Told You So

By A_stronot

1K 114 32

After taking in children Leigh-Anne finally sees the damage her childhood has caused. It's only when she real... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.5
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
🚧Impromptu Interactive Part?🚧
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11.5?
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 18

38 6 0
By A_stronot

“What the hell are you doing home!?”

“Please don't shoot” Jade flinched seeing Leigh-Anne with a gun. Something in her heart told her that she wouldn't hesitate.

“Why are you home? Answer me”

“Mom, please put the gun down.” Wasn't that such an ironic statement?

“I'm going to give you one last chance before I go and get Mama.”

“Okay. Okay.  I forgot something”

“Cut the shit. I'm not in the mood, Jade”

“Okay fine. I asked Mama if I could go to school alone she said yes but I didn't go all the way because I was scared.”

“Of what?”

“This group of girls. They're bullying me Mommy and I'm scared. They tell me they're going to kill me-”

“What the fuck?- Get under the bed.”


“Just do it” Leigh-Anne hissed, seconds later Perrie was standing in the doorway.

“What's going on?”

“I think I'm. . . I think I'm hearing things again” Perrie sighed.

“What did you do recently that you're having these hallucinations again?”

“I didn't-”

“And don't lie to me.” Jade listened carefully.

“I didn't do anything.”

“Look me in my eyes and tell me you haven't done anything.” Leigh-Anne looked at Perrie but was unable to hold eye contact.

“You know what? I'm telling your mom.” Leigh-Anne followed Perrie out of Jade's room. Jade took this as the opportunity to leave. She grabbed what she was looking for and snuck out the house leaving the door unlocked since she didn't have a key yet.

“. . .Stop treating me like a child!”

“You're acting like one Leigh-Anne. I know you did something, you've got a grown man following around. Everywhere you go. You told me you were done and you lied. I don't want my girls involved in this shit Leigh-Anne.  So if I have to report back to your parents to make sure you stop doing what you're doing then that's what I'm going to do.”

“Please don't. I won't do it anymore.”

“You're not being honest, Leigh-Anne.”

“Please. Okay. Please don't tell her Perrie.”

“I won't.”

“Thank you” Leigh-Anne sighed in relief.

“you will.” Perrie smiled watching all the color drain from her face.

“you need help babe. This is not normal, my love. I can't sleep at night, I don't feel safe traveling with the kids and I don't like leaving you alone because I'm afraid I won't see you again.”

“I'm sorry”

“Babe no. I'm not settling for any more apologies. We're going because your mother is the only person that can talk some sense into you. You're a mother now Leigh-Anne. Doesn't it scare you knowing that people can target your children trying to get back at you?

“Not really”


“There's an unwritten rule. We don't involve children. Ever. You can ask my dad. No child's ever been hurt-” She smiled trying to make herself feel better about what she did.

“Do you think this is a joke, Leigh-Anne? Do you want me to break up with you? Because that's my next step” Perrie knew this was the only way she would take her seriously. Of course, she didn't want to break up with Leigh-Anne. She loved her wife to bits and pieces but she needed to do something.

She felt bad when tears pooled in Leigh-Anne's eyes.

“Do you?”

“No. Please don't.” Her voice was small and Perrie knew that once a tear fell she would cave.

“We're still going to your parent's house. You need help, baby. This is not normal. And you know it's not. That's why you still have nightmares.”

“I didn't wet the bed, that was Jesy!” Perrie smiled. She couldn't take Leigh-Anne seriously for the life of her.

“Let's go babe.”


“Hey, sorry for the unannounced visit-”

“You know you're welcome anytime. Perrie.” Amina hugged her daughter-in-law and they sat at the kitchen table.

“I'm here too you know” Leigh-Anne grumbled kicking the table near the door when she walked in.

“Kick something else, Leigh-Anne”

“Leave me alone.” Amina rolled her eyes. This demon spawn they raised.

“Where's my daddy?”

“I'm in here bambina, come here” Jamie spoke up from the couch and Leigh-Anne laid on him as she began to cry.

“What happened?”

“Perrie wants a divorce.” She cried, making Jamie stand up.

“Is that true?” He asked looking at Perrie who shook her head and Amina who nodded.

“She does! She told me she's going to break up with me!”

Perrie was starting to regret her choices.  Although Amina was neutral, Jamie defended Leigh-Anne to the end and the way he was looking at her worried her. 

“All I'm going to say is, Don't break my daughter's heart. Come bubba.” Amina rolled her eyes when Leigh-Anne took Jamie's hand and walked out of the living room

“Don't threaten her”

“Don't tell me what to do”

“Don't play with me, Jamieson. She's in the wrong and you know it” Jamie didn't say anything and Perrie saw firsthand where her wife got her behavior from.

“He's a brat just like her.” Perrie thought out loud.

“I'm not a brat!” Leigh-Anne shouted at her, hugging her dad.

“Lower your voice and watch how you talk to her.  Get out.”

“Don't cry mimma. Sometimes they lose interest. You just have to do something to win them back.” Perrie sighed hearing the foolishness Jamie was telling her.

“How do you deal with both of them?”

“Leigh-Anne is a little female Jamie. Jamie is a fifty-something year old child. He acts like a big baby. So I treat him accordingly. When he's getting on my goddamn nerves, like today,  I feed him and put him to sleep. That's why he was lying on the sofa when you guys came. Leigh-Anne is not that simple. Part of her needs reassurance that you're not going to leave her. She's been left before, you know. Honestly, Perrie, it's fair not to want to put up with her bullshit. I know you love her but it wouldn't be fair for me to tell you to sacrifice your safety and well-being for her when she isn't even willing to change.”

“I can't leave her, Momma. And I don't want to. I just want her not to be so actively involved. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to her or our children. Sometimes I just want a normal family. I don't want to feel guns when I'm looking for a fork to eat with. I don't want cars following me to pick up and drop off my girls.” Perrie felt herself getting emotional and stopped talking.

“If you don't want to leave her, show her. Show her what she's losing. I'll come pick her up. Spend the week without her. You'll miss her but you'll focus on yourself more.

“What about the girls? I think they Like her more and I don't want them to suffer because of us.”

“They'll be okay. If you want I'll pick them up and bring them here. You can pick them up if you want or they can spend a night. Take a break, Perrie. You're going to burn yourself out you're only twenty-five. Relax.”

“Baby?” Leigh-Anne ran into the house with a big smile, stopping in front of her wife.

“Yes, my love?”

“Can I have some money?” Perrie reached into her wallet.

“No drinking, do you hear me?”


“I'm not kidding. I see one charge at that bar. I'm going to lock my card.”

“Shhhh. Gosh. I said I won't.” She kissed her wife and ran out the door.

“I thought they left.”

Amina shook her head.

“Next time, don't give her ungrateful ass anything. If I find out she's drinking, she really wont like me.”


Amina and Perrie sat in a restaurant eating and talking when her phone began to ring. 


“Yes, speaking” Amina waved the waiter down, paying the bill so they could go.

“Oh my god. Yes, I'll be there right away.”

“What happened?”

“We have to go”

[I'm so bad at these cliffhangers🤭]

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