Returned and Lost: Season 2 o...

By xiaolumi78

4K 84 152

Star watching. That was Lumine's favorite thing that she did. So... I'll honor and do the same... the only th... More

Chapter 1: Return and Plans
Chapter 2: Hardy Escape
Chapter 3: The Lost Land
Chapter 4: Finally Out
Chapter 5: Deserted Moorlad of Terrors
Chapter 6: Secret
Chapter 7: Unveiled
Chapter 8: Goddess Warning
Chapter 9: Vermilion Wings of Gold
Chapter 10: Sick of This
Chapter 11: The Harbor of Screams

Chapter 12: Forced Accension

141 2 7
By xiaolumi78

The tall male led Xiao into the forest. "Xiao, I can no longer accompany you from here. The path downwards shall lead you to them."

Nevuliette turned, and walked away, stopping for a brief moment, and looked back at Xiao. "Try to keep your voice down. What happens in those woods, you decide if you want to tell your mate afterwards. If you choose not to.... Well, the road in front of you will be hard."

Xiao nods once, and Nevuliette continues on his way back. Xiao turns around, and walks down the path, keeping his guard up.

"Why so tense, little one?" Xiao jumps, summoning his spear, and stabbing it in the direction of the voice.

"Tsk, tsk. Still so violent." the figure reforms next to him, putting a hand on the handle of his spear, gently lowering it, that way it would point towards the ground. "That's not very nice of you, little Xiao."

Xiao's eyes widened, and began to shake, tears beginning to pool from hearing that gentle, comforting voice. "You... you... Sister Bonanus?"

"Hey! Me too! Don't forget me!" A high pitched voice screeched behind Xiao. Crashing into him for a brief moment, only to faze through him. "Aww... dang it, I forgot I don't have a physical form anymore..."

A deep, gravely chortle was heard from next to the reformed Bonanus. "Indarias, please control yourself. I know you are excited to see young Xiao once more, but please refrain from spooking him.

"I prefer not to, Menogias! I mean, look at him! He's grown at least a solid inch from the last time I saw him!"

A loud outburst of laughter from a newly formed four armed figure was bent over laughing to his mind's content. "HAHAHA, INDARIAS THE JOKES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE MINE, NOT YOURS!" the four armed man started between wheezes.

"Little one?" the blue haired spirit called out. "Are you...?"

Tears slipped down the teal undertone haired yaksha's face. "A lucid dream.... If that's the case, I'm okay with it."

The four spirits blinked, the blue one shaking her head. "Little Alatus, this is no lucid dream."
"Indeed, little one." a figure in white dressed in all white with gray sleeves approached the group, the spirits bow to the newcomer.

"Your... Majesty?"

The figure in white nods her head in greeting. "Hello, little Alatus."

Xiao takes deep breaths, looking around at the group. "How.... when..."

The woman's eyebrows furrowed. "Xiao, there is no time for lucid dreams. If that was an option, I wouldn't be here." the woman gripped Xiao's shoulders, forcing him to look up at the figure. "My daughter's life is on the line, and the gates of the dead rattle, on the verge of breaking. So much so, that we spirits can walk the world wreaking havoc." the strong, yet weak voice spoke. "And I... am at my limit to hold those gates together, just enough that the people of the spirit world won't be able to wreck enough havoc to... nevermind this, but if I fade enough due to how weak I am recently... they will slowly gain physical forms once more and be able to storm the gates."

"What... what do you mean?" Xiao stubbled over his words.

The woman sighed. "I had hoped to do this in a less painful process, however, this isn't possible. You are aware of my daughter's awakening, yes?"

Xiao nodded. "Yes... Aurora, isn't it?"

She nodded. "Yes. And stupidly enough, Lumine allowed her brother an ascension as well, causing him to become Lucifer." she sighed. "I can not alter the course of fate, as much as I would like to. The only thing I will do to intervene is I will speed up your ascension."

"Speed up... my ascension? But I'm not-"

"You are now. The moment you mated my daughter, you were crowned." She stated. "Well? What's your answer, young one?" The other yaksha stared curiously at Xiao, waiting for his answer.

"I'll do it." Xiao stated firmly.

"Then let's get on with it." White magic began leaking from the women's wrists, and began swirling around Xiao.

"Wait for me, Lumi."

A/N: Sorry for late chapter guys!

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