Glamorous Journey Of The Fema...

By silentMelody0101

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56 Epilogue


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By silentMelody0101

Chapter 186 - Sunleaf Trees

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

The softness that had covered the corner of his lips disappeared too quickly for his liking. A strong desire took over the Heaven Emperor as all he wanted to do at that moment was to pull her back into his embrace, but of course, he did nothing like that.

The Heaven Emperor was left completely shooked by the sudden kiss. He was not prepared to deal with something like this.

Li Ming looked at the Heaven Emperor who was currently looking like a tomato. His cheeks already had turned bright red and the tips of his ears were also changing their color.

What surprised her was the shyness that was evident under the shock that was currently visible on the Heaven Emperor's face.

The reality behind the Immortal Lord's expressions finally dawned over Li Ming. A soft smile bloomed over her rosy lips as she observed her mate.

"Are you going to stare at that tree? I thought your main focus will be your mate who is currently sitting beside you."

Her voice was soft and it performed its magic as the Heaven Emperor immediately turned to look directly at Li Ming.

"You are...really...." The Heaven Emperor didn't complete his sentence as he gazed at the girl whom his soul was trying to pull towards it.

The attraction, the pull, the tingles, the excitement, and every other emotion that he was feeling for the past two weeks was because of none other than his...mate!

"En!" Li Ming nodded her head as she confirmed the truth of his incomplete sentence.

"I'm sorry if I overstepped. I was just too confused and...didn't know how to confront you..."

Li Ming let out a deep sigh as she apologized for her actions. Even though he was her mate but since they both were not in any relationship at the moment, it was actually rude of her to perform such an act.

Moreover, the fact that the Heaven Emperor was completely pure in this area, she felt more guilty for her action.

Heavens! She needed to get a grip on her lusting soul before it would end up devouring her mates.

She had already lost her control over her soul once before and thanks to that she ended up harassing the Ever night Lord. Who knew what would happen if a situation like that arose again.

"Oh! It's alright. I was just not prepared for it. I should be the one asking for your forgiveness. I already had my doubts but I never dared to confront you. I hope Miss Li will forgive me." The Heaven Emperor immediately replied.

Li Ming also hurriedly shook her head to make it clear that she had no hard feelings for the ruler of the Heaven Realm.

The atmosphere was turning awkward as both of them quieted down. It had already started to get dark as the night was approaching.

Li Ming was biting her lips as they completed twenty minutes of complete silence between them.

The cold ground and the chilled air of the Snow Fields had started their mission of turning her into an ice sculpture as she kept sitting there silently.

She was taken aback when something warm covered her shoulders, immediately surrounding her in warmth and the addicting fragrance of the sunny warm days.

She turned to look at the Heaven Emperor who was back to his normal self. The only difference was the softness in his eyes that was apparent as he looked at her.

"Thank you." Li Ming said with a soft smile as she pulled the fur cloak tighter around her shoulders.

"Let's return to the house now, otherwise you will catch a cold."

The Heaven Emperor helped her in standing up and Li Ming happily let him, even though she was very much capable of standing up on her own.

They silently walked towards the cabin but the Heaven Emperor once again asked the same question which made Li Ming chuckle.

"You are really curious to know what I did with that tree, right?" She asked as she eyed her mate who tried to hide his embarrassment.

She was seeing the cold, indifferent, calm, confident, and collected Heaven Emperor in a new light.

He had gone from shy, shocked, surprised, embarrassed to even flustered in the past half an hour and Li Ming definitely was not expecting to see such a cute side of her powerful mate.

"Well, you will receive the answer tomorrow morning. Have a little patience." Li Ming told him as they entered the warm cabin.

"Fine. I won't ask anymore and will wait for the morning to see it on my own. By the way, what are you going to cook?" The Heaven Emperor asked.

"Hmmm...not sure. Let's see what I've in stock."

The two went into the kitchen as Li Ming started preparing the dinner.

The two of them settled down in a comfortable conversation as the night progressed.

Unlike her other mates, the Heaven Emperor did not immediately open his arms for Li Ming but at the same time, he also did not ignore her.

It was a progress to some level and she was ready to take it slow if that was what he wanted.

The magic that she performed on the Sunleaf tree left both the Heaven Emperor and the old man amazed to their core.

When the next morning the three of them came out of their respective houses to start with the day, neither of the two Immortals were prepared to come across a view filled with freshly blooming Sunleaf trees throughout the entire Snow Fields.

Li Ming had used her powers accompanied by a powerful spell to bring the ancient Sunleaf Tree back to life.

With the help of that tree, she linked the rest of the Sunleaf trees with her spell. There were a total of five hundred and sixty-three Sunleaf Trees in the Snow Fields.

That was the main reason why she needed the help of the Heaven Emperor in completing the spell.

" did you...?" The old man was out of words.

A huge smile appeared on Li Ming's lips as she flicked her hair while replying, " This is one of my presents to you and your barren Snow Fields."

"But how did you do that?" The Heaven Emperor asked with curiosity visible in his voice.

"There are a few trees in the Snow Fields which are powerful enough to survive the cold temperature of this place. All they need is just a boost of energy that can help them. I just transferred that energy into them and here is the beautiful result." Li Ming explained briefly.

The Heaven Emperor looked impressed while the old man was looking at her like she had just spoken in some foreign language.

"Are they never going to die ever again?" The old man finally came out of his trance as he asked.

"They will at some point. You will need to continue boosting them with external energy every ten years to keep them blooming like this." Li Ming replied as she took out a pair of gloves from her magical space.

"Are you planning to do this with other trees too?" The old man asked her. His eyes were brimming with curiosity as he waited for the reply.

Li Ming raised her eyebrows at the old man's question. The smirk that was playing on her lips was the clear evidence that she was moving him and his stupid question.

"Come on, old man. I just wanted to show you that the reason behind this barren Snow fields is not its lower temperature but the fact that no one ever tried to bring this place back to life."

Li Ming took in a short break of a few seconds before she continued.

"It's not like I don't want to do my best to revive the lost beauty of this place, but what I really want is to see that what will you do now."

The Heaven Emperor looked curious while the old man was left completely puzzled.

"What do you mean, little girl?"

Li Ming let out a soft breath as she replied, "I have already proven it that there is a possibility that the trees inside the Snow Fields can also exist in their full glory. It was not like I knew about this two weeks ago. I had no idea that something like this is even possible. But I persisted to see colors in this place and found a way to do so."

She moved a few steps closer to the old man who was made to lift his head to look at her.

Li Ming's five inches high heel leather boots gave her a perfect benefit as she appeared far more intimidating at that moment.

"Therefore, if someone like me, who is barely at the cultivation level of Master Ranks and has so little knowledge of the Snow Fields, can do this miracle then why the caretaker of this place who is far more knowledgeable and powerful than me couldn't do it?"


Chapter 187 - Double The Trouble: Part One

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

"To be honest, I have no idea how she did this. I have been trying to find out about anything that can help us in bringing those trees back to life but even after two weeks I have found nothing."

The old man said as he settled down in his armchair beside the small window in his living room.

The dark and chilled night was filled with complete silence. The two Immortals we're currently sitting in the small living room of the old man's hut.

The Heaven Emperor sighed as he looked at his Master. The old man was really a drama king.

Even though he wanted to expose the old man and his hidden motives but after thinking about the ending result of his daring stunt, he decided to stay silent.

However, there was another person present in the living room who was not as smart as the Heaven Emperor.

"Master, you have seriously become shameless. How can you even look in our eyes directly while lying straight to our faces?" Zhang Yong asked as he made a disgusted face.

The old man turned sideways to glare at the Shadow Lord who was currently munching on the delicious pastry that Li Ming had sent for the old man.

"What did you just say?" The old man looked scary as he asked the question through gritted teeth.

Zhang Yong could see the warning look that the Heaven Emperor was passing him, but our dear Shadow Lord had already chosen his side.

How could he let the old man trick his little Ming'er? Therefore, he ignored the signals of the Heaven Emperor as he replied.

"I'm just stating the truth. Do you seriously think that we won't be able to see the truth behind your words? There's no need to hide your crafty plans behind lousy excuses. No one is going to fall for them."

The veins in the old man's temple almost burst at Zhang Yong's words. His eyes were about to burn the Shadow Lord alive right at that moment.

"Think before speaking out such outrageous words. Don't go around spouting nonsense!" The old man said as he glared at the Immortal.

Zhang Yong was about to retort when the Heaven Emperor decided to speak up.

"Are you not going to meet Miss Li? After all, it has been over a month since you last saw her. She will feel happy to see you here."

Zhang Yong looked at the Heaven Emperor and after a few seconds, he closed his open mouth while nodding his head lightly.

He passed the old man a heated glance and then turned to look at the Heaven Emperor as he said, "Fine! I'm going to see my Ming'er but let me make it very clear, there's no way I'm going to let you play your dirty tricks on my Ming'er."

Of course, his words were directed at none other than the old man. Before the old man could leash his anger out, the silhouette of the Shadow Lord disappeared from the small living room.

"This boy...he is becoming more and more outrageous. He is not even pretending to be on my side. It's not like I'm planning a murder or something. I'm just trying to find out some answers." The old man huffed in frustration.

The Heaven Emperor looked at his Master for a few seconds in silence. He looked deep in thoughts before he finally replied, "Just make sure not to anger the Future Empress of the Heaven Realm."

With these shocking words, the silhouette of the Heaven Emperor also disappeared from the living room, leaving a surprised old man behind.


The dirty road kept going on without any end. She had been running on it for hours by now, but unfortunately, all that she could see around her was darkness.

Except for that dirty road nothing else was visible to her eyes.

Her legs were on the verge of giving up due to the weakness that was taking over her.

'Come here....Don't stop...!'

The husky voice whispered in her ears, making her legs start walking once again.

She was too tired to think straight at that moment. All that she wanted was to reach that voice that had been calling her for the past several hours.

She wanted to rest, to sleep, to let go of everything, and to succumb to the darkness that was trying to evade her consciousness.

However, the voice was not letting her stop. It kept calling her whenever her legs started slowing down.

'You can't stop...I need you...come to me...!'


In that dark abyss and on that neverending road, she finally heard a voice that sounded familiar.

Someone was calling her name and miraculously it was not that husky voice.

"Ming'er, are you awake?"

She felt the darkness recoil as it started leaving her. Her mind started feeling light as the dark hold her it started to leave her.



Li Ming woke up with a loud gasp as she sat up straight on the couch on which she was lying down in her cozy living room.


The familiar voice once again entered her ears as she tried to adjust her eyes to the darkness that was present in the room.

Except for the fireplace where a light fire was burning and for the five candles that were glowing on the other side of the room, the living room was basking mostly in shadows.

"Are you alright, Ming'er? Is something wrong?"

Zhang Yong's worried voice entered into her ears and she immediately looked towards the man who was crouching beside her.


Li Ming softly whispered as she looked at the familiar face in front of her.

Zhang Yong looked worriedly at the girl who was looking pale even in the darkness. He could sense her discomfort and her fast heartbeat.

He was about to say something when suddenly the girl threw her hands around his neck and hugged him tightly.

He was taken aback for a second but soon his hands went to pull the girl tighter in his embrace.

"I missed you!" Li Ming whispered softly as she snuggled her face in his nape, inhaling his strong scent which immediately calmed her down.

"I missed you too, Ming'er. It's the most difficult thing to stay away from you." Zhang Yong replied as he rubbed her back softly.

After a few minutes, Li Ming finally pulled out of Zhang Yong's warm embrace. She scooted a little on the couch to make space for the Shadow Lord.

As Zhang Yong sat beside her, she immediately snuggled back into his arms, needing the comfort of their bond in order to keep her from returning to the memories of her dream.

Zhang Yong didn't ask any questions as he silently brushed his fingers through her silky locks.

"I have something amazing to share with you. I'm hoping that you will listen to it and say yes in the end." He finally said after a long silence.

Li Ming pulled back a little as she looked at the Immortal with curious eyes.

"What is it?" She asked as she straightened up a little to look at him.

"Well, I was wondering if you will allow me to help Snowy and Mallow change into their human form." Zhang Yong hurriedly said.

For a moment, Li Ming kept looking at the Immortal with shocked eyes.

"What did you just say? They can change their forms?" Li Ming was definitely shocked after discovering such a huge news.

"En! Since Mallow is a spirit beast, she can change into human form and I have a feeling that we can find a way to help Snowy do the same too." Zhang Yong immediately answered.

Li Ming looked at the Shadow Lord with surprised eyes. It took her a few minutes to come out of her shock.

"Of course, it's such a great thing. Can we seriously do that?" She asked curiously.

All her worries, tension, and bad feelings about her dream flew away as she and Zhang Yong started discussing about the possibility of his plan.

"Then it's confirmed. I'll start my work immediately. Hope we will hear some good news soon." Zhang Yong said after their long discussion.

Li Ming nodded her head in agreement. She too was excited about the results. If Zhang Yong was sure that there was a high chance for the success of this plan then she was sure that she would probably hear good news.

"By the way, how's everyone? And what about the Demon Realm? Is everything alright there?" Li Ming asked after a few minutes.

"Everyone is good and so is the Demon Realm. Since you started to help them, their situation has become better." Zhang Yong replied with a soft smile.

"Oh! That's good news. Umm...I have a favor to ask from you." Li Ming said as she looked at Zhang Yong with hopeful eyes.

"What is it? Just say it and it will be done." The Shadow Lord said in his cheerful tone.

A small smile made its way to her lips at his words.

"I want to meet with Ruoshan!"


Chapter 188 - Double The Trouble: Part Two

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

Li Ming watched as the snow slowly started covering her boots little by little.

It was around nine-thirty and the dark chilled night filled with silence was making her feel sleepy.

Her hands were freezing even though she had increased her body temperature to keep herself warm as the snow kept falling.

She still needed to find out exactly why the Snow Fields kept covered in snow throughout the year without any break.

She rubbed her hands together to help them warm up a little. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms snaked around her waist and hugged her tightly from behind.

What shocked her was the identity of the person who was hugging her. It would be normal if it was Zhang Yong, Ruoshan, When Guiying, or for a moment, even Hei Long.

However, Li Ming was amazed to find the Heaven Emperor back hugging her tightly as he placed his chin on her shoulder.

"My Lord...?"

She was not sure how to react, therefore, her words came out more like a question. She turned her face a little to look at the Immortal but almost forgot to breathe as she realized exactly how close their faces were.

"I saw you standing here in the cold. Unfortunately, I don't have a cloak with me. So, I found another way to keep you warm." The Heaven Emperor replied in a serious tone as he kept looking at their dark surroundings.

A smile broke out on Li Ming's lips as she looked at the side profile of her mate.

In the past month, she had come to know the Heaven Emperor a little bit more than what she heard in the rumors.

What shocked her the most was that he was a very shy and modest when it came to the matter of intimacy.

Except for the kiss that she gave two weeks ago, they barely had any physical contact between them.

She wanted to give him space and let him develop their bond at his own pace. However, to make sure that it won't increase too much distance between them, she made sure to gave him a few quick hugs here or there.

That's why suddenly being back hugged by the Heaven Emperor and him being so intimate with her left her a little surprised. Not like she was complaining.

"That's really a great excuse. But let me tell you this, you don't need to make excuses to hug your own mate. Am I right, Lilac Girl?"

The sweet voice disturbed them suddenly, making both Li Ming and Heaven Emperor turn around.

"Hei Long..."

The two Immortals nodded at each other lightly, however, Li Ming was standing there looking at the Second Demon Prince in confusion.

She asked Zhang Yong to send her message to Ruoshan, then why it was Hei Long who came there to meet her?

She was standing in front of the Heaven Emperor. Though they were no longer hugging but one of his hands was resting on the small of her back.


"You didn't answer my question. We don't need excuses to stay close to our own mate, right?" Hei Long repeated his question as he cut her off before she could even speak two words.

And finally, his words registered in her mind. Her eyes grew huge as the realization dawned on her.

Her eyes kept looking at the Second Demon Prince who was standing a little further away in front of her.

His dark obsidian eyes were staring right at her without blinking.

Li Ming felt her throat drying as she tried to speak, not even knowing what she wanted to say at that point.


She finally managed to ask even though she already knew the answer.

She barely got the time to blink and there he was, standing right in front of her. His warm breath fanning her cheeks as he gazed into her eyes.

It was like the entire world stopped functioning at that moment as the two of them kept staring into each other's eyes.

Li Ming opened her mouth a few times to speak but the words were not ready to leave her mouth. It was like they got stuck in her throat and refused to come out.

Li Ming thought that the gap between their faces was decreasing with each passing second but her mind was over lowing with too many things to pay attention to one thing.

It wasn't until a warm pair of lips engulfed her cold ones in their warmth, that she realized exactly what had happened.

Unexpectedly, Hei Long's lips moved against hers slowly and lovingly. One of his hands grabbed her from her waist and the other one found its way into her long hair.

Li Ming watched the closed eyes of Hei Long as his hand grabbed the back of her nape. The warmth of those lips that were playing with hers, made her close her eyes too.

She felt the moment, their bond started overflowing with pleasure. Her legs were starting to grow weak as the Second Demon Prince continued to play with her lips.

Li Ming felt Hei Long stepping even closer to her and since there was barely any space between them, she instantly moved backward.

However, the Second Demon Prince took another step closer to her, and once again she found her legs moving backward.

Her body hit! someone, as she moved back for the third time.

She was about to lose her balance when suddenly a pair of arms came around her waist to support her.

The fragrance that belonged to none other than the Heaven Emperor filled her already fuzzy senses as her back hit with his chest.

She probably imagined it but she felt like for a moment, Hei Long was smiling as she ended up plastered against the Heaven Emperor.

Though she got no time to pay attention to her suspicion as the lips that were slowly and softly giving her pleasure till now, became a little fierce as Hei Long nipped on her lips, making a gasp finally leave her mouth.

Li Ming found one of her hands grabbing the collar of the black robe of the Second Demon Prince. Her fingers grazing against his bare chest beneath the robe.

Meanwhile, her other hand made its way towards the person who was standing behind her.

Her hands met with the smooth silky hair that was falling around his shoulder. His warm bare neck that came in contact with her hand made the Immortal let out a shaky breath.

She was completely sandwiched between the two of her mates as they pleasured her. Her senses were overflowing as two of her bonds filled with warmth and joy.

It was probably after an eternity when Hei Long finally pulled back a little to let her breathe.

It was complete darkness around them but the shadows failed to hide the blushing cheeks of Li Ming and her state which looked satisfied after feeling the closeness of not one but two of her mates.

"I heard that she starts to glow when her soul is satisfied. Will you help me?" Hei Long asked as he looked directly at the Heaven Emperor.

Li Ming had no idea what was the reply of the Immortal Ruler but the very next second, she was picked up by Hei Ling in his strong arms.

The daze that was covering her mind immediately flew away as her hands went to lock around Hei Long's neck on their own.

She looked at the Second Demon Prince with her huge eyes, not knowing what was happening or more like what he was planning to do.

"Have you let him inside Xiao Tiantang yet? Or maybe your mansion?" Hei Long asked her as he pointed at the Heaven Emperor with his eyes.

Li Ming looked at her other mate who was standing beside them. His eyes were trained on her and Li Ming could see that his soul was making him crave to be closer to her.

She returned her eyes back to the Second Demon Prince as she slowly shook her head.

She had so many questions that she wanted to ask from Hei Long but at the same time, she didn't want to ruin such a beautiful moment.

Therefore, she decided to stay silent for the time being, promising herself to bombard the Second Demon Prince with her questions soon.

"Alright! Let's take him there then!"

With these words of Hei Long, Li Ming found herself passing through the void. The very next second they were standing exactly in her master bedroom of the magical mansion.

Hei Long moved closer to the bed and placed her right in the middle of the huge bed.

She felt her robes leaving her body which made a gasp leave her lips. Thankfully, her robes only changed into a warm pajama set, and not left her naked there.

Well, she would have killed the Second Demon Prince right then and there if he dared to pull such a trick on her, mate or not!

But exactly what he was planning to do to her?


Chapter 189 - Double The Trouble: Part Three

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

Li Ming stared at the ceiling of her bedroom as she kept lying on her bed with two of her mates accompanying her.

Hei Long was lying on her left side while the Heaven Emperor was on her right side.

"Why are you so silent, Lilac Girl? I was expecting you to bombard me with questions. However, you have not said a single word. What happened?" Hei Long asked as he turned to look at her.

His robes had come undone slightly which made the skin of his collarbone visible. Li Ming felt her eyes ogling his bare collarbone as she felt her hands itching to feel his warm and smooth skin.

She let out a deep sigh as she shook her head lightly to get rid of her craving thoughts.

"How? And when?" Her gaze penetrated his dark eyes as she asked the questions that were making cramps appear in her stomach.

She was not expecting tingles to erupt throughout her body as a warm hand engulfed her wrist where the soul mark was shining in pleasure.

A soft groan made its way out of her mouth as Hei Long rolled up her sleeve and his fingers made the direct contact with her mark.

"All you needed to do is to show this to me and all my suspicions, anger, frustration, and fears would have flown away. If not for me seeing it accidentally, I would have never known the truth of your identity." Hei Long asked as he looked at her with seriousness covering his expressions.

"I...I-well, I thought...I mean we were not sure what will be the consequences of showing it to you. I mean..."

Her words were cut off as Hei Long suddenly sealed her lips with his own. His one hand was supporting his weight while his other hand once again snaked around her waist.

What Li Ming didn't expect was the hand that started caressing her cheeks and nape. The Heaven Emperor pulled her hair away from her shoulder which left her nape completely at his mercy.

Li Ming closed her eyes as her hands snaked around Hei Long's shoulders and her fingers tightly gripped his long smooth hair.

For the first time, she decided to partake in their sweet moment. She needed to make her mates also experience exactly what pleasure felt like.

Her hands gripped Hei Long's hair tightly as she moved her face, even more, closer to his face as she pushed her lips tightly against his.

Her lips parted as she engulfed his soft warm lips within her own. The gasp that left Hei Long's lips due to the shock that he received was enough for her to move her tongue into his warm cave.

The Second Demon Prince was completely taken aback by his mate's sudden actions. He felt the sweetness of her tongue invading his mouth as it tangled with his tongue and made his hand around her waist tighten.

Nothing had ever prepared him for the pleasure and comfort that took over his entire being.

The agony that he was suffering through paled in front of the pleasure that his Lilac Girl was giving him.

His heart was beating faster as he felt her nipping on his lower lip. He took in a deep breath before smashing his lips against her with full force.

Their lips were moving against each other as the fire of passion and the need to be closer to their mate overtook them and their soul.

Their tongues were playing with each other as they tried to engulf the other one in extreme pleasure.

A groan left Hei Long's mouth as Li Ming finally pulled away to take a deep breath. His dark eyes were filled with want as he stared right into her eyes.

Li Ming moved forward and planted a soft kiss on the forehead of the Second Demon Prince who immediately closed his eyes to bask in the pleasure of love that his mate was showering on him.

She pulled back and passed him a soft smile before turning towards her right side to look at the Heaven Emperor.

The Immortal Ruler's eyes were also filled with want and a fire that she could see burning through his entire body and soul. But what made him look adorable was the punk tint that had taken over his cheeks.

His fiery gaze and his rosy cheeks were a direct contrast and it only made him appear cuter.

Li Ming turned her face to look at Hei Long who gave her a supporting nod. His eyes mischievously looking at the Heaven Emperor who was suddenly feeling like he had become a deer caught in the headlights.

A smile appeared on her lips as she sat up in the bed. Her outer shirt slipped from her shoulder making her bare skin visible to the eyes of the two immortals.

She made no effort to cover her shoulder. Sometimes she loved her clothes since they had a habit of slipping off from the right places at the right time.

She moved towards the Heaven Immortal as she lightly pushed him on his back and made him lie flat on the bed.

The Heaven Ruler stared at her in a transfixed manner. His eyes were gazing into hers as if he was trying to find out her motives.

Li Ming put one of her legs over his legs as she sat down on his thighs while straddling him.

Since her robe was already falling down from one of her shoulders, somehow the three buttons of her outer shirt also came undone which made her inner crop top visible.

Li Ming bent down forward as she placed both of her hands beside either of his shoulders. Her face was inched closer to his face and she could see him gulping down as his eyes anticipated what was coming next.

Her smile broadened as she gazed at her adorable mate.

"What's wrong, My Lord? Are you feeling uncomfortable because of me?" Li Ming asked with an adorable face.

Her eyes had suddenly turned naive and her expression was like she had been denied her favorite candy.

The Heaven Emperor was taken aback by the sudden change in her expressions. Although his mind was aware that she was only playing with him but his soul could not help but fall for it.


His words came out broken and his tone was hoarse.

Hei Long suddenly let out a beautiful laugh as he shook his head while saying, "Can't believe that the first senior brother is not able to speak properly. I think I have just watched an impossible sight. Well done, Lilac Girl."

He moved closer to them as he planted a soft kiss on her temple. He gave the Heaven Emperor a small wink as he returned back to his original position on the bed.

Li Ming turned the Heaven Emperor's face back towards her with her thumb and fingers gripping his chin lightly.

"Does that mean you are okay with whatever I'm doing? Am I allowed to pleasure you, My Lord?" Her tone came out husky as her dark eyes stared right into his obsidian orbs.

The Heaven Emperor found himself nodding his head. His hands moved on their own as they landed on either side of Li Ming's waist.

His eyes closed as Li Ming started closing the gap between their faces.

With a swift move, her lips landed on the soft lips of the Heaven Emperor. Her eyes also closed as she let out a satisfied sigh and allowed herself to enjoy the precious moment.


The moan left the Heaven Emperor's lips as he too was suddenly filled with immeasurable happiness and a feeling of satisfaction that he could not describe in words.

Li Ming moved one of her hands to place it behind his neck and the other gripped his robe.

She found the belt that was keeping his outer robe securely attached to his body. With a soft tug of her magic, the belt immediately undone into her hands.

The robes started falling away from his chest, leaving smooth and creamy skin behind.

Li Ming moved her fingers to grip the robes and the very next second they disappeared into thin air leaving the chiseled upper body of the Heaven Immortal visible to her thirsty eyes.

Her lips dominated the Heaven Immortal as she lightly nipped on his lips. However, he didn't open his mouth to give her tongue the access that it wanted.

This made Li Ming's mind came up with another plan. She let her hand glide down from his cheeks to his jaw, neck, collarbone, chest, stomach, and finally to the outline of his pants.

She could feel Hei Long's eyes penetrating into her as he followed the movement of her hand closely.

She suddenly let her fingers crawled under the outline of the pants and immediately two hands gripped her hand to stop it from moving further.

However, in the midst of all this Li Ming got access to the Heaven Immortal's mouth as a gasp had left his lips when he felt her fingers at his lower abdomen.


Chapter 190 - Double The Trouble: Part Four

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

Her tongue immediately made its way into the warm mouth of the Heaven Emperor. Her mouth savoring the sweetness that belonged to her mate.

"She's a real demoness!"

Li Ming heard Hei Long mumbling softly as he started pulling off her outer shirt. She didn't resist and even helped him in getting rid of the shirt.

As she lowered her stomach on the Heaven Emperor's body, a groan left the Immortal Ruler's mouth as her bare belly came in direct contact with his bare stomach.

Their breathing had accelerated as they continued to savor each other and the pleasure that their closeness was bringing to them.

Li Ming felt Hei Long's fingers on both of her shoulders as he softly pulled her long hair back which was falling like a curtain around the Heaven Emperor and her face.

She felt a soft kiss on her nape which made a sigh leave her. Her soul was flying through the sky of euphoria as two of her mates showered her in their love.

She finally pulled away from the kiss and gazed at the Heaven Emperor with her eyes filled with warmth and a small smile playing on her lips.

The Heaven Emperor was a blushing mess. His cheeks had turned bright red and so did his ears.

A haze was covering his eyes and it appeared like he was still reminiscing through the pleasurable memory of their kiss.

However, it was short-lived as the very next second, the Heaven Emperor sat up straight as he stared at the Second Demon Prince who was sitting behind her.

A chuckle left her mouth as Li Ming realized that Hei Long was also sitting on the Heaven Emperor's legs.

"What do you think you are doing?" The Heaven Emperor asked as his previously soft eyes turned into cold ones.

Hei Long snaked one of his hands around Li Ming's belly. His palm resting in the very middle of her belly, making tingles rise throughout her body.

"What? I'm just enjoying my time with my dear mate. And it's not like your legs are going to break since both of us are light as feathers. But if First Senior Brother still wants to get rid of me, I can leave. However, I'll take away my Lilac girl too."

Li Ming watched as the Heaven Emperor's eyes turned deadly. He looked straight into her eyes while she felt another hand circling around her waist.

"Are you two for real?" Li Ming asked as she rolled her eyes at their antics.

"What? You can see that First Senior Brother started it. You can't blame me for this, Lilac Girl." Hei Long complained into her ear as he placed his chin on her shoulder.

Before the Heaven Emperor could open his mouth to contradict the Second Demon Prince, Li Ming stopped him.

His young mate placed one of her hands lovingly on Hei Long's left cheek as she said, "Is that so? But I think it's you who is actually trying to trigger him."

Hei Long turned his face slightly to look at his mate who was softly smiling as she looked at the Heaven Emperor, who in return was also smiling at her.

His hand that was resting on her belly tightened around her which made her back hit his front, while his free hand landed on her right jaw.

"Are you already picking favorites, Lilac Girl?" His voice was deep and husky as he asked.

Li Ming's free hand cupped his hand over her jaw as she brought it to her mouth and planted a light kiss in its very center.

"What do you think? You have known me for quite some time by now. Do you think I already am, or maybe in the future, will pick favorites out of you guys?" She asked as she entangled her fingers with his.

A small twitch appeared on Hei Long's lips and the same went for the Heaven Emperor. Due to some unknown reason, both of her nates were feeling proud of her.

The two Immortals passed each other a secret glance and the very next second, Li Ming felt two soft pairs of lips landing on either of her cheeks.

"My Lilac Girl is just too smart. She knows how to counter back smartly. I have taught you well." Hei Long said as he planted another soft kiss on her cheek.

Li Ming turned her face to look at the Second Demon Prince with raised eyebrows but she was welcomed by a deep kiss that lasted for a few seconds.

"I'm feeling really bad for disturbing you guys like this."

The sweet voice which was filled with warmth and affection disturbed the three of them and made Li Ming pull away from the kiss.


Li Ming stared at her silver-haired mate who was standing at the entrance of her bedroom. His dark purple robe matched the purple gleam in his eyes.

The Evernight Lord watched as his two brothers and his sweet Xingan glowed in the light of satisfaction and happiness.

The three of them were surrounded by a silver light which explained exactly how happy their souls were at that moment.

He watched with a soft smile as his sweet Xingan came running towards him and threw her hands around him, immediately snuggling into his embrace.

Ruoshan didn't waste a single second before his arms were pulling his Xingan tightly into his embrace.

His soul immediately calmed down as it felt the closeness of its other half. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"You are finally here to ruin our precious moment, how sad!" Hei Long sighed dramatically as he lightly shook his head.

"Trust me, I also didn't want to interrupt you guys like this if not for my Xingan. You know that she wanted to meet me. I can't make her wait for too long, now can I?" Ruoshan asked in reply.

Hei Long stood up from the bed and straightened his clothes as he walked towards the pair of Ruoshan and Li Ming.

Li Ming also watched the Heaven Emperor who took out a red robe and draped it over his shoulders, hiding his chiseled body from her sight.

A pout automatically made its way to her lips which made both Ruoshan and Hei Long burst out laughing as they also stared at the Heaven Immortal who was looking at the three of them with confused eyes.

"What?" The Immortal Ruler was completely lost here and had no idea about what was going on.

"You should stay naked around her. See, how sad she has become because you hid your body from her. Tsk tsk, you have no shame First Senior Brother." Hei Long said as he shook his head dramatically.

Li Ming immediately nodded her head to show her agreement which left the Heaven Emperor completely speechless for a moment.

"What have you guys been teaching her behind my back? You have spoiled her in a bad way. Did Yueliang never stopped you guys?" The Heaven Immortal asked as he pulled away Li Ming from Ruoshan's embrace.

Even though she lost the warmth of Evernight Lord's embrace but she didn't complain as the very next second she was engulfed into the Heaven Emperor's arms.

"Brother Yueliang and you, both of you guys are made of the same thinking. Why you guys have the wrong image that it's us who are soiling her? Can't you two see the truth behind this demoness facade?" Hei Long asked as he pointed an accusing finger at their mate.

Li Ming turned her face slightly to glare at the Second Demon Prince who immediately retracted his finger.

"Don't you dare blame, Miss Li. Just because she doesn't say anything, you guys are not allowed to take advantage of her innocence at every chance you get."

The Heaven Emperor was quick to support his innocent mate. His arms tightened around her as he protectively pulled her closer into his embrace.



Both the Immortals, Ruoshan and Hei Long, were left speechless at the Heaven Immortal's words.

Was that man for real?

"Only my Lord knows me the best." Li Ming said as she nuzzled her face into the Heaven Emperor's chest.

"What's wrong with her?" Hei Long asked as he looked at Li Ming with confused eyes.

"She's behaving a little like how she behaved when she got drunk. Did you guys....?" Ruoshan looked accusingly at the Heaven Immortal and Hei Long.

However, the two Immortals were quick to shake their heads to deny the accusation.

"Wait! Did she get drunk before? How? And what were you guys doing at that time?" The Heaven Emperor asked as he looked at the girl in his arms with a little worry.

"I am not involved in that one either. Spare me from your accusations. But don't you guys think that we should rather focus on the current situation?" Hei Long asked as he inched closer to Li Ming.

"Are you alright, Lilac Gir...."

Before he could complete the question, his lips got sealed by a scorching kiss that came from his little mate.

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