Enchanted ~ Mal Bertha & Evie...

By methbaby666

339K 13K 2K

'There I was again tonight Forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place Walls of insincerity... More

Chapter one- Proclamation
Chapter two- Princess, dragon & beast
Chapter three- School
Chapter four- Evie's touch
Chapter Five- Tongue
Chapter six- Cookie
07- A date?
Chapter eight- parents day
chapter nine- Coronation
chapter ten- Maleficent
Act Two
chapter 11- blonde hair
chapter 12- Calm in a storm
Chapter 13- Picnic gone wrong
Chapter 14- In too deep
chapter 15- love mixed with the Isle
Chapter 16- I love you, that's real
Chapter 17- Eleven not stupid
Change 18- Queen for wand
chapter 19- Brooke's been spelled
Chapter 20- True love
Chapter 21- Shameless
chapter 22- After party
chapter 23- Trip?
Act three
25- New home
26- Money's no object
27- Proposal
28- A god wants out
29 - Audrey
30 - A Beast needs her beauty
31- Chad?
32 - The bomb
33 - Hades
34 - What if?
35- Fairytale
36 - New beginnings
Act four

Chapter 24- Water

6.8K 263 32
By methbaby666

When Brooke was three, her parents had taken her to their best beach house that overlooked the ocean. Her small feet had made their way down into the sand until they wondered into the sea.

It was as if they had a mind of their own, allowing her to go where her heart wanted. Brooke knew she wasn't any sort of descendant of the sea.

But when she was submerged underneath the water, the feeling of the water against her skin, moving between her fingers it made her feel alive.

'The sea and I are long-time lovers.'

That's what Brooke told everybody who ever asked about why she always wanted the ocean view.

But it wasn't just the feeling of being alive. It was as if she no longer had the feeling of the world on her shoulders, just the waves swaying her side to the side.

Which is why she found herself back in the ocean floating around. She had her eyes closed as she faced the sky, her swimming trunks and swims bra clinging to her.

"Should we get her out?" Mal tilted her head as she asked Evie the question. They stood on the large balcony that overlooked the ocean, and they could see Brooke laying in the waves.

Evie stared down at the girl, the girl who was younger than them by a few months she watched as Brooke seemed at peace. "No. Give her a few more minutes."

The pair watched as their girlfriend in the sea. She seemed to be at peace there as if not being affected by anything on land. 

Brooke sighed before diving under and swimming closer to shore before coming back up again. She let out a breath, running a hand through her hair as she walked out the water. Droplets of water rolled down her as if they were waves of their own, her abs glistening in the sunlight.

Her blue trunks clung to her skin as did her bra. She ran her finger along the top of the waistband to let some air into her trunks.

Evie gripped the railing her lip between her teeth as she watched her girlfriend walk up the beach towards their villa stairs. "Oh my fucking god."

Mal kept her eyes on Brooke's body the way her abs flexed as she walked uo the stairs grabbing her towl. "Don't put the towl on." She whispered. It seemed as if her magic still worked without the book because Brooke just placed the towl around her shoulders.

"Are you sure she brought enough condoms?" Evie questioned Mal, the both of them not even looking away from Brooke.

Mal shrugged her shoulders. "If not, there's always other options."

"Hey." Brooke greated with a smile as she came closer to them both. She leaned down, going to place a quick kiss on Evie's lips, but the girl had other plans.

She grabbed the towl around Brooke's neck and pulled it closer, allowing their lips to stay in contact, moulding together as one. Evie moaned as Brooke hand grabbed at her ass the skin contact, making her feel more alive, seeing as she stood in her bikini.

"You should go swimming more often." Evie told her as they pulled away. She ran a hand through her hair, stepping back, letting Mal do the same she had just done.

Although Mal bit down on Brooke's lip and pulled at it slightly, making the girl moan.

"Well, if it gets this reaction." Brooke said as she ruffled her hair with the towl. "Then I'll do it daily."

She sat down on the chair on their balcony, and she looked up at her girlfriends, who stood in the very showing bikinis.

It showed everything, well not everything but Brooke had already seen them naked so she didn't need to imagine much.

But she was glad the beach was private.

Because Evie's ass practically hung out, her very thin blue bikini bottoms and Mal's boobs seemed to grow out her bikini top.

They had been here exactly twenty-six hours, and they had already used a few condoms.

One was used in the car when Evie insisted that they tested the protection, so she had rode Brooke in the front seat.

Then there was Mal, who, as soon as they got here, wanted to test out the sofa, so when Evie had finished unpacking her clothes, she had come downstairs to find theirs torn of.

"Please do." Mal muttered as she watched Brooke practically glow in the sun. What kind of god crafted this girl.

Although Adam and Bell both had been very handsome, beautiful, charming, and gorgeous in their youth, it seemed that all their traits had passed down to their daughter. Who shinned on her own but also showed off her inheritance in her looks.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Brooke looked up, questioning the girls.

Evie smiled before grabbing Brooke's phone of the side. She walked over and sat down in between Brooke's legs leaning back.

The younger girl placed a soft kiss on her shoulder before looking at the girl go through her phone. "Cooking?" Brooke pulled a face as the words left her mouth.

Mal coughed, making Brooke look at her. The purple haired girl gave her baby girlfriend a look that said 'be happy' so before Evie could see the confused look on her face, she smiled, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"I can't cook, but we could try." Brooke told her she leaned back in the chair, closing her eyes. "I'm sure Mal could use her magic if all else fails."

There was a sudden silence it seemed as if the waves themselves had stopped moving, knowing something Brooke had missed.

Sbe opened her eyes and looked at the both, seeing them stare at her with an empty look on their faces.

"Too soon?"


Brooke laughed before leaning back, nodding her head as she grinned at the two of them.

Mal came over to sit on Brooke's lap as Evie got up to dip her feet in the pool as she searched up the ingredients that they would need to the deserts they were going to bake.

The purple haired girl leaned back, letting out a sigh as her skin came into contact with Brooke's, the younger girl tracing her fingers down Mal's spine.

"I don't know what it is, Brooke." Mal turned her head around, trying to guess the word Brooke was writing on her back.

Although the brown haired girl grabbed her chin and turned her forward again, ignoring the pout, she wanted nothing more than to kiss away.

"Maybe, because the bikini strap is in the way." Brooke smirked into Mal's shoulder as she gently traced round it spelling out the word dragon.

Mal looked up at the sky, trying to calm the way her heart sped when Brooke's fingers touched her. "So take it off."

Brooke froze, not expecting the words to come from her mouth. "Are you sure? We are outside."

"There's no one around for miles, baby. Plus, both you and Evie have already seen my boobs." Brooke gentle pulled one of the strings, letting it come undone as Mal pulled it off.

The Queen went back to her drawing, and she traced the words. "Say it."

Mal closed her eyes, trying to imagine the words better. "Beauty." Brooke hummed at her answer. "Kind." She nodded her head. "Caring." Brooke grinned when she saw Mal's lips twitch up. "I." The younger girl allowed her fingers to trace the words she felt. "Love." Mal smiled before turing around, saying the last word. "You."

"I love you." Brooke smiled before placing a kiss on the girls lips.

Mal leaned back slightly, glancing at Evie, who was still tanning while scrolling through Brooke's phone for ingredients. She loved the fact that they could relax and be by themselves, no one around, they could do as the pleased.

"I found what we need!" Evie yelled out as she walked over to the pair. "Okay, while you too carry on what you're doing, I'm going to find what we need." She told them both, she leaned down, placing a kiss on both their lips before walking inside and heading to the kitchen.

Brooke licked her lips as she watched Evie walk away with sway of her hips.

Mal pressed a kiss to the girls' throat, her hand moving to the waistband of Brooke's shorts, pulling the girl on top of her.

The purple haired girls eyes swam with warmth as she stared at her girlfriend, who hovered above her.

"Darling, let's be careful now." Brooke warned Mal, whose hand drifted into Brooke's shorts, her hand dancing along the girls' upper thigh.

Mal bit her lip. "What if I don't want to be careful?"

Brooke sighed as she looked at the girl, her heart in her eyes and her lungs suddenly on the floor as she stared at the angel bellow her.

"You're killing me, you know that." She told Mal, brushing their lips against one another's.

The purple haired girl smiled. "Good."


The three of them stood around the island, and the ingredients on the counter spread out as the instructions Evie printed off were in front of them.

"So, we're gonna talk and cook." Evie stated as she stood in a pair of denim shorts and bikini top.

They had all changed and showed cleaning themselves up, Mal wearing the same as Evie as Brooke wore joggers and a vest.

"Cool, okay." Brooke squinted her eyes at the sheet before turing to the girls. "I can't read that."

Evie's mouth dropped open. "Shit! I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry." She completely forgot about the fact Brooke couldn't read words unless they had a blue background or blue overlay. Oh she couldn't believe she forgot, she just got so excited about cooking.

Brooke smiled at her. "It's fine. You can read it while I do the cooking." Brooke couldn't see the words as they kept moving around.

Evie nodded her leaning up to place a kiss on her cheek. "Okay, that's a good plan."

Mal leaned over, grabbing some chocolate and eating it, ignoring the look she got from Brooke.

"I'll eat." Mal nodded her head at her own plan.

The three somehow started off well, but the talking was at a minimum. They were all focused on trying to actually do it.

Brooke took a deep breath. "I'm not good, with words." The girls looked to her but didn't say anything. "I get afraid that I'll say the wrong thing and mess it all up because I.. I'm meant to be this great queen, but I don't know what I'm doing half the time." She looked down at the both as she poured the dough into the pan. "But when I'm with the two of you, it's like I know what I'm doing. I finally know what I want."

Mal hummed. "You are pretty stupid sometimes." Brooke rolled her eyes. "But, Brooke, you ramble when you're nervous, and when you think you're not making a scene, it's adorable, but you're actually making a scene. Which is crazy, but what I'm trying to say is, if you need to write down your words or show them instead, then do that." Mal told her, looking up at her, placing a piece of chocolate in her mouth again.

Evie smiled at the purple haired girl, Mal had come along way from refusing her feelings for Brooke to now helping her with how to speak them.

They had all grown in their own way.

The three just wanted to grow together, be stronger.

Evie took a deep breath before moving in front of Brooke and taking a hold of the bowl. "I'm afraid that I'm not going to actually be able to do anything. I mean, my business is coming along great, but I just don't want to fail." Evie said. "I'm afraid to fail you too, I'm not this perfect put-together person."

Brooke leaned down, placing a kiss on Evie's shoulder. "No one's perfect, okay. But maybe we do really on you a lot, but that's because you like this voice of reason that allows us to think clearly by just being near you." Brooke stated she looked over at Mal, who nodded her head in approval.

Evie smiled up at the girl leaning her head back so Brooke could connect there lips, the brown haired girl gripped her jaw slightly as she kept the blue haired girl in place.

Mal bit her lip when they disconnected the pair smiling at each other before turing to Mal.

The purple haired girl chuckled slightly, shaking her head, realising it was her turn. "I've had a lot of people leave me and walk out of my life. But you too, I don't think I could survive if you left. So that's why I left first, because I was scared that you would see Isle Mal and not like her."

Evie kissed her girlfriends cheek. "I grew up with Isle Mal, that was the Mal I fell in love with, who I'm still in love with, I wouldn't walk away from you Mal. I'd walk somewhere with you."

Mal practically melted at Evie's words her mind, remembering times when Evie would be the one sitting with her on her bedroom because she didn't want to do something her mother asked.

"I'm not much of a walker." Brooke told the girl, who rolled her eyes. "Hey, I'd rather go through hell with you than go to heaven without you."

Mal had to bite her lip with the saying Brooke said. She found it ironic about the Hell, considering she was half from there.

"Well, hell is warmer." Mal told the girl, Evie looked at her smiling at her words.

Brooke hummed before moving to put the the cookie's in the oven. She set the timer. Before moving back to the girls following them as they made their way to the living room.

"How long?" Evie questioned as she pushed Brooke on the sofa. The girl looked back at the time.

"Twenty-five minutes." Brooke told them, rasing an eyebrow when Evie straddled her waist.

The blue haired girl hummed. "Good, think you can do us both in that time?"

Brooke laughed, leaning back as Evie took her vest off. "Princess, I only need ten." She leaned forward, connecting their lips in a heated kiss. She ran her hands through Evie's blue hair as the girl on top of her tried to take off her joggers.


The sun had gone down and the moon rose, the fire in the fireplace cracked as three teenagers layed down infront of it on a blanket, the three only had sheets blankets covering themselves, as they ate the perfectly cooked cookies.

Brooke couldn't lie. These cookies were nice. And she didn't think they would be.

"So, you want Griffin to come over here?" Mal questioned as she leaned her head against Evie's arm.

Brooke hummed, placing down her half eaten cookie. "Yeah, I mean, he's a good kid." She smiled at the thought of Griffin, his bright green eyes that shone with innocence.

"You'd be a good mom." Evie blurted out, Brooke was thankful she wasn't eating. otherwise, she would have choked to death.

Mal looked at the girl wide-eyed before turing to look at Brooke, who looked like a fish out of water.

"I um, thanks. Um, I.. you're not pregnant, are you?" Brooke quickly questioned, wanting to know if this was Evie just saying something or hinting at a future possibility.

Evie shook her head. "No, god no."

The blue haired girl had wondered if they were going to ever have that convastion. On pregnancy, who would get pregnant first, or would they just not were condoms and see what happens.

"The council wants to know which of you will bring the first heir." Brooke told them both, biting her lip as she stared at them. "I mean, obviously we don't need to get a umm child now. I'm just um telling you?" She rambled slightly.

Mal and Evie shared a look shrugging their shoulders. "I mean, we try now but well with protection. But I think that's a future conversation." Mal told the Queen, who nodded her head.

Brooke nodded her head. "I could always tell the council to fuck off."

"Haven't you already done that like five times now?" Evie questioned as Brooke nodded her head.

The Queen sighed biting her lip. "The first two was an accident."

Mal rolled her eyes, remembering when Brooke had pissed of the whole council when she walked out of her meeting because Mal had grabbed her.

"When we get back, we'll make a list of children. I want you all to pick one." Brooke told them, they smiled at her kissing her lips before leaning back watching as Brooke practically glowed with the fire behind her.

"That sounds like a great idea." Evie said.

This is just a filler chapter, not much to it because I didn't really know what to write. Just Mal, Evie and Brooke being soft together.

Anyway, hope you enjoy. Sorry for any spelling mistakes. I hope you enjoyed.

Act three coming soon!

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