Ghostbusters (Male Reader Ins...

By Fredbot

40K 1K 756

Y/N L/N is a down on his luck college student. Looking for a place to belong, his luck turns around when he j... More

1.1 Tough Luck Kid
1.2 Fixer Upper
1.3 We Got One!
1.4 He Slimed Me
1.5 Cleaning Up the Town
1.6 On the Job Training
1.7 Out of Business
1.8 Mass Hysteria
1.9 Gozer the Traveler
1.10 Marshmallow Man
๐†๐‡๐Ž๐’๐“๐๐”๐’๐“๐„๐‘๐’ ๐ˆ๐ˆ
2.1 Five Years Later
2.2 Friends Over Coffee
2.3 Day in Court
2.4 Back in Business
2.5 Christmas Creeps
2.7 River of Slime
2.8 Scaring the Straights
2.9 Tenth Level of Hell
2.10 Lady Liberty
2.11 Countdown to Vigo
๐†๐‡๐Ž๐’๐“๐๐”๐’๐“๐„๐‘๐’: ๐€๐…๐“๐„๐‘๐‹๐ˆ๐…๐„
3.1 Dirt Farmers
3.2 Egon's Last Stand
3.3 The Other Side
3.4 Down the Mine Shaft
3.5 Legacy
3.6 The Band's Back Together
3.7 The Return
3.8 Home Again
๐†๐‡๐Ž๐’๐“๐๐”๐’๐“๐„๐‘๐’: ๐…๐‘๐Ž๐™๐„๐ ๐„๐Œ๐๐ˆ๐‘๐„

2.6 Vigo 101

930 29 8
By Fredbot

Y/N, Egon, and Ray were in the small research lab in the firehouse. Ray was wearing a cap with several wires and nodes attached to it. He and Y/N were testing out the effects of positive energy on a jar of mood slime. Egon was busy working on the nozzle for the new slime blower device. 

Y/N was writing down the readings when the phone rang. Ray walked over to answer it. It was Peter on the other end. Y/N could hear Ray's reactions from what Venkman was telling him. He noted the bubbles that appeared in the slime with Ray's exclamations.

Ray: What?! Are you serious? Well that's great! Oh, I mean that's terrible. But it's great for what we would... Yeah I will. Yeah, sure. We'll get right on it.

Stantz hung up the phone and addressed his colleagues.

Ray: Spengler, L/N. Major psychokinetic slime related event.

Egon: What happened?

Ray: Something came out of Dana's bathtub and tried to grab her and the baby.

Egon: Are they alright?

Ray: Well, she got out of there and went over to Venkman's. 

Y/N: I wonder...

Y/N walked over to the computer on the other side of the room.

Y/N: You guys remember the painting Venkman mentioned? The one Dana had a feeling about? I did some digging. Ran the name Vigo the Carpathian through the Occult Reference Manual. Check this out. 

He pulled up the entry on Vigo on the screen. It did not look pretty. It mentioned that he was a bloodthirsty conqueror who dealt with the occult and supernatural. 

Ray: Ooh. Nice ugly history. You think there's a connection between this Vigo character and the... slime?

Egon: Is the atomic wave of cobalt 58.9?

Y/N: I'll take it it is.

The three men immediately started taking off their lab coats and putting on their jackets. Ray grabbed a PKE meter and Egon grabbed the gigameter. 

Ray: We've got to get over to Dana's apartment. I'd like to check out that bathtub.

Egon: It might be a good idea to go to the museum in the morning. 

Y/N: Good idea. I'd like to know who exactly we're up against.

The guys spent the evening at Dana's apartment. There was no trace of an attack anywhere. All they could find was a bit of pink slime around the rings of the bathtub. With little leads, they decided to check out the Museum of Art the next morning. 

Ecto-1a pulled up in front of the museum the next morning. Peter was standing there waiting for the guys. The other four hopped out of the vehicle. They went to the back and started unloading their equipment. 

Peter: Did you find anything at Dana's?

Ray: Nothing but some mood slime residue around the bathtub. But we did get something on that Vigo character you mentioned. Found it in Leon Zundinger's Magicians, Martyrs, and Madman. Dig that.

Egon: Yeah, Vigo the Carpathian, born in 1505 and died in 1610.

Peter: 105 years old. He hung in there didn't he?

Y/N: He didn't die of old age either. He was poisoned, stabbed, shot, hung, stretched, disemboweled, drawn, and quartered. 

Peter: Ouch.

Y/N: Guy had more lives than a cat. He was eventually done in by his own people during a violent revolution.

Winston: I guess he wasn't too popular in the end.

Egon: No, not exactly a man of the people. Also known as Vigo the Cruel, Vigo the Torturer, Vigo the Despised, and Vigo the Unholy.

Peter: Wasn't he also Vigo the Butch?

Ray: And dig this. There was a prophecy. Just before his head died his last words were "death is but a door, time is but a window, I'll be back." 

The five men walked into the building and made their way to the restoration department. People within the room stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the men. They stood with their arms on their belts like some bunch of Greek legends.

Peter: Alright, suck in the guts guys. We're the Ghostbusters.

Janosz Poha, the head director of the restoration department, saw the Ghostbusters almost immediately. He walked over and tried to shoo them away.

Janosz: No! No! Please go! You!

Ray: Who's this wiggler?

Peter: He's yours Ray. Sick him. 

Ray walked up to the man who was still trying to get them to leave. The others started walking around the room with their respective equipment. Y/N held out his PKE meter and wore his paragoggles. The energy readings seemed to be through the roof. The goggles were detecting a strong aura in nearly all locations, making it hard to pinpoint a place of origin. 

Ray: Hi! How are you? Ray Stantz from the Ghostbusters. We're just doing a routine spook check.

Janosz: Dr. Venkman, there Dana is not here.

Peter: Yeah, we know that Johnny.

Janosz: So why are you came?

Peter: Well we got a report there was a major creep in the area. We checked our list and you were right on top. Johnny, where the hell are you from anyway?

Janosz: The Upper West Side.

Egon: The whole room's extremely hot, Peter.

Janosz: Hot?

Winston walked over and pointed to the large painting in the back of the room.

Winston: That is one ugly dude. 

Peter: Well that's Vigo. Mr. Vigo. Veegz. Will you look this way please.

Janosz: Oh no. Please no. No! No photographs please! Slides are available in the gift shop.

He tried to block Peter's way. Winston grabbed the small man as Venkman walked up and began taking pictures. Ray got on the ladder near the painting and began taking readings. Y/N looked at his meter. The lights on it were flashing rapidly. He hadn't seen readings this high since Tully was first brought into the firehouse.

Peter: Thank you Winston. You know what, give me angry. Will you give me angry? You're cranky. You've had a bad day. Yeah. Thank you. Good. Now angrier. Ooh, you're scaring me. Okay walk for me. Talk for me. Yeah, yeah.

As Peter continued to keep talking to the painting, Ray was getting more readings. He stopped when he looked into the painting's eyes. They seemed to captivate him, almost in a dream like state. The eyes faintly glowed before turning back to normal. 

Peter: Okay, give me hot and sexy. Can you do it? You can. I bet the girls like you. Huh? How about the guys? I bet they both do. What about the animals? I bet they like you too. That's it. More! Alright, destroy me! Destroy me now! Yeah! Destroy me!

Spengler walked up and patted Venkman on the shoulder. He got him to stop his little rant for a moment.

Egon: Venkman, we need to talk.

Peter: I've worked with better, but not many. Thank you.

Winston noticed Ray caught in a daze. He walked up to him and hit his shoulder. Ray woke out of his trance.

Winston: Hey. You finished?

Ray: Yeah. I'm finished here.

Winston: Are you alright?

Ray: What?

Winston: I mean you're not coming down with something?

Ray: Huh, me?

The five Ghostbusters walked out of the museum back to their car. Y/N and Egon were discussing the readings they took.

Y/N: There's definitely something going on in there. Something big. The PKE readings were through the roof.

Egon: Yeah. The gigameter piked up a massive amount of psychomagnetheric energy. 

Winston: I reckon it's that Vigo guy.

Y/N: Yeah. That would be a safe assumption. 

They unloaded their gear and got into Ecto-1a. Winston and Y/N sat upfront with Ray while the other two sat in the back. Ray turned the ignition key. He had an odd grin on his face when he did so.

Before any of them could get fully settled in, Ray hit the pedal. The vehicle lurched forward and sped off through the streets of New York. Ray began to pick up speed as he made his way back to the firehouse. The Ecto-1a sped around a curve, running a red light and nearly hitting a pedestrian. Ray smiled the whole time he was doing so. 

Y/N: Ray, shouldn't you slow down a bit?

Ray: Are you telling me how to drive?!

Y/N: No, I just thought-

Ray: Well don't think!

Stantz continued to drive the vehicle like a maniac. He swerved around vehicles and even into oncoming traffic. Spengler and Venkman were in the back bobbing up and down in their seats. They were holding onto the safety straps near the roof. Winston looked at Ray and saw his eyes were bloodshot. He had a demonic smile on his face.

Winston: You're going to kill somebody!

Ray: Wrong, I'm going to kill everybody!

He turned the car off into a public park. Pedestrians fled the oncoming vehicle. Y/N looked on in horror as he saw the vehicle heading for a large oak tree. It became larger and larger as they got closer. 

Y/N: Winston, do something!

Winston punched Stantz with a mean right hook, knocking him out. He quickly slid the man's foot off the accelerator and slammed his own foot down on the brake. The Ecto-1a stopped just mere inches away from the tree. Y/N opened the door and stepped out of the vehicle. His legs were shaking as he tried to hold himself up. 

Ray soon stumbled out of the car as well and fell on all fours. He looked around, taking in his location. The last thing he remembered was walking out of the museum.

Ray: What happened?

Peter: You just picked up three penalty points on your driver's license. 

Y/N: Okay, from now until further notice, Ray is not allowed to drive. I'll take us home. 

Ray: Sorry guys. I just had this terrible feeling wash over me.

Peter: Watch him Egon. Don't even let him near a razor.

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