
By LunaMoon1947

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Fifth book in 'Into The Woods' series. Can be a stand alone. Blue's Mama didn't know, but he remembered ever... More



317 34 1
By LunaMoon1947

Blue was in the middle of eating his lunch, bread and cheese just as he had every day, three times a day. He was sorely missing his parent's cooking now, stomach growling at the thought of a piping hot meal with farm-fresh ingredients from their backyard. He could almost taste the golden broth of his favorite soup his mother makes, liquid gold sliding down his throat and caressing his insides as it slithered down to his stomach. 

But now all he had was the stale bread, having to swallow it down with water in fear of choking on the dry loaf. 

The day had certainly dragged on forever, Blue counted each second of the day, heart racing as he tracked the time blindly, waiting for the moment when Rhys would walk through the door. 

What would they talk about? Would Rhys want to get to know everything about Blue? Would they talk about their hopes and aspirations for the future? 

Blue wanted so badly for Rhys to be different than Cyprian. He wanted Rhys to be the perfect mate that would sweep him off his feet and carry him away from this mess. But he knew better than that. This was a dangerous situation, not a fairy tale. Rhys would most likely be coming in to interrogate him on where his loyalties would fall. Perhaps talk about Blue bearing him children when the time comes. Cyprian and Rhys were both alpha's of course, they would both need heirs to continue on their bloodline. 

The door to his chamber opens slowly, and Blue startles, back straightening as he thinks Rhys is finally here to visit him. 

Though his mood is deflated as Farron slips into the room, the door closing behind him with a soft click. 

"Rhys wanted me to talk to you about the rebellion beforehand so you two would be able to talk about more than that during your first meeting." 

Farron hands Blue another water-skin, this one much bigger and filled with freezing cold water. Blue gulped down half of the contents right then, not wanting the glacial water to go to waste and warm while they talked. He was so used to having warm water that he forgot how refreshing it was to sip on a cold beverage. Of course, living in the Northern Isle, he was used to sticking his water cup outside of his window to get it nice and cold at night when he woke up with an unquenchable thirst. 

Blue still woke most nights so thirsty that it felt as if he were trekking through the desert with how cotton-mouthed he became. Though he often drank most if not all of the contents of his water-skin by the time he was ready to sleep, so he had to will himself to fall back asleep with an aching throat. 

Blue gets comfortable against the ground, wrapping the blanket around his body and propping the pillow underneath his backside to protect it from the hard floor. 

"Rhys first approached me around two years ago," Farron says, sitting close to Blue so they didn't have to speak loudly and risk someone overhearing them. "At the time, I was nothing but a lowly foot soldier. But he saw something in me that no one else did. We spent time getting to know one another, he showed a special interest in me. One day, Rhys blurted out his plans to overthrow Cyprian. I suspect that he was getting tired of my inability to see what he was subtly asking of me. He was desperate and alone, in fear for his and his people's future. But he still took the chance of confronting me with his plans. He said I was the only person he could trust in the kingdom. I, of course, had my suspicions. Could this be a trick to trust my loyalty? To see if I would be quick to join him? At first, I rejected his proposition. However, later on, I came to my senses and sought him out on my own. This was for a good cause, even if it meant going against my king. 

"Rhys was determined to take down Cyprian at any cost," Farron continues. "I do not think he anticipated the process to be a long, drawn-out one. It would take lots of planning to pull this kind of objective off. He wanted to kill Cyprian so he could gain control over the kingdom and weed out the ones who were dedicated to supporting Cyprian. He started by secretly recruiting staff members so that he would have more access to parts of the castle that he was forbidden from. More specifically, the war room and the library where they keep all the tomes on war strategies and formations. 

"He then moved on to the royal army. He picked a few men who he thought were slighted by Cyprian and the way he chose to rule. He would befriend them and make them feel heard and comforted. He would make sure without a shadow of a doubt that they could be trusted before letting them in on the plan and the subsequent role that they would be playing in it. Rhys wants to turn most of Cyprian's people against him so when the time comes to overthrow him, he will be met with little resistance. It will be tough to pull off, but I have put my faith in Rhys and that will not go away so easily." 

Blue's head reels with the information overload, having trouble processing just how deep the situation he was in went. What would his role in all of this be? He wanted nothing more than to go home to his family and forget this ever happened. But the longer he stayed in Pritor, the more it seemed that he wouldn't see the day when he would be released.

"I know this is a lot to take in," Farron says, grabbing hold of Blue's hand and giving it a light squeeze. "Do you have any questions for me?" 

Blue had questions. Many questions that he didn't know where to begin. So he chose one that he was curious about the most. 

"Was Cyprian always like that? Was he always so... cruel?"

"... Rhys tells me that he was always like that. A cruel man who has no regard for other's lives. He uses people when he sees fit, and disregards them when he has no more use for them. When he was a child he was no different. He was nothing but a spoiled little brat who took advantage of his father's kindness. 

"Cyprian's mother died in childbirth," Farron continues. "His father was a kind man. A benevolent king who cared for his people. His only flaw was that he spent most of his time helping his people and he had little time for his son. Cyprian was placated with toys and money, giving him gifts when he could not be there emotionally and physically for him. Cyprian would kill animals, first, the prey was small, but as time went on he began to have an interest in larger game. Deer, bears. Then he turned his rage to his father. He killed his father in his sleep, stabbing him over and over again until he was barely recognizable. I remember the day His Majesty died and Cyprian was crowned king. The people of Pritor were devastated, the killing was so unexpected. His father had no enemies and was loved by his people. They could have never imagined that the king's own son would be the one to kill him."

Blue swallows thickly. If Cyprian was capable of slaughtering his father in cold blood, what would he do to him given the chance? He would have to be careful not to anger the man, should he see it fit to punish Blue or worse.  

"Cyprian has killed many people since then. Innocent people who did not deserve such a fate. He loves to torture them for fun, he gets some sort of sick satisfaction from it. He has punished them for things that do not warrant a punishment. There is simply no reason for his killings, he just loves the idea of snuffing out one's life before their time. I know that we are guaranteed a peaceful second life in Moon Goddess's Kingdom, but there is something about our first life that we cling to so tightly." 

"My mother says it is the human side of our souls," Blue says softly. "We fear death because there is an unknown to it. There may not be a heaven of any sort, no Goddess's Kingdom to be welcomed into. Humans fear death, and our human sides recognize that fear. Resonate with it. While our wolves know we will be handled with care, our human counterparts worry about the unknown. Mama always used to say that our first life is where we learn and experience life for the first time. We make mistakes and learn from them, we fall in love and meet our forever mates. We develop our own skill sets and interests and grow until we can no longer. We get so comfortable with the lives we have that we forget about our second life. Which is why when we are faced with death, we do not go gentle. We fight and cling to the earth with bloodied, broken fingernails. 

"My Mama is also a pessimist, Blue continues, smiling wistfully as he remembers his Mama and the soft lilt to his voice as he spoke. "He has a pretty dreadful view of the world. It is full of pain and misery and most suffer through their first life. It mostly comes from the way he was raised. He was an orphan, then homeless, then abused severely by his mate. If he knew the situation I was in now, he would draw a parallel to his own life. But I will not allow the cycle to repeat itself. I will not let Cyprian touch me, abuse me." 

"It is not that simple," Farron says, noticeably worried. He must be severely intimidated by Cyprian, if not afraid of the man. "Cyprian is cold and calculated. He gets what he wants when he wants it. There is no stopping him once he sets his mind to something." 

"Has he ever..." Blue trails off, not knowing how to breach the topic. "... Raped Rhys?" 

"Not that I know of," Farron says. "Though I am positive he would have told me. They have been intimate, they are mates, of course. He was always hesitant, if not a little reluctant, not because he didn't want to but because he wanted it so badly he thought that it might convince Rhys not to go through with killing Cyprian. Deep down he loves his mate, they have a connection that no other can have. It goes deeper than skin and it can be hard to resist the charms of a mate. I know he wishes Cyprian were a better man. I wish that as well. If it meant Rhys's happiness, I would pray to Goddess to turn back time and make it so Cyprian was the perfect man, the perfect mate for Rhys." 

"I cannot imagine having to go against your natural instincts to betray a mate like that."

"You very well might have to," Farron says, eyes locking with Blue's. "Whatever happens, you must stay strong. Rhys will come and see you tonight. I am going to distract Cyprian and the guards so he can sneak in. He is quite elated to meet you, as I am sure you know through his letters. I'll say this again, Blue, Rhys truly wants what is best for you. He would never purposefully lead you down the wrong path, and I hope that tonight you truly get a chance to know him the way I see him."

Farron gives Blue's hands one final squeeze before rising to his feet. 

"I am afraid our time is up. I just received word via mind link that I must report to the throne room. Some official statement from Cyprian about the upcoming raid."

"Upcoming raid?"

"Yes, Cyprian plans to lead a fleet to the small kingdom of Kahylde. He wants to take over their land so they can get closer to the Northern Isle."

"But Kahylde is more of a farming kingdom, most of the inhabitants are agriculturalists. They do not even have their own proper military to defend themselves. It will be a bloodbath!" 

"That is exactly what Cyprian wants. A bloodbath." 


Night came quickly, Blue eating his dinner rather fast as he awaited Rhys's arrival. His meal of stale bread and cheese barely phased him as he gobbled it down, his nerves getting the best of him. 

He rather impatiently waited for Rhys's arrival, finding himself fidgety and anxious. He felt as if he couldn't wait any longer. Which is why his disappointment mounts when the door creaks open for the second time that day, revealing Cyprian instead of Rhys. 

"Good evening, Blue," Cyprian says, shutting the door behind him. Blue's chain clanks as he shifts backward, a feeble attempt to put some distance between himself and Cyprian. "I thought I would pop in for a visit since I had some free time. Tell me, dear mate, how have you been enjoying your stay?" 

Blue says nothing, glaring at Cyprian from his spot on the floor. 

"Not so keen on talking today, hmm? That is alright, I have much to say for the both of us." 

Cyprian sits on the floor in front of Blue, clasping his hands in his lap.

"I've given you some time to think," Cyprian says, icy blue eyes staring into Blue's. "About what I plan to do with you. You have one more chance to bear my children willingly. Now, I know you are strong-willed. You have proven this when we first talked. I see potential in you to become something great under my tutelage. You could become something wonderful. All you have to do is swear your allegiance to me. 

"I do not want a weak mate," Cyprian continues. "And you have proven yourself to be far from weak. You survived the month-long journey to my palace, whereas the other hostages perished. You stood your ground when up against me when most people would crumble under my gaze alone. What do you say, Blue? Will you join me in making our mark on this forsaken world? Will you be my prince?" 

Cyprian stands, walking towards Blue with purpose. He takes his hand and strokes Blue's cheek with a surprisingly gentle touch, but the younger was not having it. He turns his head, biting down on his hand hard. Cyprian snarls, backhanding Blue so hard his head spins and his vision momentarily darkens. He stumbles back, his body colliding with the wall behind him. 

Cyprian grabs hold of Blue's throat, squeezing hard, making the omega choke. His airways immediately close with his strong grip, his lungs burning as he fails to draw breath. His windpipe felt as if it was being crushed within him. 

"Don't you ever bite me with the intent to hurt ever again, you little bitch," Cyprian slams Blue so his head cracks against the wall. "Since you want to bite, I shall bite you as well." 

Cyprian forces Blue's head back so his throat is exposed. 

"No! Agh, stop! Get the fuck off of me!"

Blue screams and thrashes, clawing and kicking at any part of Cyprian's body that he could. He shrieks as Cyprian bites down on the crook of his neck, forcefully marking him. Blue thumps his fists against Cyprian's back, though despite his pain, his canines elongate. Cyprian takes advantage of this, pushing his face into Cyprian's neck, and forcing Blue to mark him as well. 

Blue lets out a muffled cry, Cyprian's blood filling his mouth as their bond forms. Tears leak down his face as complex emotions rip through him. His head pounds and his body throbs with the pain of his injuries. He rakes his claws down Cyprian's back, blood bubbling along the scratch marks. 

"I've never had someone fight back before," Cyprian smirks, Blue's blood dripping from his chin from the mating mark. "It is exhilarating. Struggle more, I like that there is a fire in you." 

Cyprian grabs hold of Blue's waistband, tugging on his pants to loosen the ties on them. Blue screams bloody murder, kicking and flailing, swinging his arms and connecting his fists with Cyprian's body.

Blue is twisted around so his bruised face presses against the stone wall. Cyprian finally yanks Blue's pants around his ankles and reality sinks in for Blue at that moment. He realized just how much stronger Cyprian was in comparison to him. How weak he felt. But he knew he was panicking and was acting out of fear, not creating a plan to escape. 

Blue takes a wheezing breath, the closest he could get to a deep, leveled one, before twisting in Cyprian's grip, bringing his knee up and digging it into his crotch. Cyprian curses, grabbing hold of his genitals as Blue scrambles away from him. 

Blue rushes towards the door, being yanked back as Cyprian grabs hold of his ankle chain. He drags Blue backward, grabbing hold of his ankle in a tight, unforgiving grip. 

"Help," Blue cries out. "Somebody help me!" 

The door slams open, Rhys stands in the entryway. He gasps as he notices the state Blue is in, bloodied and bruised, Cyprian clinging onto him.

"Cyprian, get off of him!" 

Rhys yanks Cyprian off Blue, the omega scrambling away from the pair, breathing heavily.

"You are needed in the war room," Rhys says, helping Cyprian onto his feet. "Now get out."

Cyprian growls, the sound deep and guttural. Rhys flinches, his eyes downcast as he adds a soft 'please'

"This is not over," Cyprian snarls, storming out of the room, leaving Blue to pull his pants up and recover from the attack. 

And finally, Rhys and Blue are alone. 

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