Isla's - HS

By vwxy234

27.9K 870 515

Ivys working on her debut album, only having released a surprisingly successful EP. Harry owns a flower shop... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight

Chapter fourteen

722 18 0
By vwxy234

**I already had this posted but i deleted it by accident... sorry lol

November 6

"Baby, you'll do just fine today. You always do." Harry's soft sleepy voice rings through my bathroom. Im sitting on my counter doing my makeup this morning while harry's face half smushed against his pillow sits on my phone screen.

We try to call in the mornings when we are getting ready or awake in the mornings when we aren't together. "I know," I sigh. "It's just nerve wracking every time. Even when it goes well I still have to put up with people twisting my words and shit." I put my eyebrow pencil back in my makeup bag, before grabbing my mascara.

I open the lid before putting my phone face down on the counter. I don't think we are far enough into our relationship for him to see the face I make trying to get all my eyelashes even. "Where'd you go?" I can hear the pout in his voice.

Throwing everything back into my makeup bag, I pick the phone back up and take Harry on my phone with me to get a coffee in the kitchen. "Just finishing up, sorry" I fake a pout back at him.

"So you do want to come over this weekend then? We miss you" My heart warms with everything he says. I always feel so wanted with them.

"Yeah of course," I say, reaching for another strawberry from the container on my counter. "I'll come over on friday? I'll bring dinner?"

"Sounds good, baby" he smiles at me. His raspy voice in the mornings is one of my favourite things about him. I love our calls in the morning, Islas usually still sleeping so it's truly just us. On the off chance that Isla has woken up early; he sets his phone on the counter and speaks to me while he makes her breakfast.

Harry's door opens and he finally picks his head up from his pillow. As soon as he sees the door his smile widens. "Morning, Daddy" I hear Isla say entering through the door, her little feet padding through the hardwood in Harry's room. She jumps up onto his bed, climbing herself over him to find a spot for her morning cuddles.

"Good morning, Darling," He says, kissing her forehead when she gets settled.

She cuddles up to him and when her eyes meet mine; they light up. "Ivy! Goodmorning! I didn't see you there" she giggles, laying her head back down onto the pillows.

We talked briefly about their plans for the day while I finished my strawberries. Isla was excitedly telling me that while they are out today, they're going to look for a dress for her to wear for Christmas dinner next month. I love listening to her talk about things she loves or is excited for.

Her entire face lights up along with her eyes. Her movements become exaggerated when she starts flinging her arms all over the place to ensure we can understand the importance of certain things. Her passion for things she loves is surely a trait she got from Harry. Harry has the same facial expressions and excitement Isla does. It really is the cutest thing to see.

When it was time to leave, I poured the rest of my coffee into a cup I could take with me to finish on my way. "Alright you two." I start putting my cup with my purse ready to go on the counter by the door. "I've got to get going. Have fun today! Isla, make sure your daddy remembers to call me tonight so you can show me the dress you picked!"

"I wont dont worry! " She exclaims from her spot beside harry "Bye-bye Ivy, have a good day doing your talking" she tells me. While harrys trying to hold in a laugh at her reassurance for my interview.

"Thanks, babe," I slip on my shoes. "I suddenly feel much better." I say with a giggle.

"Good luck, sweet girl" Harry spits out before Isla steals the rest of the little time we have before I absolutely need to be out the door. "We're proud of you."

I blow a kiss to my two favourite people before hanging up and slipping my phone into my bag, and searching for my keys. I grab my coffee and head for my car and lock my front door.

The drive to the interview felt like it was never ending. I attempted to listen to music like I usually do, but I couldn't get my mind silent enough to listen to it. I shut it off less than five minutes into the drive and the remaining twenty minutes were spent giving myself a pep talk.

I found a spot to park quite close to the building and made my way inside and up the elevator. I take a breath before pushing the door open and smiling at the lady at the front desk. "Good morning" I say walking up to the desk.

"Good morning! How can I help you?"

"I have a meeting with Maggie Hill at 10" she nods, looking at the schedule on the computer sitting on her desk. "Perfect. Alright, you're a little bit early so have a seat on the couch over there and Maggie will come greet you." she smiles gesturing to the seating area on the other side of the room.

"Thank you" I walk over to the couch sitting down. It was no longer than five minutes until a lady came through the hallway stopping in front of me. "Ivy. Lovely to meet you, I'm Maggie" her arms are held open in front of me for a hug.

"I'm Ivy" I hug her back, "Great to meet you." She led me through the floor to her office. She gestures to the arm chairs by the window on either side of a table. "Would you like water, coffee, or tea?" Maggie asks, grabbing her notebook and computer from her desk.

"I would love a water. Thank you."

She sits down on the chair beside mine, handing me a glass of water and setting her coffee next to her laptop on the table.

"I'm so happy we could schedule this" she points to her phone on the table with her voice recording agg open. "Are you okay with me recording this? It's just easier for me to pay attention to our conversation when I don't have to worry about detailed notes, and I can listen back later."

"Oh yeah of course!" I assure her I'm fine with that and she starts the recording.

"Great, thank you! So when the recording is going, that's the content I will use for the interview. Whatever is said when the recording is off, is off limits. Sounds good?" she explains.

I nod my head agreeing before she adds, "If you want to speak privately at any point feel free to pause the recording to tell me what questions are off limits, or you don't want to talk about something." She makes sure I understand.

"Sounds good, Thank you Maggie!"

She starts with the usual beginning questions I'm asked in almost every interview I've done. "Were you surprised when your EP blew up the way it did?" Maggie asks me when she's done with her initial questions.

"Oh absolutely." I answered "It was crazy. Before 'conflict' was released, I had only put out singles. I was really proud of them at the time, and I still am because they helped me get here, but I feel like conflict was a lot more me, than the singles were."

"Conflict is amazing. I've listened to it multiple times and I always listen to the projects of the people that I interview, but conflict was one I definitely enjoyed."

"Thank you!" I blush slightly. I love talking about music but it'll always make me slightly uncomfortable talking about my own. "That's so sweet, I really appreciate that."

"Have you been working on anything else since the release?"

"Oh yes, I'm working on an album! I'm having so much fun with it."

"A whole album? That's so exciting! I thought I heard you say in another interview you were doing another shorter project?" she questions.

"That was the original plan" I nod my head. " But then I realised that I had five songs completed already and it just didn't feel anywhere near done yet." Maggie nods her head still taking a few bullet points. "So I talked to my producer, Mark about what we should do and we ended up deciding to do an album and just keep writing until we feel it's done."

"I love that! I'm sure a lot of people will be very excited to be getting more music." she smiles "And mark, this is the third thing you've done with him as your producer now, why did you choose to work with him again for the album? The EP I'm sure would have gotten you some offers with others." she asks.

"It's been a lot of fun working with Mark again. We somehow have both very similar and very different minds when it comes to music, so we get along well but we also learn from each other and try new things." I say confidently. "I really love Mark, he's a great guy. I actually go to his house for family dinners with his wife and kids usually about every month."

"That's so cute." she writes that down in her notebook, underlining Mark's name. "Alright, Ivy I feel like we've covered just about all my music related questions. How about we move on?"

I know what's coming now, I was talking to Harry this morning because I knew this would be brought up. I asked him what he wanted me to say to her. I told him I was going along with whatever he wanted because I'm the one who brought the issue into the relationship.

He made sure to include me in the decision, but we decided that I would be pretty out front with our relationship because it's hard to deny. They all saw the pictures of us that were taken over the last month. Harry thought if I was pretty honest about him it would make my life easier and manage my anxiety better to not have to keep up with lies and hold certain stuff back in interviews and things.

We also agreed to not talk about Isla. She hasn't been pulled into this yet, and we are planning on keeping it that way as long as possible. There's no way we will be able to avoid people finding out about her forever, but even then she will be living a private life. Harry will be too but he said he honestly doesn't mind if I talk about us.

He also made sure that I knew that he wasn't telling me to name drop him. He told me many times it was up to me what I tell her but he wanted me to know he won't be mad if I want to talk about it more. He was so worried I would be thinking that he was being like Mave wanting shit from me, but I made sure he understood that I didn't think that at all.

"Yeah for sure! What's next?" I ask, smiling back at her.

"Recently there's been some pictures circulating of you out and about with a man." she states, "Is it a boyfriend?" she asks. I'm always a little surprised when these people actually flat out ask me. I would for sure be too uncomfortable to go out and ask someone to publicly announce a relationship.

I smile when she brings him up, I knew it was coming but I always smile when I think about him. I nod "Yes," I state "I met someone a little while ago" I give a small detail of information.

"Do we know him?" she asks, "I don't think anyone has said a name yet"

"No, I mean you may know him, he likes to talk" I joke. "His name isn't out there yet, but it's Harry."

"Girl, you're doing great recently. A great EP, working on an album, and a boyfriend!" she giggles, teasing me a little.

"He's great for sure." Maggie has a soft smile on her face. "Alright" she says leaning over and stopping the recording. "Thank you for coming to meet with me today Ivy. I would love to have you again closer to the album release!"

"I had fun Maggie! Thanks for having me. I'll have to get back to you about coming back when I know dates and stuff, but I would love to for sure!"

I wave to Lindsey at the front desk on the way out and head back out to the car. The next couple hours I just have to make some stops and cross some things off my to do list. It's starting to get a little bit overwhelming. I head to the bank and then make my way to the fitting that my designer, Charlie requested for today. I was invited to be on a late show next month and Charlie told me he had a problem with the dress and had to make some adjustments. He just wants to make sure it still looks right with the changes he made.

— — —

The fitting was quick, The dress looks great, he just has to loosen one part of it slightly. I just have to run to the grocery store before I go home. As I turn into the parking lot, someone is leaving from next to what looks like my car. They quickly move towards the exit on the other side of the lot from me. The way they carry themselves makes me think it's a man but I really can't tell.

I quickly look around the lot and decide it's probably safest to quickly get to my car and lock myself in. I quickly move myself over there and do a quick walk around of my car to see if anything stands out. I glance in all the windows as well to make sure nobody's in there. The fact that that person was right there by car and rushed out as soon as I got here really messed with me but nothing looks messed with.

I unlock my car and get in, locking it immediately. I put my seatbelt on and leave almost as soon as the car turns on. I'm watching the cars behind me, I feel so paranoid but the fucking flowers are still creeping me out too so I cant act too suprised.

I make my way to the grocery store, still checking in the rear view mirror for anything odd. Once I'm in the parking lot, I find a spot close to the store and near other cars, just in case. I make my way through the store quickly grabbing things and putting them in my basket. I turn into the fruit section and look over all the options to see what I feel like. I grab strawberries, obviously, as well as some mangos and blueberries.

"You still eat them every morning?" I hear a man's voice say behind me. I quickly turn around and somehow I manage to hold in the scream I desperately want to let out. I immediately recognize Zack standing there. He's way too close, as soon as I was facing him his face was right in front of mine.

I quickly take a few steps back, "Stop" is all I say grabbing my basket from the ground by my shoes. I start to walk away before I feel his hand wrap around my wrist. "Wait. Ivy." He pulls me back.

I pull my arm from his grip "Don't touch me, Zack" I start to leave again.

"I want to talk to you, Ivy"

"I don't care" I say walking off. I look at my basket and decide I will get the rest of my stuff another day and head right for the checkouts. I pick the lane with the shortest line and pay as quickly as I can.

I walk through the doors, putting my basket back in the spot by the door and walk towards my car. Zack is standing by the passenger side door but I quickly unlock the driver's side door, so only my door unlocks and I immediately lock it when I'm inside. I throw my grocery bags and purse on the seat and floor of the passenger side.

Zacks banging on the window and trying to pull the handle to open the door.

I turn the car on, and pull out of the parking spot slowly, making sure not to run over his feet, then speed up pulling out of the parking lot. I take the long way home and take a couple extra turns here and there watching to make sure he isn't following me.

I've moved to a new apartment since Zack and I broke up so he wouldn't know where I lived anymore. So I'm trying to be extra safe so he can't follow me and know where I live again.

After about a forty five minute drive which only should have taken twenty, I pull back into my complex. I park in my spot on the street and lock the car. I have my grocery bags and my purse layered on my arms because I refuse to come all the way back down here.

As I'm walking through my floor and I turn the corner to my hallway, I see Zack as I walk past him. I stop for a second about to turn around to leave back out to my car until I realise he's now between me and the way out, so I continue on walking towards my apartment.

I grab my key while I'm walking so I'm ready as soon as I get to the door. I reach my door and I'm turning the key, walking in and shutting the door. Immediately lock the door and then set all my bags down on the counter. I walk back to the door to lock the second lock, higher up on the door.

I peek through the hole in the door into the hallway and Zack is standing against my neighbours door across the hall. He's just leaning there silently looking at my door. What the fuck.

I walk back over to the kitchen and start putting the groceries away, while trying to figure out what to do. I don't want to stay here alone because Zack is still outside and now he knows where I live so I'll have to move again.

I'm not even sure how he knows where I live because I know he wasn't following me and he was here on my floor before I was. Which means he knew my address before today. I feel sick.

I want to leave but I can't just pack a bag and leave because he's out in the hall he will just follow me or break in here when I go.

My first thought is to at least call Harry but he's with Isla and I know he will want to come over here to help me. I don't want Isla here with Zack anywhere close to us, I don't trust him around anyone, especially that sweet girl.

"Ivy!" I hear him yell through the door. When I don't respond he starts banging on the door with what sounds like both hands. "Ivy!"

I don't know what to do "Ivy" he hasn't stopped slamming his palms down on the outside of my door.

Fuck it. I pick up my phone and Immediately click on Harry's name in my recents.

While it rings I walk back into the kitchen and put the rest of the stuff I bought away. "Hi, Baby" I hear Harry speak into my ear.

"Harry, Hi" I breathe a sigh of relief when he answered me, luckily Isla wasn't keeping him too busy today I guess. "Ivy? Are you okay?"

"Uh- No. Well yes, I'm fine but Zacks here" I'm finally able to spit out.


"I'm inside. He's locked out in the hallway banging on my door. I saw him when I was out but he beat me home I-" I take a breath, I need to make this understand. "Sorry," I say calmly "He knows where I live again, Harry. I have to move again. I don't want to move again."

"Don't apologise baby, it's okay. I'm coming to get you okay? You are gonna stay at mine tonight? Is that okay?" He asks.

"I want to come over but you can't bring isla here. He's here harry." I say in panic. "I'll come over. Meet me at your house Harry. Or are you home already?"

"No, he's outside. Yes, I'm home."

"Harry. I'm gonna call security to walk me out. I'll drive to yours."

"Ivy." he pauses. It's like I can hear him thinking over our options. "Fuck it would be nice if he could shut up out there I cant think" harry says lowly into the phone.

"Ivy!" Zack bangs on the door again "Open the fucking door!"

"Alright I'm gonna hang up to call security in the lobby and pack a bag." I say quietly to him. "I'll be at yours in less than half an hour. Okay?"

"Okay" he blows out a breath. "Be Careful okay?"

"I will," I assure him "I'll see you soon baby."

"See you soon." I hang up and call down to the lobby requesting security to meet me up here in ten minutes. They assure me they will be outside my door in 10 minutes and I quickly throw some stuff I may need into my bag. I grab my purse and then run into the bathroom to grab my makeup bag, face wash, and toiletry bag.

I walk back over to the door and slip on my shoes, grabbing my phone and keys off the counter. I check the time on the stove and it's been 8 minutes since I called the front desk. I peek out the hole in the door again. Zack is still there. I already knew that, I can still hea him banging on the fucking door. I'm looking for security and it doesn't look like they're there yet.

I pull my phone out and text Harry.


Ivy: I'm ready to go. Just waiting for security.

"Hey, Man. What are you doing?" I hear from down the hall.


"Dude, stop yelling!" I assume that's security? "We have to ask you to leave," another voice says. I look through the door again and I see two other men in black collared shirts in front of Zack pushing him off my door.

"I slowly unlock the door with my bag, peeking my head out into the hall. "Ma'am?" A third security guard comes over to me helping me through the door.

"It's alright. I'll walk you out and they will hold him up here, until you're on your way.

"Thank you" I tell him, seriously. "No problem."he nods, holding his arms out for me to walk in front of, so he's in between Zack and I. The other two security guards are blocking him away too.

Brad, the man holding me, leads me down the hall to the elevator. "Ivy!" Zacks still yelling "I want to talk to you? Just calm the fuck down!"

"Me?!" I yell. My feet stop moving briefly and I turn to face him from further down the hallway. "You're telling me to calm down?" I'm absolutely blown away at how dumb he is.

"Yeah? The fuck is up with you avoiding me and freaking the fuck out. I want to have a talk"

"No" I turn back with Brad into the elevator.

"Who's he? What's his problem?" Brad asks once the elevator doors close.

"My Ex, as embarrassing as it is to admit" I laugh slightly trying to make this less uncomfortable for me.

Brad chuckles standing back up straight off the wall. "I'm guessing that's his problem then?" I tilt my head, about to ask what he means but he beats me to it, "That he's your Ex, I mean."

"Oh" I laugh, nodding my head. "Yeah, basically."

We walk out of the elevator and he follows me to my car. "Thank you, brad. Thank the guys upstairs too, please!" He nods his head. "Of course, Ivy. That's what we're here for"

I smile at him getting into my car and make my way to Harry's house.

How the fuck did he know my apartment building, and the floor I live on. He was in the hallway where my door is. I've moved, how does he know?

I pull up in front of Harry's house turning off the car and he's already standing outside with Isla, waiting for me in the front yard.

I open my door and he walks down towards the car. "Stay on the grass." I can hear him say to Isla.

I grab my bag from the back seat locking my door and his feet stop right in front of me. As soon as I meet his eyes, I let out a sob I've been holding in since I saw Zack at the grocery store.

"Oh baby" he says, opening his arms wrapping them around my shoulders. He pulls me into his chest, "I'm so happy to see you" He says into my forehead kissing me repeatedly. "Are you okay?" he asks, moving his hands to my shoulders, pushing me back slightly to scan over my body for any visual clues as to what happened.

I sniffle slightly, looking up at the sky to try and dry the tears in my eyes. I wipe at my cheeks, looking back at him. "Yeah. Yes, I'm okay." He reaches his arm out for me to grab his hand, taking the bag from off my shoulder.

"C'mon, let's go inside." he says, holding his other hand out for Isla walking us inside. 

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