Glamorous Journey Of The Fema...

By silentMelody0101

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56 Epilogue


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By silentMelody0101

Chapter 191 - Li Ming Being High

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

Hei Long watched with shocked eyes as the girl pulled away from the short but sweet kiss that she just gave him.

"You talk too much. You should not waste too much of your energy in talking about nonsense things. Can't you see that we have already lost too much of our precious time? We should waste no more time on silly things." Li Ming said softly as she let her fingers brush through his long smooth hair.

Since the Heaven Immortal was standing just behind her, his arms securely placed around her waist, she let her head fall back and rested it on his shoulder.

"Are you alright, Xingan?" Ruoshan asked worriedly as he watched her suddenly getting totally quiet.

"Umm-hmm! I just hate it!" Li Ming replied with her eyes suddenly becoming a little moist.

The three Immortals were left completely disturbed and shocked by the sudden change in her expressions and behavior.

None of them could pinpoint exactly what was wrong with her. However, all three of them were pretty sure that something wasn't right about the situation.

"What do you hate? Or is it a person whom you hate?" The Heaven Immortal asked softly as he lightly patted her head.

Even though his voice sounded calm and collected but only he knew that his heart was about to burst out of his chest as he waited for her reply.

And somehow, he knew that behind the calm facade of Ruoshan and Hei Long was also the fear of her reply.

Li Ming pulled away from the Heaven Immortal and fixed her hair before she replied with a sigh.

"I hate the fact that I'm so much younger than you guys. It's going to take me years before I'll finally be able to have s...uhh...y-yeah, that's it. I hate that I'm still so young."

Li Ming caught the word from slipping at the very last moment but looking at the relaxed expressions that suddenly dawned over her three mates, told her that they paid no attention to her slip up.

"Let's forget about all this. Right now I have a perfect idea for our entertainment. Let's go."

Saying this she started walking towards the door of her bedroom but unfortunately or maybe fortunately, Ruoshan was quick to stop her.

"Where are you going, Xingan?" The Evernight Lord asked as he tried to keep her still in his arms.

However, Li Ming was in no mood of listening to anyone. She glared at the silver-haired immortal as she said, "Let me go immediately. You are trying to ruin my plans."

Ruoshan looked at Hei Long and the Heaven Immortal with questioning looks. Of course, the other two also were as clueless as the Evernight Lord.

Hei Long walked closer to his brother and little mate and stood right in front of an upset Li Ming.

"No one will ruin your plan. We just want to know about it so that we can also participate. Lilac Girl, please don't be mad." His voice was soft as he looked into the most beautiful pair of eyes that existed in his world.

Since the day his Lilac Girl had entered into his life, she had become the main focus of it. His entire existence had been circling around her for the past one and more than a half years.

If not for that coincident night a month ago when he first saw the soul mark on her wrist when he lost his control on his drinking and ended up kissing her, he would have never got to know that she was his mate.

He always had his doubts about her being their mates. The reason behind his doubt was simple. Not only him but all his brothers were attracted to her and the only girl who could have such power over them could be no one other than their chosen mate.

However, since her direct touch on his skin made his soul mark burn, he always thought that she was not their mate but some dark power who was trying to take advantage of his brothers.

The day he accidentally watched the soul mark on her wrist he was filled with happiness. He could finally understand the reason behind the attraction and protectiveness that he was always feeling for her.

His first thought was to confront Li Ming and tell her exactly how much he wanted to be with her.

However, there was something more important. First, he needed to find exactly what was wrong with his mark.

After the night when he confessed his feelings to her and kissed her, he acted like his cold self the very next morning.

Later when he dropped her at the outskirts of the Snow Field and ensured that she was safely inside it, he started his search for his answers.

What he found during the entire past month of his search was not only shocking but also beyond repairable.

He couldn't fix everything even though he wanted to but he had found a way to enjoy the present with his mate and his brothers.

He could still feel the fire that was burning through his soul mark, making pain run through his entire body.

However, the girl who was now looking at her with her glowing eyes made him neglect all his sufferings because even though his body was suffering but his soul was experiencing the best pleasure of its existence.

"Promise?" Li Ming asked cutely as she looked at Hei Long with her doe-like eyes.

The Second Demon Prince smiled at her as he planted a soft and sweet kiss on her forehead as he replied, "Promise!"

While these four people were busy showering each other with love and affection, another person was about to puke after seeing their so-called lovey-dovey show.

"For Goodness sake! Can't these people just stop? I'm having Deja vu." The banshee said as she fanned her face dramatically.

"What wrong with her?" Wen Guiying asked in a serious tone as he completely ignored the banshee and her overacting.

His eyes were trained on the girl who was currently giving Hei Long, Ruoshan, and the Heaven Immortal a tight hug one by one respectively.

The banshee sighed as she bumped the table with her palm to show her unhappiness, though the Supreme Immortal didn't pay her any attention.

"She's just high, that's all." The banshee replied in a bored tone.

Wen Guiying turned around to look at the woman with a questioning gaze.


"Yes, high! Just like getting drunk." The banshee explained.

However, it only puzzled the Supreme Immortal more and more.

"Wait, but she didn't drink today. Then how did she end up like this? Are you trying to play smart with me?" The Supreme Immortal stared at the banshee with his cold dark eyes.

The woman was smart enough to not test the patience of the Supreme Immortal as she hurriedly explained.

"Even though she didn't drink today but alcohol isn't the only thing that could lead to a person being like this. This is the result of her being high on the pleasure that her soul is receiving because of the three Immortals that are currently surrounding her."

She watched as more confusion appeared in Wen Guiying's eyes. A sigh left her lips as she decided to explain more.

"When she is with one of her mates, she's receiving pleasure and comfort for one. When with two, the amount of pleasure and comfort doubles, and when with three, it becomes three times and so on. The high increase in pleasure is the reason behind her current state."

Wen Guiying finally understood at least the reason behind Li Ming's state but there were still some questionable points left.

"Are you trying to say that whenever she will be with more than one of us, she will end up like this?" He asked the banshee.

"Yep. And even in a situation worse than this. All that matters is that if you could make her reach the highest point of pleasure. Once you succeeded in that she will be saved from ending up like that when she's with more than one of you guys." The banshee replied.

She thought that she had made everything very clear and explained all the points. What she didn't expect was for the Supreme Immortal to ask his next question.

"What do you mean by making her reach the final or highest point of pleasure? How can we do that?"

Wen Guiying actually appeared curious and ignorant about his question.

However, the banshee could not believe that someone like him was not aware of the hidden meaning behind the words that were just spoken.

"Are you trying to play with me now? Do you seriously don't know what it means? Or maybe you are not that knowledgeable in the field of sex."

The banshee couldn't help herself from spouting out her shock.

Yet, the shocked expression on Wen Guiying's face and the anger that followed next told the banshee that she had just invited her death, even though she was already dead.


Chapter 192 - Dealing With An Angry Mate

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

"Have you completely lost your mind? What nonsense are you spouting woman?"

Wen Guiying's voice boomed throughout the silent room of the inn and the banshee was forced to recoil a little at his anger.

His eyes were like a sea of burning lava which was ready to sweep her existence at any moment.

"Wait, wait, wait! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cross my line. It's just that your question made me frustrated. But you need to hear me out." The banshee spoke hurriedly.

"The highest point of pleasure is indeed the one from the sex but you don't need to have sex with her to make her cu..., damn it, I mean you can try other things according to your comfort level..."

The banshee trailed off as she watched the Supreme Immortal getting angrier by each word that left her mouth.

She gulped down her saliva as she hurriedly stood up from her seat.

"Hehe...I think this much information is enough for today. I just realized that I've some important work left to do. I won't be entertaining you anymore and please take care of Win before the situation can get out of control. Bye bye!"

Saying that hurriedly, the banshee didn't take even a second to disappear from the private room of the Black Jade Inn.

The Supreme Immortal who was left behind in the room was now observing the mirror which was showing the profile of his mate and three of his brothers.

His hands were closed into a tight fist which made his knuckles turn white and his eyes were still filled with anger and worry.

He placed a pouch on the table and the next second his silhouette also disappeared from the room.


"Xingan, the outside is very cold. You need to be dressed properly before going out, otherwise, you will catch a cold. Now, be a good girl and don't move." Ruoshan said sweetly as he tried his best to close the buttons of the jacket that he somehow had draped over her.

The three Immortals somehow succeeded in getting Li Ming packed in warm clothes and shoes.

No idea, why they didn't use their magic to complete this hard task. Probably because their mind was too focused on their mate to pay attention to the fact that they were Immortals with a huge amount of powers.

"Now we are ready to go!" Hei Long declared as he pulled Li Mung securely in his arms and made her head rest on his chest.

The three Immortals passed each other glances which were filled with worry for their little mate.

Neither of them had any idea about what was wrong with her. She wasn't actually drunk but that was exactly how she's behaving.

"Alright! Let's go!" Li Ming shouted in excitement.

The three immortals were quick to hold her because within a second she had teleported out of the magical mansion as she stood at the porch of the wooden cabin in the Snow Fields.

It was around midnight but coincidentally there was no snowfall.

Li Ming got herself out from the hold of her three mates and started walking towards the hut of the old man.

The Heaven Immortal, Ruoshan, and Hei Long, all three of them kept standing in their original position as they watched their mate marching towards their Master's house.

Li Ming reached the door and looked at it with her twinkling eyes. She was about to finally get her frustration out on the old man and just thinking about that made her excitement rise.

She raised both of her hands to bang the door with all her might, but unfortunately, before her hands could even touch the door, someone grabbed them from behind her and she was pulled into the embrace of that person.

Li Ming was about to shout in frustration but a hand immediately covered her mouth and stopped her from speaking.

The smell of the ocean entered her nose and immediately her body relaxed a little as she realized that another one of her mates had appeared.

But no matter how happy she was after seeing the Supreme Immortal, her frustration of not getting her anger out at the old man was much stronger at that moment.

She was in the process of turning around in Wen Guiying's arms to face him and show him exactly how mad she was at him when her ears picked up the disturbance that was coming from inside the old man's hut.

Her eyes twinkled as she realized that the old man probably heard the noises from outside his door and was currently making his way towards them.

However, she was not the only one who registered this fact. The Supreme Immortal and the other three Immortals too were aware of it.

Wen Guiying pulled Li Ming tightly in his arms and turned to look at his brothers.

'I'm taking her away. Deal with the Master.'

He sent them the silent message which the three immediately received.

Without waiting for their reply, Wen Guiying took his leave from the Snow Fields with an angry Li Ming clutched tightly in his arms.

As his silhouette disappeared the door of the old man's hut opened and the three Immortals who were standing there awkwardly were the only creatures that came into the old man's sight.

"The three of you, follow me!"

The loud sharp and angry voice of the old man entered the ears of the three Immortals. After passing each other a comforting glance, all three started walking towards the house of their master.

They were definitely in for a lecture and a long one on that.

After all both Ruoshan and Hei Long had entered into the Snow Fields without even asking for permission.

It was not like the six Immortals were not powerful enough to enter the Snow Fields on their own but since the guardian of the Snow Fields was none other than their Master, they needed to show respect to the old man.

That's why none of the six had ever set their foot inside the Snow Fields in the past thousands of years without first getting permission from the old man.

Even though there were times when the old man refused to let them in for days and they needed to wait outside the ward of the Snow Fields for days and at some times even weeks and months, they never broke into the Snow Fields.

However, what they never did in the past thirty thousand years was finally done by them now and they sure would be going to receive a reward for that from their Master.


"Don't be mad. I'm doing it for your own good, trust me." Wen Guiying said in a soft tone as he looked at the girl in front of him.

He already knew that he was going to pay heavily for what he had done to her, but he also knew that this was the only way to stop her.

However, looking at the sharp eyes which were trained on him with the fire of anger and frustration burning in them, made him recoil and shut up.

"What do you think you are doing? Have you completely lost your mind?"

The sharp angry voice of the Moon Deity entered into the bed-chamber as he appeared inside the room.

His eyes were filled with shock as he looked at the girl who was tied to the bed with a spiritual rope and her mouth shut with a cloth.

His eyes immediately turned to glare at the Supreme Immortal who was sitting beside her.

"Oh, don't be mad Brother Yueliang. Let me first explain." Wen Guiying said as he hurriedly stood up and faced his Senior Brother.

"What kind of explanation are you going to provide for such an act? Get lost from here right now!"

Lord Yueliang was definitely angry and both Wen Guiying and Li Ming were shocked to see him like that.

He was the most calm and collected person of their group and Li Ming had never seen him ever raising his voice at anyone.

To see him being so worried about her made warmth fill her heart. Her already moist eyes were suddenly on the brim of losing their control.

But she still tried her best to not let those irritating tears spilled out without her permission. She thought that she succeeded in keeping them in. However, how could her mates not see the sparkle in her eyes which was caused by the unshed tears?

Wen Guiying felt like someone crushed his heart as he watched her eyes filled with tears and her trying to keep them in.

He wanted to get her out of her binds and just engulf her in his protective embrace.

And he could see the same emotions and desire to protect their mate in his Second Senior Brother's eyes too.


"No! You can't untie her. Not before I say so." Wen Guiying said as he dragged Moon Immortal away from Li Ming.

"What exactly is wrong with you, Guiying?"


Chapter 193 - Who Would Save The Moon Immortal?

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

"You can't be serious!"

The Moon Immortal was not ready to believe what he had just been told by the Supreme Immortal.

"I'm not. Otherwise, why do you think I'll do something like this to her. The only reason behind this misbehavior of mine is the drunken state of our mate." Wen Guiying replied.

He was trying to make the Moon Immortal understand the seriousness of the situation and the reason for which he, Wen Guiying, needed to take such a huge risk of angering their mate by trying her with a rope.

Lord Yueliang looked at the Supreme Immortal for a few seconds, his eyes boring straight into the pleading eyes of his Junior brother.

Just when he was about to nod his head, his eyes traveled to Li Ming who was sitting on the bed with her body tied by a spiritual rope.

She was no more paying them any attention as she kept gazing at her lap without blinking.

"No. Look at her. We can't tie her like this." Lord Yueliang immediately shook his head as he said to the Supreme Immortal.

"Why are you not understanding, Brother Yueliang? Do you seriously think you will be able to handle her in her current state? She would devour us and we won't be able to do anything." Wen Guiying said with a shake of his head.

"Don't talk like this about Little One. She's just not in her perfect state of mind, otherwise, she would never misbehave."

Of course, the Moon Deity was quick to stand up for his mate.

"I'm just stating facts, Brother Yueliang. You already know what happened to Ruoshan the last time when she was drunk and today not only one but the First Senior Brother, Ruoshan and Hei Long, all were about to become her prey."

Wen Guiying said as he looked at the girl who was sitting in the center of the huge bed with her eyes closed.

"And you know what is the worst part of all this?"

He asked softly and when he turned back to look at his Second Senior Brother, his eyes had a glint of bright blue in them.

"...that none of us can stop her because deep down in our hearts, none of us wants her to stop. Because we are craving for her even more than what we are showing. And the main reason behind us staying away from her for months is because we don't want to lose control."

Wen Guiying's every word was the definition of truth at that moment. Even if the Moon Immortal wanted to deny it, he could not. Because even he knew that the Supreme Immortal had just revealed the deepest secret of all of Li Ming's mates.

"Then, let's find if there is a way to make her normal." Lord Yueliang said after the silence of a few moments.

The Supreme Immortal let out a sigh as he replied, "There is one, but unfortunately we can't use that method."

The Moon Deity looked at the Supreme Immortal with puzzled eyes as he asked, "Why? What's that method?"

Wen Guiying moved his eyes away from the Moon Immortal as he replied, "Since her current situation is the result of too much pleasure, we can only make her reach the highest point of pleasure to bring her back to her normal self or maybe wait until this effect will wear off on its own."

"Highest point of pleasure? How?"

Wen Guiying wasn't expecting his brother to ask such a question.

"This...well...come here..."

Wen Guiying pulled the Moon Immortal closer and whispered something in his ears.

Immediately, both the Immortals turned embarrassed, not even looking directly at each other.

"Well, let's find some other way. You should stay here and keep your eyes on her. I'll go and brew some soup." Lord Yueliang said as he hurriedly turned towards the door.

However, Wen Guiying was quick as he immediately stopped the Moon Deity.

"Brother Yueliang, let me go to find a cure. I have medicinal knowledge and it will be helpful. You should stay here and watch over her. Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

The Supreme Immortal didn't even wait for a second as his silhouette immediately disappeared from the bed-chamber, leaving a surprised Moon Deity behind.

He turned to look at the girl who had not made a single movement throughout his and Wen Guiying's conversation.

He let out a deep sigh as he made his way towards his mate. He sat down on the edge of the bed beside her as he looked at her long hair which had fallen around her bent face.

His right hand immediately moved on its own accord to pull her hair aside, but before he could even touch them properly, Li Ming moved her face to the side, avoiding his approaching hand.

The Moon Immortal was stiff for a moment but he finally gained his senses back as he asked in a soft tone, "Little One, are you mad at me and Guiying?"

Of course, Li Ming didn't utter a single word. Although her mouth was covered by a cloth, he was waiting for her to either make some kind of noise it to move her head in reply.

What he didn't anticipate was the silence that greeted his question. His soul was filled with fear at that moment.

He immediately moved his hands and pulled her hair back and moved his right hand at her chin to make her look up at him.

As her face raised, Li Ming made sure to keep her eyes away from the Lord Yueliang. She was not going to give up so easily.

The Moon Immortal couldn't take her silence anymore, therefore, he immediately pulled the cloth away from her mouth.

"Little One, don't be mad. Please forgive us for our misbehavior. We just don't know how to handle this situation. You will understand once you will be back to normal."

No idea if the Moon Deity was trying to make her understand the reason behind their actions or if he was trying to make himself believe his own words.

Li Ming still stayed completely silent, successfully avoiding to look straight into his eyes.

"I have never been treated like this before in my life. Never knew that you will be the one who will make me suffer like this..."

Her voice was barely above a whisper as she finally spoke after a long silence, but her each word was like a sharp sword to the Moon Immortal's heart.

"No, Little One. You are misunderstanding us. We are just trying to..."

Lord Yueliang trailed off as he watched a single tear rolling down her soft cheeks and landing directly on the back of her hand.

Her tear was the final stroke to his heart and it was beyond his capacity to see her in such a state.

With just one flick of his sleeve, the spiritual rope disappeared and Li Ming was pulled tightly into his embrace.

The Moon Immortal tightened his arms around his Little mate. His nose immediately inhaling her lilac fragrance.

"Let me go."

Li Ming's voice came out in a whisper but the Moon Immortal heard it very clearly.

Rather than releasing her, he pulled her even more tightly into his embrace.

"I said let me go!"

This time her voice came out louder and a little angrier.

However, the Moon Immortal was in no mood of listening to her demands. He just wanted to keep his sad and hurt mate close to him.

"Can't you hear me? I said..."

"Please, don't be mad, Little One. I'll do anything to make up for my fault as long as you won't be mad at us." Lord Yueliang said hurriedly.

Li Ming was silent for a few seconds but then she slowly pulled herself out of his embrace and looked straight into his eyes which were filled with regret.


The Moon Immortal looked at the seriousness in her eyes as she asked the question and without even any delay he replied, "Anything."

A snort left Li Ming's mouth as she lightly nodded her head as she said, "Alright then. I'm going to ask you some questions and if I felt that even one of them is a lie, I won't talk to you."

Her tone was promising and her gaze told him that she was not joking. Gulping down his saliva, the Moon Immortal nodded his head.

"So, you will do anything for my forgiveness?" Li Ming asked her first question.

Lord Yueliang didn't waste a single second as he replied, "Yes, anything."

"And what if I asked for something inappropriate?" Li Ming asked her second question.

"What's appropriate and what's not depends on the situation. And I know that you will never ask for something that I won't be able to give you with a happy heart."

Lord Yueliang replied softly as he gazed at his Little One with his eyes filled with warmth.

"What if I want you to kiss me?"


Chapter 194 - Drink! Drink! Drink!

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

"I will be happy to comply with."

The Moon Immortal replied softly. There was only sincerity in his deep cerulean eyes.

Li Ming was silent for a few seconds before she asked, "And if I want more than just a kiss? Will, you still grant my wish?"

There was pure curiosity in her eyes which were waiting for his reply.

The Moon Immortal was definitely taken aback by her question. Though, he was quick to hide the surprise from his eyes.

He reached out for Li Ming's hands and held them gently in his palms as he replied with a soft smile.

"If you seriously want that then I'll not let you down."

Li Ming stared at the Moon Immortal in shock. Did she hear it right? Or was she hallucinating?

"You..., you won't get mad at me for making you do something like that?"

A small twitch appeared on the Moon Immortal's lips as he replied, "Why would I be mad? It's not like you are really going to ask for it and even if you do, then I don't have a problem."

Li Ming could not believe her ears. Although the Heaven Emperor was the shyest one of her mates, but it was the Moon Immortal who was the most conservative.

Hearing him agreeing to her shameful demands was making Li Ming dizzy from the shock that she received.

"Wait, do you think that I'm just joking and won't really ask you to do it?" She asked with a huff.

This time a small smile made its way to the Moon Immortal's lips as he replied, "If I'm not wrong then it was you who said that fifteen is considered a very young age..."

"What fifteen? I'm about to turn sixteen in the next few months." Li Ming was quick to add as she cut off the Moon Immortal before he could complete.

"Fine, fine! Soon to be sixteen. Anyway, I believe that the drunk Li Ming could cross any boundaries and demand anything as long as she gets her happiness. However..."

The Moon Immortal trailed off as he looked at her with his gleaming eyes.

Li Ming could not control herself from asking, "However what?"

"However, the sober Li Ming will never do anything like that. That's why you don't have to worry about making anything." The Moon Immortal completed.

"What sober..."

Li Ming trailed off as she finally realized that she was back to her normal self. The haziness that had previously taken over her mind had disappeared.


She asked as she looked at Lord Yueliang, waiting for him to answer her question.

She got the answer, however, it didn't come from the Moon Immortal.

"This is the miracle of these herbs. I put some in the incense burner and you inhaled it. And look at you, barely in a few minutes, you are back to your normal self."

Li Ming turned around to look at Wen Guiying. The Supreme Immortal was standing beside her with a beaming smile on his face.

A sigh left her mouth as she looked at both of her mates. Since she was again back to her normal self, the embarrassment of what she had done in the past few hours was taking over her mind.

However, she was in no mood to become a red tomato in front of the two Immortals.

"Whatever! I'm in no mood of talking to either of you. I can't believe that you tied me up like that," she said as she folded her hands and huffed in anger.

The smiles that were previously playing on both the Immortal's lips immediately disappeared.

"Wait, I thought that you agreed to forgive me if I will grant you a wish. Are you going back on your words now?"

The Moon Immortal asked her as he looked at her with shocked eyes.

"When did I say that I'll forgive you? And it's not like I've asked you to do anything yet." Li Ming scoffed at the Moon Deity and passed a similar look to Wen Guiying.

"Sweet mate, don't be like this. We already agreed to do anything you will ask for. Also, we are really sorry for our behavior. We will not repeat it again. Please, don't be bad anymore."

Wen Guiying said with soft eyes as he pulled on her sleeves.

Li Ming silently observed both of her mates for a few moments. Their eyes seriously held regret and a promise in them.

"Are you sure you want to do this? If you end up refusing later, I'll make sure that you both will regret it."

Her voice promised consequences. But the two Immortals did not waste a single second before nodding their heads.

"Fine! Since you both are that sure about this then I can't make myself refuse such a wonderful offer. Come on, follow me."

Saying that Li Ming didn't waste any more time as she started walking out of the room and the two Immortals were quick to follow her.

Both Lord Yueliang and Wen Guiying had no idea what Li Ming was planning to do, but neither of them had any plan of backing down.

They were set to earn forgiveness from their mate and they were ready to prove their sincerity.


"Alright, everything is set perfectly."

Li Ming announced as she took her seat at the table where Lord Yueliang and Wen Guiying were already sitting.

There was a huge glass jar filled with wine sitting in the very center of the table.

"So, are you both ready?" Li Ming asked the two of her mates excitedly.

The two men passed a glance to each other and the Supreme Immortal finally asked, "Is this really what you want us to do?"

Li Ming rolled her eyes at her two mates as she let out a sigh before replying, "Yes! You guys have made so much fun about my drunk state. It's time for me to get my revenge. Therefore, you two have to finish all the wine from this jar tonight."

Her eyes were twinkling with mischief and satisfaction as she stated the reason behind her request, or more like the demand.

"But Little One, you are aware that it's not easy for us to get drunk, right?" The Moon Immortal asked.

Li Ming looked at her Mr. Beauty as she replied with a sweet smile, "Of course, I am well aware. That is why I have prepared a surprise for you guys. Now, if you say should we start?"

The two men again passed a quick glance to one another before both nodded their heads lightly.

Li Ming beamed happily as she uncorked the wine jar and lifted her left hand and let out a thread of her spiritual energy towards the jar.

The stream of wine rose from the jar and soon the two wine glasses that were resting in front of each of the two Immortals were filled with the wine.

"Go on! Drink." Li Ming said as she looked at the two of her mates as they both slowly pucked up their glasses and after giving her a quick glance, both gulped down the wine.

"Ah! There's no rush. You guys should enjoy the process too." Li Ming said as the two Immortals placed their empty glasses on the table.

Soon the glasses were again filled with the rich wine and the two Immortals delved into the drinking frenzy.

Little did Li Ming knew that she was going to regret her decision very soon.


"Finally! It's empty. Good job both of you." Li Ming praised as with a single sweep of her sleeve, the empty jar, and the two glasses disappeared from the table.

"Your collarbone is very beautiful. It's calling me towards it. So.....alluring." Wen Guiying said in his husky voice as he stared at her.

Wait, he was not staring at her. Rather his eyes were trained on her exposed collarbone.

Li Ming was shocked for a few seconds but she soon returned back to her normal self, hurriedly tightening her cloak around her and hiding her exposed skin.

"Well....umm...let's just..."


Li Ming was taken aback by the sudden shout that came from the Supreme Immortal.

"W-what?" She asked with confused eyes.

"No. You can not hide yourself from us like this. This is not right. You should not hide yourself from us." Wen Guiying said with a pout.


Li Ming was left entirely speechless. She could not even blink as she was left shocked.

"Why? You both are too hiding your body from me. How can you ask such things from me?" Li Ming quickly retorted.

The two immortals looked at each other and then turned to look at her with soft smiles plastered on their lips.

"You are right. We should be fair." Lord Yueliang said as he stood up from his seat.

Wen Guiying quickly followed behind and also stood up from his seat.

Li Ming watched with shocked eyes as both the Immortals dropped their robes and stood in front of her in their half-naked glory.


Where did she go wrong?


Chapter 195 - The Drunk Mates

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

Li Ming stared at her two mates with her mouth hanging open in shock.

Why she did not realize that her stunt of punishing the two Immortals could also lead to such results?

Her eyes took in their exposed chiseled upper body which instantly made her throat dry.

"Well....I....umm, I-I think..."

Li Ming could not find proper words to speak as her mind was still struggling to overcome the shock that she just received through the two Immortals.

"Little One, why are you not looking at us? Is there something wrong?"

Li Ming looked up at the Moon Immortal who was gazing at her with his soft eyes.

Damn it! Were these two tricking her or something? They could not be really drunk, right?

She hurriedly brought out the wine jar which still had a few drops of wine left in it.

"What are you..."


Before Wen Guiying could complete his question, Li Ming signaled him to stay quiet.

The Supreme Immortal quickly shut his mouth as he stood there watching his mate playing with the last few drops of the wine.

The drop of wine rose into the air and stopped at her eye level. Li Ming made a small circle in the air with her right hand and pointed her index and middle fingers at the wine drop.

A beam of silver light shot out from her fingers and entered the wine drop.

She observed the wine drop in silence. Her eyes trying to detect even the slightest change in the wine.

However, she was left both shocked and confused when the color of the wine changed to bright gold.

"What the..."

She stared at the golden drop hanging in the air. With a click of her fingers, the drop vanished from the view.

Li Ming banged her small fist lightly on the table as she tried to figure out exactly how did such a thing happen.

When she increased the alcohol level of the wine before serving it to the Immortals, she had made sure that the two of them would only end up getting slightly drunk even after emptying the entire jar.

However, the current wine showed that its alcohol level was above ninety-five percent.

Since they were Immortals, they sure did not have to worry about their health. They were safe even after consuming the wine, but that didn't mean that she was safe too.

Of course, with such a high alcohol percentage, the two Immortals ended up drunk.

Exactly how she was going to take care of these two?

She was brought out of her thoughts when she felt someone pulling on her hand.

"Come on, Sweet mate. Let's enjoy the night beauty of the lovely moon." Wen Guiying said as he pulled her out of her seat.

To be honest, the idea of roaming around the beautiful moon was alluring. But she knew that it won't even take a second before her bad luck would make its appearance to greet her.

So, in the end, the best choice was to return to the Snow Fields as soon as possible.

"Umm..., I would have loved to accompany you. But you can see that it's already past midnight and I'm feeling so tired. I'll be leaving now. Let's meet later, okay?"

She was about to teleport away when Wen Guiying stopped her.

"Right! That's a good idea. Let's all head to bed since our mate is sleepy."

Li Ming looked at the Supreme Immortal with a horrified look evident on her face.

Even if she teleported away, there was no way she could enter into the Snow Fields on her own.

Of course, she could always set another blood cherry plant on fire to bring the old man out of his hut and made him open the wards, but then she would need to answer his hundreds of questions.

Not only that but there was actually no point in returning to the Snow Fields or even hiding inside her magical mansion.

No matter wherever she would go, her mates would easily find her. Especially the two drunk mates.

"What's wrong, Little One?"

Li Ming suddenly found herself circled in the warm embrace of the Moon Immortal as he whispered the question in her ear.


She managed to answer as her body erupted into tingles and warmth.

"You smell so good..."

Maybe she imagined it but his voice almost sounded like a purr.

"Really?" She had no idea why she asked such a stupid question.

"En! So good..."

A gasp left her lips as she felt warm lips pressed on her nape. She almost lost her soul as she felt his tongue swept over her skin, sending an electric current throughout her body.

"...and so sweet." The Moon Immortal completed his sentence as he rested his chin on her head as he hugged her tightly.

It took her a few moments to get herself in control. But then her eyes landed on the Supreme Immortal.

"What? You finally remembered that I'm also here. Why Brother Yueliang is the only one getting to kiss and hold you? I want to taste my sweet mate too."

Holy Goodness!

Did these words seriously come from those kissable lips of the Supreme Immortal?

Her mates sure had dual personalities. One moment they were their cold, calm, collected and harsh selves and the very next moment, they could turn into the most adorable people living on the planet.

A sigh left her mouth as Li Ming stretched her hand towards Wen Guiying, asking him to come closer to her.

As the Supreme Immortal started walking towards her, Li Ming pulled on her magical energy and mixed it with her qi to cast a spell on herself.

No way was she ready to end up high once again just because her soul was too weak to control itself.

As the Supreme Immortal got closer and stood right in front of her, Li Ming placed her hand around his neck and pulled him even closer.

"You have exactly the same rights as the rest of my mates. Nothing more and nothing less." She softly told him as she gazed at her mate with soft eyes.

Wen Guiying's eyes sparkled at her words as he inched closer and planted a soft peck on her forehead.

"Come on, let's sleep." He said as he took hold of one of her hands.

However, before he could start walking towards the bed-chamber, Li Ming stopped him.

She looked at both of her mates as she said, "I kinda changed my mind. Will it be okay if we spent a few moments enjoying the night view of the Moon? Even though I have visited this place many times but I never got to properly see it."

A smile broke out on Wen Guiying's lips which made him look even more ethereal if possible.

"Alright! Whatever you want. I'm happy as long as I am with you." The Supreme Immortal said as he tightened his fingers around her small hand.

This time it was Li Ming who took the initiative to plant a soft kiss on Wen Guiying's cheek.

"Fine! Let's go."

Lord Yueliang said as he teleported the three of them to the front lawn of the Moon manor.

The two Immortals had covered themselves with their robes again and it made Li Ming nod her head in satisfaction.

The three of them spent the next hour wandering around the Moon manor. The Yueliang manor and its surroundings were probably the most beautiful places that Li Ming had ever set her eyes on.

Everything was gorgeous. The neatly trimmed lawns, the flowers that were blooming even in the darkness of the night, the streams and ponds that were filled with lotuses, lilies, fishes and other water animals, the trees that stood in their full glory, and even the mountain ranges that she could see at a distance.

However, just when she was about to voice out her appreciation for the beauty of the moon, the most devastating sight came across her eyes.


She had no words to explain her feelings and the confusion that she was feeling after looking at the scene in front of her.

She turned to look at the Moon Immortal when she heard him sigh.

"Only the part of Moon which is used by a life source could stay green and blooming. Since there are not many people living here except me and a few of the servants, it's not possible to keep the entire moon in its full glory." The Moon Immortal told her.

"The servants have turned the moon manor and its surroundings into a beautiful place with their hard work. However, they can't do the same with the rest of the land." Wen Guiying added as he looked at the barren lands with softness in his eyes.

Li Ming was silent for a few minutes as she gazed at the complete barren lands in front of her.

"Why you never brought people from the other three realms to stay here then?" She ended up asking.

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