Come From Way Above [Feral Pr...


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His dhi'ke-de. His death from above. His. The ic'jits will regret ever even thinking of her... Más

You Are My Angel
Come From Way Above
To Bring Me Love
Her Eyes
She's On The Dark Side
Every Man In Sight
Love [Pt.1]

Love You [Pt.2]

15 1 0

Naru doesn’t even attempt to create a makeshift gurney, because she knows there is no way she will be able to drag his weight more than a few steps, let alone back through the forests and to his flying palace. The first thing she does (without the help of any medicine on her) is to try to stop his bleeding. She goes for the two deepest wounds first, where the smaller beast had impaled him.

She hurriedly gathers as much bamboo as she can find, skinning the shoots and twisting them to make a rope. She huffs when her breaches slip down, uses the now bloody green dagger he gifted to her to make herself a belt. She then darts back over to her mupitz and sets the rope down beside her as she kneels down beside his head.

His breaths are shallow, but he does still breathe, which makes her panic a little less and focus a lot more.

Naru shoves her hair over her shoulder as she leans down to slip one of her arms under his. She pulls his arm up, resting it along her front as she begins to coil the rope around his shoulder and over his wound. She tugs it tight enough to stop any clots, but is careful not to stop his circulation when she cuts the rope and ties the knot. She lays his arm down and shuffles along the dead leaves, down to his middle. She sucks in a sharp breath when she finally takes the details of his wounds in properly. Along with the sword wound in his gut, his chest has four long slashes splayed across it.

Naru forces the lump in her throat away and glares weakly at him as she mumbles, “I forgave you for my brother, mupitz. You were just doing what you have always done, and you owed me nothing. But...if you die on me now, because of that pauk-de, I will never forgive you...” She trails off when her bottom lip trembles and ignores the pain from the throbbing cut the involuntary movement causes.

She huffs, blinks away her unshed tears, bites at her lip harshly, and picks up the rest of the rope. She shuffles back a little, slowly leans down to try to thread both the rope and her arm under his back. She pauses when she spots a small black box strapped to the back of his belt. She doesn’t know why until she opens the box up, but something in her heart and mind tells her to reach for it and do so. She gasps in both shock and relief at what she finds inside.

She chuckles quietly, smiles faintly as she glances back to him and mostly notes to herself, “Of course. This must be how you healed me.”

Naru sets the box down, but her smile melts away and hers eyes slowly widen in a panic again when she realises she has no idea how to use any of these tools.

She knows the wrong vial could easily kill him, so, without even hesitating, she plucks them out, one at a time, carefully unscrews each lid and fucking dips her finger in to taste. She’s highly aware that this is a bad idea, so, of course, she tries to take a little from each as possible.

The first two seem to do nothing at all, only tasting bitter and foul. She grimaces and spits them out. The third, she doesn’t even get to touch, because when she opens it, the substance steams and sizzles. She places that one back in the box carefully.

Then, finally, she gets to the substance as clear as water. It’s nowhere near as bitter tasting as the first two, and when she presses her finger to the tip of her tongue, she instantly feels numb and tingly.

She takes a deep breath, her head dizzying for a moment before she feels wide awake. Her heart skips happily, not too fast, and she stares at the vial in wonder while slowly reaching for the needle like gun. She shoves the vial in after a few seconds of trying to figure out, then, takes a deep breath and hopes with all her heart that this will work.

Her nerves cause her to recheck her pockets for any left of orange totsiyaa. She huffs when she finds none, just like when she looked ten minutes ago...

Naru nods, psyching herself up as she grabs up the needle gun and just goes for it. She presses the gun gently to his thigh before pressing the little trigger.

The moment she sees the liquid disappear from the vial and into his body, Naru is then thrown back without warning as his upper body shoots upright. He lets out an almighty roar as she goes smacking into the nearest tree, and then, sees nothing but black as the darkness of unconsciousness creeps into her head.


He is still alive. In fact, he’s never felt more alive. His eyes are wide and he’s heaving both his victory and confusion as he glances around. His vision is still fuzzy for a moment, and when he glances down to see the needle gun sticking out of his thigh, his visions instantly clears, and thoughts along with it.

He’s now panicking slightly as his eyes dart around to find his little dhi’ke-de. She must have saved him. She must have found his medicomp and—

“NO!” Bo roars when his eyes finally land on her limp form.

She’s under the very tree he’d pressed her against and—Bo rips the needle gun from his leg and tosses it aside. He shoves himself up onto his feet and stalks over to her. He sniffs the air around her, and is also relieved to hear her pulse is still strong. He scoops her carefully up with one arm, finally reaches for his mask with his other hand.

He puts the mask on, lays her head across his chest before taking a moment to scan her vitals. He’s happy things are all still normal, that she’s simply unconscious. But he lets out a bitter snarl at himself when he glances around and realises that he is the one who knocked her out.

He feels fine enough, even though he is still bleeding out. He slides her limp form over his shoulder, nudging at the swollen bruise that he can smell across the bottom half of her ribs. His glare snaps over to the Elite’s head.

He gathers his supplies and weapons, uses his little dhi’ke-de’s spear to pick up the Elite’s head along the way before making his way back to his ship.


It takes a couple of hours, but when he finally reaches his ship, he doesn’t waste time in finally tending to his wounds.

For now, despite his carelessness, his little dhi’ke-de is fine. At least, better off than he is.

He sets her down on his bed, covers her with his furs before sitting himself down on his reading chair. He lets out a low groan at the pain still throbbing in his gut, and at the bloody stumped ends of the few tendrils he’s lost. They will grow back of course, in time, but right now, it pauking hurts!

He doesn’t usually care about pain. Can take more than even most Elite hish-qu-tens. It’s what he is so infamous among his people for. Why they chose him to be their champion from such a young age. He has even delighted in pain, using it as motivation to press himself harder, maybe even got off on it when the females of his kind would beat him into submission before having their way with him (the harder he let them, the harder they’d later allow him to return the favour.)

But not even the idiot Elders could have warned him what losing tendrils could feel like?

(What are they even for? They’re basically just a bunch of know-it-all glorified Elites in retirement.)

It feels worse than losing an arm...again.

(He huffs out a quiet chuckle as his mind flashes back to the moment his little dhi’ke-de sliced his sword arm clean off with his own comb blade.)

It almost feels like he has lost a part of his cock somehow.

(Thankfully, he doesn’t know what that feels like.)


Naru wakes up to a rough warm finger pressed to her cheek.

She tries to sit up, her eyes wide when she sees her mupitz looming over her, that he is alive. Her head has other ideas as a wave of dizziness hits her.

He lets out a few clicks, hand slipping up to press down on her shoulder. She nods, sinking back down and letting him cover her back up with the thick furs.

She takes a moment to right her ragged breathing, well aware of his eyes still on her. Finally, when she feels she can open her mouth without vomiting, she says, “You look better. Do you feel better?”

She smiles when he nods.

“Good. I’m glad.” She nods back, slowly turns on her side, pulling the covers up under her chin as she continues to just smile up at him.

He peers curiously back down at her before hefting his crouching form up onto the bed to sit beside her. He sits just under where her legs are curled up underneath her backside.

She turns her head, staring curiously (anything to distract herself from suddenly realising he is wearing nothing but the metal cloths covering his groin.)

He reaches forward and brushes the tip of one claw to her busted bottom lip. She smiles and tells him, “I’m OK. Just aching all over from bruises and scrapes, but I have no real wounds.” She reaches one arm out of the furs to latch her hand around his large finger. She looks him in the eye, frown soft and guilty when telling him, “You took most of the hits. I was a little useless this time.”

Bo chuckles, Naru glares up at him, but quickly breaks out into a smile again. “Shut up.” She nudges her foot against his thigh from under the furs, sucking in a hot and heavy breath when he growls in warning and with quick reflexes, has her foot in his tight grip. He gives her a foot a squeeze, gives her more playful warning of a rumbling growl before letting her go.

She shoots him a challenging glare back, slowly inching her foot back over before kicking him hard. He hisses loudly in protest and she laughs gleefully, pulling the covers up over her nose and staring cheekily back at him.

This seems to make him snap as he lets loose a little snarl before leaping onto her. She squeals out her laugher as he growls low and cages her in on her back, his elbows and knees pressed either side of her.

Naru stares up at her mupitz, whose narrowed eyes have slowly softened before her very sight as he stares back down at her. He seems to be observing every detail about her, and Naru can’t say she blames him.

They are two very different creatures. And yet, here they are again.

Only, this time, he isn’t here to kill her...

“Are you really here just to give me your warrior mark?” She tries not to sound hopeful or disappointed when she asks, “Or where you here to hunts the others?”

He dips his head, motioning towards her.

Naru feels lighter than air. “Why?” She can’t decide if she feels stupid over asking, but she feels like she has to know for sure.

This cannot be just a fantasy. She cannot stay with him for anything less.

She doesn’t know that she loves him, because she’s never loved anyone, not even her dead husband. Still, she knows she feels more for mupitz than she’s ever felt for anybody. And she hates herself for it, because that includes her own children.

Of course she would die and kill for them, would even kill mupitz himself (again) if he dared to hurt them.

Still, she needs to know she’s not just crazy, like most people (her brother sometimes included) have told her all her life.

“Paya.” Bo’s voice snaps her from her thoughts. His eyes are half wide as he bows his head to her chest and repeats, “Paya.” Without moving his head from her chest, he lift a hand and points a clawed finger over to the large stone statue.

She turns her head to look at it, taking in the more feminine shaped mupitz staring ferociously right back at her.

Naru turns her head back to face him, breath hitching when he lifts his head and leans in to sniff and lick over the Warrior’s Mark he left under her ear. In return, she carefully reaches for one of his three severed black tendrils, brushing her fingers gently down it and smiling sadly up at him when he pulls back slowly to stare down at her.

“Is Paya a warrior, like you?”

She blinks curiously at his little scoff and chortle. He lifts a hand, points a finger upwards before curling all of his fingers and pressing the back of his fist to his forehead. And maybe it’s because she is getting to know him more and more, but she smiles shyly and blushes heavily because she understands.

“She is your God?”

He nods once, dropping his hand back to her side, and she blushes harder while scoffing quietly and telling him, “I am no God. For the longest time, I was not even a real warrior.”

He scoffs quietly back in protest and she can’t help chuckling. He lifts his hand back up and presses it over her chest, looking her in the eyes when he says, “R’ka. Sain’ja–wurr-yuurrr.”

“Sain’ja.” Naru repeats the word, smiling just as bright as when his eyes light up, and he lets out a happy trill. “I’m glad you think I’m worthy of the title.”

He points a finger upwards again, then, points to himself, then, to her before he says, “Yew comm wit me.”

Naru blinks, her eyes wide as she takes a moment to process the fact that he spoke a full sentence to her without even stuttering or stopping to think about how to say the next word. “Uh–um,” She pauses, blinks again, gulps lightly, and then, registers the actual meaning behind those words before asking, “Come with you, where?”

Bo blinks back at her, then, slowly points back up to the ceiling of his flying palace. He drops his hand beside her again, staring and clearly waiting for her answer.

She gulps again, because she knows what he really means. “You want me to fly to the stars with you?”

Bo nods, eyes even softening again as he waits patiently.

She puffs out a chuckle, shakes her head at his monstrously sweet face. She’s smiling sadly again when she tells him, “I can’t leave my children.”

To which, he simply gives an understand nod before lifting his hand to motion an ocean wave.

Naru chuckles at his persistence. “After they don’t need me anymore?” She laughs when he nods eagerly. She scowls playfully, but feels herself blushing as she says, “By that time, I will be almost old. What will you want with me then, hm? I will be truly useless to you.”

He scoffs softly, pressing his forehead to hers as he grumbles out the words, “Mine-ugh... Nuk bpi-de; ‘til end.”

Naru can only nod as she loses herself in staring right at him, just as he always seems to stare at her so intensely.

He really is so amazing to her. The most violent monster of a being she has ever witnessed, and yet, she has managed to find this softer side in this beast of beasts.

And he seems happy with her response as he rumbles contently and nods his forehead against hers.

Her eyes are locked with his as she slowly reaches up to caress the side of his face with her fingertips. He keeps still, save for the low rumbling growl that vibrates through him as she curves a finger over one of his upper tusks. She can feel his hot breath fanning out from his mouth to the palm of her hand.

Only then, does she realise she’s sweating a little. With the thick furs and the warmth of this flying palace of his, on top of his own warmth seeping into her, she pushes both arms out, pushing the furs down to her waist.

He still doesn’t move, just his eyes tracking her as she shifts to get comfortable again. Then, she’s lifting her hand back to his tusks, exploring each one carefully and in detail as she runs her fingers over them. She gasps softly in pleasant surprise when he suddenly pulls back his tusks and slowly opens up his mouth, showing off his pearly teeth to her.

She’s nervous, but not afraid when she reaches up to run her fingers over the sharp points of the two longest fangs. And when she runs her fingers over his top gums, she takes note of the small shudder he clearly tries to hide from her as his body stiffens above her.

His eyes stay focused on her face, she feels the heat of them at her blushing cheeks when he lets out a growl so long and low, she can feel it vibrate right down to her bones. It makes her stomach flutter in time with her cunt. And when she shifts her thighs underneath him, he finally moves.

He’s pulling back, kneeling before her. He places both hands at her waist, snarls softly with excitement after she gasps and arches into his touch. He’s pulling her down the bed then, pulling the thick fur from her and shoving it aside before he’s tugging her towards him.

Her heart leaps into her chest with her own excitement as he suddenly flips her onto her stomach. She screws her eyes shut in anticipation when he yanks her breaches down her legs. Her heart is now racing when she glances over her shoulder to see him finally tearing his own clothing away. Her cunt aches as it tightens, her eyes roaming over his large cock.

She gulps, almost afraid, because she is sure he is well on his way to being hung like a fucking horse...

He seems to feels her nerves when he lets out a soft huff, clicking at her as his gives her hips a gentle squeeze. She nods eagerly, the only thing she’s capable of doing when his hands then slide slowly around to her belly and suddenly lift her up to him.

He leaves one hand splayed over her belly, claws brushing lightly over her hip and making her skin prickle with more heat. His other hand swipes her hair to one side as he lifts her high enough to press his fangs over the crook of her neck in a soft gnawing bite.

Her heart skips, cunt fluttering with her stomach as she clutches one hand over his still clutching at her belly. He presses her back against his chest, but doesn’t need to when she’s eagerly melting and arching into him. Her other hand reaching up to tug at one of his non wounded tendrils. It gets the desired response when he pulls his mouth from her neck with another soft snarl. He shivers back against her and rumbles deeply while doing so.

She is lost in all of the sensations. Lost in the feel of him tearing away the rest of her clothing as his rough hand comes up to swallow her breast in its grasp. His hand it beyond huge, covers all over her chest if he were to spread his fingers. Instead, he’s softly squeezing at her sensitive flesh, and she is gasping and moaning needily with every touch.

He shifts a little behind her and she feels him press a huge muscled thigh between her legs. He sets her naked ass down over his bent leg, his arm tightening around her waist.

She gasps as she shifts and her clit brushes over his leathery skin. She rocks her hips a few times when he doesn’t stop her, moaning and huffing as her hand grips his over her belly. He growls softly letting her move for a few moments, then, is clicking against the top of her head as he rubs his maw there a few times.

She realises he was warning her of his next move when he shifts her again and she then feels the length of his cock slip between her thighs.

She gasps loudly when the blunt head of his cock catches against her hole before swiftly doing the same to her clit. She glances down, her pulse skipping and quickening in time with her fluttering stomach and throbbing cunt when she sees his cock slowly fucking her thighs.

She can now see the small but firm ridges she could feel before, all around his cock, up to the very smooth tip. It is like no cock she had ever seen before, man or beast. Yet, even before her beast behind her has used it to fuck her, she is already a whining and begging mess.

Her head flops back after a couple of minutes, thudding softly against his chest. She lets out a shuddering breath, tilts her head back, eyes stinging as she cranes to look up at him while pressing herself against him.

“Fuck me, mupitz, please.” Naru breathily begs, grinning already dopily as he snarls and fucks her thighs and clit faster. She gasps again, but manages to tell him, “I do not break easy.”

This seems to do the trick as Bo then shoves her forward onto all fours. She gasps in shock, but her heart quickens even more as he lines his hips up with hers and begins to tease her cunt opening with the tip of his cock.

At one moment, when he has her distracted enough, the cheeky bastard even presses the entire tip of his cock into her ass hole, then, chortles loudly and slaps playfully at her rump when she hisses and swears at him with; you pauk-de!

The begrudging smile she hides from him then quickly falls away as her mouth falls open in a silent moan when he finally presses his cock into her cunt. She sucks in a harsh breath, if only to catch some fucking air into her lungs when he instantly begins to thoroughly fuck it right out of her.


Of course he knew she would be much tighter around his cock than she was his tongue. Yet, it still is beyond the bliss he ever imagined, or ever received.

He definitely understands now.

He is not letting her go.

And he will let her know this as he loops an arm back around her waist, hauls her back to his chest and without stopping his pounding hips, he growls the word again, this time loud and clear right into her ear, “MINE!”

And in between her cursing at him to pauk her faster, he is completely overjoyed to hear her scream back the word, “YES!!”

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