Match Made in jannah | (janna...

By _zulayhatuh

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Best friends turned lovers-what could be more beautiful than that? Their love was so radiant that it touched... More

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371 55 7
By _zulayhatuh


Maha found herself grappling with persistent bouts of nausea, her mornings often marred by an overwhelming queasiness that extended throughout the day. Simple scents, once inconspicuous, now triggered an inexplicable aversion, amplifying her discomfort. Coupled with these symptoms, an uncharacteristic fatigue weighed on her, as if the weariness of the world had settled into her bones.

Yet, in the solitude of her experience, Maha chose not to burden Ayman with her physical trials. The notion of a potential pregnancy loomed, and the growing possibility of new life within her remained her guarded secret. With each passing day, the uncertainty of her condition intensified, prompting her to contemplate the implications of a burgeoning life and the complexities it would introduce into their world. In the quiet moments when Ayman wasn't near, Maha grappled with conflicting emotions, torn between the joy of potential motherhood and the fear of the unknown.

As the symptoms persisted, Maha hesitated to confide in Ayman, uncertain of how he would receive the news. She bore the weight of this revelation alone, weaving the fabric of her secret within the folds of her daily routine.

In the quiet expanse of their shared days, Ayman and Maha's love story unfolded like the petals of a blooming flower. The past two months had been a testament to the resilience of their connection, a narrative penned in the ink of shared laughter, whispered promises, and the gentle cadence of their evolving romance.

Each morning, as the sun tiptoed into their haven, Ayman, the harbinger of warmth, greeted Maha with a steaming cup of coffee. The aroma wafted through the air, a fragrant precursor to the day's unfolding chapters. As he placed the cup in her hands, their fingers would brush, igniting a spark that lingered long after the initial touch.

Breakfasts became a ritual of shared stories and stolen glances, a tapestry woven with threads of affection. Ayman's culinary endeavors, an expression of love translated into carefully crafted meals, became a language that transcended words. Maha, with each bite, savored not just the flavors but the essence of Ayman's devotion.

Their home, once a silent witness to individual pain, now echoed with the harmonious notes of shared dreams. Ayman's laughter, a melody that intertwined with Maha's, created a soundtrack that encapsulated the joy found in the simplest of moments. Together, they navigated the mundanity of routine, discovering beauty in the ordinary and extraordinary alike.

As the day unfolded, Ayman's gestures of care became a symphony of love. Whether in the form of a gentle touch or a reassuring glance, he painted the canvas of their shared existence with strokes of tenderness. Maha, in the embrace of Ayman's affection, found solace and strength to confront the lingering shadows of her past.

The afternoons, bathed in the gentle glow of sunlight, became a canvas upon which Ayman and Maha painted the hues of their growing intimacy. Their shared silences, pregnant with unspoken promises, spoke volumes about the depth of their connection. In these quiet moments, love manifested as an unwavering support, a sanctuary against the tumultuous winds of life.

As the day made way for the tranquility of evening, Ayman's presence remained a constant source of comfort. Their shared gazes, laden with unspoken sentiments, became a language that transcended the need for verbal expressions. In the warmth of Ayman's arms, Maha found a sanctuary where the echoes of her past pain faded into the background.

Nights, once haunted by the specters of solitude, became a shared symphony of whispered confessions and stolen kisses. Ayman, with each tender touch, reaffirmed his commitment to Maha, creating a haven where love blossomed like a perennial flower, resilient against the changing seasons.

Their love story, an intricate dance of shared vulnerability and unyielding support, unfolded like a chaptered novel, each day revealing new facets of their connection. Ayman and Maha, in the quietude of their shared moments, discovered that love, when nurtured with care and patience, had the power to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Today Maha's morning sickness became more worse than all the other day, Ayman was already starting to get worried because of her constant vomiting and he said they would go to the hospital once he came back from the office. Maha suspected that she might be pregnant and so she didn't want him to take her to the hospital, she wanted to be the one to break the joyous news of fatherhood to him.

With a bright smile, Maha entered her car and drove off to the hospital. Her wound were all healed now except for some scars, that accident had been a gruesome experience that she didn't even want to think about it. Even after this two months, she knows she is still not healed, her constant forgetfulness couldn't go unnoticed, she would say she would do some thing and then she would do some thing entirely different while saying it is that same thing she said she wanted to, she often mistook colours, she once saw red and said it was orange. This still were not enough to deter her from being happy, the road to healing might be long and she is willing to wait, at least now she remembers Ayman.

The doctor did some test on her and he took her urine to know if she truly is pregnant, the results were positive, it was really positive! She is going to be a mother!
As Maha delicately held the pregnancy test in her hands, her heart danced to the rhythm of anticipation. The seconds stretched into an eternity as the telltale lines emerged on the small strip. The room seemed to hold its breath in solidarity with her.

When the positive result materialized before her eyes, a kaleidoscope of emotions painted across Maha's face. Her eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and joy, and an infectious smile illuminated her features, turning the room into a sanctuary of happiness. It was a moment suspended in time, a crescendo of emotions that resonated with the profound realization that a new chapter was about to unfold.

In that singular instant, Maha's happiness overflowed, a radiant glow emanating from within. The weight of her past struggles momentarily lifted as the positive pregnancy test became a beacon of hope, a promise of a future intertwined with the miracle of life. The room, once silent, echoed with the jubilant echoes of her elation.

She clutched the test with a mixture of awe and gratitude, a silent acknowledgment of the beauty encapsulated in this newfound revelation. Each positive line whispered a story of hope, resilience, and the blossoming of a life that held the promise of rewriting their narrative.

The joy that lit up Maha's eyes was not merely about the confirmation of pregnancy; it was a celebration of the love that had flourished in the wake of their shared hardships. In that moment, the threads of Ayman and Maha's love story intertwined with the delicate fabric of new beginnings, creating a tapestry rich in the hues of anticipation and bliss.

As Maha embraced the reality of impending motherhood, her heart resonated with an overwhelming sense of fulfillment. The prospect of bringing life into their shared world ignited a profound sense of purpose, intertwining their destinies in a shared journey of parenthood.

In the quietude of that sacred moment, Maha's happiness rippled through the air, a tangible force that transformed their space into a haven of love and expectation. The positive pregnancy test had not only confirmed the existence of a tiny life but had also heralded the beginning of a chapter where joy, hope, and boundless love would be eternally intertwined.

"Congratulations Mrs. Shugaba." The doctor said with a wide grin, he is the same doctor that had treated her when she was in a coma, he was truly happy for the couple, they were finally going to have a happy ever after.
"Thank you doc."  Maha said as she stood up from her chair to leave. She needed to go back home quickly so she can start thinking about how she will break the joyous news to Ayman.

All through her drive back home, she kept grinning like a fool. She couldn't believe that a tiny life is actually growing inside of her, it all felt too good to be true. She touched her stomach for the umptenth time and a blush crept it's way to her face, even the sun seemed to rejoice with her as it shone even brighter while the cloud blushed in shyness and it hid itself.

Getting back home, Maha immediately got down from her car, a sense of excitement bubbling within her. Determined to create a memorable evening, she set about planning a private dinner for Ayman. The soft glow of candles illuminated the room as she carefully arranged the table, each detail chosen with precision. Delicate flowers adorned the center, and a pair of tiny baby shoes peeked out from behind a menu, a secret waiting to be unveiled.

In the kitchen, the aroma of a special dish filled the air, a recipe she had mastered for this significant occasion. The anticipation and joy painted her expression as she moved gracefully between pots and pans, her heart dancing with the prospect of sharing the news.

As she placed each dish on the table, Maha imagined Ayman's reaction, the surprise, the happiness, the realization of the new chapter they were about to embark on. The room seemed to hold its breath, ready to witness the unfolding of a moment that would change their lives forever.

At this point, Ayman had not yet returned home, and Maha stood by, her excitement mingled with a touch of nervousness. The ambiance was set, the secret carefully concealed, and all that remained was the arrival of Ayman to this intimate scene.

After waiting for nearly an hour Ayman finally came back home, Maha was all smiles as she hugged him and he pecked her forehead.
"Someone is happy today." Ayman teased as he playfully pinched her cheek, the cold and stoic Ayman was long gone and now replaced with a cheerful Ayman.
"You will know why I'm happy after dinner." Ayman hoisted his eyebrow and then tilted his head to get a better view of the candle light dinner she had made of them.
"I better go freshen up then." Ayman said.

Few minutes later Ayman came out looking fresh, Maha couldn't help as she drooled at his handsome face, she kept smiling to herself through out dinner, Ayman kept asking what was wrong but she said he would have to wait after dinner.

After dinner she picked up the baby shoe and handed it to Ayman, Ayman looked at the baby's shoe and then at Maha and then looked at the baby's shoe again.
"What I'm i suppose to do with it?" Ayman asked awkwardly not knowing why she gave him a baby's shoe, he was started to get worried because he could see the unshed tears in her eyes which she tried to hold back.

"You dumbass, I'm pregnant!" Maha shrieked as the tears of joy finally rolled down her eyes.
Ayman stood there, holding the tiny pair of baby shoes in his hands, his mind momentarily frozen in a state of joyous disbelief. The weight of Maha's revelation hung in the air, and as her words sank in, a radiant smile began to spread across his face.

For a brief moment, Ayman found himself rooted to the spot, the overwhelming happiness coursing through him. It was as if time had suspended, and he couldn't move, caught in the rapture of the life-changing news. The room seemed to glow with the warmth of their shared anticipation, and Ayman's heart swelled with emotions that words could scarcely capture.

As the realization set in, a wave of uncontainable joy coursed through him, rendering him momentarily speechless. He gazed at Maha with eyes that sparkled with happiness, the weight of the moment making it feel both surreal and incredibly profound. In that suspended moment, Ayman's elation danced in his eyes, and he finally broke into a jubilant smile that mirrored the sheer magnitude of their newfound happiness.

"You are joking right?" Ayman asked still in shock, his eye widened when Maha's face remained serious and the unshed tears still in her eyes

In the tender glow of the moment, Ayman gently cradled Maha's face in his hands and whispered,
"Our love story, Nur, it's like a melody that has now gained a new note. With each passing day, you make our symphony more beautiful. I love you, not just for who you are, but for the incredible journey we're writing together."
"I love you too." Maha whispered with tear filled eyes and they embraced each other tightly, maybe they will get a happy ever after with each other.

"My water just broke!" Maha shouted. In the throes of that pivotal moment, as Maha's water broke, Ayman found himself ensnared in a whirlwind of emotions. Panic surged within him like an unbridled force, mingling with the excitement that their baby was on the cusp of entering the world. Urgency propelled him into action, and with a steadiness born of love, he guided Maha to the hospital.

Over the course of the past 9 months, Ayman had woven an intricate tapestry of care and devotion around Maha. His days were a symphony of shared joys and comforting gestures, from midnight cravings satisfied with whimsical snacks to the soothing massages to alleviate the inevitable backaches. Ayman, once more the ardent protector, navigated the nuances of impending parenthood with a tenderness that mirrored the soft whispers of promises to the life blossoming within.

As they sped towards the hospital, the anticipation in Ayman's heart was palpable. Every heartbeat echoed the journey they had traversed together — the silent conversations shared during those quiet nights, the laughter that resonated through the walls of their home, and the profound moments of connection that transcended spoken words. Ayman's steadfast love for Maha had been a beacon of assurance, a constant presence in the ebb and flow of the transformative 9 months.

Within the car's confines, Ayman's thoughts raced alongside the wheels on the road. He reminisced about the shared dreams and whispered aspirations for their child's future. The weight of responsibility mingled with the sheer joy of impending fatherhood, creating a complex tapestry of emotions. In the midst of chaos, Ayman's hands remained steady on the steering wheel, a testament to the strength derived from love and commitment.

Arriving at the hospital, Ayman's demeanor transformed. He became not just a lover but a birthing partner, ready to share in the visceral experience of bringing their child into the world. His every action was infused with purpose — from calming words to gentle touches, Ayman seamlessly transitioned from caregiver to the role of an active participant in the miracle of childbirth.

In the labor room, Ayman stood as an unwavering sentinel by Maha's side, his eyes a reflection of both concern and determination. The air crackled with the anticipation of impending joy, yet beneath the surface lingered the unspoken acknowledgment of the pain that childbirth promised.

Maha's agony unfolded like a visceral narrative — a symphony of contractions, each crescendo a testament to the unfathomable pain she bore. Ayman, observing her struggle, felt an empathetic ache deep within. Her screams reverberated in the room, intertwining with the rhythmic beeping of monitors, creating a symphony of vulnerability and strength.

As the revelation of twins unfolded, the room metamorphosed into a theater of emotions. Maha, caught in the throes of childbirth, navigated the turbulent sea of pain and joy. The pain etched across her face told a story of sacrifice, of a mother summoning every ounce of strength to bring life into the world. Yet, beneath the surface of her anguish, a flicker of joy illuminated the room, for within the crucible of pain lay the promise of two lives.

Maha's anguish, heightened by the revelation of twins, became a tapestry of emotions — a dance between the pain of the present and the joy of the future. The gravity of the situation bore down on her, the realization that her body would endure the throes of labor twice in rapid succession. Ayman, witnessing this, grappled with an amalgamation of emotions — joy for the imminent arrival of their children, and fear as Maha's cries echoed through the room.

In the poignant moment when the first baby, a girl, entered the world, Maha's pain reached its zenith. The room, once filled with anticipation, was now punctuated by the sounds of her distress. Ayman, caught between the joy of new life and the anguish etched across Maha's face, felt a profound dichotomy of emotions.

As the second baby, a boy, made his entrance, the room swirled with a tempest of feelings. Maha, now caught between the pain of childbirth and the joy of expanding their family, grappled with the intensity of the moment. Ayman's heart mirrored the complexities of the room — elation at the arrival of their children, interwoven with the ever-present fear that clung to the echoes of Maha's screams.

With the birth of the twins, Maha, overwhelmed by the physical toll, succumbed to unconsciousness. The room, once filled with the crescendo of labor, now embraced a quietude. Ayman, cradling their newborns in his arms, stood as a silent witness to the profound journey they had traversed — a journey woven with the threads of pain, joy, and the miraculous arrival of two precious lives.

Maha groaned and mumbled some word with her eyes still closed before it slowly fluttered open, she tried to adjust to the blinding brightness and she saw her family members and Ayman's family members. Hajiya babba had stopped disturbing her ever since she woke up from her coma, she wasn't in support of the marriage but she chose to mind her business.

She smiled when she saw her new born baby cradled in Ummita's hand as she and Layla took pictures of the baby, the other baby was being held by Aya, while Lana kept pinching the baby's cheek and making funny faces. Nadia signalled them to bring the babies to her when she saw she had woken up, Ayman held the girl while she held the boy.

As Maha delicately cradled their newborn son in her arms, a rush of indescribable joy surged through her being. His tiny fingers, fragile and yet so full of potential, curled around hers, creating an unbreakable connection that transcended the physical realm. The weight of the precious life she held resonated deep within, echoing the symphony of motherly love.

On the other side of this tender tableau, Ayman gently embraced their baby girl, her eyes gazing at him with the innocence that defines the dawn of existence. The soft murmurs of a lullaby played in Ayman's heart as he marveled at the miracle of new life. Each breath the baby girl took seemed to compose a melody that echoed through the room, a melody only a parent's heart could fully comprehend.

Together, as they stood at the threshold of parenthood, Maha and Ayman shared a silent exchange of emotions. In their arms, they cradled not just their children but the embodiment of dreams, hopes, and a love that had withstood the tests of time. The newborns, a testament to their shared journey, bore the promise of a future woven with the threads of devotion and familial bonds.

As Maha pressed her cheek against her son's downy head and Ayman planted a gentle kiss on their daughter's forehead, the room brimmed with an ethereal serenity. It was a moment frozen in time, where the universe conspired to create perfection in the form of two precious souls.

In this sacred space of new beginnings, Maha and Ayman, united in the miracle of life, discovered a love that expanded beyond the boundaries of their hearts. The room, adorned with the mellow glow of newborn innocence, witnessed the emergence of a family — a family whose story, intricately woven through the tapestry of time, had now embarked on a new chapter of shared laughter, whispered promises, and the boundless beauty of parenthood.

As Maha and Ayman gazed upon their two precious newborns, their hearts swelled with overwhelming joy. The babies, a perfect fusion of their mother and father's features, brought an indescribable happiness to the room.

The boy, nestled in Maha's arms, bore a striking resemblance to his father. His unique eyes, however, captured everyone's attention. One eye was a deep shade of black, mirroring Ayman's, while the other sparkled in a dark shade of green, reminiscent of Maha's captivating gaze. It was a rare and enchanting sight, a testament to the uniqueness each parent had contributed to their child.

On the other side, cradled by Ayman, the baby girl possessed an ethereal beauty. Her eyes, a delicate pale green, almost like the soft hue of lemon, added a touch of enchantment to her tiny face. Maha couldn't help but marvel at the delicate blend of features, a visual symphony that echoed the harmonious union of their love.

As the young family basked in the glow of this miraculous moment, the room filled with the tender melody of parental love. The twins, with their distinct characteristics, had become the living embodiment of the profound connection shared between Maha and Ayman. In those first moments of shared glances and gentle smiles, the bonds of family were etched into the very fabric of their beings.

"What should we name them?" Maha whispered.
"I have already named my princess." Ayman said smugly and then he pecked the girl's cheeks. Maha glared at him, she knew how Ayman loved female children and she knew Ayman would definately pamper the girl more.
"Azra." Ayman whispered with a beautiful smile.
"And Azran." Maha said, she looked at Ayman and when their eyes met, they smiled at each other.

As the couple continued to marvel at their newborns, Ayman gently whispered to Maha, "Our love has given life to something truly magical." Maha, with a content smile, replied, "Our journey has just begun, and I wouldn't have it any other way." Together, they embraced the joyous chapter that awaited them, marking the end of this remarkable moment.

In the tapestry of their love, Maha and Ayman's enduring bond stands as a testament to triumph over past sorrows. Aisha, a cherished memory, holds a space in Ayman's heart, but it's Maha who reigns as the queen of his affections. Their journey, marked by resilience, paints a canvas of love that knows no bounds. Amidst all the sorrow and past pain, their love has conquered against every challenge. Aisha remains a cherished chapter in Ayman's story, but Maha is the unending tale that owns his heart, a love that defies time and circumstance.

Phew! Alhamdulillah🙏.
Match made in jannah is officially completed❤.
Maha and Ayman's love story is unlike any other, it was a roller coaster ride, especially with our stubborn male lead, Ayman but he had his match who is our stubborn Maha😏.

Writing this book has filled my heart with utter joy, you readers might not understand but i was able to say a lot of things I could never say in person. Writing has become my escape from reality, taking me to a fantasy world were everything is possible😍.
So far, so good, i am in love with my imaginery fantasy world💞.

You guys should expect an epilogue tomorrow but if the vote and comment is to my liking, I will update in the evening.
To those few people who had journeyed with me from the beginning of thr book to the end with there encouraging words, I will like to say thank you. I think I don't have to mention names, that one persom who had always been voting and encouraging me knows herself😉. Thank you😘.

Also, i am going to write a side storg for Zayn and Tessie, I just want you guys to know what happened in their own love story. It has only five chapters, i just want you guys to have a glimpse of what happened to them because I'm going to write a sequel to this book

Yes, I'm writing a sequel💃.
Who's as excited as I am?
The drama i have packed in that sequel ehn, I will burst your brains😂.
Anyways, the name of the sequel is hearts entwined in jananah💟💓.

Also Ummita's elder son tht I said his name is Nur is now Amir, I have decided to change it. He is also going to be in the sequel. The sequel is about Azra and her brother, it will also further expand match made in jannah. But i will make sure people won't have to read match made in jannah in other to understand hearts entwined in jannah.

Bye y'all.
See ya in the epilogue.


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