The Ministry Child: Phantomime

By IStoleTime

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After the death of her Father Albany is struggling with her grief, she had lost every single member family in... More

Take Your Time
Lockdown At The Ministry
Romantic Gestures Never Go To Plan
That Ghoul!
Ghostly Encounters
Mystery Solved
Halloween With The Ghouls
Cluedo At The Ministry
A New Year, A New Routine
A Change Of Scene
Copia, What Did You Do?!
Times Of Change
Back To Business
He's Back
Papa Nihil
Revisiting The Past
Our Old Getaway
I Missed You
Breakfast At The Ministry
The European Tour
An Outing With Two Papas.
Near The End
Los Angeles
Returning From Hellfest
Let's Play Ball!
A Day At The Beach
Training At The Beach
A Nightmare Revisited.
Jesus Is Coming
Glass Caskets
Father Jim DeFroque
Rude Awakening
Calling From A Land Down Under
Frater Imperator
A Big Change
Family Time!
Kite Flying With The Frater

Another City, Another Country

107 9 14
By IStoleTime

Chapter 22!

Another City, Another Country 

19th April 2022 - Cologne, Germany 

Sister Imperator's new frontman had wowed the fans of the United Kingdom, his sucess was reaping the benefits for the Clergy. Their plans and preparations over the last year were finally playing out the way they desired, their idea of introducing Papa Nihil and his old songs to the rituals had gained more popularity for their satanic band. 

Albany was enjoying seeing the sights and sounds of the different cities they visited around Europe, her time away from the Los Angeles Ministry was enjoyable. She hadn't had much time to explore some of the cities due to the band's limited time, but it didn't help much that Papa Nihil always decided to follow her whenever she wanted to leave the tour bus for a moment of peace. He had left the tour bus more than once, his ghostly form could now possess his deceased corpse beyond his planned appearances between the rituals. The elderly Papa had caused many embarrassing moments on the tour so far, it's seemed like these moments weren't going to end anytime soon.

The pouring of the coffee maker disturbed the silence of the tour bus, it was just after 9am. Albany was making some coffee for herself and her lover, they had a mornings worth of paperwork to complete before tonight's ritual. It was the only part of the day they had where they wouldn't be disturbed, the ghouls and ghoulettes were fast asleep in their bunks. Copia was sitting at the tour buses kitchen table, he was going through some contracts for the venue his satanic band were performing at tonight. Albany soon joined him and placed a cup of coffee far away from his paperwork, she didn't want anymore mishaps or ruined documents before her Father woke from his slumber. Sitting across from her lover Albany took a sip of her hot beverage while she went through an email from Sister Imperator on her laptop, her workload was more mangable since they weren't in an office environment. The atmosphere was more relaxed on the tour bus, they didn't really have a deadline to complete their paperwork like back at the Ministry. Albany began to reply to the email, but her lover's foot playing her own caught her attention. Copia's features were curious, his voice broken the silence between them.

 " Albany, can I ask you something?" He asked.

" Sure, what's up?" She asked.

" Would you like to go on a little tour of Cologne this morning?" He asked.

" Do we have enough time before your ritual?" She asked.

" We can spare an hour or two, it's okay." He replied.

" And what about Papa?" She asked while she rested her chin on her hand. " You do remember we had to take him with us when we had that little tour of London before we travelled to Scotland, he'll want to tag along again."

" Don't remind me about that, he tooted on that tour bus..." He said.

" At least it was an open top tour bus, the tour guide did blame the smell on River Thames even though we knew otherwise." She replied with a soft sigh. " Not to mention we almost left his body in Paris, it's a good job you've got such an amazing crew. If they hadn't noticed Sister would have been furious."

" Kevin is cool, I know." He said.

" The ghouls really need to stop trying to hide his casket, but it's understandable with his behaviour towards them lately on the tour bus." She said.

" Pops is a dickhead, it's expected when he's got no brain activity." He said.

" Be nice, he's still my Father!" She smiled.

" True that, but that can't be helped." He said with an amused expression." Anyway, let's arrange some plans. This morning I would like take you sightseeing. It can be a thank you for all your hard work. It's a good idea, yes?"

" That does sound nice." She said.

 " We can visit Cologne's Cathedral and try some of the city's cuisine, maybe have a little dinner in a restaurant." He said before he signed one of his contracts. " I hear that the bratwurst is very good here, it's a local speciality."

" Sausages?" She asked.

" I do enjoy a little nibble on a German sausage." He said.

" You're encourgable!" She said with a giggle. " But that does sound nice, it would be good spending sometime away from the ghouls for couple of hours. They're getting restless and rowdy, but the ghoulettes are angels. Do you know I caught Sunshine trying to braid my hair this morning while I was asleep in my bunk?"

" She did?" He asked.

" Yes, it was rather sweet in a weird way." She replied.

" Should I let the ghouls and ghoulettes roam the city tonight after the ritual?" He asked, their gaze soon met. " It may calm them down, they have too much pent up engry."

" That doesn't sound like a good idea, it would infuriate Sister Imperator if the Clergy got wind of it again." She said, her gaze lowered towards the keyboard of her laptop while she typed. " They may end up eating someone or bringing random objects to the tour bus again like they did in Rotterdam."

" That wasn't my fault, the old guy let them out..." He said.

" Ghosts can't open doors, we both know that Copia." She said.

" Pops could have possessed his body again, he can do that now." He said.

" Are you sure about that?" She asked.

" That's what Sodo told me, he said the old guy gave them permission to open the door." He said while his foot brushed against his lover's leg. " You believe me, right?"

" I don't want to get involved, the ghouls maybe listening." She said before she looked at her lover over the top of her laptop's screen. " There's no escape from a moving tour bus, it's a known fact unless you're pushed. But we could do something nice for them to ease some of their tension, let's buy them some Apple Streudel for their after ritual treat."

" Can I have some Apple Streudel?"

Albany and Copia were both caught off-guard by the unannounced intrusion, they had no idea that someone had been eavesdropping on their conversation. Papa Nihil soon appeared in his ghostly form along the aisle, his features were pleasant for a change. His mood seemed cheerful, but Albany knew that his phantasm form wouldn't be able to handle anything solid. They had learnt that lesson the hard way, the aftermath of his attempts of eating Pannenkoeken in Rotterdam had been an eye opener for themselves and the rest of the tour bus. His voice was soon heard again, his speaking tone was hopeful.

" Well?" Papa asked.

" I don't think that's a good idea, Papa." Albany replied, she glanced at her lover. " Your phantasm form  wouldn't be able to stomach Apple Streudel, I'm sorry."

" I could try again." Papa said.

" It still doesn't sound like a good idea, not after what happened in Rotterdam." Albany said.

" Just one bite, yes?" Papa asked.

" The answer is no, Pops!" Copia said, he motioned his hands towards the ghostly Papa. " It would go straight through you, the mess would be revolting. We all know what happened last time you tried to eat while you possessed your corpse!"

" That was a little teething problem!" Papa frowned.

" We had to hang your body upside down and let it drain out on the venue's car park!" Copia said, he then motioned his hands towards his lover. " Poor Albany had to clean up the mess you caused on the tour bus, it smelt like your dead ass for days on here!"

" That's not true!" Papa yelled.

" Yes it is!" Copia frowned.

" No it's not!" Papa yelled.

" Please don't argue again..." Albany sighed.

" Stay out of this, little one!" Papa said.

Albany's pleas were ignored, she listened to Copia and her Father arguing yet again. It was becoming a regular occurrence since the tour began, there was no way of separating them on the tour bus. Sighing deeply to herself Albany turned her attention towards her laptop and continued to type out the email to Sister Imperator, it seemed like the sightseeing plans with her lover were on hold yet again due to her Father's arrangementive behaviour.


20th April 2022 -Frankfurt, Germany 

The drive from Cologne to Frankfurt had been straightforward, there had been no mishaps along the way. Copia and his bandmates didn't have a ritual until the the 22nd of April at the Festhalle Frankfurt Arena, they were due to start their rehearsals and sound checks in the morning. Papa Nihil and the ghouls were taking an afternoon nap on the tour bus, the ghoulettes volunteered to watch them while the secret lovers had a walk around the city of Frankfurt. 

The city of Frankfurt was colourful and historical, the riverside was beautiful. The day was sunny and the sky was blue, it was the perect day for a walk around the city. Albany and Copia had visited one of the many museums, they had walked the streets unnoticed since Copia was mostly unrecognisable without his Papa attire. They had brought some Frankfurter Würstchen and some coffee from a food stand, it smelt delicious. They soon found a quiet place by the riverside to sit and enjoy each others company. Taking a sip of her coffee Albany felt Copia's hand brushing against her shoulder, his arm was draped over the back of the bench. His fingers twirling a strand of his lover's hair their gaze met, he leaned in close before he spoke with companion.

" This is nice, just the two of us." He said, he crossed his legs and relaxed a little bit more on the bench. " No Pops, the ghouls or ghoulettes. The stuffy tour bus is a distance memory for now. It's a nice day and there's boats on the river, also the Frankfurter Würstchen was very good."

" It was a little too filling for me, but it was nice." She said.

" I hope you have room for dessert." He said, his gaze was filled with desire. " We could find somewhere quieter, it's been weeks since I've got you alone."

" And here was me hoping for some ice cream." She said.

" We can have some ice cream too." He said.

" That's even better then!" She smiled before she checked her watch. " We should be getting back soon, but if you're lucky you could sneak into my bunk tonight for a little cuddle."

" A little somethin' somethin'?" He asked.

" My bunk is too creaky for a quick tickle, but a cuddle is always good." She said with a smile. " When we spend the night in that hotel in Finland I promise my special little something will make an appearance."

" Your lacey little somethin' somethin'?" He asked.

" If you play your cards right." She replied.

" You're a little tease, you know that right?" He asked.

" Oh, I know." She smiled.

Albany kissed her lover's cheek before she got to her feet, she told him they could stop by a bakery to buy something sweet for an after ritual treat. A groan of frustration escaped Copia's lips, he wasn't too pleased that she had teased him with false hopes of a night of passion in her bunk. Copia soon got to his feet and threw his coffee cup in a trash can, he then took his lover's hand in his own. They walked back along the riverside and down many streets until they reached a little bakery, there verity of desserts were tempting. Black Forrest Cake, Apple Streudel and Crumb Cake. The choices were endless, but Copia settle on buying a Crown Cake for his ghouls and ghoulettes.

 Albany was trusted to carry the dessert box back to the tour bus, her lover didn't want any mishaps while they made their way back to the coach. It wasn't long until they returned to the venue, they made their way to the back of the building where the Clergy's tour bus was parked up. Copia took the lead and guided his lover towards the coach, his foot steps were soon heard on the steps of their home from home vehicle. His hand curling around the door handle he motioned his other hand towards Albany, his gentlemanly manners were always noticeable.

" After you, Albany." He said.

Copia opened the door for his lover, she thanked him before she entered the tour bus. The tour bus was silent, there wasn't anybody around. Albany placed her handbag on the table and kicked off her heels, but a strange gurgling sound caught her attention. Her lover was standing in the doorway, his hand was resting against his stomach. Sweat was glistening on his brow, his features were concerning. She eyed him up curiously, her voice soon broke the silence between them.

" Are you okay?" She asked.

" I think the Frankfurter Würstchen isn't agreeing with my stomach..." He groaned.

" Oh, that doesn't sound good!" She said, there was sympathy in her voice. " Go and do what you need to do, I'll find something to settle your stomach. We should have some Pepto-Bismol in the cupboard."

" Thank you, baby." He said.

Albany lovingly caressed his arm while she told him he would be okay, but a peculiar grumbling sound disturbed their tender moment. Copia immediately hurried along the aisle and slammed the bathroom door behind him, his groans were soon heard throughout the tour bus. Her nose scrunched up in disguest when she heard him violently tooting, it seemed like his lunch was making an unannounced reappearance. Closing the door to the tour bus Albany carried the dessert box to counterside and opened the refrigerator door, but a voice saying her name caught her attention. Her gaze was met by a familiar face, it was the ghostly form of Papa Nihil. His features were stern, he didn't look too impressed with his only living child.

" And where have you been?" He asked.

" I went to buy some Crown Cake, it's an after ritual treat for the ghouls and ghoulettes." She replied.

" And why did the boy go with you?" He asked.

" Copia paid for it, he insisted." She replied.

" I don't trust him around you, the way he looks at you sometimes is unsettling!" He said, his brow furrowed. " I would like you to spend less time with him."

" I can't do that, he's my superior." She said, her gaze met with his own. " Also we're on the same tour bus, it's kind of hard for me to keep my distance from Copia when I'm his clerk."

" At least try, I worry for your chastity. " He said.

" Oh my God, stop it!" She sighed.

" Also remember to lock the bathroom door, he could be a peeping Tom." He said.

" Excuse me?" She asked.

" I know what happens on tour buses, it was the same back in my day." He said before he moved closer towards his only living child. " The drinking and partying until dawn, the constant orgys. Also the partially clad ladies tempting you at every opportunity with their womanly curves, the wacky tobacky."

" There's no partially naked ladies on the tour bus..." She said.

" Not yet." He said.

" It's not the sixties anymore, things have changed since then." She said with a slight smile. " Stop worrying, everything is okay. Copia isn't like that, he's actually quite endearing when you get to know him. Maybe you should spend sometime with him, get to know him instead of judging him all the time."

" Stop defeating him!" He frowned.

" I'm not defeating him..." She said with a sigh. " I'm trying to keep the peace on the tour bus. I'll arrange something, okay? We can have an afternoon out together, just the three of us."

" Can it just be the two of us?" He asked.

" Give him a chance, please Papa?" She asked.

" Fine, fine!" He grumbled before he waved his hand in dismissal. " Just one chance, but if he does anything to embarrass me I'll possess him and throw his useless sack of skin from the tour bus!"

" Wouldn't that mean you'd be thrown from the tour bus too?" She asked.

" Im dead, it wouldn't hurt me." He said.

" Stop being overdramatic, Papa." She said.

" I use to toss people from the tour bus all the time back when I use to tour with Sister, it was great fun." He said.

" But you've only ever had one ritual." She said.

" Don't undermine me, little one!" He said.

" Okay, I think someone is getting grouchy." She said, her speaking tone was sincere. " Go and take a nap, we'll speak before you take center stage for your saxophone solo."

" You're coming to watch me play tonight, yes?" He asked.

" Of course, Papa." She replied.

" I'm the star of the show, remember that Albany." He said, his features were smug. " The boy is my supporting act, just give it time and I'll be the new frontman for the Clergy."

" If you say so..." She said.

" I know so!" He said.

Albany rolled her eyes at her Father, he still thought he was the star of the show. He constantly took unnecessary digs at Copia, he belittled him daily. His behaviour was hostile towards the newest Papa Emeritus. Placing the dessert box in the refrigerator Albany told her Father to go and take a nap, she had things to do before the ritual began. Papa Nihil soon left his only living child in peace after he had a little grumble about Copia occupying the bathroom, it wasn't his fault he was feeling unwell. Her thoughts soon turned towards planning a day out with her Father and Copia, it wasnt going to be easy since they were constantly at each others throats.

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