Glamorous Journey Of The Fema...

By silentMelody0101

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56 Epilogue


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By silentMelody0101

Chapter 176 - Challenging The Old Man

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

Li Ming let out a ball of her energy that surrounded the stack of parchments before they can completely disintegrate.

She hurriedly crouched down beside the parchments and started mumbling a spell, a few seconds later the parchments were back to their original state.

A sigh of relief left her lips as she watched the parchments which looked completely fine once again.

She stood up and looked around the room. The door was protected by some kind of ward and the same went for the window.

Just like the ward around the Snow Fields, this ward was also very powerful. There was no way that she could break it given her current cultivation level.

Giving up on fleeing, she started walking towards the attached area at the other end of the living room which looked like a kitchen.

And if her guess was correct then that sour smell was coming from that place.


"I thought you will be happy after seeing one of us nearly after seven or eight years. Who knew that you will be traumatized by our visit?" The Heaven Emperor said to the old man.

To his surprise, the old man didn't say anything. It was like he was too deep in his thoughts that he didn't even hear his words.

The Heaven Emperor was curious to know exactly what had suddenly taken over the mind of the old man.

Unknown to him, the thoughts of the old man were filled by a little girl who was currently left behind in his precious hut.

He was going crazy after realizing that if she could set the blood cherry plant on fire to enter the Snow Fields then who knew if she would set his entire hut on fire to get out of it.

Though he had tied her to a chair before coming out but he had a feeling that he had underestimated the girl.

That's why currently his main focus was on reaching back to his hut as soon as possible and due to this, he didn't even realize that the Heaven Emperor was talking to him all this time.

It took them around eight to nine minutes to reach the hut from the western end of the Snow Fields.

The old man landed in front of his hut and relief washed over him after seeing his house still standing there without any trace of harm.

But he still needed to make sure that the girl was still bound to the chair and had not fled. Therefore, he hurriedly rushed inside the hut.

The Heaven Emperor who was getting more and more confused by the old man's behavior also entered the hut.

As they both entered the house, the old man's eyes immediately landed on the chair. But to his horror, all he saw was the crumbles of the rope which was supposed to be tied around the girl's hands.

"You are finally back. Were you planning to kill me?"

The sudden icy voice that greeted them from the kitchen, surprised both the old man and the Heaven Emperor.

A girl in a dark blue dress and a fur cloak draped over her, was standing at the counter of the kitchen.

She was carrying a basket in her hands which were filled with things to the brim.

Her long black hair was tied high on her head with a single golden hairpin in it. Her simple blue jade earrings were long enough to reach her shoulder.

And her beautiful cute face was a direct contrast to her icy gaze which was currently trained on the old man.

"Are you going to answer or not? Normally it's impossible to make you stop talking then what happened now?"

Li Ming asked the old man as she walked towards him and dropped the basket at his feet.

The eyes of both the men followed the basket and after realizing that the basket was filled with the ingredients for his lunch, the old man hurriedly started crouching down to pick it up.

"Don't you dare touch it! I can't believe you were planning to eat these. Well, it's more like you were planning to kill me when you left me behind trapped inside this foul-smelling hut." Li Ming said in an icy tone.

"What smell? There's no smell...oh!"

Just when he was going to say that there was no smell, Li Ming took away her hold from the smell, and immediately the entire hut was filled with that sour foul smell.

She was quick to place a charm on herself which saved her from breathing in that smell.

On the other hand, the Heaven Emperor wasn't expecting to be suddenly attacked by such a smell. He too immediately flicked his sleeve and the smell vanished from the room.

His movements finally made Li Ming take notice of his presence in the house. Her eyes took in the man who was draped in a golden fur cloak. His hair was swept back neatly and a single golden hairpin was peeking out from it.

His chin had a hard edge and his sharp black eyes were now also looking directly at her.

It was like the world stopped at that moment as the two looked into each other's eyes. Li Ming could tell that there was something special about that man but before she could find out what it was, the loud booming voice of the old man crashed their moment.

"What do you think you are doing?" The old man asked her in his usual angry tone as he looked at her like he was looking at a little spoilt girl.

"How dare you barge into my kitchen and touch my food? You even dared to throw them out."

Li Ming neither flinch nor did she back down at the old man's angry words. She had already taken enough of his shit.

"Listen to one thing very carefully old man. It was you who brought me into your house against my wish and left me here tied to a chair with that foul smell. You should be happy that I just cleaned up your so-called kitchen a little bit and not ended up setting your entire house on fire. You better not test my patience." Li Ming's tone explained that she wasn't kidding even a little bit.

Well, of course, she would never have set his house on fire, but he didn't need to know that, right?

The old man was left completely speechless. Looked like he was not completely wrong when he thought that the girl could end up setting his house on fire.

On the other hand, a small twitch appeared on the lips of the Heaven Emperor as he watched the little girl and the old man bickering.

"You-you...How...These are the ingredients that I was going to use in the lunch!" The old man finally found the words that were refusing to come out of his mouth.

"Huh! Are you kidding me? You are going to eat this poison. Can't you find something better to eat?" Li Ming asked with a scoff.

At her words, the old man huffed with ridicule. "What do you think this place is? In this place filled with nothing but snow, you can barely find anything to eat. Ever heard of Beggars can't be choosers?"

"I didn't know that you are a beggar. Also, you can always grow vegetables and fruits in this place, seeing that you are a high-level cultivator. Just don't find excuses for your laziness."

How could Li Ming back down so easily? Of course, being the boss of the agriculture business and after earning millions during the winter season even when the Dongji village was covered in snow, she had a vast knowledge about how to farm in snow.

"Do you think that it's that easy? Go home, little girl. Don't stand here insulting my food and house. You can only understand if you have been living here like me." The old man didn't miss a single second to retort.

"What if I can do it?" Li Ming asked with a smirk plastered on her face.

For a moment, the old man was left shocked but then he got a grip on himself. The girl was probably trying to play with him.

"Don't talk big when you are not even going to do it. Now go back to your home and don't wander around such places again in the future." The old man said.

"Will you let me do whatever I want in the Snow Fields without any interruption if I end up proving myself right?" Li Ming asked with a raised eyebrow.

The challenge was clear in her eyes, making the Heaven Emperor look at her with curious eyes.

She was getting more and more interesting with each sentence that was leaving her lips.

"Do you seriously think that it's that easy to build a house in this place and live here happily? Alright then! I will be willing to watch you eat your own words when you will fail badly. I'm giving you my words if you end up proving my lifestyle in this place as a result of my laziness, I'll let you do whatever you want in the Snow Fields."

The old man declared.


Chapter 177 - The Image Of The Heaven Emperor

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

"Wait! Why are you throwing me out too? I didn't say a single thing."

The Heaven Emperor asked as he looked at the old man who had just thrown him out of his house.

"Right! You just stayed quiet as this girl kept insulting my house and my food." The old man shouted as he stood at the door of his hut looking down at them.

"Hey! I just said that you could have been living a better life in this place if you have tried. I insulted your lack of effort and your excuses, not your food and house. Don't lie!" Li Ming said with a huff.

Heaven Emperor pursed his lips tightly to drop the smile that was about to form on his lips.

Who knew that he would find another person after thousands of years who dared to challenge the Master of Deities.

As far as he knew the girl had no idea about the real identity of the old man, probably the reason behind her brazen behavior.

However, it wasn't fair for his Master to kick him out too just because he was angry at the girl.

"Y-you...! Fine, fine, fine! I'll see exactly what kind of lavish life you are going to live. Now, get lost from here and keep this man with you. Until or unless you two have a house to live in, don't show me your face. Most importantly, don't even think that I'll give you any space inside my house when you both will be covered under a bundle of snow tonight."

The old man glared at the two of them before closing the door with a loud bang.

Li Ming was surprised to see that it didn't come tumbling down due to the huge force, probably the old man's powers were keeping it intact.

Of course, that old man didn't have enough brain to use that same spiritual power to live a nice and happy life.

Of course, living a lavish life wasn't a necessity but living a hygienic and normal life definitely was.

And did that old man seriously think that she was not able to even build a house on her own? Just let him wait and watch. She was ready to blow his ancient brain away.

But exactly why did he assign her as the babysitter of the Immortal who looked like he had come there to sightsee?

Just as she was going to tell the Immortal to mind his own business and stay away from her, the door of the hut opened and the old man's silhouette appeared there.

Without even sparing her a single glance, he set his eyes on the Immortal as he said, "Don't you dare to help her with your powers. You won't die even if you got buried inside an iceberg for thousands of years."

And with these words, he again closed the door with a bang, leaving both Li Ming and Heaven Emperor staring at the closed door.

"He really is something." Li Ming snorted as she turned around, her eyes landing on the Immortal who was looking at her with curious eyes.

She raised her eyebrows at him which brought a small twitch on his lips. However, after listening to the old man's words she had changed her mind about pissing off the Immortal too.

After being surrounded by high-rank cultivators and Immortal mates, it had become easier for her to tell if the person in front of her was a mortal, demon, or an immortal.

Just a single glance at the golden robed man and she knew that he too was an Immortal, exactly like the old man who was currently humming some weird tone inside his kitchen.

Smoke was coming out of the small kitchen window as it drifted above into the grey sunless sky.

"Are you going to keep standing there or you have plans to help me?" Li Ming asked.

Heaven Emperor looked at the girl with a surprised look. What was she expecting him to do? Did she forget that he was prohibited by his Master from helping her?

"What am I supposed to do?" He finally asked curiously.

Li Ming let out a small sigh as she said, "Just follow me."

With that, she turned around and started walking in the opposite direction of the old man's house.


"Are we done yet?" The Heaven Emperor asked as he followed behind Li Ming with his hands filled with piles of thick woods.

Who would have thought that one day the Ruler of the Heaven Realm and the Caretaker of the Mortal Realm, would be collecting woods in the Snow Fields while following the orders of a young girl?

The sight was both humorous and shocking. It was a good thing that except for a certain number of people no one was watching them.

It was currently eleven-thirty in the morning as they roamed around the Snow Fields, looking for broken timbers.

Li Ming turned around to stare at the Immortal as she said, "Listen dude, you can put that bundle down if your fragile body isn't able to take the load. Don't irritate me."

Without waiting for a single more second she turned around and started walking back towards the old man's hut.

The Heaven Emperor stared at the back of the girl who was walking away from him. What did he do wrong to deserve this?

He followed behind her silently, carrying the wood in his arms. His clean shiny golden robes were now covered in dirt and scratches.

They stopped directly in front of the old man's hut, who peeked out of the kitchen window and smirked at them after seeing the piles of wood that they had collected.

"Are you guys planning to eat those wood today? I thought you were going to eat a lavish meal." The old man taunted from his small kitchen as she showed them his red long leafed herbs which were the source of the sour smell.

"You should worry about your own lunch, old man. No need to worry about us. I thought a cultivator like you did not need to eat food. Looks like I was wrong."

Of course, Li Ming was ready to taunt the old man in return. How could she let him make fun of her?

She turned towards the piles of wood and started setting them up to start a fire. A few minutes later there was a sizzling fire burning outside the house of the old man.

She took out a pack of spaghetti, ingredients for the sauce, and utensils and started cooking.

As time passed, a light aroma started filling the air. Soon both the Heaven Emperor and the old man were staring at the girl who was busy in cooking something which smelt delicious as heaven.

Around forty minutes later, Li Ming took out a small table and a mat from her magical mansion and set them up on the snow-covered ground.

After that, she served the hot saucy spaghetti into two plates and placed them on the table accompanied by one of her treasures, the delicious wine.

"Are you going to join or not?" Li Ming asked seriously as she looked at the Immortal.

Though the Heaven Emperor had no plans to eat any human food, being a cultivator he had left the need of eating food far behind, but looking at the delicious food prepared by Li Ming, he immediately changed his mind.

The only thing that was stopping him from giving into his urges were the people who had trained their eyes on him.

He had no idea why these people were keeping their eyes on him but he needed to keep his image as the Ruler of the Heaven Realm, therefore, with a heavy heart, he decided to decline the girl's offer.

Li Ming watched as the Immortal shook his head softly as he declined her once in a lifetime offer.

Well, some people were just born idiots. They had no idea what they were missing while saying no to certain things.

"Suit yourself." Li Ming shrugged her shoulders as she settled down on the mat, bringing both the players in front of her, and started eating.

She could feel the two pairs of eyes that were drilling holes in her spaghetti.


"He's an idiot."

A man with a beautifully decorated fan in his hand, said as he watched the Heaven Emperor declining the great offer of eating the food cooked by their Ming'er.

"He definitely is. He is going to regret it soon though. Can't you see his eyes which are trying to ignore that luring food but failing poorly?" Another man draped in fine purple-colored brocade robes asked as he also looked at the Heaven Emperor.

"You both need to stop." Hei Long said with a bored tone as he shook his head.

He looked up from the chessboard at the extreme silence that had taken over the room, and he immediately came across his four senior brothers who were drilling daggers into him.

Who knew that he would end up in so much trouble for helping Li Ming?

Setting the Blood Cherry plant on fire was actually the fastest way of bringing the old man out of his so-called hut, really!


Chapter 178 - The Modern Day Cabin

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20


Li Ming raised her eyebrows at the old man who had been staring at her for the past two hours.

After finishing her lunch and cleaning everything up, she sat down to draw a rough sketch of a two-bedroom cabin.

Since she was not really great in the field of architecture, therefore it took her quite a lot of time to think of ideas.

Finally, she ended up drawing a modern-day cabin.

She knew that the two men were keeping their eyes on her every movement but she did not pay them any attention.

It was already past noon and she needed to build a house for herself before the sunset, though there was no sun in the Snow Fields at that moment.

The old man just huffed at her question and settled down on his doorstep.

Li Ming decided to ignore him as she clapped her hands and the space in front of her became plain.

She placed the sheet of her rough sketch of the cabin on the ground and transferred her spiritual energy unto the paper.

The paper disappeared and the sketch made by black thread-like wire appeared on the snow-covered ground.

Within the next two minutes, the entire sketch of the cabin was placed on the ground and Li Ming started inserting the iron beams.

The two men stared at the girl who was performing miracles in front of their very eyes. How come they never knew that such things existed?

By the time the watch on Li Ming's wrist hit five pm, a brand new cabin was standing in the very front of the old man's hut.

She even created a small lawn in front of her cabin which was surrounded by a small fence.

"This...! How? You are only a first-level Master Cultivator. How can you create an entire house within a few hours? It's impossible!"

The old man kept shaking his head as he first stared at the beautiful cabin and then at the girl who was standing there smirking at him.

"Come on, old man. It's just the beginning. You will need to be calmer to get through the rest of the challenge. Good luck!"

Li Ming didn't wait for a single more minute as she immediately entered the cabin.

The Heaven Emperor clasped his hands in greetings as he bowed slightly as he said, "Master, I'll be going to enjoy a good night's sleep since I have a home now. See you in the morning. Good night!"

And with these words, the Heaven Emperor too entered inside the cabin.

The old man was flabbergasted as he was left there at the doorstep of his hut. Did he really underestimate the girl?


Currently, two Immortals who were sitting in the East Pavilion of the Moon Manor were laughing so hard that they were almost about to fall out of their seats.

Three more Immortals were also present in the room, though they too were smirking after looking at the expressions of their Master, but they were nowhere near falling from their seats.

They just sat on their seat as they looked at Li Ming leaving the one and only Master of Immortals speechless.

"I can't wait to be present there with her." Zhang Yong said as he finally calmed down and settled on his seat.

"Me too."

Ruoshan showed his agreement as he nodded his head.

"You two...." Hei Long immediately shut his mouth off as the others passed him death glares.

"You all can't be serious. I was just helping her!" The Second Demon Prince groaned out as he looked at the circle of brothers.

Were they seriously going to be upset at him just because he taught the girl the simplest and fastest way to enter the Snow Fields?

Just when Ruoshan was about to say something, a handsome face appeared on the magical mirror through which they all were watching the drama that was taking place in the Snow Fields.

"I'm curious to know exactly why you guys are spying on us. Any special reason?" The voice of the Heaven Emperor filled the East Pavilion of the Moon Manor.

"Huh? Oh no, nothing like that. We just wanted to see exactly how the Master will behave after seeing you. After all, we have to make our appearance there too." Ruoshan immediately answered.

The Heaven Emperor looked at the Immortals with a suspicious gaze but he didn't say anything else on the topic.

"Don't worry. The worst that he could do is to put you all in the dungeons present in the depths of the Snow Fields."

With these words, his face disappeared from the mirror and it became completely empty.

"What happened?" Zhang Yong asked as he let his spiritual energy flow over the mirror but nothing happened.

"We can't see what's going on there any longer through this mirror. He probably cut off our spiritual connection." Wen Guiying answered as he stood up from his seat.

He needed to set up a new array for the next training session the coming morning.

"Why would he do that? How are we gonna watch Ming'er?" Zhang Yong asked with a huff.

"When are we going there?" Ruoshan asked the Moon Immortal.


They just wanted to give the Heaven Emperor enough time alone with Li Ming.

All they were waiting was for him to recognize her and they all would instantly be there with her.


The Heaven Emperor entered into the cabin and came across the living room where dark blue colored sofas were placed around a wooden coffee table.

A pot of bonsai tree was sitting on the cabinet which was placed under the small window beside the sofas.

On the other side of the room was an open kitchen attached to the small dining area where a table was arranged with a bouquet of fresh roses in the center of it.

A small hall led to two rooms and a bathroom, which obviously was modern.

Li Ming doubted that the Immortal would need to use the bathroom, therefore she built it according to her own requirements.

She hurriedly set up the two bedrooms. There was a huge bed, a closet, a bean bag, a pot filled with lavender, and a window in each of the two rooms.

A bright red colored carpet made of soft silk was placed on the floor, giving the final touches to the simple but elegant rooms.

"Are you going to eat dinner or not? I'm not interested in wasting any food." Li Ming asked the Immortal as she entered the kitchen.

She started taking out ingredients for the dinner. Until she could grow vegetables in the Snow Fields, she was going to use them from her magical mansion.

The old man prohibited the Immortal from using his powers to help her but he said nothing about her using her own powers.

The Heaven Immortal was quiet for a few seconds before he asked, "What are you going to cook?"

Li Ming answered his question by taking out a freshly cleared chicken. She raised her eyebrows at him as she waited for his reply.

The slight nod of his head was the only answer that she got but it was enough for her to start with her work.

She started cooking the dinner as she listened to Snowy and Mallow complaining about her being heartless as she had not cooked for them in quite some time.

Letting out a sigh she decided to cook for those two devils too.

It took her more than an entire hour to finish the cooking. By the time she finished, it was already eight in the evening.

A light snow had already started falling outside and the inside of the cabin was slowly starting to freeze.

Li Ming sat down in one of the sofas and settled down in a the lotus position.

She closed her eyes and channeled her powers to increase the temperature of the insides of the cabin.

The very next second, the entire cabin was filled with warmth even though it was freezing outside.

The Heaven Emperor watched silently as the girl performed one after another miracle in front of his eyes.

It was not like what she was doing was not possible, but the fact that a very young girl who was only at the Master Cultivator Rank was the one behind all these, was the main reason behind their curiosity and shock.

For the next half an hour they ate their dinner in silence.

It had been years since the Heaven Emperor last tasted mortal food and he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy every single second of it.

He watched silently as Li Ming took care of the dirty dishes. He wanted to offer his help but didn't know exactly what to do or say.

The Heaven Emperor was feeling nervous for the very first time in his life as he watched the girl put a cup of freshly brewed herbal tea in front of him as she also settled down on the chair opposite to him.

"Who are you?"

"And exactly who you are?"

They both asked at the very same moment, making a soft smile appear on both their faces.

"Hi. I'm Li Ming."


Chapter 179 - Snowy Knows Her The Best

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

"I'm not sure what this young girl is doing, but I've to say this, in the entire last week she made me keep my eyes trained on her like a hawk."

The old man muttered as he settled down on his seat after getting tired of standing in front of the small window that opened towards the backyard of Li Ming's cabin.

Miraculously the sun was shining brightly up in the sky over the Snow Fields, though it did not melt the thick snow which was covering the ground.

"All I know is that she has been working very hard for the past entire week. She alone cleared away the snow from the backyard, built that tent-like thing, and currently, she is getting the soil ready. I think you are going to lose poorly Master." The Heaven Emperor said with his voice filled with admiration for the girl.

He had been observing her for a week now. She hadn't left his thoughts for a single second this entire time.

She would come out of her room early in the morning around six-thirty and would immediately start preparing a delicious breakfast.

Being an Immortal, the Heaven Emperor wasn't used to eat food daily. He would barely eat once or twice a year on special occasions but for the past entire week, he had been eating three times a day without skipping once.

The food that she cooked was beyond delicious and so were the teas and wines that accompanied the food.

After breakfast, she would immediately start working on the backyard work which she referred to as a nursery.

She would work there till noon before taking a short break to prepare the lunch and after eating she would once again return to work on building her nursery.

She barely took any rest as she worked till five in the evening before finally stopping the work to take a long bath.

She would start preparing dinner at six-thirty and by eight o'clock she would retire to her room and could only be seen the next morning.

The two of them had barely exchanged ten sentences between them in the past week, though there were moments when he felt an immense pull towards her.

Moments where he could not move his eyes from her, moments where he wanted to glare at his Master for making fun of her hard work and taking her lightly.

Though, he could see the appreciation in his Master's eyes. Of course, the old man had also observed Li Ming's hard work. He was just too proud to say it loud.

On the other hand, the Heaven Emperor was sure that he was not the only one who was feeling those strong emotions.

He could see in her eyes that she was also going through these same sensations.

A doubt had started taking over his heart and brain as those feelings were increasing with each passing day.

He just needed to confirm his doubt but wasn't sure how to do that.

The voice of his Master finally brought him out of his thoughts.

"...think that growing vegetables in this place is possible? How stupid! We barely get any sunlight here and even if there is sunlight, it won't be enough to keep the plants alive. They will soon die in this chilling temperature."

The old man was not actually wrong. It was surely not easy to grow something in the Snow Fields but at the same time, it also wasn't impossible.

This only made the Heaven Emperor more curious to know exactly what the young girl was going to do to win the challenge.

Out of nowhere they suddenly heard a loud angry sound coming from the nursery.

The two men passed each other a quick surprised glance before they both rushed towards the backyard of the cabin to see what had happened.

As they both entered the nursery the first thing that came into their view were beautifully and neatly prepared rows of beds.

Fresh manure was mixed properly with the soil and there was some weird kind of crystal balls hanging all over the roof of the nursery.

"Are you two really tired of your lives? How dare you to step into my nursery without my permission? I have really spoiled the two of you!"

Both the men immediately stopped in their tracks as the sharp angry voice of Li Ming entered their ears.

The old man even gulped down his saliva as he imagined the girl setting another thing on fire because he dared to step into the nursery.

The Heaven Emperor wasn't worried about the girl setting something or anything on fire. Rather, he was feeling bad for upsetting the girl by entering into her nursery without her permission.

As the two men were busy in their world of thoughts, they suddenly heard two sharp shrieks coming from the second part of the nursery which was separated by drapes.

Next second, two white as snow fluff balls came running out from behind the drapes as they kept shrieking.

"Master, please hear me out. It was Snowy's plan. He was the one who wanted to surprise you and made me accompany him. I didn't do anything, really!" Mallow cried out desperately in order to save herself as she took shelter behind a pair of legs draped in golden robes.

Snowy did the same as he also hid behind the golden robed man, not caring whoever the owner of those legs was and at the same time glaring at Mallow for putting all the blame on his head.

He now regretted including Mallow in all his tricks and naughty plans. At first, he was the boss and she was the assistant but in the past year, the little fox had grown up and become smart.

The Heaven Emperor looked with surprise at the two snowballs who were hiding behind him and then turned to look at the girl who had also emerged out from behind the drapes.

Li Ming didn't pass a single glance at the two men who were standing in front of her like statues.

Her eyes were trained on the Heaven Emperor's legs where she could see two of Mallow's tails wagging.

Yeah, she knew the real identity of the golden robed man. He introduced himself and the old man on the very first night when they were having dinner.

She almost choked when she realized that the person sitting opposite her was the Ruler of the entire Heaven Realm and was also titled as the caretaker of the Mortal Realm.

On the other hand, the real identity of the old man was almost as shocking. She initially had no plans of challenging the Master of Immortals, but who knew that she would end up doing exactly that.

Since the deed was already done, she had no other choice but to continue with her challenge but she made sure to not upset the Heaven Emperor in any way.

After all, the Heaven Emperor was the one with the highest authority in the three realms. She would become the definition of the word idiot if she ended up upsetting the ruler of the Heavens.

"You two, come out right now. I neither have the time nor the patience to deal with the two of you."

Her tone did not sound angry anymore but it wasn't warm and soothing either.

When the two devils didn't make any move to come out from behind the Heaven Emperor, Li Ming let out an irritated sigh.

"I'll leave both of you out in this chilling cold tonight if you two don't come out right now." Li Ming threatened with a strict tone.

The old man was busy staring at Li Ming and then at the two fluffballs. The little puppy looked like a normal one but on the other hand, the little fox was a fourth rank spirit beast.

There were a total of ten ranks in the spiritual beasts with the tenth rank as the highest and strongest.

To see a fourth rank small spirit fox was a surprising sight, not an impossible but definitely a rare one.

"You have become more cold-hearted than before," Snowy muttered as he slowly came out from behind the golden robed man.

More than anyone else, he knew exactly how cold his Master could be when she was angry. It won't be shocking if she really left him and Mallow out during the night to freeze in the cold.

Mallow followed his steps and also came out from her hiding spot, though she remained completely silent, just staring at Li Ming with her puppy eyes.

Of course, Li Ming heard Snowy mumbling. "And you are becoming more and more disobedient. Just because I'm not punishing you for your pranks and games that you go around pulling on the pixies and the sups, doesn't mean that I'm not aware of them. You are taking too much advantage of my busy schedule and my love."

For the very first time, Mallow actually saw Li Ming getting angry at them and one look at Snowy's guilty face made it clear that he too was aware of it.

It was actually true that Snowy had become more naughty in the past few months but it was nothing more than his usual self.

But of course, if there was anyone who could understand Li Ming through her facade, it's only Snowy.


Chapter 180 - I Know Right...!!

Name:Glamorous Journey Of The Female Protagonist Author:Nightsummer20

Snowy slowly started walking towards Li Ming followed by Mallow.

The Immortals watched in silence as the two daring fluff balls walked towards their doom.

Snowy approached Li Ming and rubbed his head on her ankle, making her glare at the little Pomeranian.


"Are you tired Li? I can feel your energy depleting. Is this because you are overworking yourself again?"

Snowy's question and the sadness that was covering his eyes, left Li Ming speechless.

She opened her mouth but then immediately closed it, not knowing what she should say.

"Do you seriously think that you can fool me by acting like you are angry at me? I know you are just tired and missing them. You know that you can always share your pain with me, right?"

Snowy's questions left everyone surprised. Mallow knew that Li Ming was overworking but even she had no idea that she was going through so much.

The young girl had a strong wall built around her which prevented people from knowing things about her that she didn't want to show.

Mallow felt bad for not being able to understand her Master's true emotions unlike how Li Ming always knew what Mallow wanted.

Meanwhile, the two Immortals were also going through the same thoughts. Only now did they realized that the constant hard work that she had been doing for a week all alone, was depleting her energy.

What they didn't know was that Li Ming wasn't only struggling with the constant up and downs of her spiritual qi, but also the heaviness that her heart had started to feel.

Normally, she should not be affected by the absence of her mates since it was barely a week.

During the morning training sessions, she always met with Wen Guiying but since they never had any kind of physical contact after the first day of their meeting, his presence was only making her soul go crazy.

But if Li Ming was not wrong then the main culprit behind this was the person standing in front of her.

How could Li Ming not recognize the signals that both her soul and heart were giving her for the past week?

Even she wasn't sure why she had not confirmed her doubts yet. Probably because she knew that the Heaven Emperor too was aware of the pull that existed between the two of them but he hadn't said anything.

The presence of her two mates around her and at the same time, the distance that they had between their souls had started to take a toll on her.

She let out a deep sigh as she looked at Snowy. She could not stay angry at him for more than a few minutes even if she tried her best.

"I'm fine, really. I'll take a break tomorrow. Don't be worried about me." Li Ming told her two fluffballs as she crouched down to rub their ears.

The low purs that came from Mallow and Snowy filled her heart with warmth and softness.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you guys. I should not have done that. I should rather have punished you two by locking you both in the treehouse that Tera had made in the backyard."

Both Snowy and Mallow looked up to stare at their Master. Indeed, a devil would always be a devil, no matter what.

A small twitch appeared on Li Ming's lips as she watched the horrified expression on their faces, but what she wasn't expecting was Mallow's next word.

"But we still love you, a lot."

Mallow wrapped her tails around Li Ming's neck and tugged her face downwards. As Li Ming followed her demand and lowered her face, she felt two wet licks on both of her cheeks.


Before she could do or say anything else, both the fluffballs disappeared back into her magical space.

"These little monsters!" Li Ming huffed as she wiped her cheeks with a handkerchief.

"Now you are even bringing your pets in my Snow Fields without my permission."

Li Ming heard the old man huffing but she completely ignored him. She knew that he would be more irritated by her indifferent behavior and that was exactly what she wanted.

As she turned around to go back inside the second section of the nursery where she was working, she heard the footsteps going out of her greenhouse.

A small satisfied smile appeared on her rosy plump lips, but the very next second her entire body became stiff as she felt someone walking towards her.

She already knew who it was before she even turned around to look at that person. Her senses had already started overleaping the moment the Heaven Emperor started coming closer to her.

She watched as the Ruler of the Immortal world stopped a few feet away from her, his dark eyes looking at her without any emotions in them.

Another reason why she had no idea what were the thoughts of the Heaven Emperor about her.

All her mates were champions when it came to be cold-hearted, indifferent, and strict. It was next to impossible to see any emotions in their eyes unless they want you to see it.

"Do you need som..."

"Take a break."

Li Ming didn't get the chance to complete her question as she was left entirely surprised by his words.


The questioning sound and confused face was the only thing that she gifted him with in return.

"Don't overwork yourself. Take a break tomorrow. You won't be able to beat Master in this challenge if you can't even stand on your feet properly."

The Heaven Emperor said but then looking at the girl's expression he started doubting his words.

His voice sounded cold and indifferent but at least it didn't come out angry. His face was also emotionless but at least he wasn't glaring at her.

He told her to take a break the coming day even though he heard her saying the exact same thing to her spirit beasts, but at least in this way, he sounded worried.

He did great, right?

Li Ming wanted to introduce the Heaven Emperor with some chosen favorite words of hers, but then thinking about the consequences, she decided to keep her mouth shut.

After plastering a 'fake as hell' smile on her face, she nodded her head.

In her anger, she even imagined the flicker of a smile on the Heaven Emperor's lips, but of course, it was her stupid mind playing games with her.

The Immortal didn't waste a single more second as he turned around to leave the nursery.

Within less than a minute, his silhouette disappeared from her vision.

"Is this man for real? He's telling me to take a break tomorrow when he already knows that I have already planned to do that. Amazing!"

Li Ming made sure that her voice wasn't too loud as she spoke the words out loud that she had initially planned to speak on the face of the Heaven Emperor.

"I know right!"

Li Ming almost jumped at the sudden voice that softly whispered in her ear but the hand, that had suddenly grabbed her from around her waist, stopped her.

"What are you doing here? And let me go!" Li Ming whispered as she broke out from the arms of the banshee.

"I'm here to share a plan which will lead to your happiness." The banshee chuckled softly.

Li Ming eyed the woman suspiciously. She had trust issues when it came to the banshee and her plans.

"If I'm not wrong it was you who came to me with the plan of mixing aphrodisiac in the wine of the Vampire Clan head, and I'm pretty sure that it had led to no one's happiness." Li Ming said as she folded her hands in front of her chest.

"Oh come on! Don't talk about the things that happened back on Earth. Trust me, you will be going to love this plan." The banshee said as her eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Whatever, shoot!"

Li Ming rolled her eyes at the banshee's words as she prepared herself to listen to the plan.

Little did she knew that the banshee was only the messenger who was tasked to pass the plan to her, the actual owner of the plan was currently busy in their own preparations.


"Did you tell her to take a break?"

The Heaven Emperor barely had set his foot inside the old man's hut when he was suddenly attacked by the question.

"Why would I do that?" The Heaven Emperor asked with confused eyes.

"Haven't you seen how tired she looks? She needs to take a rest." The old man said as he looked at the Heaven Emperor.

"So? Why would I need to tell her that? If she's feeling tired then she will rest on her own." The Heaven Emperor replied with an indifferent tone.

"How ungrateful have you become? The girl gave you a place to sleep, you eat the food cooked by her and you dared to talk about her like that. How shameless!"

The Master was definitely not happy about his former pupil's behavior.

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