Chapter nine

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October 2nd

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October 2nd

6:08 AM

"Daddy!!" I hear a in my left ear and I feel little pokes all over my face "Daddyyyyy" I hear again in my ear. I turn my head to see Isla sitting on the other side of the bed on her knees, poking me trying to wake me up.

"What" I mumble trying to wake up as peacefully as I can while I have a three year old constantly poking at my face.

"It's time for my friend!" She tells me. I roll over and look at the clock. It's only 6:08 in the morning.

"Isla, darling it's only 6, Ivy won't be here for four more hours. Can you try to lay down and sleep for a few more hours?" I ask, knowing that if she disagrees I'm going back to sleep either way.

"Can I stay here then please?" She asks, giving me her signature Isla face that I can't say no to, even though she knows she's always allowed to come to my room if she wants to.

"Of course" I say, lifting up the blanket on her side of the bed to let her slip under. I adjust her pillows slightly and put one on the other side to act as a barrier between her and the floor. She's getting a little old for that.

She gets comfortable cuddling next to me and her little arm drapes across me. I close my eyes again and whisper to Isla, "You can wake me up when the clock has an eight on it. Does that sound good? If you fall asleep I have an alarm set for nine, don't worry, darling".

"Mkay" she says tiredly, closing her eyes and adjusting slightly.

— — — —

My alarm wakes me up. Turning it off, I look next to me at Isla, she's still fast asleep. I decided to check my phone to give her a couple more minutes of sleep. When I turn it on I see four different messages from Ivy.

(8:00 am)

Ivy: Good morning!

(8:01 am)

Ivy: Are we still okay for me to come over at 10?

(8:10 am)

Ivy: I assume you are still asleep, so I'm going to assume it's a yes until I hear otherwise :)

(8:58 am)

Ivy: Haryyyyy I'm leaving in 30 and I'm bringing you coffee, and isla her hot chocolate.

(8:59 am)

Ivy: If I show up at your door and you're not awake, i'm moving to another country just letting you know

I laugh softly at her, then text her back

(9:04 am)

Harry: I'm awake now, you can put your suitcases away.

(9:04 am)

Harry: I'm letting Isla sleep a little longer, she woke me up at 6 wayyy too excited for you to get here. But yes, we are still just fine for 10:00.

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