Royally Mute

By bobatonic

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Royally Mute


133 17 0
By bobatonic

I walked up to the casket.


I frowned and then looked around.

I saw Allen and I ran over to him.

"Allen!" I yelled and smiled as I tried to hug him. He looked up in shock, and then around in confusion.

"What is it Allen?" An older female voice said.

"Nothing. I. I thought I heard Samantha." He said, sorrow so clear it clouded his eyes.

"Well it couldn't have been." She said to him. Then looked directly at me.

"Elder River Lilly?" I said cautiously.

"It's not nice to haunt people Samantha Redbird." She whispered, but I heard it clear as day, like she yelled it in my ear.

"You can see me?" I asked, surprised. She nodded and smiled kindly.

"I'd finish that quest, before it's too late darling." She said, and I nodded.

"I will. I will Elder River Lilly." I said, determination in my voice.

I focused.

"Please. Guide me Aurelia Mae. Guide me to the person I must save. Please. I need help." I whispered softly.

Suddenly the wind in the trees slowed and stopped, as did the rest of time.

A bright white light started spinning around me, and my surroundings started moving.



I didn't realize I closed my eyes until I opened them.

And when I did,

I wished I didn't.

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