Chapter 10: Sick of This

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"Who dares approach, my mate?" Xiao's eyes caught Dottore's, and he hissed. "So it's the snake that keeps me caged and hunts for my mate... begone, pests!" with that, he gave a cry, swooped down, and attacked.

"I... I haven't seen him in that form before..." Lumine found it hard to take a breath.

"Can't exactly blame him for hiding something like that from you. That form isn't exactly... for all eyes. Last I heard, Morax had told Xiao to never use his wings, so he had followed his orders as told. I'm guessing Dottore has finally allowed the Vermilion Bird to spread his wings once more." Nahida gave a little laugh.

"Vermilion... bird?"

"Oh yes, he is exactly that. You wouldn't have known, so don't blame yourself. All information on the whereabouts of the Vermilion Bird was lost, lost with all hidden information of the yaksha and adepti. Rumor among us Archons had said the good ol' Morax had managed to convince the God of Time to erase such knowledge. Even I'm not too sure about this." Nahida narrowed her eyes.

"But even something like this, shouldn't it be somewhere-"

"It's not. The God of Time had completely erased that, whatever the bargain was. The only reason why we hadn't forgotten was that he can't erase memories of Archons or gods. But he can certainly erase any information being passed down by memory. Maybe your mother remembers, or perhaps she was the god that had bargained with Morax." Nahida kept going. "If there's anything that's still left of the god of time, it's only memories of you, and us. There's not a fragment of him left, after a few hundred years after the 'deal' was made."

A hiss and before she could flinch, Xiao teleported behind her, and wrapped his arms around her. "My mate. Fatui threat to mate." She heard Xiao mumbled under his breath.

Lumine to a quick glance at the copy of Dottore on the ground where Xiao had made quick work of the odd thing. "Xiao, calm down. I'm fine for now."

"No! Mate... mate not safe here..." Xiao whimpered out.

"Xiao. I'm perfectly fine. You've already taken out the threat, no?"

"No... smells wrong. Everything is clogged here. There's... smell of madness."

Nahida peeped up after Xiao mentioned this. "I agree with Xiao. My nose isn't the sharpest, but it does smell odd here."

A tree nearby jumped are shook as something landed on a branch. "Who's there?!" Xiao let a growl rip, as he tried to get in the face of the mysterious person in the tree, only for his muscles to relax after seeing the face. "Oh, it's you Kazuha."

"Kazuha? What's going on?"

"Liyue Harbor requests backup! The Fatui have swarmed the harbor! The defenses at the Harbor won't hold for long!" 

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