Royally Mute

By bobatonic

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Royally Mute


155 18 0
By bobatonic

I walked on the dark nothingness that surrounded me. A bright pinpoint of light suddenly pierced the darkness.

I smiled at the warmth it provided, even though I wasn't even cold. I relished in it. I took steps towards the light, even though it seemed as if I wasn't moving, the light was getting closer, and bigger, and brighter, and warmer, and I loved it.

I smiled brightly as I got closer. I felt so welcomed.

Soon, I was enveloped in that warmth. I closed my eyes against the brightness, and when I opened them again I looked around confused.

"Where am I?" I asked whoever would listen. My voice echoed against the cobblestone streets.

I was being shoved from every which way.

"Please! Somebody! Anybody!" I begged, but nobody would listen.

"SAMANTHA RED!" A voice boomed from behind me. I spun around and gasped.

"Yes?" I mumbled, frightened.

"FOLLOW ME SAMANTHA RED." The person said in the same tone as before. I grasped at his tail coat, but I couldn't reach it, as he was on a tall, black, demonic looking horse. The horse glanced down at me, and snorted, and not nicely.

They started sauntering away, and I followed, hoping someone would be able to help me.

"Can you tell me what is going on?" I asked, suddenly irritated.

"I CANNOT SAMANTHA RED." The man on the horse said.

"But I can." An angelic voice whispered from behind me.

I gasped and spun around.

Suddenly, I wasn't in the streets, I was in my home.

But something was different.

For one thing, the young woman on the dining room table.

She was dressed in what looked like a wedding gown. Veil and all. She had a diamond tiara atop her angelic head.

The blonde ringlets that framed her face only enhanced the apparent beauty that radiated from her.

"What is going on then?" I demanded.

"That, my dear child, is something you shouldn't have had to face, and wouldn't have if you were not as selfless as you are. As of now, you are in what some call Limbo. Also known as the land between the living and the dead. For you my child, did not survive the fire you helped Elder River Lilly out of."

I cried out in shock.

The tears started freely running down my face.


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