Vader's second chance

By DarthAsh18

172K 4.8K 1.1K

An incident on Malachor sends Darth Vader through time and on the path of redemption. Will he use this chance... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Temple system
Sith Order code
Empire system
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 (x2)
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 42

1.9K 56 25
By DarthAsh18

Vader woke up VERY serene that day. Removing himself from his work and... familiarizing himself with Talzin's bare form was a very wise decision indeed. Gently detangling himself from his sheets and his lover, the Sith Grandmaster rises to his feet, using the force to aid in donning a simple black tunic and cloak, devoid of his usual armor. He gazes from the window of his quarters, a recent addition to the temple, and watches the sun rise over the red baked landscape of Dathomir, his home, and feels a type of peace he hadn't felt in a long time. The type that comes from being in a safe place, the kind that tells you, as long as you can return to this spot, to these people, everything will be just fine. A reassuring kind of peace. Slender white hands make their way around him for support, the voice attached to them seeming to echo just a little less that morning. "You are more tranquil than I have seen you before, my beloved. Something remind you of home?"
Vader rests his own mechanical hand on hers. "I am home."

Unfortunately, the beautiful moment is ruined by a Purge Trooper entering, and Vader is on high alert, using the force to flare his cloak, both to hide his love's indecency and to intimidate the soldier. "State your business, make it fast, and pray it is important enough for me not to consider throwing you out the window."
The trooper quickly straightens up and averts his eyes. "You've been summoned to Coruscant by Chancellor Palpatine. He says it's to do with Mandalore."
Vader sighs. "You are dismissed." The trooper is quick to take his leave.

Vader sighs in annoyance, turning to his lover while his cloak settles. "It would appear I am needed elsewhere. I am truly sorry."
She gently strokes his face. "It is ok. A leader does what they must." She suddenly pulls him close. "Though I do hope you make it up to me."
She plants a light kiss on his pale face and he smiles. "I plan to."

Sitting in his personal ship, Vader piloted the ship with two other individuals. One was Pre Vizsla, wearing his complete Mandlaorian armor, including the helmet. As per Vader's orders, the armor of every Death Watch member was redesigned with the imperial colors, red white and black, with their clan emblem emblazoned on their shoulder in shining beskar. The other was a far more intimidating individual. Ardos.
A Pureblood Sith. Vader's second in command. The very first Grand Inquisitor. He came to Vader, as the last of his kind, in a desperate attempt to learn more about his soon to be extinct race. In return for the opportunity to learn that knowledge, and more focused training in his use of the force, he became deathly loyal to Vader. His lineage was so pure he still had the three clawed digits of his early people, and his cranial horns were especially prominent, and had tendrils extending from his cheeks. His species natural connection with the Dark Side and his thirst for power, he quickly rose through the ranks to become the first Grand Inquisitor.

Vader addresses Vizsla. "How goes Beskar smuggling?"
The Death Watch commander answers with a hint of pride in his voice. "Satine's ignorance regarding her own people works in our favor. Our spies have been able to get each mine working covertly, day and night to maximize their output. The planet and surrounding moons will almost be hollow in a year. And getting the beskar off planet hasn't been a struggle either. With a fraction of the population comes a fraction of the security."
Ardos chuckles deeply in amusement. "Adding insult to injury is so very satisfying. Especially in regards to one who rejected our lord's generosity."

Making their way into the senate building, it is surprisingly empty, bar Chancellor Palpatine and Duchess Satine, who looks worse for wear, seeming tired and her normally perfect hair is somewhat frazzled. "Might I ask what this is about so I know whether it was worth my time coming here?"
Palpatine's mouth twitches, resisting the urge to become a victorious smirk, and instead settles on the diplomatic smile he usually has. "Duchess Satine has brought to my attention that her people have swarmed to your systems, and she claims you have brainwashed, or in some cases, possibly coerced them into swearing allegiance to you."
"So no, I didn't need to be here."

Palpatine's smile falls, a shadow of a snarl passing his features before it morphs into a facsimile of disappointment. "Lord Vader, you must recognise these accusations are serious and need to be addressed."
Vader sighs, already feeling a headache coming from this. "Alright. Let's get this over with. Satine, speak."
The duchess frowns at being spoken down to like a pet, but brushes it off in favor of diplomacy. "I want my people returned to Mandalore, and for you to cease your indoctrination of my people."
Vader stares up at her for a moment before speaking. "No."
That seems to startle the Mandalorian "leader". "No? What do you mean, no?"
"I mean no, this is all ridiculous, and I don't respect you in any conceivable way."

Vizsla and Ardos shake with the effort of cocneiling their mirth, the helmeted Mandalorian having an easier time of it. Meanwhile, Satine, very quickly reaching her wits end, retorts with a red face. "YOU don't respect ME?! You're a manipulative, tyrannical war monger who used a terrorist group to brainwash my people and  turn them into soldiers!"
Vader waves a placating hand. "I assure you I do not force your people to be soldiers. They also make very good weapons engineers."
Vizsla and Ardos are unable to contain their laughter anymore, and openly laugh at the duchess' expense while Palpatine tries to regain control of the situation. "Vader, please, this is serious."

Vader merely shrugs, uncaring. "As you say. But in all seriousness, your people are not coerced, manipulated or forced into my ranks. As citizens of my empire they are free to persue any passion they might have, and if that happens to be combat, so be it. I don't apolgise for allowing MY people their freedom of choice. However, as a show of good will, I propose this. A transmission will be sent to every Mandalorian citizen in my empire, asking if they wish to stay with me, or return to you. If even ONE agrees to go back, then you can have them all. Agreed?"
Both Palpatine and Satine have a victorious grin, Palpatine's more so internalised than Satine's.

Zero. A transmission was sent out, and the result was a zero. No Mandalorian wanted to return to the new Mandalore. Satine stares, slack jawed and wide eyes at the number before turning a wrathful glare to Vader. "You planned this! You bribed or threatened them, I know it!"
Ardos doesn't care for such accusations. "You dare accuse Lord Vader of foul play?!"
He steps forward but Vader holds him back. "I'm sure the duchess is just emotional."

Palpatine, ever the manipulator, does one last bid for control. "I must admit, such a unanimous answer from so many is unprecedented,"
Vader thinks to himself. 'Maybe with your system.'
Palpatine continues, unaware of Vader's thoughts. "And it will need to be investigated. A short occupation of the systems currently housing Mandolorians should suffice, at least until the investigation is concluded."

All is dead silent, and the two politicians belongs that they've won, but the air soon becomes chilling, freezing even, as an intense aura dominates the massive room. "You will go nowhere near my planets. Let me remind you Chancellor, I do not serve under you, I do not work for you, I do not live under your rule. We are allies of convenience, nothing else, but that can change very quickly. Let me spell it out for you. Any attempt to occupy my systems, will be met with lethal force, and the CIS will be the least of your worries." Do I make myself clear?"

Vader is left in a stare down with Palpatine. He knows how the hidden Sith feels, how baldy he simply wants to kill the problem before him, but he can't, because that would jeopardise his plans more than they already are, and he is forced to submit, bowing his head in false fear. "Of course, Lord Vader."

The trio prepare to board their ship, but are interrupted by unwanted company. "Vader!"
Sighing, Vader turns. "What is-" he is cut off by a stinging sensation in his cheek, and he hears the buzzing of a lightsaber and the click of a blaster holster.
"I'm going to have to ask you to take a couple steps back." Regaining his wits, Vader sees the blaster being aimed at Satine's, temple, with Ardos's lightsaber in prime position to slice her in half. But Satine isn't focused on either of those things.
She's focusing on the Mandalorian that just spoke with wide eyes. "Governor Vizsla? You would aim a blaster at me so soon after your betrayal?"
He scoffs, his blaster never wavering. "It's Commander Vizsla to you, and betrayal implies there was existing loyalty."

Not wanting to be responsible for another intergalactic conflict, Vader raises his hands to calm his associates. "At ease. She is merely at a breaking point. She will learn. Eventually. For now, let's simply go home."
Ardos is quick to extinguish his saber at Vader's command, but Vizsla hesitates for but a moment before holstering his blaster. "Yes, home." The three leave behind the stunned duchess in favor of returning to more welcome company.

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