eminence in shadow x RWBY (wh...

By kibou0

9.1K 178 301

this story won't make sense I was board and this is the result enjoy More

part 1 a pesky classmate
Part 2 destiny is made
Part 3 dust company
Part 4 threatening the company
Part 5 beacon academy
Part 6 quiet classmate
Part 7 beacon exam I
Part 8 beacon exam II
Part 9 a schnee's romance
Part 10 emotional chaos
Part 11 shadow interference
team ACAC
Part 12 shadow garden
Part 13 forever fall
Part 14 prince and his princesses
Part 15 I am atomic
Part 17 preparation
Part 18 dance of death
Part 19 dance of death part II
Part 20 begging a hunt
Part 21 the dark lands
Part 22 bleak valley
Part 23 predator and prey
Part 24 reflection
part 25 unexpected turn of events
part 26 team KEYS
Part 27 fighting festival

Part 16 extinguishing flames

211 4 4
By kibou0

team acac and all of the girls from dracoya a eating lunch while talking about how the vacation is over soon 

alpha: sir when to you plan on visiting your father

cid: (for the past week alpha been talking about me going home i got no idea were it coming from but i'm assuming my dad send here a letter telling here to send me home but i got no idea why )

caseate: the master can do as he please alpha

alpha: that is were your wrong aware great prince has responsibility to up hold if he wish to become king 

cid: (i don't know why but she got this idea in here head that i want to become king and so she promised to help me even doing so reticules thing to help .. she convicted meny people to back me even iris is supporting my assent to the throne , alpha has so strong political power could see be ... wanting me to assent so she can take over from the shadows , ahaha nice try but i'm-)

???(I'm the true abyss )

cid:( what any way  if that what she want she's going to have to wait and then well have a grand duel to see who the real shadow is )

alexia: akane what are we doing 

akane: training , extra lesson and that it

alexia: extra lesson , why 

akane: because a certain boy keep getting barley passes his tests 

cid: (yep get average on every test even going slight lower or Hight so it don't look to suspicions all apart of being side character  A  )

alexia: so were drag along with him all though were perfectly fine 

akane: apparently it's the team responsibility to make him better 

alexia: that make no sense 

alpha: eta get the book we need to go to aware old study sessions

cid goes pail slightly

cid: i-i going t-to the b-bathroom 

he get up and qucik walk away 

alexia: what got in to him 

caseate: trauma

alexia: what to you do to him

alpha: just a teaching method 

eta just sleeping 

alexia: no one react to just a teaching method like that   

alpha just shrugs looking away 

cid walk out side and multiple bullhead are landing and a man walk out wearing an overcoat, with a grey undercoat, black sweater, a red necktie and a white glove on his right hand. His suit pants shared the same colour as his overcoat with meny robots solders and even some atlas academy student and professional  huntsmen 

cid:(well that seem to be a little much...what if the create  shadow just happen to defeat all of the solider and even the huntsmen and the one in training would that bee really cool , oh well to bad i don't intent on destroy my mysterious self by have shadow be every were so I'll hold out for now)


in ozpin office

glynda: does he really have to bring his work ever were he goes

ozpin: this ironwood were talking about 

glynd just rolls here eyes and the elevator door opens

ironwood: ozpin 

ozpin: what an unexpected visit general

ironewood: now now just call me james we are friend after all 

ozpin: yes but why are you here

james: well  i could help my self i love vale this time of year it's nothing like atlas so it help me relaxe

ozpin: believe the reason your stress is your work , which you brought with you

jame: ...yes i did 

gyland: why 

jame: gyland you see , iu heard about the attack on the dock i was concerned for my student as well and the fact that there clearly a war on the horizon  

ozpin: so you brought your army here

james: that person you keep speaking of here and so i thought i would be appropriate to bring him to aware side by any means

ozpin: you mean shadow

james: so that his name 

glynda: you didn't know

james: no just that there was a hooded figure with great strength

ozpin: i see well right now i was going to look in to the incident at the dock as one of my students was there   

james: they were well what did they tell you

ozpin: i have spoken to them yet i was going to untill you arrived #

james: i see well shall we

ozpin: very well 


at interrogation room with ozpin and ironwood

ozpin: i hope you well reset after that eventful afternoon

blake: yes i am 

ozpin: good could you please tell use what happened

blake tells him about a hooded figure called himself shadow and destroyed the docks with a strange power  

james: what was this power

blake: it like a fog but he ...used it to kill some white fang soldiers

ozpin: i see well , as you know to enrol in to my academy you must go through a rigours exam and normally people spend year honing there skill in a combat school to pass it and yet you are one of the few who did not and yet you passed with flying colours

blake: ...i was raised out side off  the kingdom if you can't fight you can't survive

james: well you clear survived

ozpin: yes how ever in this school we accept all range of people poor, rich, human...faunus

blake glare at him

ozpin: now blake why hide who you are 

blake: maybe you can expect them but others in your school don't

ozpin: fine now please tell me what else your remember 

blake: the torchwick person got up and  ask how strong shadow was and then he did something i could see like the fog covered my face like i was blind but i could here him thought he said i am atomic and every thing heaver and i could move and all of sudden the fog was purple flashing destroying every thing 

ozpin: and roman torchwick 

blake: gone 

james: in what way

blake: he wasn't there 

ozpin: he removed him 

blake: yeah


cid walk around beacon and end up sneezing

cid: (some talking about me perfect)

wounding on he see 3 people who stand out to him

cid: (just found some Villon's maybe they play)

he bubs in to them 

emerald : oh sorry are you ok 

putting out here hand 

cid: yes  sorry

grabbing here hand he's pulled up 

mercury: watch were your going 

emerald : don't worry about it 

cid: question are you new

cinder: visiting from haven actually 

cid: cool but your dorm isn't here

mercury: i guess we ju-

cid: what ever 

and he just walk away

mercury: he's annoying

emerald: seem perfectly fine to me  

cinder little nods 

and they walk of but what they didn't know is that cid put a tracker on them using his semblance 

shadow  find there dorm and begin to listen to there conversation from out side 

cinder: have you got a hold of him 

emerald : no  

mercury: he probably  died on that light thing 

cinder: maybe but it would be quit in convent for roman to be died

mercury: still could of happened 

cid:(they have some sort of link with that man well there are the Villon's then well i guess i should take care of this but the music need to be right , there on they could perfect )

cid goes to some trees and using his semblance turns it to a working piano  

cid: (this will work )

turn in to shadow

with the noise from piano every one still awake look at the man in awe including the emerald and slight making cinder interested mercury not caring

he stop playing and look up at the window were emerald is looking out of  vanishing 

emerald: were he go

and he looks out the same window she looking out of 

she looks at him but before she could react he grab pushes here out the window  

emerald: what

shadow turn to the other in the room 

mercury leap from the bed and attempts to axe kick shadow only for shadow to grasp it and crush them sending metal all over the floor


cinder: WHO ARE YOU

shadow: my name is shadow

???: (is abyss)

fog slowly covers the floor

cinder: shadow? 

shadow: the one who lurks in the shadow to hunt the shadows

cinder: well shadow it seem were at a stand till 

shadow : very well

cinder: how about you join me 

shadow: in doing what

cinder smiling: in destroying beacon with you under me we can destroy this academy 

shadow: ah.ah.ah ahahahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Under you why would that happen

cinder: why wouldn't it i could kill you with ease

shadow : you thick so all thought you really on borrowed power 

cinder: how do you 

shadow: disappear

all of a sudden the fog turn in to arm and grasp at cinder

cinder: what happening , get of get of 

the arm drag here down in to the fog 

and the fog vanishes along with shadow and a some blood were cinder was appears   

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