?"

"Hey, what are you going to do about it?"

"Ah... A girl?"

Everyone seemed to notice Kurumi's presence, looking at her together.

"Ah-...We're really sorry, this place is currently occupied. Go over there."

Saying that, they waved their hands as though trying to chase Kurumi away. However Kurumi took a step forward, revealing a smile full of charm.

Kurumi: "Ara ara. Please don't say that. I have some knowledge about the use of guns you know? May I join in?"

"Aah... ?"

One of the youths glared at Kurumi--and raised his eyebrows.

Seems like he finally noticed that a rare beauty was in front of his eyes. As he drew closer to Kurumi, his face showed an intimate look.

"Ah-What's that, you want to join in?"

Kurumi: "Definitely."

"It can't be helped. Well then, let's--"

Kurumi: "Ufufu, there's no need to trouble. Aside from that, may we slightly change the rules?"

The youths were puzzled at Kurumi's words. "Change the rules? What do you mean?"

Kurumi: "It's not anything difficult.--It's just a slight, change of target you know."

A dangerous smile showed up on Kurumi's face.

" A slight, change of target you know..."

As those words reverberated in the head of a certain albino, his hand twitched for an instance before settling down as fingers gently ran through his hair.

Tohka: "Muuu...Where has Shido gone... "

Tohka frowned, looking left and right.

A sea of people were already moving nearby, but there was no sign of Shido anywhere.

Although she was concerned for Shido who kept disappearing, she tried to follow him from behind, but upon entering a secluded building, Shido's figure abruptly vanished.

That's right, even though it was a rare date, Shido kept disappearing, so there was not much time spent together.

Tohka: "Muu... "

Tohka was displeased, but she felt uneasy soon after.

Being with Shido makes her happy. Just the two of them walking together side by side and chatting already lets her forget her sense of time.

However, no, it was precisely because of that--Once Shido left, that sensation of loneliness would be felt so strongly by her.

At this moment--probably due to being too deeply in thought, Tohka bumped into the person walking towards her.

Tohka: "Nuuooo.... !"

Falling onto her butt. Tohka stood up while patting her behind.

Tohka: "So, sorry. I walked too fast."

Origami: "It's all right. I wasn't paying enough attention."

Tohka apologized, and that person used a monotonous voice to reply.....

She didn't know why, but it sounded like a voice that she had heard somewhere before.

Raising her eyebrows in surprise and looking up.....

The face that Tohka did not wish to see the most, was right there.

Tohka: "Tobi....... Tobiichi Origami!?"

Origami: ".... Yatogami Tohka."

At this moment, Origami probably realized the same thing. At the same time Tohka called out, she replied with a bit of annoyance mixed in her voice.

Origami: "Why are you in a place like this?"

Tohka: "Th, that's my line! What are you doing here!"

Origami: "I am not obliged to answer your questions."

Tohka: "Wha--"

Just as she was about to argue back, Tohka changed her mind, now wasn't the time or place to be quarrelling with Origami.

Tohka: "...Well forget it. I'm very busy right now. I don't have time to spare for you."

Origami: "Right. I'm busy as well."

Tohka: "Hmph. Doing something that cannot be seen by others... "

Origami: "I have to find Shido."

Tohka: "..... What?"

That name that came out of Origami's mouth, made Tohka frown.

Tohka: "Hold on. Shido is on a date with me, why do you have to butt in?"

Origami: "That's nonsense. Today Shido, is on a date with me."

Tohka: "Wh, what!? Stop lying!"

Origami: "I'm not lying. You on the other hand, should stop it with those unrealistic delusions."

Tohka: "I, I'm not deluding myself! Today we came to the aquarium together!"

Origami: "What kind of Shido are you talking about, a dog? Or a puppet?"

Tohka: "Of course I'm talking about the human Shido!"

As Tohka finished speaking, Origami showed an expression as though she was pondering on some issue--Before long, she raised her head slightly as though she had noticed something.

Origami: "Don't tell me.... "

Saying that, she left, leaving Tohka behind.

Tohka: "Stop right there! Finish your sentence! What exactly is going on!"

Tohka, on the other hand, chased after Origami's back.

Shido: "Haa..., haa, haa..... "

Shido with his body slowly corroded by fatigue, finally arrived at the long bench of the park where he had parted with Kurumi.

Although the distance in between them wasn't very far, but Shidou had been running to-and-fro between Tohka, Kurumi as well as Origami for over thirty rounds. It was almost time for his body to reach its limits.

At this point, Shido wiped his sweat using his sleeve and frowned.

Kotori: "What is the problem, Shido?"

Shido: "Gah....... Kurumi isn't here."

That's right, on the long bench, Kurumi's figure was absent.

Kotori: "Eh? Hold on a minute, surveillance, any idea on Kurumi's whereabouts?"

Surveillance: "Um, the image was cut off midway. There is probably something wrong with the cameras........... "

Kotori: ".... Why is this happening?"

--Suddenly, the instant Kotori ended her sentence.

Crew Member: "Commander! There is a faint Spirit wavelength response nearby..... !"

All of a sudden, another voice belonging to one of the crew members could be heard inside the microphone.

Kotori: "Where?"

Crew Member: "In a nearby alley at the east exit of the park! This response is--it can't be wrong, it's Tokisaki Kurumi!"

Kuro: "...!?"

At those words two people jolted. One's eyes snapped open immediately and the other raised his head with his shoulders giving a jolt, looking in the direction of the east exit of the park.

Kotori: "...Hmm. Looks like something happened. Shidou, go take a look?"

Shido: "...... !"

Swallowing his ominous words back down his stomach, Shidou started to move through the park at the same time.

Adhering to the instructions by <Fraxinus>, passing by the vending machine, walking into the narrow alley.

And then.

Shido: "--Haa?"

The instant he arrived at the destination.

Shidou widened his eyes in a daze, standing there not moving a single muscle. What he saw was an overwhelming, crimson.

The grey colored walls and floor, were splattered with large amounts of crimson. At the same time, three twisted looking objects, floated up like small islands.

Faced with this bizarre situation, Shido was unable to instantaneously grasp what was going on.

No, it didn't take an instant, but many instants, over countless seconds.

When the hypothesis started to form, Shido's brain began to reject the situation that he had understood.

That's because, it absolutely cannot be understood.

In such a street, in this midst of an ordinary day like this.

--Someone, was dead.

Shido: "U--waaaaaaaaaaaaa!?"

At long last, reality finally overtook the brain's rejection. Shido let out a howl.

Kotori: "Shido! Calm down, Shido!"

Kotori's voice vibrated his eardrums, but that totally had no meaning at all.

The moment his brain understood the scene before him, the pungent stenches in his surroundings assaulted his nostrils, Shido involuntarily felt an urge to vomit. In order to resist his heavy lunch from refluxing, he held his hand to his mouth.

Back on Fraxinus, Kuro had long since awoken at the first sentence about Kurumi having a Spirit value, but upon hearing Shido's scream of anguish and fear?

His body was already up and moving.

Kotori: "Kuro?"

She got no response as he stood up and looked around, before shaking his head and raising his foot high in the air.

Kotori: "Wait-!"


With a loud boom, his foot went straight through the hull of the ship as he followed it up by prying a sizable gap in the bottom.

He immediately jumped out of said hole, burning the hole shut as a courtesy probably, diving headfirst towards Shido's location.

Back with Shido, his hand was clutching his stomach as he tried to keep his stomach from violently ejecting itself across the walls.

Kurumi: "Ara?"

His vision shifted upwards in response to that voice. In the middle of that extremely crimson sea of blood, a black covered girl stood.

Kurumi: "Shido. You've arrived already?"

Kurumi who was wearing her astral dress of crimson and black, turned her head towards Shidou's direction and spoke. In her left hand was, from god knows where, an ancient handgun with intricate designs.

At this moment, Shido realized another thing.

Inside the alley, a man was kneeling on the floor trembling.

A very young male. For some reason on his stomach was, three round circles painted with blood, as though it was a target.


The man let out short breaths as though he was on his deathbed, shifting his gaze towards Shido.

"Hel..., Help,! ...This person is..., a monster... !"

Kurumi: "Ara ara."

Kurumi turned her face towards the man once more, and took aim with the gun in her hand.

Shido: "Kurumi.... , what are, you doin--"

As Shido squeezed out his voice in a daze, Kurumi started to snicker.

It was not the usual sweet laugh. It was a laugh that would cause one's teeth to chatter and not feel happiness.

Kurumi: "You were already planning to kill something, but you did not think that you would be killed, don't you find it odd? Pointing the muzzle of a gun at a life, isn't it just like this?"

"..., Stop, it.... "

As the man raggedly spoke.

Kurumi fired the trigger without any hesitation.

Instantly, a black bullet as though it was a solidified shadow shot out of the muzzle, tracing out a pitch-black trajectory, piercing into the middle of the target drawn on the man's stomach.


The man's body twitched. After a while, no sounds were made again.

Kurumi: "100 points, I'd say."

Kurumi let out a brief sigh, throwing away the gun. After that, the gun vanished into Kurumi's shadow.

Kurumi: "I've kept you waiting, Shido. I've let you see such an embarrassing scene."

Kurumi, turned her head towards Shido's direction.

Kotori: "--do! Shido! Run! Right now!"

Shido at this point finally realized Kotori's repeated cries through the transmitter. Barely able to stand, he tried to force his trembling legs to escape from the area.


Kurumi: "Ufufu, It's... useless, you know."

Shido: "Uwa... !?"

Kurumi's voice sounded out from the rear, at the same time Shido's legs were suddenly caught, falling down with his back facing the sky. As it was too sudden, his head hit the ground heavily.

Shido: "..."

His eyes seeing sparks as a dull pain forced him to involuntarily twist his features in pain, but now wasn't the time to pay attention to such details.

He had to escape--However, something seeming to be binding his right leg, he couldn't even move a muscle.

White hands stretched out from within Kurumi's shadow, forcefully grabbing onto Shido's leg.

Shido: "Wh, this..... !"

Shido flipped his body, hastily trying to get rid of his restraints. However his legs were being held with such force that was impossible to imagine, there was no way he could escape.

At the same time all of this was being done, Kurumi slowly moved closer to Shido's front.

Kurumi: "Fufu, I've caught you."

Saying that she gave a slight smile, squatting down, moving closer as though she wanted to push Shido down.


His heart felt painful as though it was being squeezed. But, that was not due to Kurumi's beauty and her daring actions--It was purely due to, fear.

That's right. Shido currently--is in fear of Kurumi, in fear of Spirits. The calamity that kills the world. The natural enemy of humans.

Phrases that had been repeated a few times before.

Lines that Origami had been repeating to the point of nausea.

But, these first experiences accompanied by the smell surrounding his body, invaded Shidou's brain.

Kurumi: "--Aah, aah, what a failure. I should have finished them off earlier.--I was still thinking of enjoying my date with Shido a bit longer."

Kurumi used her two hands to hold Shido's cheeks,

Shido: "...,......... "

I want to run. I want to shout, he thought

But, that's impossible. His legs had already cramped up, his throat letting out ragged breaths.

Kurumi moved closer to Shido's cheek.

However, instead of saying that she attempted a kiss, it was better to say that she was about to bite his throat--

Shido: "...Eh..... ?"

At this moment. Just at this point, Shidou's throat finally squeezed out a sound.

The instant Kurumi's lips was about to make contact with Shidou, a strange feeling enveloped his body and two things happened.

One, a barrier formed around Shido, as though the air surrounding him had turned into a fluid of extremely high viscosity, feeling as though having a mind of its own, a strange feeling.

After that, in the next instant. "--Sss."

Following a short breath, Kurumi's body was lightly blown off backwards by a burst of radiance.

Her back slammed into a wall causing cracks to form as she unsteadily swayed to her feet.

The feeling of being in front of a calamity was further amplified as the sensation of burning and the sounds of heavy breathing permeated the air. Except this time, that feeling wasn't directed towards Shido. No this time...

Kuro: "Back off Kurumi..."

It was fully aimed at the Gothic Spirit herself, whom was taken aback by the almost animalistic rage that shown in the Frigid Blue orbs belonging to Kuro himself. The very air was trembling around him as the temperature rapidly rose and plunged in a seemingly random manner.

Shido: "Kuro...?"

The name hesitantly left Shido's lips as if in disbelief, Kuro glanced back before focusing once again on the girl in front of him, leaving Shido both worried and confused once more.

He couldn't understand what was happening, wouldn't accept what was going on.

Sad to say his surprises weren't finished yet.

The feeling of a barrier dissipated as he slumped backwards into someone's arms once more.

Mana: "Are you alright Shido?"

Shido: ""

Shidou raised his head while making an almost hesitant inquiry.

Not knowing when she arrived, Mana who was wearing her CR-Unit, stood there with her back towards Shido as though she was protecting him.

The equipment on her shoulders were like shields, as well as wings. It was the equipment that Shidou saw in the video before.

Mana: "That was a close one. Did anything serious happen to you?"

Shido: "Aa, aaah.......... "

Dazedly making out a sound. At this moment, Mana probably misunderstood his reaction, looking at her outfit, scratched the back of her head with unease.

Mana: "Aaah.... you were frightened weren't you. How should I put this, there is a long story behind this."

At this point, sounds of concrete fragments hitting the ground came from the front, followed by the sounds of more explosions and a shout of rage.

Mana: " , Well, we'll talk about this later."

Kuro Pov

The same time Mana ended her sentence, Kurumi was slowly standing up and opening her mouth to speak.

Kurumi: "Ara interrupt the date between Shido and I, isn't that downright rude of you?"

Kuro: "Cut the crap. I'm not in the mood right now Kurumi."

To illustrate my point Shamash was burning a bit brighter than usual, as I let it run a bit more wild.

I raised Shamash into the air before pointing it's edge in her direction.

Kuro: "I won't ask your reasons, or anything like that. I doubt you'd explain anyway."

Kurumi: "You know me to well..."

My response was to release a wall of fire in her direction for the third time, however Kurumi twisted her body, gracefully evading the flames as she spun and landed in a crouch.

Only to yelp and jump back as I slammed down where she was previously.

Kuro: "..."

Whatever. I hope you can answer me tomorrow Kurumi. You have a lot to account for even daring to bring Shido into this mess of yours.

Kurumi tilted her head upon noticing I dismissed Shamash and instead raised a fist into the air.

Kurumi: "Over so soon?"

Kuro: "Yeah..."

And then slammed it into the ground.

With a crumbling sound, the ground gave way as the surroundings disintegrated.

Looks like she wasn't able to dodge this time. Her two legs and stomach were charred black by the light. Kurumi let out cries of pain, writhing down on the spot. Crimson blood started to spread out slowly onto the ground.

Kuro: "..."

Faced with such a brutal sight, I couldn't help but tightly lock my brows.

Mana: "That sure was easy, for a monster."

The voice of Mana popped up behind me.

Kuro: "Did you leave Shido back there?"

Mana: "Yeah."

Kuro: "That's good. Thanks..."

However Mana did not say a sword as she lightly raised her right hand. Subsequently, the parts that look like a hand once again changed to the shape which resembled a shield, a huge blade of light emerged from its tip.

She prepared her hand, raising it in a motion to take Kurumi's life. Before swiftly piercing a hand through Kurumi's chest. With a silent gasp, Kurumi dissolved into the shadows below.

Mana: "I'd thought you'd attempt to stop me if I'm being honest."

I shrugged my shoulders.

Kuro: "I would have if it weren't for the fact you looked use to such things. I'm not Shido. I'm not as willing to forgive and try to plead for someone who just nearly murdered me."

Mana let out a hum at those words, watching as I walked off.

Mana: "She, is unkillable you know. No matter how many times you kill, no matter what method used to kill. That girl, will still be alright, certain to appear from some place, once again killing people left and right."

Those words making me pause and look back at the girl who seemed to age decades in a manner of seconds.

Mana: "Therefore. I will continue to kill. To that girl. To <Nightmare>. To Tokisaki Kurumi. I will continue to kill her, no matter how many, how many, how many times it may take."

Mana continued with fatigue mixed into her voice.

Kuro: "..."


This isn't right. If I leave her here she's going to do something stupid huh. And well, if she's my sister as she so proudly stated, what kind of brother would leave their sibling near this mess.

Kuro: "Mana. Just.. leave this mess for now ok?"

Mana looked up at me, before shaking her head.

I wasn't deterred in the least.

I grabbed her arm and began to drag her away from the mess of guts and gore.

Mana: "What are you doing?"

Kuro: "As much confusion as it causes me, you claimed to be my little sister. What kind of brother would I be, if I let you stay and ruminate near this scene?"

Mana fell silent at that.

Thinking she was done resisting, I begin to pick up my pace, only to freeze as I felt my limbs lock up. A green glow made it clear that it was a Territory, her Territory surrounding me.

Mana: "As sweet of you this is, I'll have to refuse. Reinforcements are coming soon, and if they see me with you, it'll make things worse. So the best thing for you to do, is leave for now."

And with a gentle push, I was sent drifting above the buildings coming to a stop several blocks down as the green glow faded away.

Shaking my head I began to run back towards where Shido was.

Shido shakily walked to the long bench at the park, weakly sitting down.

In his head, the scene that he just saw kept replaying itself. Kurumi she, had killed humans, and Kuro. He was... Shido almost didn't recognize him, such was the fury he saw in his brothers eyes.

Shido understood from inside his heart. Tohka and Origami--to put it extremely had the same kind of relationship as well.

However Tohka did not do this on purpose and Origami did not have the ability to eliminate Spirits.

Although in these two months Tohka had already gotten used to the human world, but Shido still could not relax.

It was just a thought, but if the balance were to break down, the probability of the re- enactment of a scene like just now was possible.

Tohka who had an intent to kill and Origami who had the power to kill Spirits.

Kurumi and Mana they're just like, the worst case scenarios of Tohka and Origami.

Shido: "What's with this...This kind of thing... "

Totally, unable to comprehend.

Why, would Kurumi kill humans so easily. Why, would Mana want to kill Kurumi so easily.

He was too naive. Even though he said that it was dangerous, but he still thought deep down that "Spirits must all be good people just like Tohka and Yoshino" . In the end, he had the arrogant conception that the AST was unable to kill the Spirits...


Tohka: "Shido!"

A familiar voice called out, Shido hastily raised his head.

Tohka was running in Shido's direction. It must be because Shidou did not come back so she went looking for him. Behind her, Origami's figure could be seen. It looks like they had met along the way.

Tohka: "Shido, where have you been!"

Origami: "--What, exactly is this?"

Tohka and Origami who arrived in front of Shido, directed voices of displeasure at him.

But, the present Shido, did not have any reason to make excuses anymore.

Shido: "..... Sorry."

An apology was squeezed from his throat, before once again descending into silence.

Tohka: ".... Shido?"

Origami: "Is something wrong?"

Probably finding it strange, Tohka and Origami peeked at Shido's expression with concerned looks.

Tohka: "! Shido! You weren't hurt were you?"

At this moment, Tohka pulled Shido's hand.

Because of the sudden impact of the events it had completely slipped his mind, but there was a scrape on his palm. It probably happened when his right leg was caught and he fell down.

However, the instant his hand was touched by Tohka, the scene of Kurumi dyed in blood flashed inside his head--

Shido: "Hyi.... "

His throat let out a sound as though it was difficult to breathe as he batted away Tohka's hand.

Tohka: "Eh...ah, Shido.... ?"

Tohka dazedly looked at her hand and Shido's in turn, looking at him.

Tohka: "Sorry......... did I hurt you?"

Shido: "..., I'm.... sorry."

Shido slightly dipped his head, using his trembling hand to grab his other hand.

Tohka was obviously worried for him, and was rejected by him like that, he felt like crying.

Shido: "Sorry.... I really am, sorry."

Tohka: "You don't have to take it to heart. Just tell us what exactly happened..... ?"

Shido: "...I'm sorry... "

Throwing behind such a line Shidou stood up and ran away from there.

Origami: "Shido!?"

Tohka: "Where are you goi--"

Tohka and Origami's voices could be heard from the back. However Shido did not stop his feet.

The two of them, made to chase after him only to stop when a hand placed itself on their shoulders.

Kuro: "I'll talk with him. But I need you two to walk to our house. Tohka, make sure to be nice with Origami ok?"

Perhaps because of their perplexed states, the two didn't argue. After watching the two run off, Kuro disappeared in a blur, before reappearing in front of Shido.

His hands firmly but gently gripped Shido's shoulders before both were hit with a floating sensation.

Shido: ".... This is--"

He just remembered. It was <Fraxinus>'s transfer system.

Just as he had anticipated, in an instant what Shido saw was transformed from a secluded corner of the park into the interior of <Fraxinus>.


Kuro Pov, again..

Only after being certain that his footing was stable did I release Shido.

Kotori: "It's good to know that you're okay."

At this moment, a voice sounded out behind us both. Kotori who had a maroon military uniform on her shoulders, was standing there with a complicated expression.

Shido: ".... Kotori."

Kotori: "You finally arrived at the transfer point. I shouted at you so many times."

As Kotori finished Shido reached for his right ear, his eyes widening.

Shido: "The communicator, it's gone."

That's right, the communicator that was in his ear throughout the mission was not there. It seems to have dropped somewhere. ...However he did not realize it till now.

Kotori: "Did it fall out? Since when?"

Shido: "...Sorry, I'm not too sure myself."

After Shidou answered, Kotori gave a slight nod and used her hand to support her chin.

Kotori: ".... If you think about it closely, it should be that time when Kurumi attacked right.... ? Then that voice just now--"

Shido: "Did something happen.... ?"

Shido asked, but Kotori lightly sighed and shook her head.

Kotori: "It's nothing. Aside from that, your wounds have to be treated. Hurry up and go."

Shido made to move, only to pause as he realized something.

Shido: "..., Aaah.... but, Tohka and Origami--"

He was cut off as I grabbed his arm and began to drag him to the infirmary. Meanwhile Kotori eased his worries.

Kotori: "If its Tohka, <Fraxinus> will pick her up, and give her a simple run through of what just happened. As for Tobiichi Origami... Well, she'll be fine if you left her alone. Kuro can properly compensate her tomorrow at school."

Shido: "Is that, so.... "

Shido weakly replied, letting himself go slack as I dragged him.

Shido: ".... Hey."

Midway, Shido opened his mouth while behind Kotori.

Kotori: "What is it?"

Shido: "I- We've been doing all this, is this really correct.... ?"

Inside the corridor, Kotori's footsteps stopped, turning to look at Shido.

Kotori: "What's that, supposed to mean?"

Shido: "...I am, because I am unable to forgive the Spirits'...inability to consciously control the existence of spacequakes, getting attacked by humans for no reason at all, that's the reason why I am helping you guys."

Kotori: ".... Nn, that's right."

Shido: "But...Kurumi she, to someone--"

She, murdered someone. Not by a spacequake, but using her own two hands. Using her own will.

Faced with that he was unable to not feel miserable and fearful.

Kotori: "What are you talking about?"

Shido: "In my opinion, that is...impossible.... "

Shido finally blurted out that sentence.

Shido: "It has been smooth sailing up till now, but that's because Tohka and Yoshino are good people... In the end...I, didn't really do anyt--"

At this point, Shido's words stopped. --More accurately, they have been forcibly stopped.

I had grabbed his arm and proceeded to slam him onto his back.

Shido: "Eh, ah.......... "

Kuro: "..."

Kotori: "...Don't say such useless words that easily.... "

Shido was stunned, Kotori said such words with a bitter expression. Or, it could possibly be an expression that was on the brink of tears--Shidou, at present could not make out the difference.

Kotori: "In my opinion? Impossible...? Hmph, don't complain because of something of that level! You really aren't as resolute as before........... !?"

Shido: "What's that, that kind of--"

He totally could not understand Kotori's words, Shidou held his face and asked. However Kotori did not reply, grabbing Shidou's chest and continuing.

Kotori: "You..., aren't you able to bravely face the Spirits that are even more terrifying! Save them to prove it to me! Don't say that you can't do it so easily! If you were to give up now, Kurumi will kill even more people. Mana will still do that to Kurumi and her heart will continue to wither...! ...Except for you--there's no one else that can stop that......... "

Shido: "..."

As Kotori finished, Shido forcefully swallowed his saliva.

The "Spirits that are even more terrifying" that Kotori mentioned, was not referring to Tohka and Yoshino, that fact he knew very well--but the latter half of her words, sunk themselves deeply into his mind.

That's right. The Kurumi that will slaughter humans even though she's unkillable, and Mana who continues to kill Kurumi.

Mana did say. Ever since a long time ago, that had been repeating itself.

And that would most likely...continue in a cycle. So long as Kurumi, still possessed her Spiritual power.

And, the only one that could seal off that Spiritual power, was none other than Shido.


Shido wordlessly held his forehead.

I definitely, don't wish for Kurumi to continue to slaughter humans anymore. And--I also do not wish for Mana to continue to kill Kurumi anymore.

Those were true. Shidou's true feelings. And the method to achieve such an outcome had already been clear from the start.

Shido: "..... That's right"

Saying that, he shakily started walking forward.

Kotori: "Ah, wait......... !"

Following that, Kotori chased after him with a panicked expression.

Shido: "...In order to stop Kurumi from killing even more people, there's no other choice but to seal her power. In order to stop Mana from killing Kurumi again............. There's no one that can do it but me. I know. Are you satisfied"

Kotori: "....... Nn."

Not knowing why, Kotori's voice had a bit of uncertainty mixed into it.

As I watched the two run ahead, I looked at my clenched hand.

Kuro: "That's the reason for you. And it's partly my reason as well. But the thing that is most important right now... Is you Shido. I'm here to help so you don't get in over your head anymore."

That's my reason. To make sure we never have to lose anyone else again. Not after Mother left.

That night. Shido was lying horizontally on the living room sofa while pondering. "

Raising his head to stare at the fluorescent light installed into the ceiling, he gave out a long sigh.

Tomorrow, Kurumi will come to school again. When that happens, the mission would continue.

To make Kurumi's feelings for him increase, then kiss her, thus sealing her power.

And then, everything would be solved.

Kurumi will not kill people again, and then naturally, Mana will stop killing Kurumi as well.

What Shido had hoped for, the only method that can lead to a happy ending for everyone. There's only one. Just, one.


As though he had carried something heavy, his entire body felt heavy. Shidou breathed out from his lungs depressingly.

At this moment, in the direction of the corridor, came the sound of the entrance being opened.

Shido: "Nn... ?"

Shidou wearily rose, looking in the direction of the living room entrance.

If someone entered without the doorbell or the voice system sounding.... it should be Kotori. However Kotori did mention today that due to work she had to temporarily stay onboard the airship . If that's the case then who was it?

Shidou opened the door with that kind of mentality, Tohka timidly walked in.

Shido: "Tohka......... ?"

Tohka: ".... Nn. May I come in?

There's a wrong sequence of events just by entering the room before saying this. Let's disregard that matter for now.

Shido: "Oh, oh, sure."

Tohka lightly nodded as she entered the living room, walking towards Shidou's direction.

Tohka: "Shido it okay to touch you?"

Tohka who walked up to Shido's side raised such a question. Perhaps she was still affected by the incident where Shido batted her hand away in the park.

Shido: "Aa.... aaah, it's fine."

As Shido finished talking, Tohka climbed onto the sofa, moving between the sofa and Shido.

Shido: "What are you doing..... ?"

Tohka: "It's alright, stop talking for a while."

Saying that, Tohka wrapped her arms around Shido's body, hugging him tightly from the back.

Shido: "Toh-Tohka? Wh, what are you.... "

Feeling that soft sensation on his back, Shido asked while perspiring.

Tohka: "...Nn. The television did say, that when one is lonely or afraid, it would be fine if I did this."

Shido: ".... Then let me ask you, what show was it exactly?"

Tohka: " 'Being with Okaa-sama'.... This one."

That's a children's show no matter how you look at it. Shido couldn't help but bitterly smile.

But, she was right. Shido had indeed, felt slightly calmer.

How long was she going to hug him... Suddenly, Tohka started talking.

Tohka: ".... I've heard about the incident, from Reine."

Shido: "Incident.... "

Tohka: "The one about Kurumi, Kuro and Mana. The reason why Shido was acting weird--I found out."

Shido: "... Is that, so.... "

Shido swallowed and answered.

Reine shouldn't have told Tohka too much about the incident between Spirits and the must be that if she did not tell Tohka, her mental state would once again sink into turmoil.

Tohka: "Shido. Do you still remember what you said when I moved into your house... ?"

Shido: "Eh... ?"

Shidou questioned in reply. Tohka continued to say.

Tohka: "If a Spirit the same as I appeared..... you would save them."

Shido: "Aahh--"

Shido lightly nodded. That line, he can still clearly recall it.

That's right, Shido had promised. At that time he did not lie, his determination had not wavered till now.

"Shido: But, Kurumi she--"

Tohka: "--is no different, her and I."

Shido: "Eh?"

Tohka put her face on Shido's back.

Tohka: ".... In my case, there was Shido. Shido, saved me. But, Kurumi she, didn't have anybody. All the while for a longer duration than I have, no one extended a helping hand towards her."

As though she was in pain, Tohka added more strength into her arms.

Tohka: "If it weren't for Shido, I would still be in the same state two months ago, always exposed under killing intent and hostility--I, would probably be the same as Kurumi right now."

Shido: "That kind of--"

Saying that, Shido became speechless

Two months ago, Tohka, who first met Shido, was in so much pain that one could not perceive it from her current self. Having enough of the endless battles, tired, blocked off, probably faced with the withering of her soul.

That sort of despair, if it were not easily denied by someone other than Shido, it would probably have had no effect.

Tohka: "Really--if Kurumi is a brutal Spirit that is beyond saving, I will protect Shido."

Shido: "Eh... ?"

Tohka: "Therefore...Shido. I beg you. Don't let such an incident continue to happen. Let Kurumi, stop killing humans. Stop her soul from being worn out.......... "

Shido: "......"

At those words. Shido gulped. Aaah, Shido finally understood.

Shido extremely hated Kurumi's action of killing people. Mana would never be able to forgive Kurumi's slaughter.

In order to end this vicious cycle, to stop Kurumi, Shido's determination was set. However, he was still lacking a vital piece.

Shido: ".... Thank you, Tohka."

Tohka: "Mu...Nu? W, why? Why are you thanking me--"

Shido: "...No, I owe it to you."

That's right. It was unavoidable that he had to use a kiss to seal Kurumi's power, all Shido could think of however, was the issue about how Mana and Kurumi had murdered people.

Because he had witnessed a scene that was overly impactful, he had totally forgotten the important goal of "saving Kurumi".

It was indeed true that Kurumi was a Spirit that had killed countless people. However, he would not allow something such as getting used to that act.


When Tohka's power was sealed. Shido had the determination to save Tohka.

Having the wish to save that girl who had hostility directed towards her for no reason at all no matter what.

When Yoshino's power was sealed. Shido had the determination to save Yoshino.

The girl who, despite having hostility directed at her, cared for them instead, she had to be repaid.

Therefore, Shido took action.

Indeed Shido possesses extraordinary healing ability as well as the ability to seal the power of Spirits.

However, aside from that he was only a normal high school boy regardless of size, muscular strength and intelligence. But the reason why Shido was able to reach out to the other party till the point of vomiting blood, was precisely due to this conviction.

To save Kurumi.

To the girl that was trapped in the endless cycle of slaughter, to save her. And--Mana as well.

To not let that girl who calls herself Shido's sister, continue to kill Kurumi. To stop her from wearing down her soul any longer.

It may be a delusion or just a thought.

If he didn't believe that he could do this, then it would have been impossible for Shidou to reach his hand out to them.

Shido: "-- Tohka. It's okay, I'm fine now."

Tohka: "Mu....... Are you, not lonely anymore?"

Shido: "Aahh."

Tohka: "Really, not afraid anymore?"

Shido: ".... Well, I'm still a little afraid that's all."

Shido scratched his face while smiling bitterly.

Shido: "But, I'm alright now."

Tohka: "Nn... is that so."

Saying that, Tohka, loosened her hold on Shido.

Shido stood up, lightly stretching. At the same time, his stomach growled......

Now that he recalled, ever since his lunch had been vomited out at the small alley, he didn't have anything to eat after that.

Shido: "...Let's make something to eat. Tohka, do you want to eat as well?"

Tohka: "Nn!"

Tohka energetically nodded.

As they left to the kitchen, Kuro and Kotori were in the hallway listening in.

Kotori glanced up at Kuro.

Kotori: "Are you going to tell him how you feel?"

Kuro shook his head.

Kuro: "There's no need. As much as I want to make him quit and stop being so reckless. It wouldn't be fair to every Spirit out there. Like it or not he's got a gift. It'd be rude of me to make him not use it. Besides-"

His glanced around the corner to see Tohka and Shido smiling as they made themselves a snack to eat.

Kuro: "Tohka raised his spirits and helped him reaffirm his resolve. I have to respect that no?"

Kotori: "Is that so..."

The two went quiet and quietly left to go back to the Fraxinus.

Kotori: "You still have to pay for the damage you caused to the ship by the way."

Kuro: "Guh?!"

And done. 10k words is a first for me. But yeah. new Chapter. Next Chapter will wrap up the Kurumi arc, and several more things will be discovered.


"Kurumi how could you?!"

"Your nothing more than food to me y'know?"

"Truly a pathetic showing..."

"I guess I'm nothing more than a Monster after all...


But that's for next chapter. So until then seeya.

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