We choose our demons | a BNHA...

By Pixel102

194 20 2

An updated version of my other fic our demons When you have the ability to see dead people, it would be unner... More

The Phoenix's flame - 1
The Day - 2
They're out already!? - 3
S.C.C.R.E 0.7 - 4
Rebirth - 4.5
Maka - 5
New You - 6
First Impressions - 7
Incorrect quotes (you can skip!)

New persona - 8

11 2 0
By Pixel102

"Said boy was sweating bullets."

You wrap your tail around him in comfort and look for your name. "2 - Daybreak Y/N" you wince as you look back to your friend. "By the way," the tired man spoke breaking everyone out of their thoughts, "I was lying about the expulsion." You couldn't contain yourself and made everyone jump out of their shock as you yelled, "BITCH WHAT??"

Izuku flinched and you never caught yourself. Everyone else backed you up with "are you kidding me?" Or "you made us scared for nothing!?" Until a pretty girl spoke up, "oh, I though you all knew? Why would he ever expel someone on the first day?"

You then shouted out, again. "Because he expelled a whole class! ON THEIR FIRST DAY!" Aizawa only smirked again, pride enveloping him. "That's right, I did didn't I? Oh right. It was my last class too." Kaminari then shouted, "you aren't making this any better!" The girl had her jaw dropped to the floor. "My apologies then.." "Don't apologize, you didn't know."

I'm gonna kill myself

You then just turned around and walked away, knowing the results of the "test" and just wanting to get on with the day. Not knowing you were being tailed by a classmate who also wanted to get away from the noise.

And he had his questions about you.


The rest of the first day was easy, but the second day.. "I AM WALKING IN.. LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!" Took more energy to get through.

Your body visibly deflates as you see the well built man rush into the room all with a big grin that seems to be permanently stitched onto his face.

You don't really care for the hero, but because you know Izuku is very biased about his idol, you keep your mouth shut. Or in the past, your face static and your hands together or to the side.

So, you sigh and look up as All Might, after everyone (somewhat) hushes up, tells the class to get into their hero outfits, so, you did. And after you went into the boys room and got into a stall to change, although, your appearance wouldn't be the only thing that changed. You and Silvia have been practicing.

[*–.~ ten months earlier ~.–*]

"Now my little stone- hmm, that won't work for you soon, huh?" You shook your head as you hunched on the couch. "Silvia, why are we doing this again?"

"You said you wanted to know how to constantly act! I quote "like a new persona! A flip of a switch that'll happen instantly." Sound familiar?"

You pout and look to the side. She's right, and you knew that. "Using my own words against me.. question though," she nods, "how the fuck do you intend I do that? That whole.. thing.. was just a spur of the moment thingy."


"Answer the goddamn question."

[~.–*Present day *–.~]

Unlocking the dark suitcase and pulling out your suit with a smile, you unbuttoned one of the buttons, popped it off, and replaced it with a vermillion one. From the shirt to the pants, the pants to the leggings, the leggings to your new boots and gloves, to the little top hat that fit snuggly on one of your horns. It had some decor of feathers with some glass. The glass bit had a purpose, the feathers were only for decoration.

"It's simple really. You've been a master at it ever since you met the shattered mirror."

Tying a large bow that was on your lower back to hide your tail, to a smaller red bow that was wrapped comfortably on your neck. Then, the cane. The beautiful dark purple cane with white and blue accents. You grin at it and pick it up.

Looking into a mirror in the cane you clear your throat and remember what you've practiced.

A clear mind, a confident voice, a jump in my step. One two three~ one two three! All eyes on me! No frowning, no pouting, no moaning and groaning. Only grins only smiles that shine for miles! I'm someone new, someone different. I must smile for the people that can't.

You step out of the stall and out of the changing rooms to where everyone else was standing in the light, talking to each other. With a few coughs in preparation, you stepped out into the light. You spotted Izuku immediately and laughed. "Well then, what an adorable little rabbit! Will he be the next number one? Will he capture the hearts of his classmates? Only one way to find out!"

"You lie."

He turned around sharply, "Y- Y/N..?" You gave a big grin, sharp teeth and all, with a hearty laugh. "Heya, green bean! It's showtime!" You tapped your finger onto his nose.. or.. where it should be. You had practiced this dozens of times with your older siblings. The smile, the laugh, the whole act. But it didn't seem fake. On the inside, however, you were screaming. 

"What the.." Uraraka's eye twitched in shock, "you were waay more quiet just before!" You gave a small chuckle. "You need to be more bold to be seen, sweets. Call it an act."

That's because it was.

You winked and walked towards All Might, heels clicking with each step. Despite having a literal war with yourself in your head, you held up a confident smile. But all that was going on inside was, "IM CRINGE HOLY SHIT" "WHY DID I SAY THAT??? WHY AM I SMILING!?" "AAAAAAAAAA-"

Bakugou also looked at you from the side but quickly looked away when your eyes caught his. With a laugh and a flick of your tail, you borrow a bit of fire from Amber and snap your fingers, sparks flew out and a flash of purple appeared for a split second to tease him a bit. He scoffed and created some sparks of his own and turned away.

You tapped your little top hats brim and looked forward, still adorned with an award winning smile. Only for it to falter as the others started to ask All Might questions rapidly. "I should save him."

With a tap of your cane, you quickly silenced everyone. "People! People, he may be strong enough to be the number one hero, but he's not strong enough to answer hundreds of questions at a time!" Iida flinched. "One at a time, dears. One at a time."

I also just really want you guys to shut the fuck up

"You're right, Daybreak!" Iida had started. "My sincerest apologies, All Might! How could I have been so foolish!?"

It was a simple mistake... if you can really call it one-

Despite you wanting to say something like that, it would go against the act. So, instead you clapped. "What spirit!" You have a genuine chuckle at the accidental pun you had made.

I fucking hate myself

"There will be a "bomb" that the villain team must hide and protect. The hero team must find it and deactivate it within 15 minutes! However, the villains will do all they can to protect it, go wild!"

You shift your eyes to Izuku. "Aaand he's regretting living. Fun." You then look to Bakugou who has his own violent grin, probably hoping to beat the shit out of Izuku. "Oh stars... I'm just gonna have to hope for him."

All Might continues, "there will be capturing tape to eliminate one of the opposing team... or both! Kudos to you!" All Might pats a box. "I will assort you to teams based on the letter you pull. However, I understand that there is an odd number of students."

Wait no

"Daybreak," your smile becomes strained. "Yes, sir? Are you going to suggest a new mechanic?" He shook his head.

"With your quirk, you can summon any spirit, correct?" "As long as I've formed a connection with them, yes." You had a feeling you knew where this was going. "You may assemble a team of two extra teammates. Who you summon is of course, up to you."

You prop one arm on your cane and lean down with a polite smile, "thank you, sir."

Also fuck you, sir

When you look up again, you move to the back of the room to plan. "Depending on who I'm against, I can maybe use mom. She's off work today at least but I want her to rest.. Silvia is also off work so she and mom can hang out. Nox is also a wonderful option when it comes to controlling someone.. there isn't any glass from what I'm seeing on the monitors, other than on my hat, so, Silvia could only use telekinesis. Fuck. I'm out of options and one of them have to stay to take care of Maka."

You look up front again and see Izuku pale and Bakugou seemingly excited. They were in opposing teams and Bakugou was going to have the time of his life.


You were still thinking of what to do for your round. Quick plans would come and go as you really didn't want to disturb your family. It was your mother and your sisters day off, you didn't want to make them work. Nox was free and all but..

"Hey, button. You doing okay?" You heard Nox's voice come from below, so you looked down to see the vermilion button looking up and you. "Of course I am! Just thinking of a plan for training. How can you speak? The only thing of you that's on my outfit is one of your many.. many eyes."

"It's only for this conversation.. maybe." You squint your eyes but nod anyway. "Ohhh! You're trying to figure out who to summon! I got you, little button! Ooone moment.." you hear a distant laugh as you stand there confused.

When you turn your attention to the screen, you see Izuku and Uraraka walking down a dark and monochromatic gray hallway with almost identical ones on the other monitors. It was hard to tell if they were going in a loop or that's what you'd imagine what it'd be like in person.

And I'm gonna be alone..

You scan the monitors to find him. And as you predicted, he was alone. Almost stomping his feet as his bottled up anger towards Izuku was threatening to spill out. And as soon as the blond spotted him? The bottle would over flow.

He got that from his mother, no doubt. Surprisingly, Bakugou's father was nothing short of sweet and kind but his mother was almost exactly like him. As if she just had him asexually. Same hair color, hair type, eye shape, eye color, hell even the anger issues are present in both. You know that this was how he was raised, to not be seen as weak, to impress, to show off all he's worth.

And you saw first hand how his mother saw his worth.

"Me and ma can help ya! Silv's gonna watch Maka." You hum in approval, before looking up from seeing a massive flash on the screen and hearing everyone's worried panic. A slight rumble shook the room.


You saw both of the boys from your childhood as interact in a way that was normal to you, but this time you weren't there to defend the defenseless. He had to fight back on his own.

Bakugou had just released an explosion that, thankfully, didn't give Izuku life threatening burns or burns at all. But it was dangerous enough to kill. "Young Bakugou! Do not do that again or else your team will automatically lose!"

He should be doing more! Stop the fight for fucks sake, he'll kill Izuku!

You could only watch and move closer to the screen. You clasped your hands together in hope, hope that Izuku makes it out okay. Bakugou was, in fact, having the time of his life. And nobody was enjoying it.

It wasn't long until the torture had ended, sending Izuku to the nurses. Instead of a giant smirk you were originally expecting from the one who caused Izuku's injuries, he looked like he was just.. gone. He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, his eyes widened with him breathing slower than normal.

Until his red eyes caught your (e/c) ones. Before they quickly looked to the ground. How curious.

"What happened?" You heard Nox ask before the button started to move around, "where's green bean??" "Infirm.. a..ree?" A chuckle sounded from the button. "Close enough. Wait- the INFIRMARY?!"

You tap the button, which made an "ow" noise, before you moved to the back. You gave a small glare at the spikey blonde on the way.

"Yes," you started, fully hoping you'd get to fight the boy, "I'm sure he won't be alone for long. We'll make sure of it." You look away, tail swaying behind you as you turn to lean against the hard wall.

"We'll make sure of it."


Screw school

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