The Enigma Of Dead Man's Aven...

By IshaaqN

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An abandoned house. 6 kids. Well, technically 7 until one of them is kidnapped. Will everyone make it out ali... More

Dreaded Dance
Dining Room
Lies In The Library
Haunting Hallway
Locked In
The Final Hour

The Right Place

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By IshaaqN

The 3rd hour had just started. There was a draft throughout the room. It blew around the 6 of them, around the table. MJ felt a tsunami of anguish hit him, his brother just randomly disappeared only a few hours ago. There was an eerie feeling in the room as everyone went out, like there was a random whistling. Shiver ran down the spines of the teens, like rain water down the back of a shirt. As everyone began to leave the room, Dahlia spoke, "Wait, remember, if we're apparently 'looking in the wrong places', that means we have to search in places we haven't searched before. Me, Stormsie, and MJ and Aurs, will search in the kitchen and entertainment room. Nicholas and Char, you can search wherever." As she stopped talking, she grabbed Storm's arm, very aggressively. They walked quickly out of the room, very much suspiciously.
3:07. Dahlia and Storm had just walked out of the room, and now everyone else was getting ready to walk out. MJ stood up quickly and then said, "Umm, ok. Aurs, we should leave now, to search of course." He grabbed Aurelia as they quickly walked around the room, as if something was going on. When they were out of the room, Nicholas asked, "Umm, isn't it weird how Dahlia, Storm, MJ and Aurelia just walked out of the room very quickly?" As he asked this, Charlotte began to reply, "Yeah, yeah I understand." There was an uncomfortable feeling in the room as Nicholas and Charlotte were the last ones to walk out, as if there was something about this house that someone knows.
At this moment now, everyone was searching, mainly downstairs. Nicholas and Charlotte started talking. But whilst they were talking, a draft blew around them, the same draft from the living room. First, Nicholas asked, "So, Char, who do you think is the smartest person here?" Charlotte looked in all the rooms before answering. First she looked in the kitchen, where MJ and Aurelia were searching. Then she looked in the entertainment room, where Dahlia and Storm were. After looking in both of these rooms, she answered, "Me personally, Dahlia. It's just... I don't know. Every time we put letters on the table, she's the first one to sort them into a certain order, and then there's the other thing. When we're talking about what's on the letters and what they mean, she's the first one to speak. I don't know but, she could possibly help us." As Charlotte finished speaking, that same draft blew again. Nicholas looked in the entertainment room, to see yet again, not even a suprise, Dahlia and Storm arguing. They almost were about to whack each other with the cues on the pool table, before Nicholas stormed in. They turned to him, pool cues still in hand, but then immediately dropped them back onto the pool table. Nicholas then spoke, "Yeah, umm, sorry to interrupt whatever this is but Dahlia, may I speak with you?" Dahlia stormed out of the room giving the finger to Storm. Nicholas walked out behind her, chuckling under his breath. Dahlia angrily crossed her arms, leaned against a wall. Nicholas did so aswell, but opposite her. Dahlia then said, "It's not funny. Anyways, umm, why did you wanna talk to me?" Nicholas took a deep breath, and then replied, "Look, your smart, you figure everything out, so I just wanted to ask you-",
"Oh my god. Is the Nicholas Parker hitting on me, the Dahlia Rose?"
"Excuse me? Not. At. All. But, I need your help figuring something out. Look, just come to the library with me. Well, what are you waiting for? Come on!" He signalled Dahlia to come into the dining room, and she did so. The same draft blew again, around Nicholas and Dahlia. They both shivered. Nicholas then asks, "So, who's going first?" Dahlia steps back then replies, "You can do the honours, please." Soon after, Nicholas goes first, then whispers "Pussy.", under his breath. It seems as though Dahlia might have heard, because she then replied, "Umm, do you want my help or not?", pushing Nicholas as she does so.
"Ugh ok, alright, but let's hurry this up, it's 3:17." The 2 of them began to walk down the stairs, the same stairs. But something was different. It didn't feel like the stairs were endless, it actually felt the opposite of that. Somehow they were only walking down the stairs for 3 minutes, and then they got to the bottom. Usually it was 10 minutes. The same draft from before blew again. Nicholas and Dahlia shivered, again. Nicholas ran to the 3 bookcases, from before. Dahlia ran behind him as she panted, "Slow down, I think I might faint!" They got to the 3 bookcases, as both of them were out of breath. After getting there hearts back to a normal pace, Dahlia stated, "Ok, so, it's clear that this host has got some form of OCD." Nicholas then replied, "Good assumption, how did you figure that one out?"
"My sister has OCD and ADHD. You know, the works."
"Oh. I'm so sorry." Dahlia replied, "It's alright, and anyways, she's so much better now." There was a cold silence for a few seconds, but then both of them suddenly got it. They shouted, "The right place!!" Nicholas then said, "We never checked the bookcase on the right. Let's go!!" Nicholas grabbed Dahlia's hand and then led her to the bookcase on the right. Before even getting there, the bookcase just fell, revealing a small hallway. Luckily, Nicholas and Dahlia moved before it fell, so they weren't squashed. Nicholas and Dahlia looked closer to examine it more. They were wondering why and how would a bookcase just fall, randomly? Dahlia stepped back, then said, "Do the honours." Nicholas rolled his eyes, then proceeded to walk through the small hallway, with Dahlia following him behind. It hadn't even been 3 minutes and they had got to the end of the hallway. But something unexplainable was there. No, it wasn't a dead end, or a trap, just doors. 3 doors. All next to each other. The only decision now was which one to go through. And time was running out. Only a few more hours to find Damon, otherwise, he dies. Nicholas and Dahlia eyed all the doors, one by one. Nicholas then asked, "So, which door? Should I pick or you?" Dahlia took a very deep breath, then replied, "I think we should both pick at the same time."
They both took a deep breath before Dahlia said:
"Ok, on 3. 1..."
And on 3, they both spoke:
"The first door."
As they both said this, Nicholas's hand went over to the door knob, and he twisted it. He opened the first door. He went in first, with Dahlia following behind. As he went in, he saw that this was no ordinary room, it was like a barn, a farmhouse. There was hay all over the floor, but not a lot. It smelt of horse poo in there, and then Dahlia shouted, "Eww!", as she covered her nose. They both looked around the barn for a little while, Nicholas on the left, Dahlia on the right. Soon after, Nicholas spots something horrifying, and no, it wasn't dung. Nicholas spoke, "Umm, Dahlia? I think you might want to see this." Dahlia heard Nicholas and rushed over to him, to look at the 'horrifying thing.' She took one glimpse at it, and then she screamed, "AHHHHHH!", as she started breathing heavily, in anxiety. Nicholas put his hand on her shoulder, then he said, "Wanna go tell the others?" Dahlia nodded, as she was so anxious she couldn't even speak. Both of them ran out of the room, as if something was chasing them.
4:46. MJ, Aurelia, Charlotte and Storm were in the living room, waiting for Nicholas and Dahlia to come back. A draft blew throughout the room, yet again. Charlotte was fidgeting with a loose thread on the sofa, filled with worry. MJ was biting his nails, in anxiety. Aurelia was shaking her leg, also in anxiety. Storm just sat back, relaxed as ever. Aurelia worked up the courage to ask Storm, "Aren't you even slightly anxious about what's going on? Literally, someone is missing, and we only have 3 more hours to find him. We're running out of time." Storm just rolled his eyes and said "Ugh, don't care, I just want my Dahls to come back." MJ stood up to angrily say "You wanna say you don't care about finding my brother again?" Charlotte stood up automatically and said, "Guys, let's not." MJ clenched his fists as Storm replied, "Oh, I'm so scared." MJ was about to punch the smirk off Storm before Nicholas and Dahlia came in. As they came in, they all turned to them, then Nicholas announced, "Guys, you have to see something." All 4 of them were taken aback by this clearly. Nicholas and Dahlia ran out of the room, and the 4 of them followed behind.
All 6 of them were running to the barn room, filled to the top with different emotions. Excitement, confusion, anxiety, worry, you name it. Time was running out for the group, and fast. Where'd all the time go? It seems as though only a moment ago, they were at school, messing around in lessons and tripping the short, younger students over. But one thing was for sure, the host was in this house, alive and evil. For all they could know, they could be under the floorboards, or even in the walls. But what if it's not just one person? Maybe it's 2, or 3, or more. Anyways, there was only 3 more hours left. 3 more hours to find Damon, and go home.
The group got to the barn room. Nicholas and Dahlia ran to where the shocking thing was, to show everyone. The 4 of them took a glance at the shocking thing and screamed. What was it, you ask? Well, it was a picture of Damon, tied up with rope, with tape on his mouth. In the background of said picture, was words in red:

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